Monday, November 22, 2010

I See Crazy People

I like to read. I will read anything in front of me at almost any time. I would rather have a great book than a stupid conversation, that's just how I am. I got my love of reading from my Mother.  It's hard not to think of her without picturing a book in her hand.  It's because of my love of reading that I try to find as many different opinions as possible. The last thing I want to emulate are the liberal folks who are astounded by an election because no one they know voted that way.
With that in mind, I read over the Huffington Post.  I usually have to steel my nerve for the trip, I know I am going to read something maddeningly stupid, I just hope it's only one or two.  No luck today.  I believe that the majority of liberals and progressives have retired to their sulking chair and are trying to piece together some sort of cohesive response besides, "Oh Yeah?.... Well, you'll see!"
More and more of the are showing all the signs of Palin Derangement Syndrome and other mental disorders.  I cannot stomach The View. I've tried three times now, and life is too short.  I cannot stand to listen to three women and Whoopie Goldberg arguing over each other, slinging mud and trying to be clever.  I cannot imagine what twisted world Joy Behar is considered an authority on anything.
I must confess, however, that I love to see her over sized mouth when it turns down in irritation. Bill O'Reilly  may be a blow hard at times, but in the spirit of the enemy of my enemy is my friend- I loved watching him on The View. Those two throwing a hissy fit and stomping off the set was priceless. Just priceless.  But back to that Huffington Crap.
Isn't there room for civil debate and polite disagreement anymore?  One thing my Dad and I could always do was keep a civil tongue in our heads when we were arguing politics.  Either those losers are paid to post what ever nonsensical thought pops into their heads or they are stupid crazy. Brace yourself, read some of it and decide for yourself. You'll thank me later.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Common Sense Prevailed

I am so excited for the future.  It would seem that the American people have chosen against socialism and a nanny government  and the votes on Tuesday night reflect that.  As I was waiting to vote, one of the poll workers was talking about what a great turnout there was.
"This is much better than the presidential election, even." He told us.  I was concerned by the giant posters telling me not to use my cell phone and that no pictures were allowed. Ok. Thank goodness I have a phone without the bells and whistles, but if an emergency had popped up, I probably would have taken the call.
I am glad that Nancy Pelosi has to figure out what she is going to do next.  I think some botox to tighten it up for her would be a good idea. I am curious to see if she can actually break glass with those cheeks, but maybe that is just me.  I am very disappointed that Reid and Boxer were reelected.  One of the creators of  The Naked Gun Movies made a very funny spoof of her supercilious demand to be called "Senator." Google it, you won't be disappointed.  Lastly, since Nevada and California seem to bent on continuing their path that every one knows will not work, can we no longer help them when they go broke?  One of the reasons that California is so destitute, other than the life choking epa regulations, the sanctuary cities, and the repudiation of all things normal is the ridiculously sweet retirement benefits that Jerry Brown granted the government workers years ago.
It seems to me that if GM has to let go of their golden parachutes when we bailed them out, shouldn't California have to do the same?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Even His Cousin Knows Obama "Care" Won't Work. Why Doesn't He?

This is reprinted with permission and says it so eloquently, it must be shared with anyone who missed it. Imagine, the mainstream media ignoring an article like this, from an educated Physician with no political ax to grind. Who would have thunk it?  Please, tell me again that there is no bias.
is no bias.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Puts the Pig in Pigford

It would seem that one of the few things B.O. managed to do when he was a Senator was to secure over one billion dollars for some black farmers who claim to have been discriminated against by the government. The number changes, it started out 66,000 farmers, but the numbers fluctuated as the word of this free money spread. The Funny thing is, according to the US Census, there were no more than 30,000 black farmers at the time.  B.O. then went on to add more earmarks as he was able.  Let's do the math, shall we? Even if the census was completely off by 100%, that means that a group of individuals was given about twenty thousand tax free dollars apiece. Wow. Why haven't you heard about this? I'll tell you why: the guys over at NBC,CBS,ABC, CNN, and MSNBC could give a crap about reporting any news that puts their messiah in a bad light. Get online and google it for yourself.  You'll thank me later.

Friday, September 24, 2010

What a Piece of Crap

My ex husband used to roll odometers at the used car place he worked until being unceremoniously fired for being a jackass.  I don't blame them for firing him, he had gotten to the point that he thought he was indispensable,  and that is never a good place to be.  So anyway, he was fired.  He got a new job (for much less money) at a place called TRW.  They make after market stuff for cars, I think. They may just package them, I was never very sure as the ex was vague to the point of avoidance.  He tried to sell me on this being a good thing. I will admit I was not very supportive, especially since I had been warning him that his job was in danger. The guy he worked with is one of the brown nosing weasels that sucks up to the boss to his face and runs his down the rest of the time.  I had told my ex-genius to be careful, but noooo, that guy was his friend. 
Next thing I know, he is working at the TRW and he loves it.  Sure he had to be there at four o'clock in the morning, but he got off work at two, so he was happy. Long story short, we are no longer together because he is a nasty piece of work, with different ideas of monogamy then I have.  To protect myself and our children, I took the information about the odometers to the Sheriff of Dekalb County Indiana.  I had copies of odometers that the ex had made on the sly, showing the vin numbers of the vehicles that he had rolled odometers on.  I don't know if he planned to extort money for them or what his plan was, I just know that the used car place GAVE him a race car when he was let go. That's a nice severance package, no?
So, anyway, back to Sheriff Uphold the Law.  I gave him the copies of everything I had and guess what he told me?  "I call them like I see them.  You seem like a vindictive woman." I asked him if this made odometer tampering less of a crime.  He told me it was not a serious crime, but he would look into it.  With that, I left copies of the odometer readings with him and waited to see it swept under the rug.  You see, the ex used to brag about doing the odometers of the prosecuting attorney's husband, as well as several other well situated people in this town.  Here is the sum total of the sheriff's investigation: he went to the ex and asked him if he did it.  Then he went to the other guy that did it and asked him if it was true.  Both of them said no and the case was closed.
I have blogged about this before, but I have been reading about the deputies that were caught having sex with an eighteen year old girl while they were on duty and I wonder why no one does anything about small town corruption.  If I get an answer, you can thank me later.  Of course, if my car explodes, ala Karen Silkwood, I hope they get Sandra Bullock to play me in the movie.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I was watching an interview today about the Unions in this country and how they are pledging over 150 million to democrats in the midterm elections.  Let that number sink in for a minute before you finish reading this (hopefully) entertaining yet informative blog. Barrack Hussein Obama is owned by the unions and they want their money's worth.
What purpose does a union serve now, anyway?  Are they fighting for the little guy so that he doesn't have to work for twelve cents and shop at the company store? Not so much.                                                                                 Are they making sure that unsafe working conditions no longer exist? Ask those poor dead workers on the BP rig that continues to destroy our eco system. (Way to stay on top of it B.O. By the way, how's your golf game?) Or are they continuing to ensure that incompetent teachers do not have to face any real consequences when they cannot teach our children?  Are they making sure that workers can sit in an area and get paid to not work? I have said many times that the only thing that a union did for two of the greatest men I have ever known is send flowers when they died prematurely.  No offense, I'd rather have them back.  Thanks unions, for the contracts that helped two great men work themselves literally to death.
And just what exactly is the number of workers that are represented by these unions that have millions and millions of dollars to invest in the politicians of their choice?  Would you believe twelve measly percent?  I wish I was kidding.  The membership of unions across the United States of America is down to its lowest levels EVER, yet they still have the clout with the DNC to call the shots.  Isn't it nice to see our government bought, paid for and pretty much run by twelve percent of the working population?  That spinning noise is our founding Fathers.  Make your feelings about this known to your elected officials.  You'll thank me later.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Most Transparent Administration EVER

I am not a fan of the current president. Anyone who has ever spoken to me for more than five minutes can usually figure that out. I wasn't a big fan of Clinton's either. I have been told that as I was coming out of anesthesia I answered the question who is the president with ,"Slick Willie, God help us all." Even a drug induced stupor is no match for my dislike. So riddle me this Batman, What has B.O. done that warrants all the hoopla?He was "given" a Nobel Prize for breathing. When thinking of the Nobel Peace Prize tell me which one seems a little far fetched, okay?  Nelson Mandella, Ghandi, Barrak Hussein Obama?  The qualifications for this award isn't bringing about peace, encouraging understanding, nope.  It's breathing. Was his sorry butt in the Oval Office for ten minutes before the meaning of this award was forever tarnished? I'm not on anyone's short list but I believe that I would refuse it. Getting a Nobel Prize after B.O. is like getting a swimming medal from the Red Cross after Ted Kennedy. I'll pass.
Another thing that I don't understand is the absolute lack of interest in ACORN and their stack of registration fraud accusations. Nice to see that B.O took care of them in the last budget, isn't it? And speaking of budgets, what is going on in Washington that this amazingly bloated multi-trillion dollar deficit is going through. My throat is still a little sore from having the socialized medicine shoved down it, I don't know if my trachea can swallow any more.I hear rumblings that the midterm elections don't look so good for the guys holding the majority right now.  Perhaps they didn't understand the job description, do you think? 
And finally, I will say this every chance I get:  TERM LIMITS!! Charles Rangel is the perfect reason why we need them.  He has spent over forty years on the government t**, it's high time he let go.  He was strong arming folks for money so that he could build his ego padding monument to himself. Ridiculous.
Another argument for term limits would be another liberal whack job, Maxine Waters.  It seems she was helping the husband with some political influence.  No sense being a Congressman(or woman) if you can't help the ones you love, right? I hope their hearings are loud, embarrassing and juicy, don't you?
Finally I would like to touch on the fact that Bristol Palin appears to be the only unwed mother it is okay to make fun of.  The National Organization of Women Hypocrites hasn't whispered one word to defend her, not one. I guess they are too busy continuing to look the other way on their guy, Bill. Who knows, maybe it threw their collective neck out?  Finally, I'll end this with something that has had me giggling for weeks.  I guess Al Gore did pick up a thing or two in his time under Slick Willie. Perhaps he should have spent more time on the 3.2 million dollar house he bought on the beach in California. Of course, if he believed one ounce of his Global Warming-no,wait-Global Cooling-hang on, that won't work, I've got it-Climate Change!! that he made millions from, wouldn't he have gone a little farther inland? Register to vote. Do it today. Think long and hard about sending someone to DC who will work for you, not the other way around.  You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

American Flags Need Not Be Worn

I was born in the United States.  I truly believe that this is the best country in the world, and I am not embarrassed to say so.  What I don't understand, in any way, shape or form is how students can be removed from school for wearing shirts with the United States flag on them.  I would ask for an explanation, but there is not one that is going to make sense of this to me.
I fully support the new law in Arizona.  I think that any officer should be able to ask for your id.  I have been walking in my small town of no-where Indiana, and had a police officer ask me for I.D.  I wasn't offended.  I wasn't angry, and I certainly did not call the media to defend me.  I dug out my license, showed it to them, and went on my way.
This all leads me to wonder several things.  First of all, does this school also celebrate Saint Patrick's Day for the benefit of students with Irish immigrants in their background?  Does it celebrate any of the other thousands of backgrounds that we have in our great melting pot?  Nope?  Then  this sure sounds like a case of discrimination to me.
Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez now admits that he may have over reacted to the students wearing t-shirts with pro-American symbols on them.  Do you think?  Can you imagine the furor if it had been the other way around?  Has Mr. Rodriguez forgotten what country he lives in?  Perhaps he should be relieved of his job so that he can reflect on the idea, and find a job more suitable to his skills. Maybe something in the garbage industry, I think.
To top it off, on Thursday, over two hundred of the Hispanic students from this school in Live Oak, California decided to skip school and march chanting stupidities like "we want respect" and "Si SE puede" (yes we can).
I am not sure what respect they are asking for.  Instead, maybe they should focus on the amazing opportunity they have been given by being in this country and (forgive my bluntness) shut up all ready.  Remember this stupidity if you're considering a trip to California.  You might want to rethink it.  You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two Standards

Does anyone remember hurricane Katrina?  I imagine if you are one of the residents of New Orleans who is still living in FEMA trailers, you do.  Of course, you haven't paid for housing in a while either, if you've managed to stay in a FEMA trailer this long, also. So if you remember Katrina, then you remember the shelacking that President Bush took for his flyover tour.  I am still not sure if he was supposed to get out of AirForce One and start filling sand bags or what, but the main stream media had a field day with him. Fast forward to the year 2010.
Here we have an oil rig spilling thousands of gallons of oil into the ocean, every day and what had B.O. done?  If your guess was Jack-squat, you are the lucky winner today!According to the time line I see, it took nine days for the world's favorite Kenyan to put down his "favorite" White Sox cap and even take a look see at the problem.
Thousands upon thousands of wildlife creatures are being killed by this, and B.O. can't be bothered.Of course, the media is still slow dancing in the moonlight with this guy, they haven't had a bad word to say, yet.  So let me get this straight:  George W. Bush flies over the wreckage of a hurricane that was a natural disaster-clearly no ones fault-and he is an insensitive ass according to the media.
B.O. waits nine days before he even bothers to check on a disaster that could have been avoided if the safety regulations had been enforced by this administration, and he's a swell guy. Still.  So much for learning on the job.
B.O. is in over his head.  He clearly doesn't have the skills required to manage a job like running the free world.  November is right around the corner.  While it's true that we cannot give him his walking papers yet,   ( and more's the pity) we can strictly curtail the free hand he seems to have given himself.  Register and vote in November!! You'll thank me later.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dumb Luck

First of all-Thank God we caught the idiot from New York that tried to blow a hole in some tourists.  Why was he able to get on the plane?  He was on the no-fly list, wasn't he?  He had been documented as going in and out of Pakistan-not exactly one of our biggest fans.  So why was he resting comfortably in the full upright position when they took him off the plane? 
When does this come to roost on B.O.'s door?  It was sheer dumb luck that caught this terrorist, nothing more.  It wasn't because of an acute eye for detail-B.O. doesn't even know how many states are in this Country.It wasn't because he has an overwhelming sense of patriotism. He and his wife-when not busy criticizing my gun and my Faith-seem to be on an endless apology tour/vacation all on the government dime.  I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have a map in my White House with all the countries he has yet to bow and scrape to.
Joe Biden got one right. (Who would have guessed?)  He said that other regimes would test this guy.  Who could have guessed he would fail so miserably?  It's not long until the election.  Get out and vote.  With B.O. in a lame duck White House, we can minimize the damage and fix some of his messes.  Then we only have to pay him and his wife a salary for the rest of their natural lives.  But I'll get to that tomorrow.  Make sure you are registered to vote.  You'll thank me later.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Definition of a Hypocrite

Does anyone remember Al Gore telling the world that every penny of his money from his global warming/global cooling/climate change scam was going back into educating the world about the dangers we face?  
So how is it that the same guy who was worth one to two million dollars- tops, when he finally got booted from the White House is able to buy such sweet digs now?  And while he's at it, what kind of carbon foot print does this big behemoth leave?  Doesn't Al care about the fragile planet that we all have to share? Don't tell me it was a scam to make money, Al, say it isn't so!
What I do see is that Al is in business to sell carbon credits.  For those of you unfamiliar, a carbon credit can be bought from someone who has them by someone who needs one to produce carbon from their business.

Never mind that global warming/global cooling/ climate change has been debunked and the folks that brought this are as full of poo as a constipated choir.  Al is still selling his scare tactics, and it must be working!  He's ten million to the good just for the house he just bought.  Kind of nice to see that B.O.'s recession isn't holding Al back, isn't it?

Of course, I have to wonder how green this house is.  It's not like Al to have a house that uses as much electricity as a small town is it.  Is it?  Al left the White House (thank God) with about two million in assets.  Now he has the financial wherewithal to buy a house worth ten million dollars??  There must be good money in this global warming crap.
Here's how it works:  say a company wants to make something and they know it will produce carbon.  The company "buys" credits from a country or company that has "credits."  Never mind that global warming is crap and that the idea of carbons warming the earth has been thoroughly debunked.
If it sounds familiar, you've probably read The Emperor's New Clothes.  In this story, we are the emperor.  Global warming isn't real.  
Ask yourself how Al can make a monkey ton of money selling something that doesn't exist.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


The majority rules, right?  Are you sure? Back in the Eighties, union membership peeked at around twenty percent.  Now, it has slipped even further-all the way to twelve point three percent of the general population.  Why?  I am sure that there are a multitude of reasons, not the least of which is B.O.'s recession.  On the other hand, members have been leaving in droves since the eighties, so the Union's explanation doesn't hold a lot of water, does it?  I think that membership is down because the unions have outlived their purpose for the most part.
There are parties still getting rich from union dues, however.  I am thinking of the limousine that pulls up in front of the local UAW hall from time to time.  I guess a smaller vehicle was out of the question. And the driver of the limo has a job, that's saying something, right?
The reason I am even risking this blog is because of something that I read yesterday.  Chicago has one Walmart for the area.  The company has been trying to build a supercenter, complete with groceries for quite some time.  The Chicago city council as been dragging their feet, in an attempt to appease the Union interests.  The unions are afraid that jobs will come into the city that they cannot skim from.  Also, less expensive prices will hurt the business of those companies that they do extort-err-represent.
Now, for those who have never read one single thing that I have ever written, I am not pro Walmart, (Read the title of the blog.) I am not pro union, either. I watched two men that I loved work their lives away in union shops for no thing that I ever saw of value.
My question is this-how is it in a country where the majority is supposed to rule do we have 12.3 percent of the population controlling the rest of us?  Says a  lot for B.O.'s background, doesn't it?  He is a product of the Chicago machine after all.  Think about his ties to Chicago and all the corruption they enjoy.You might even ask yourself who he's working for, as it doesn't seem to be us.  You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

If You Want Out of Socialized Medicine, Tell 'em You're Muslim Health Insurance Exemptions                                                                                                                                     Click on the link, there really are no words. I don't want any part of Obamacare.  I have seen socialized medicine, and it sucks.  I imagine that is why every elected official and their families have also chosen not to participate.  But guess who else doesn't have to play?  You guessed it. The Muslim faith forbids gambling, and apparently, having insurance is gambling.  I wonder if they have to have car insurance?  It's something to consider, isn't it?
So here's my plan:  I am going to found a new religion that is Christian in origin, but does not allow a member to pay into anything that will drive our doctors out of practice and require you to pay for others' foolish choices. My new church will not allow it's members to fund any abortions, or the killing of any innocent life.
My new Church will also forbid its members from partaking in any ponzi scheme like Social Security.  Can I get an Amen?
My new Church-let's call it The Church of Christian Common Sense-shall we?  Anyway, at the CCCS, we will resist partaking in anything that is inherently dangerous to our well beings and the well being of those around us,unless it is for the safety of others.
The CCCS will not allow its members to pay for anything that is morally reprehensible.  No more taxes for pictures of a bullwhip in someone's rectum.  This new Church will not allow for the participation in mind numbing lies that attempt to control us.  No more global warming, global cooling, climate change lies for us.  We will be required. by the tenets of our faith, not to purchase things we cannot afford, not to steal, and to be faithful and honest.  Our Church will recognize no marriage that doesn't have 'one of each' yet we will welcome those who do not want that. They can be couples-they just can't be married.If they want each other to have the others assets if and when they die, they'll have to make out a will, just like the rest of us.
We will have no collection plates, it seems pretty cut and dried to me. I'll be passing out sign up sheets soon.  You can thank me later.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is Cindy Sheehan Dead?

Do you remember who Cindy Sheehan is?  I sure do.  I don't care for the woman, I've never made a secret of that.  I am very sorry that she lost her son in a war.  I have three boys of my own, and I cannot even begin to imagine what it must be like for her.
However, I believe her son VOLUNTEERED for the role that he took in Iraq.  I believe he was not drafted, and had no problem cashing the checks that he was paid to defend our country.  I think his Mother has some sort of issue of her own that she needs to reflect on, not the least of which is that she now makes a living dragging around the memory of her dead son.  I have lost people close to me. I would hate to dishonor their memories in any way.  This doesn't seem to be a problem for Ms. Sheehan. 
That being said, why doesn't the media give a rip about her anymore?  I have read that she still protests;in fact her main means of support is still from the death of her son.  Why doesn't she get the coverage that she did?  I'm just spit balling here, but could it be the slow dance in the moonlight that the media still has with B.O.? Is this not his war now?  Can we put the blame on him now, when someone is killed while serving their country? I would think that this is even more a point of contention since B.O. swore he would have all of the troops home if he were put in office. Perhaps he didn't know what he was talking about when he was running for office.  You would think his one hundred plus days of experience would have readied him for something like this.  I guess not. 
It's refreshing when examples of the media double standard come along and bite them on the butt.  Ask your media outlets why they no longer cover Ms Sheehan. Make note of which side of their face they speak out of.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cat Rodeos

 Have you seen those pedi-paw things that they advertise on television?  It seems like a good idea, especially for dogs.  Well, today you are reading the words of an idiot who tried it on her cats.  My cats don't have any front claws. I know, I know, before I get boycotted by PETA or some other whack job organization, if it's claws or getting rid of the animal, I am sure my two lap robes would prefer their front claws to be optional.
A couple of nights ago, I was sleeping when one of my darlings mistook me for a springboard onto where he wanted to be.  I woke up with his back claws pushing off of me, as he leaped onto the place he shouldn't have been anyway.
Long story short-a friend has one of those devices that "smooth away" the nails, leaving them less pointy.  Sounds good, right?  Tell my cats, okay?  They aren't buying that painless part, even though I tried it on my thumb nail and it doesn't hurt.  I think it's the noise that makes them bug eyed.
So, I let them smell it, the way the product suggests. Everything is fine and dandy. One of my cats is a behemoth,twenty plus pounds.  Not much bothers him except an empty food dish.  My other cat is siamesey with all the insanity that implies.He's not small, but he doesn't have near the girth that my other cat has.  He is also what can be described as high strung at times.  He sniffed the device as well.  No one hissed, I took that as a good sign.  You see, when I roll out the vacuum, there is much hissing and scurrying away.
Next, I turned it on, as the box suggests. so they could get used to the sound of it. This is where the wild eyes started.  When I say wild eyes, I mean those buggy, distrusting looks that cats can give you with their ears all but disappearing from their heads.  Usually right before they bolt or bite and scratch the crap out of you, is when you see them. I persisted.
I started with the large cat who is somewhat embarrassed to be named, so for his privacy, let's call him Biggun.  Well, Biggun was fine for about three minutes.  I wanted to just get him used to it with a couple of nails.  Besides, I am reasonably certain he was not spring boarding off of me the other night.  He took the first one well, and tolerated the second.  The third nail was pushing it, so I quit.
Here's where it got interesting.  My second cat had been watching all of this with mounting horror. He in no way wanted to be part of this experiment.  Following the packages' advice, I didn't rush him.  I coaxed him out from under the bed and sat him on my lap.  He purred when I scratched him for a few minutes, but as soon as the dreaded device made it's appearance that all stopped.  He hissed. Twice.  Then he brought out the claws from the other night.  I soothed him as best as I could. I decided to wait on doing his nails, I just let him smell the torture device.  Holding him firmly-which is a euphemism if ever there was one-I started on his back right foot. My friend was gamely helping me.  It occurred to me that two grown people should be able to subdue a twelve pound cat. Not so much.  I turned the device off again, my cat's eyes went back into his head. Turned it on, out they popped.  It was kind of like watching a magic trick.
Now, with his eyes firmly popping from his head,(the cat that is) my friend held him while I attempted to put one toe nail against the smoothing device.  With liquid speed, he began what can only be described as a feline river dance.  That cat has moves.  Off went the device again.
I tried to think of something that would sooth him, like kitty Valium, perhaps.  No luck. In the end, we decided that we were the ones with opposable thumbs and my neighbor held him firmly(there's that euphemism again) while I smoothed his nails down.  When we were finished, there was not a cat to be seen.  My Mother uses Vick's vapor rub to keep her cats away while she is sleeping.  She should get one of these and set it by the bed. She'd thank me later.

Friday, April 30, 2010

The Contrast is Startling

I am not a fan of B.O.'s.  Is there anyone who has read more than three of my posts who does not realize this?  I have many reasons that I don't like him.  No, his skin color is not one of them.  If he were any other race, I would still believe that he is an ignorant, hateful, manipulative, socialist danger to our country and our way of life.
 His crotch salutes offend me.  His adherence to political correctness at the cost of what is right and proper offends me.  His bowing to a foreign sovereign offends me.  His belief that he knows what is better for me than I do, that offends me.  His arrogant belief that he can claim ignorance about the things his minister says from the pulpit of his own church, that offends me.
More than anything, I believe it is the crotch salute that is the most offensive.  His failure to observe the simplest of protocols, that is disgusting.  In contrast, when you have finished thinking about every photo op that shows B.O. bowing and scraping to other countries,refusing to place his hand over his heart at something like a fallen soldiers casket,or having a 'holiday tree', click the link at the end of this.  You'll thank me later. p.s. thanks Ken.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

* The Butterfly Effect

Have you watched B.O. give a speech lately?  My personal favorite is the one to the group of school children that was so impromptu and casual, he had his podium and teleprompters set up.  I guess B.O. never thought of maybe sitting down, talking to the children and looking less like an overly pompous weenie, did he?  Oh, well, consider the source. 
Please do not waste your breath on telling me what an amazing speaker he is.  His oratory "skill" starts and stops with where he is on the teleprompter.  I love the technology that has made them nearly transparent, it gives B.O. the air of someone trying to pull a fast one.( As opposed to someone with little life experience and 108 days of political experience who just realized he is in over his head.)
I am not racially motivated in my dislike for Barac Hussein Obama, or Barry Soreto if you prefer.  I dislike him for the most basic of reasons.  He hates my country and all that it stands for.  He is a fake everything that you can list.
He is a fake Christian.  Consider if you will, the "church" that B.O. chose to be associated with.  Imagine his surprise when the Minister of it turned out to be a hate filled, anti-American, anti-democracy, racist.  B.O. claims he never heard that.  I don't doubt it.  I do doubt that he spent more than ten minutes in the church that weren't photo ops.
He is a fake baseball fan.  I know that B.O. loves a good photo op of him in his battered White Sox cap.  It makes him look more like a regular guy and less like an elitist snob.  But consider two things.  One, the pathetic, limp wrist-ed "toss" of the first pitch at the White Sox game recently.  I have a five year old who could have gotten it across the plate better, and a thirteen year old that would have looked like an all star next to him. Ask yourself, why would someone pretend to be a baseball fan unless he wanted to project a certain image?  How gullible are people if they think better of this Kenyan for his fake efforts?
He knows nothing about the sport he purports  to have followed  his whole life.The interview after the pitch of the pathetic is embarrassing and painful to watch.  When asked about his favorite players, B.O. was hard pressed to come up with one!  You would think that someone on his staff not facing an audit or an independent investigation could have given him a few pointers on some ball players to mention. 
But the butterfly effect I speak of comes from the theory that the flap of butterfly wings in Brazil could start a hurricane in Asia.  If this is true, how many tropical disasters have been started by B.O. whipping his head from teleprompter to teleprompter in an attempt to look natural and "knowledgeable." I think we have an answer to the upsurge in tsunamis lately.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

He Would Know

On April 16, the most recently impeached president, Bill Clinton, warned of the dangers from tea party activists. At least he had a slight bit of integrity, unlike those who attempt cleverness by calling the movement "teabaggers." Slick willie, in his infinite wisdom, warned that the fervor created by these people who are simply trying to exercise their right to free assembly, could be construed as hate speech.  Perhaps it is.  While the love and understanding that is suggested by those at Black Panther rallies is obviously just angry people who are tired of their rights being trampled, right?
Tawana Bradley comes to mind.  Does anyone remember this fine, upstanding citizen?  She was the paragon of virtue that went missing for four days.  She was eventually found, unresponsive-that is, she could write, but the poor thing couldn't talk- in a garbage bin,  She had several racial slurs written on her body, and feces spread across her face.  She claimed rape by several white officers and others.
Well, after Mr. Sharpton and others smelled a publicity/photo op heretofore never known, they quickly became champions for Ms. Bradley. A couple of race riots later and surprise! No rapes, the feces was from a neighbor's dog, and not one bruise or even a sign that Miss Bradley had been exposed to the elements for four days as she had claimed.
Did Mr. Sharpton and company pack up their bags and slink out of town?  Of course, not.  Were they publicly castigated for helping to perpetuate a fraud upon hard working police officers who were completely innocent of any wrong doing?  Nope.  Did they even pay the restitution that was ordered by the courts?  What do you think?  No, Mr. Sharpton's  part of the judgment was paid by a fundraiser to help him with his costs.  I guess selling some of his nine hundred dollar suits was out of the question.  Ms. Bradley has yet to pay her part of the judgment to the wronged officer.  Having converted to Islam, perhaps that takes up all of her time now.
You are probably wondering what any of this has to do with Bill Clinton's latest lapse in good thinking.  My Grand-mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by the company that they keep.  Mr. Sharpton was just one of the cronies in slick willie's camp.
If a person who perpetuates  and participates in false accusations, false police reports, and the ruining of a man's life is someone you stand beside, how can your opinion be worth anything more than a cup of cold urine?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Earmarks, Anyone?

Do you know what an earmark is in political terms?  It means money in the budget for pet projects of a particular politician, usually but not always, to pay a particular favor to someone.  B.O. promised on many occasions that he would have none of them in his legislation.  I suppose the corn husker kickback, the sweeteners to Louisiana and Florida do not count.  Is there even one thing that this Kenyan jackass can do that is honest and above board?
George Bush Sr. reneged on his promise of no new taxes, and he was crucified. B.O. has so many broken promises there are sites dedicated to listing them.If you want to see some for yourself, go to youtube and type in Barack Obama-lies. You will be inundated with choices. And still the mainstream media ignores it all.  Please don't tell me that they don't have an agenda.  I would laugh at you.  But back to the latest broken promise.
I don't expect a politician to tell me the truth all of the time.  A good bit of the time, they will say whatever it takes to get their bony butts back in office.  But when a person stands on a soapbox, decrying the horrible dishonesty of his predecessor, then turns one hundred eighty degrees and begins to tell horrendous half truths and outright lies, how is any right thinking  person with a modicum of common sense supposed to believe him? I realize I will now be painted a nazi racist by most liberal groups i.e the mainstream media, but I despise a double standard.  Earmarks are wrong. In the fifties it was called payola by the radio stations, and people went to jail for it.  Is an elected official any different?  Wrong is wrong.  Call your elected officials and demand accountability.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, April 26, 2010

B.O.'s Fifth Lie

What do Eric Holder, Tom Vilsack, William Lynn, William Corr, David Hayes, Mark Patterson, Ron Klein, Mona Sutphen, Melody Barnes, Cecilia Munoz, Patrick Gaspard, and Micheal Strautmanis all have in common? If you guessed that they were all lobbyists, you would get a gold star.  Or perhaps an all expense paid "fact finding" trip to Tahiti this winter, depending on how well you know these former lobbyists.  And can anyone tell me who employs this fine group of former lobbyists?  Another gold star to the person who shouted out "we do!"
Yes, indeedy, the man who promised to be more transparent than any other administration before him, the one who said more, not less honesty, the one who is paying almost half a million dollars to a law firm to keep his birth records, former passports, college transcripts, and such out of the public record, the one who said that there would be no former lobbyists in his administration is the self same hirer of these 12 former lobbyists.  Is there anyone else who woud like to have their vote back yet?  I thought maybe.
I've seen B.O. speak without the aid of his handy dandy teleprompter, so I know he is no great shakes as a public speaker.  But did no one write this down?  Is there no one on his staff who could remind him about this hinky little promise he made?  Guess not. You would think that his great buddy, Warren Buffett would have maybe slipped him an I pod as a Christmas gift, to help him remember those dang promises.  Wait, do Muslims celebrate Christmas?
At any rate, start demanding some accountability from this guy.  Ask the media why they are asleep at the wheel when it comes to pointing out his lies.  You'll thank me later.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Giant Leap Toward Socialism 1 Campaign Promises 0

Do you have a 401k by any chance?  Are you out of work at the moment?  If you answered yes to both of these, you may be wondering about B.O.'s campaign promise to put a hiatus on penalties for early withdrawals from 401k while he sets our economy running at leaps and bounds.  Of course I am kidding.  For those of you who are ironically challenged, I am kidding about B.O. keeping a campaign promise.  Any one of you who has been paying attention may have noticed that B.O.'s campaign promises are all on life support and appear to be fading fast.
It might seem like a silly question, but why isn't the POTUS doing anything to help the current situation?  When W inherited slick willie's mess, he quickly gave everyone some of their own money back.  People spent the money and the economy picked up.
You might not like trickle down economics, it might annoy your sense of fairness, but it works.  When rich people spend their money, the economy picks up.  When rich people are worried that they are about to be taxed-or punished, as the case may be-for being successful, you usually have a democrat in office. And with that particular burden, you also have recessions, inflation, and a whole host of problems B.O. seems to think he can spend his way out of.  Register to vote!  Actively participate in the process, so we don't get stuck with another Kenyan.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The best blog I have read in weeks can be found at the address I used for the title.  Kevin Jackson is a genius.  He's smart, articulate, and so funny, you won't stop smiling.  If you do nothing else today, type in his address and read for yourself.  I cannot do him justice.  He's written a few books that I've ordered. I can't wait.  Go check him out, you'll thank me later. I especially love his title for Jesse Jackson, or as I will now refer to him: Reverend Baby Daddy.  How funny is that? 
Today I wanted to talk about B.O.'s promise of a New American Jobs Tax Credit.  This was supposed to give a 3K credit to businesses that hired American workers.  Let's all take a collective seat while we wait on this promise.  My guess is that he has forgotten about it in his rush to socialize twenty percent of our economy.  Of course, the mainstream media has forgotten it, also.  There can't be any pesky accountability with the Kenyan in Chief, now can there?
While I am at it,exactly what is three thousand dollars supposed to do for the business anyway?  Is it going to create a huge boon of opportunities?  I am guessing no.  What it might do is create an even larger deficit that will take our great great grandchildren more of their lives to crawl out of.  Good job, B.O.
I've run across the power grab of student loans, the backroom deals for states that were holding out, but not one word about a tax credit for hiring American workers.  Now, I expect if it had been to hire illegals, Pelosi and her bunch would have been all over it, like stink on poo.  Unfortunately, it only helped Americans, so there is no incentive for that.  And while I am on the subject of tax breaks-here is a crazy idea:
Instead of giving me tax credits for something, and credits for something else, how's about you just let me keep my own money?  I know, I know, if you eliminate all the red tape, you may  be able simplify the Internal Revenue Service and God forbid we have less government, right?  One of the reasons that I consider myself a Republican is because I don't need the government to wipe my nose. Just get out of my way and I can do for myself, thank you.
Another glaring example was sent to me in an email:
A 15 mpg clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year uses 800 gallons of gas
a year.
A 25 mpg vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year uses 480 gallons a year.
So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction will reduce US
gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year.
They claim 700,000 clunkers were turned-in, so that's 224 million gallons
saved per year.
That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil.
5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption.
More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about
$350 million dollars
So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million.
We spent $8.57 for every dollar we saved.
I'm pretty sure they will do a great job with our health care, though.
Why is this administration so quick to spend money we don't have? As a community organizer, did he never have to balance a checkbook?  Or maybe, is he just used to not paying his bills as he incurs them? He does have over one hundred days of experience on the job before he was able to connive his way to Pennsylvania Avenue.  Mr. Soetoro, Mr. Obama, or whatever you are going by this week, please stop spending my grandchildren's  money. They'll thank you later.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

When Did 25% Become Zero?

I love a politician that forgets every single word they say is written down and kept somewhere.  It makes for a better irony later, don't you think?  When George Bush Sr, reneged on his promise of 'no new taxes' the media went nuts.  It was as if there had never been a broken promise in politics before. Television programs made it a punch line, so did everyone else.  Where is this gold standard now?  B.O. told me ad nauseum  that he was going to eliminate the capital gains tax for small businesses.  When I was going to school, eliminate meant doing away with, banishing, removing completely-you get the idea.  So how is it, that lowering the capital gains tax by twenty five percent is the same thing?  Last time I checked, this would be another glaring lie that the media has let their boy get away with.
Not that this would surprise anyone who has read an American paper in the last say- eighteen months.  The slow dance in the moonlight that the media has been enjoying with B.O. is ridiculous.  I know that there is usually a "honeymoon" period for an elected official, but seriously?  If this goes on much longer, they should get a room.
Now for those that don't understand how this works-small businesses employ the vast majority of workers.  It might be a small gas station or something as large as a press shop that employs a few hundred folks.  When these businesses don't have to pay as many taxes, they have money left over to hire people to create more taxes.  See how that works?  The current system practically punishes a company for being successful.  Which do you think would create more jobs- a system that encourages you to hire more people, or one that forces you to do more paperwork and pay more money to the government?  Anyone? Anyone?
Ronald Reagan said it best-"There is no situation that more government can't make worse." The mainstream media seems to have an agenda, don't they? Don't trust the media to give you the whole story.Do a little homework, you'll thank me later.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Next B.O. Campaign Lie

I've decided to spend a few days disseminating the lies of our current Kenyan in chief. Please oblige me, as they are fascinating. Not only are they glaring examples of this guys chutzpah, they also paint a rather unflattering picture of the media that allows him to get away with it.  What happened to five days of looking at something before B.O. signed it?  I looked all over the internet, emailed my elected officials-squat.  I still haven't been able to get a complete look at the thing that socializes twenty percent of the economy.  I am really curious to see the part where he lumps in student loans as coming only from the government now. How do you pronounce monopoly?  He's been busy, no doubt worrying that Massachusetts was only the beginning of the losses his agenda will cause.  The idea that the seat of everyone's favorite designated driver is held by a Republican is amazing, I never thought I would live to see it. But back to the latest broken promise. The last time I looked at a calendar, five days went from say- Monday to Friday.  How many days did that socialist takeover set around before B.O. signed it?  I know that he was in a hurry to get the thing over with. His shaky glue of of corn-husker kickbacks and special favors to Florida, Louisiana, et al  were wobbly at best.  The longer people had to look at all the graft, the more upset they were going to get.  He had to be especially quick before someone noticed any of the things that had nothing to do with health care-like the power grab of student loans.  Does this mean that now the government can decide who gets to go to college?  Talk about a slippery slope, there you go.
Of course, it would have taken at least five days to muddle through this thousand plus page opus.  Why so many pages, B.O.? I find it strange that the Republican version was about ninety percent shorter, yet it never got a chance to be on the floor.  Agenda anyone?
Ask yourself this-if this guy will lie about something as fundamental as five days of review, what else is he capable of?  Remember that when 2012 rolls around. You'll thank me later.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Just Call Me a Birther, I Guess

Did anyone listen to B.O. when he was campaigning?  I did, I couldn't help it, he was everywhere-thank you liberal media.  Did anyone pay attention to what he promised?  It was something along the lines of more transparency than in the history of the office, wasn't it?  So could someone explain to me how hiring a firm and spending almost one half a million dollars to prevent people from digging up his past is transparent?  I just want to know if he's eligible to hold the office.  Right now, I got a buck that says no.  Why would he fight so ferociously to keep every one of his records hidden?  All of them, from college transcripts to birth certificate are shielded by one obfuscation after another.  Not so transparent, is it?  And while I'm risking a sudden government interest in my taxes, could someone please explain to me why the media just goose steps along with him?  I cannot believe that if Katie Couric  ( a paragon of journalism,no?) were to spend a few nights digging into B.O.'s background, she wouldn't find a few questions to ask.  She might even get to be one of the chosen few that he allows to ask questions.  Try this: the next time you have to sit through a Q and A session with this guy, count the reporters he favors with recognition.  Do this a few times and you will come up with one of two conclusions.  Either the media corps (pronounced: KOR) has dwindled down to five people, or B.O. asks the same anointed reporters, over and over.  How does one get on B.O.'s short list of favored ones?  I haven't seen the guidelines, but I'm thinking from the questions that are soft pitched to our favorite Kenyan, that some sort of agreement must be in place. Notice the next time, you'll thank me later.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Only Mother You Can Make Fun of

How well do you think the average NOW member would accept having a teen mother ridiculed and made the butt of late night monologue jokes?  Do you think the "ladies" on the View would have expressed any outrage over Ms. Goldberg's unwed daughter being made fun of?  I  recall when slick willie was in office, his daughter was strictly off limits for comedians and pundits alike.  Not once did you see a picture of Amy Carter anywhere except in official photo releases, did you?  That being the case, why is it okay to discuss Bristol Palin and her teen pregnancy ad nauseum?  If  someone from another world were to come to our country and read a headline, they might think that this poor girl from Alaska was the only teenager to get pregnant while she was in highschool.                                                                                                                                 I've especially enjoyed the idiots who offer this opinion: Maybe if Sarah Palin was a better mother, her daughter wouldn't have gotten pregnant.  It's stupidity like this that condemns us as a species. Are you telling me that every teenage pregnancy could be avoided by better parental supervision?  Riiiiight.  I have a bridge to sell you, super cheap, low miles.
My point is this:  I am staring at a big glaring double standard.  One that the media tells me does not exist, even as they continue to print stories about the only unwed mother it is safe to make fun of.  Suppose Ms. Palin had had an abortion?  Would this have made her a hero in the eyes of the liberal world?  Or would they have then had the hypocritical task of condemning a girl for doing the very thing that they advocate for constantly at pro choice rallies?  Pick a side of your face to talk out of liberals.  Either all Politicians' children are off limits, or none of them are.  Don't support the magazines and news agencies with this double standard.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ethanol is a Big Fat Failure

E-85 was going to save the world, wasn't it?  I remember reading how this new miracle fuel was the solution to every problem from global warming to bed wetting.  Now that global warming turned out to be a scam, I suggest we take a closer look at the good that E-85 has done.  In every place that I have bought gasoline, E-85 is at most a few cents cheaper than the regular gasoline.  In speaking to people that have E-85 vehicles, most are happy with the vehicle, but the ones that aren't really aren't.  Some things that I didn't know about the vehicles include: the cost of an E-85 vehicle is more than a regular fueled car or truck.  Not just a couple hundred dollars, were talking three zeros more.  Seems like I am already in the hole.  Then, it was explained to me, you have to run a tank of premium in the tank every four tanks of E-85.  So now, where is the big hairy savings?  What I see, seems like a scam.
A better plan would be what my friend Henry does. Now Henry is an older man, and he doesn't have a lot of tolerance for stupidity.  When gasoline hit two bucks a gallon, Henry was angry.  He has a small farm, about fifty acres, and decided to do something about the price of gas for his and his wife's vehicles.  So Henry, being from a state that rhymes with hentucky, knows a little bit about making alcohol.  He has fashioned one or two stills in his day-for personal  use only,  he is quick to point out.                                                       What Henry does is make a batch of alcohol for his truck and his wife's car.   He takes a hit on the mileage, but it only costs him about forty two cents a gallon, so he's happy.  He cannot sell it or he would cheerfully help out his friends and neighbors.  He was more than happy to show three people to date how to make their own still. 
All this goes to one point.  Ethanol costs more than it provides.  The price of everything that uses corn has increased in price.  From beef, pork, chicken, to even soda has all increased in price because of the use of corn in ethanol.  How are we saving anything, now?  We have coal, natural gas, and oil deposits that are the envy of nations all over the world.  Ask yourself why would we use a fuel that only increases the cost of everything else?  You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Jobs Bill = No Money

Didn't B.O. promise me that creating jobs was his number one priority when he had his ACORN buddies register tons of people multiple times to hijack the election?  I cannot find the information myself, so if someone can find out how helping people buy new cars is going to help create jobs for anyone outside the automotive industry, please send it to me.  It certainly can't be a favor or two being repaid, now could it?  Cash for Clunkers did nothing much to stimulate anyone outside of favors owed, did it?                           While I am on the subject of useless ideas, please explain to me how a tax credit  in the future is going to help me now?  How about letting me keep more of my money right now?  Better yet, what do you say to not taxing the life out of me right now?  Ronald Reagan was correct when he said that there is no problem that the government cannot make worse.  Leave me alone, Washington.  You've done enough, really.                           I have posed this idea before, I will float it again.  Who knows, maybe someone in a position of authority is listening this time. B.O. seems determined to buy our way out of debt, like a welfare cheat who just found a hundred dollar bill, he knows one word: Spend . Since this seems to be his answer to everything, how about he try this, I'll even let him take credit for it, if he'll just give it a chance.
Two words: National Lottery.  Why don't they start a national lottery with the understanding that every single penny goes to the National Deficit. When that pesky multi-trillion dollar problem is solved, we can start using the money from the lottery for things like infrastructure repair, and other campaign promises that B.O. has conveniently forgotten about in his rush to socialize twenty percent of our economy.  It's just crazy enough to work.  Also, it's a win-win. B.O. gets to spend our money like a drunken sailor on his first leave, and we get to sleep knowing that our children's grandchildren won't be saddled with the ridiculous deficit he seems hellbent on creating.  Urge your elected officials to do it. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Please Don't Offend the Terrorists

I can count on one hand the things I have agreed with Joe Leiberman.  I was proud to have a SORE LOSERMAN  sign in my yard after the 2000 election.  But since he has become an Independent, I find that once in a while, I am shocked to agree with him.  A case in point is his disagreement over having the phrase violent Islamic terrorist removed from the wording of something that B.O. was discussing.  Far be it from the world's favorite Kenyan to offend a group of people who would do us harm at every turn.  Oh my goodness, we can't have that, can we?  While we are on the subject of things to avoid,* I love that we cannot examine Arabic passengers with any more scrutiny then we give any other passenger.  Just because every single terrorist on September eleventh was from the middle east, let's not be too hasty in making them angry.  God (or Allah if you prefer) forbid we hurt someone's feelings if it keeps thousands of people alive and unharmed.  Much better to be politically correct, don't you think?
 Has common sense taken a ten count?  If it keeps my family and my neighbors safe, profile every person that comes on the plane.  For that matter, if I'm even riding a train, bus or boat, feel free to check me over every time I step on board.  Whatever it takes to keep planes from crashing into buildings and murdering thousands upon thousands of people sounds good to me,  as I believe it would to anyone with a lick of common sense.
While I am on the subject of offensive, I would be curious to know how it's going with the sit down and talk to the people who hate us thing?  The last time I checked, Iran has pretty much given us the finger and started trying to enrich plutonium.  Another great idea from this chuckle head, isn't it?                                               And speaking of great ideas in socialism, how many people have realized that the Government now runs the loaning of money for student loans?  Does this mean that now B.O. and his ilk can decide who is worthy to continue their education?  I can't imagine that he would use this as another blatant power grab, can you?      Please, please, please, make sure you are registered to vote in the next election.  2012 cannot come soon enough.  Make sure you take five minutes and vote, also.  Stopping this travesty should be our main objective.  You'll thank me later.
* Irony Alert

Monday, April 12, 2010

I'm Not a Doctor, But I Played One For B.O.

I watched a news story on Fox.  I know, I know, a thousand liberals just blanched.  I have a relative that tells me she can't watch Fox News-too biased.  I just laugh and laugh.  But anyway, I was wondering through the options, when I came upon a spot that showed B.O.'s people handing out white coats to the folks at one of his speeches.  Hmmm....does this mean that they are doctors?  Or perhaps they work at the photo lab at any of the big box stores?  It certainly  can't mean the guy who promised us more transparency in the history of the White House was trying to fudge appearances, could it?  Hooey.  Besides, if it's on Fox News, it must be made up, right?  Oh wait, I'm thinking of Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw, and the fake memo about W's service record, aren't I?  My mistake, sorry.                                                                   My mind must be clouded with all the sound bytes telling me how above board and honest this Kenyan was going to be.  So if all the folks-err "Doctors"- who were sitting around those photo ops for B.O. were just liberal props for the socialist machine, hasn't some sort of fraud been perpetrated?  Nothing that is going to be prosecuted of course, I mean we are talking about a Democrat for heaven's sake.  This is the same party that told me suborning perjury was no big deal, even though there were and are plenty of people in jail for that very same thing.                                                                                                                                        The problem with being ironic, I have come to discover, is that many people just don't understand irony.  To borrow a line from Steve Martin- I get tired of being stared at.  But back to B.O. and his transparent lies.  I've never seen a person who was so worried about the photo-op.  He seems determined to remind the world that he got elected, so there!  Of course, he still has zero experience running something.  He never cast a vote while he was a Senator.  He never sponsored a bill from any where.  He just did what his handlers told him to do, and tried to minimize when the truth accidentally came out.  Joe the Plumber, anyone?  That poor guy had his life dissected by the media when he had the temerity to ask a question.  Was it his fault that B.O. accidentally told the truth?  Consider all of this before you debate B.O.'s merits with me in a chat room or otherwise.  You'll thank me later.  

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Government **t

Have you ever been forced to ask the government for help?  If you have, good luck with that.  I was hurt recently, and I've been forced to ask for some help.Do not expect to leave this process without feeling like a wart on the butt of humanity.  Asking for help has never been my strong suit, I confess.  But recently, I have found a group of people who seem to make asking for help, their main occupation. There is a process to receiving help.  Every step of the way tastes like gall to me.  I believe it would to any person with half an interest in self preservation.  I know that I paid into this fund.  I also know that the money is there in case something like this happens.  What I didn't know was that the people whose job it is to help me with this act as though they are doing me a favor every step of the way.  I feel like such a bum because I have had to ask for help.  I know, I know, that's why the help is there.  But anyone who thinks that this is an easy process is wrong. Completely, totally, wrong. 
That's one of the things that amazes me.  I have come to know several people who seek any way that they can to get government assistance.  If half the effort was put into finding and keeping a job, these people would own the world.  I don't get it.  I hate the intrusion into my life.  I hate answering questions that are no ones business.  I hate having to ask for help.  Mostly because of the way it makes me feel, and partly because the people who are in charge of helping me seem to be doing me the utmost favor by doing the job our government hired them to do.
I can only imagine how much worse this will be if B.O. actually succeeds in socializing twenty percent of our economy.  1984 anyone?  Be thankful if you don't need any help from the government, if you do, leave a trail of breadcrumbs to find your way through the bureaucracy.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Catholic Church and Other Evil Entities

If Yahoo is your only source of news, (and God help you if that's the case) you would wonder why it is that the Catholic Church is even allowed to exist.  The only time the Church makes the news is when someone accuses Her of either working with Nazis during World War II or when more sexual abuse is reported.
Sexual abuse by anyone in a position of  authority is awful.  To violate someone while in that position of authority is inexcusable.  If I didn't have my own faculties, I would believe that this is a problem exclusive to the Catholic Church.  I never hear about a Protestant Minister or any other Church being involved in this kind of scandal.  Why is that?  When I googled church abuse, I found all sorts of information, sad to say.  But why don't I hear about it when I turn on the news or pick up a paper?  If I were a person prone to paranoia, I would think that there was some sort of agenda.
How is this ever going to stop if no one knows about it?  How is anyone going to hear about it if the media continues to under report it while "exposing" only one denomination? Please remove the politics from this and report it all.  That's the first step to stopping it all, and protecting the ones being hurt while they are most vulnerable.  Ask your media outlets why they don't report this abuse.  Maybe they'll start, and you can thank me later.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

TOTUS, Anyone?

Do you want to have a laugh? Maybe pity, maybe despair, you decide. If you do, then finish reading this and go check out   You'll see some dandies from BO when he loses his place on the magic word machine.  Please, mainstream media, tell me again how articulate he is.  I would just love that.  Funny how you never see these slip ups, isn't it?  I'll bet that someone is involved in a mass right wing conspiracy to make him say these stupid things.  It probably originates in the fifty seventh state, also.  Yep, he's a dandy.  I know this is a short blog, but go check it out. I don't know who TOTUS is, but I hope they keep it up.  Go check it out, you'll thank me later.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bad Movies

I love bad movies, it embarrasses me to say.  Not the run of the mill,muddled plot bad.  I'm talking Ed Wood, Glen or Glenda bad movies.  Now Mr. Wood was the king of "What???" so I don't even count him when I start listing favorites.  How can you compete with a line like, "She's dead. Murdered. And only one thing's for sure.  Someone's responsible."  Yowza.   Nice, huh?  But recently I was talking with my friend Kyle and we had a semi heated debate on the best bad movies.  Here are some of the ones that we came up with, in no particular order.

  1. Speed 2
  2. Inglorious Bastards
  3. Districts 9
  4. Joe vs. the Volcano
  5. Bewitched
  6. The Dukes of Hazzard
  7. Say It Isn't So
  8. Kingpin
  9. Leonard Part 6
  10. Speed Racer                                                                                                                               

Please feel free to let me know if I've missed one, this is by no means an all inclusive list.  It's just some of the truly bad movies we have enjoyed over the years. I honestly believe that anyone can make a good movie, some skill and a little luck.  But to doggedly continue with something that you know in your gut is going to be a train wreck?  Now that's entertainment.  There is another that I've been reading about.  It's called ZZYZZX Road, and it  grossed a whole thirty bucks on it's premiere. Tom Sizemore is in it, so you know it's going to be something.  I can't wait to see it, I hope it's a train wreck.  If I find it, I'll pass it on and you can thank me later.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Belated Easter

I hope you had a wonderful Holiday.  I spent mine with friends, enjoying a cookout.  I did not have to spend it at the retail wonder, so that made it nice, didn't it?  I worked at Walmart for many years, and in all that time, I never missed a Holiday.  That's some family company, isn't it?  In fact, the only people that don't have to sacrifice their families are those lucky folks who have managed to secure the "golden" shift.  These are the people that work no later than six p.m. and the only way they are in there on a Saturday is if they are shopping.   It must be nice.  While many stores have begun demanding that department managers actually work when the customer is there, some stores are still holding out.
Another thing that stumps me is the courtesy test that they must administer to these people before they are hired.  I love having to interrupt a conversation to ask where the oil filters are this week.  I especially enjoy the blank stare, the shift of feet and the barely audible grunt, as I am pointed in a new direction.  You give me two teenage girls engrossed in conversation, and I know I'm going to receive the crappiest customer service imaginable.  Ahh, retail.
Enough reminiscing.  Happy Easter. Stop reading my thoughts and go enjoy your family.  You'll thank me later..

Friday, April 2, 2010

I Miss You Dad

Today would have been my Father's birthday.  He was something else.  My brother Mitchell called him the King of the Bullsh***ers.  That's a pretty fair description of him.  Not in a bad way, it's just who my Dad was.  He could spin a tale out of thin air and make you believe it.  It was his special gift.  Many times, I knew that what he was saying was absolutely untrue.  Didn't matter.  I loved hearing the stories, just the same.  He was likable, friendly, hardworking and charming.  I don't remember meeting one person that disliked him (not counting ex wives) in my life.
Ex wives were another story. Being a charming man, who may have lacked self control at times, my Dad had quite a collection of ex wives.  Most he maintained at least a tolerance for, a few he did not.  I met all of them, except one, and my Mother tells me she was a very nice lady.  The ones he didn't like were colorful, also.  Something about my Dad must have resonated with them; when he died, they were all there at his funeral.
My brother Ken told me stories about him also.  He was a good man, and most of the time, he was a good father.  He wasn't perfect, and I believe his lapses in judgment haunted him.
My Dad had piercing blue eyes.  I am proud to say those same eyes belong to my son, Jamey.  When he gives me a look of irritation, it's just like having my Dad back for a moment. One of my brothers-Bob-died a couple of years ago.  I miss him for many reasons, not the least of which, he sounded the most like our Father.I have two other brothers, Marvin Lee and Kevin, and while Lee may act like Dad, Kevin has a certain quality about him that makes me think of Dad every time I talk to him.  Maybe it's his dry sense of humor, I don't know. I am not the only daughter my father had, but there is some quality in each of my Brothers that was instilled by Dad.  I love him and I miss him.  I know many of the problems that I face today would be much easier if my Dad was here to help me with them.If you can, go call your Dad.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools!

Sean Penn's name came to mind at the mention of fools. Sorry, I keep thinking of his moronic interview when he said that people who call Hugo Chavez a dictator should go to jail.  I think Sean has forgotten which country he is in.  Dang that pesky Constitution, right Sean?  I think I actually preferred him when he was spouting profanities at the paparazzi he regularly prostituted himself to when he was married to Madonna.  Nobody can drop the F bomb while flipping you off like he can.  Oh what life skills he has.  I had written a piece about Mr. Penn yesterday, but the arrogance-and ignorance- of what he said had stayed with me.  So anyone that disagrees with him should be in jail, right?  What about when he makes a piece of crap movie and the critics rip it apart? (Shanghai Surprise, anyone?)  Do they go to jail, also? How about when a journalist quotes the latest drivel to fall from his unprepossessing tongue?  Jail for them, also?  Paparazzi would no doubt fill his prisons, also.  Perhaps Sean should look into emigrating.  Venezuela would love to have him, and best of all, I would never have to listen to him again.  The biggest question that I have is why he hasn't befriended  North Korea's dictator yet?  He obviously loves to be in dictatorships, why is he discriminating against that nut job?  Doesn't seem fair to me, and if there is one thing that comes t mind when I think of Sean Penn, it's fair.  As in Sean Penn does a pretty fair job of defending every left wing nut job dictator, rapist, murderer he can find, doesn't he?  Does his friendship litmus test include a proclivity towards torture, rape and murder?  It makes me wonder.
Also, I was requested to retell my favorite story from you know where.I think it fits in perfectly with April Fool's Day.  When I was still working for the Retail Monopoly that Cares, we had one of the display cakes go missing.  If you know anything about them, then you know that they are just beautifully decorated pieces of Styrofoam.  One day, one of the uglier displays went missing.  It was a Graduation cake in a hideous color scheme, blue and purple, I think.  Anyway, the cake turned up three days later when a customer came into the store and tried to get a refund for the stolen decoration.  She tried to be very indignant, she just didn't pull it off well.  With no receipt (you think?) and no proof of purchase, the store thanked her for returning the cake and sent her on her way.  It was the knife marks in the frosting that reduced us to giggles.  The thought of them all hunkered around that ugly "cake" with friends and family gathered to celebrate the big day while they chuckled to themselves at the money they had saved by stealing the cake-priceless! If I made you laugh half as hard as we did that day while looking at the knife marks in that "cake"- you can thank me later.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sean Penn, Please Shut Up Now

I heard an expression in a movie. I can't remember which one or I would give it credit here. The actor said, "Some people are educated beyond their intelligence."  This is truly the case with Sean Penn, although I wonder what sort of education it is that he has.  Wasn't it this same Rhodes Scholar that went to Iraq to visit with Hussein (the other one) and told us everything was fine there?  He must have been looking the other way on the tour when the rape rooms, mass graves, and attempts to enrich plutonium were being presented.
Surely they showed him everything, didn't they?  Otherwise, that would make him a dupe, wouldn't it?  Is he on some sort of list that dictators have access to, a list that show which gullible morons are available for a photo op? The actress Maria Conchita Alonzo wrote a wonderful open letter to Mr. Penn.  Google it for yourself.  You will find it very well written and concise.  Perhaps Mr. Penn would be better served to spend his time memorizing words to repeat later.  Because much like B.O.,without someone putting the words in his mouth, he tends to make a fool of himself.
Why do actors believe that they have some sort of elevated status that makes them more knowledgeable about anything?  The whole crux of their lives is spent memorizing words to say back to someone in a particular order.  Perhaps he, like the rest of them, should stick with what he is trained to do.  Obviously, world politics is beyond his scope.  Didn't he promise to move away when George W. Bush won the election? Did he go, then come back?  I wish I knew.  I also wish I knew who let him back in, I would have a few words for that idiot.  Maybe we should just stop patronizing Hollywood for a while.  Perhaps if he had to work for a living, he wouldn't have so much spare time to look so stupid.  I'll let you know if that's possible, and you can thank me later.  

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It Is W's Fault

I have found out that I have a medical problem that I thought had gone away.  It's not gonorrhea or anything like that (I generally avoided the Oval Office during the Clinton administration,thank you) but it is serious enough to have me concerned.  I have decided to blame this on two things, in this order 1) Global Warming/Climate Change  and 2) George W. Bush.
After all, If B.O. can do it, why not me?  I would fall out of my chair if just one time, everyone's favorite Kenyan said "You know, I was full of crap, I guess I didn't get the answer from my 6 weeks of government experience."  I have asthma, I'm not holding my breath on this one. The following is the list of things that I will now be blaming on George W. Bush and global warming.  

1)My cat throws up when he eats too quickly. This must be global warming causing him to eat so fast.
2)My neighbors let their dog out at 2:30 AM every morning and don't let him in for 20 minutes, even though he screeches to be let in. (I bet they're alqaeda)
3) There was a brown hairy spider by my steps this morning
4)3 trillion dollar deficit for socializing medicine -oops wrong guy
5)split ends
6) the stray cat that keeps spraying my car tires
7)Those annoying "free credit report" songs that I get stuck in my head for days
8) okra
9)my ex's father wanting to hug me when he knew I hated it
10)my ex
11)the milk I bought Tuesday that was sour when I opened it
13)excessively biased media outlets with an agenda
14)lime koolaid
15)corn bread made with real corn kernels in it
16)saccharin after taste
17)Iran being a breath away from being nuclear(How's that sitting down with the enemy thing working?)
18)Lawn mowers before 8 am
19)zippers that come apart in the middle
As you can see, this is a work in progress.  As I uncover more things that are the fault of someone who kept us safe from terrorist attack for seven years, I'll let you know, and you can thank me later.                                                                                

Monday, March 29, 2010

If It's Good Enough For Me......

Why is it that the President and his family,every Senator and Congressman-or woman- and their families are  exempt from this socialized high jacking of medicine and insurance? Why not try it out on them first?  It seems to me that if this two thousand page plus omnibus is so dang terrific, these elected officials would be jumping up and down to try it first.  It can't be because they fear rationing, can it? No. they've already told me that won't happen.  It's not because they think they'll get crappy care from an overworked system, is it?  B.O. told me that won't be an issue, either.  So what could it be? One would think that if this thing is so fantastic that it had to be rushed though so quickly no one knows everything that is in there-it would be just the ticket for these guys.  It has to be better than what he would receive back home in Kenya, right?  I'm just not one hundred percent sure that they have my best interests in mind. B.O. has not accomplished one thing yet.  Other than having a "holiday" tree, and keeping his aunt-my favorite illegal alien- in the country, what has he done?  Anyone?  Anyone?  I love the people who tell me to "get over it, we won."  Hooey.  No one has won anything, if anything at all, our children and their children have all lost. Bigtime.  Call your elected officials and demand that they partake in this mess too.  If it's good enough for us after all, shouldn't it be good enough for them, also?  If I figure out a way to stop this socialism from happening, I'll let you know, and you can thank me later.  

Saturday, March 27, 2010

When It Hits the Fan

I don't think socializing one fifth of our economy is a good idea. I don't think that much that comes out of B.O.'s mouth is a good idea, but this is particularly bad.  Having experienced socialized medicine first hand by way of military doctors and never seeing the same one twice, I can tell you that it sucks.  No way to sugar coat it, the whole thing is awful.  My oldest son was born six weeks early, he was a small thing (four and a half pounds) and he spent a week in neonatal intensive care when he was born.  It was in a wonderful facility, St. Vincent's in Birmingham, Alabama.  At the time, I was not practicing the Catholic faith, but that didn't stop a wonderful old priest from blessing my son, anyway.  Every bit helps, he told me.  After leaving the area, my son was treated by a series of military doctors when he needed care.  It was never the same doctor twice, and if I didn't grab their sleeve, I would not have gotten ten minutes with them.  When a doctor has to see forty people before he or she can go to lunch, guess how much time and attention you get? My son was five years old before a Doctor was able to diagnose that he couldn't hear from his left ear.  And that's the kind of care you'll get with B.O.   My doctor has already told me that he has grave concerns for the state of medicine right now.  While there are many things that do need fixed, more committees is never the answer.  Was it Ronald Reagan that said "More government is never the answer."? I pray that the whole rotten business is tossed out as unconstitutional.  Not that that will stop the left of center crowd from still trying to shove it through.  What happened to posting the thing online for thirty days?  What happened to calm and careful consideration? Since he hasn't gotten anything accomplished yet, I guess team B.O. needed a win, any win, before the midterm elections.  Have faith.  The debacle that was Jimmy Carter gave us Ronald Reagan.  Who knows what great conservative is waiting to fix this mess.  If I spot them first, I'll let you know, and you can thank me later.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

I woke up this morning and the air was a little fresher, the sun was a little brighter, and here in this frozen wasteland of the midwest, the temperature edged up to almost freezing.  Why you ask?  I'll tell you.  The Senate seat that a Kennedy has held for over half a century was turned over to a Republican who took away the filibuster proof majority that B O's henchmen needed to shove socialism down our throats.  All is Right in the World. Of course I exagerate.  There is still a lot to be done, but the state that B O carried by twenty four percent went down to a Republican, even after four visits from our first foreign born president in over two hundred years.  Did the new senator promise the good folks of Massachusets anything and everything?  Why, no, he didn't.  He promised to be the forty first vote- the one that can derail socialized medicine and start to focus their attention on the crumbling mass of unemployment we are facing.  Woohoo!  I'm too happy to say much else, I even added this in the middle of my week long sabatical from posting.  God Bless America, it's still ours!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Liberal Media:Bought and Paid For

Anyone remember a lady named Linda Tripp? She was the office worker that had to listen to the sex stories from a morally lapsed young woman who thought it would be cool to have sex with the married President. Ms. Tripp did the smart thing and told this morally challenged coworker to save, save and document. Since folks who crossed this administration had a high rate of "suicide", I believe I would have advised the morally lapsed woman to do the same thing. So why is it that the woman who did nothing wrong is the one that everyone makes fun of? The last time I ever watched anything with John Goodman in it was when he made fun of Ms. Tripp on SNL. It was a tasteless, humorless effort by them and the beginning of when they started to jump the shark. Again. So I am not surprised that BO's numbers are dropping, nor am I surprised that the media is not reporting this fact. They are hanging on like a hair in a biscuit with their guy;nothing will change their minds. Where has BO been on the last two emergency situations? Five points to the first one that said vacation. Does that mean that Biden is in charge, then? God help us all. I especially enjoy watching the women of the mainstream media. For a group that supposedly are all in it together, they had no problem turning on Govenor Palin, did they? In fact, they almost seem at a loss when there isn't a way to blame Ms. Palin for something.  I'm certain they would love to find a way to denigrate her daughter for being pregnant and unmarried, but then they would have even more trouble explaining their hypocrisy on the issue.  For example, why was the Clinton's daughter exempt from media attention, but President Bush's daughters were tabloid fodder from the moment they turned eighteen?  It cannot be that Ms. Clinton is not as photogenic as the Bush' daughters-liberals have embraced ugly women for as long as I can remember.  Does anyone remember the Johnson's?  Now they had faces for radio.  ACORN helped to pull off one of the largest moments in voter fraud and election theft since the dead folks of Chicago turned out in droves for JFK.  The media didn't care then, and they don't care now.  Watch the mainstream news with a jaundiced eye, you'll thank me later.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Other Thursday Post

I don't know what happened to the post for Wednesday, it got lumped in with Thursday. Consider this a twofer, then. I am ready for spring. I know I have said that since the first frost, but I mean it now, I really do. I am ready for some global warming. The real kind, not that climate change, tax me until I cannot breathe kind that liberals like. I hate snow, again- I have said it before. Why people live where it gets this cold is beyond me. Maybe they just don't realize that scraping your car off every day isn't something that people like to do. I'm not sure, but I would give anything if global warming were real right now and I could look forward to some melting this week. Instead, I am sure that I will be standing in the middle of a field, like I did this week, freezing my feet off. Global warming? Hooey! But on to other matters: I got an email from a young man that works at the world's biggest retailer. He was told to clock out because he was over his scheduled hours, and the world's biggest company cannot afford to pay over time. He complied and clocked out, then was told to clock back in and just take a longer lunch hour tomorrow, they were getting hit hard up front. How is that legal? Even if it is legal, how is it fair for this company to expect their employees to be loyal to the company, when the company in question goes out of its way to screw its employees every chance that it can? Instead of hearing to find out if an athelete is using steroids, how about if congress got its collective thumb out of its collective butt and started looking into this? Or, just for fun, maybe it coud take a gander at the rising gasoline prices? I realize that the average elected official in Washington DC is much too busy trying to socialize twenty percent of our economy, but it would be great if they could do some of our business, also. Call and ask them, what it is that they're doing at the expense of what they're supposed to be doing. You'll thank me later.

Enough Already

If I have to listen to one more liberal spew their propoganda about George W. Bush, I will lose it. Granted, he wasn't the best president that we ever had, but he was by far not the worst that we ever had, either. I would give that distinction to either Mr. Carter, or to Slickwillie, they seem to be running neck and neck. One made us the laughingstock of the world, the other, well, sold our nuclear secrets to China, cooked the books on the economy and made us the laughing stock of the world. You pick. I had to listen to something while I was in my car this morning, and the winner was: talk radio. Normally I enjoy it, you get all sorts of opinions and at the very worst, you end up feeling better about yourself. Today, I just listened to one moron liberal (redundant, I know) after another spouting that every problem that we face from illiteracy to the common cold is the fault of the last natural born President of the United States. B.O. has been in office long enough to begin reaping what he has sown, hasn't he? How long of a honeymoon is he going to get with the liberal media, any way? I promise you, if W had let a suspected terrorist onto a plane that he almost blew up, the media would be on him faster than you can say voter registration fraud. Where is the outcry? Where is the cry for reviews, explanations, and someone's head on a platter? It must be on vacation with BO, also, because it sure isn't any where that I have looked. When is the current administration going to "man up" and take responsibility for anything? Register to vote NOW, so we can take back our country, maybe even stop our multi-trillion dollar deficit. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One Short Blog If you are at all familiar with the expression 'a picture is worth a thousand words'then you will follow this link and see that Mr.Stevens has expressed this so much better than I could.You'll thank me later.