Wednesday, April 28, 2010

He Would Know

On April 16, the most recently impeached president, Bill Clinton, warned of the dangers from tea party activists. At least he had a slight bit of integrity, unlike those who attempt cleverness by calling the movement "teabaggers." Slick willie, in his infinite wisdom, warned that the fervor created by these people who are simply trying to exercise their right to free assembly, could be construed as hate speech.  Perhaps it is.  While the love and understanding that is suggested by those at Black Panther rallies is obviously just angry people who are tired of their rights being trampled, right?
Tawana Bradley comes to mind.  Does anyone remember this fine, upstanding citizen?  She was the paragon of virtue that went missing for four days.  She was eventually found, unresponsive-that is, she could write, but the poor thing couldn't talk- in a garbage bin,  She had several racial slurs written on her body, and feces spread across her face.  She claimed rape by several white officers and others.
Well, after Mr. Sharpton and others smelled a publicity/photo op heretofore never known, they quickly became champions for Ms. Bradley. A couple of race riots later and surprise! No rapes, the feces was from a neighbor's dog, and not one bruise or even a sign that Miss Bradley had been exposed to the elements for four days as she had claimed.
Did Mr. Sharpton and company pack up their bags and slink out of town?  Of course, not.  Were they publicly castigated for helping to perpetuate a fraud upon hard working police officers who were completely innocent of any wrong doing?  Nope.  Did they even pay the restitution that was ordered by the courts?  What do you think?  No, Mr. Sharpton's  part of the judgment was paid by a fundraiser to help him with his costs.  I guess selling some of his nine hundred dollar suits was out of the question.  Ms. Bradley has yet to pay her part of the judgment to the wronged officer.  Having converted to Islam, perhaps that takes up all of her time now.
You are probably wondering what any of this has to do with Bill Clinton's latest lapse in good thinking.  My Grand-mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by the company that they keep.  Mr. Sharpton was just one of the cronies in slick willie's camp.
If a person who perpetuates  and participates in false accusations, false police reports, and the ruining of a man's life is someone you stand beside, how can your opinion be worth anything more than a cup of cold urine?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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