Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Broken Backbone of America

I listened with a fair amount of attention to B.O.'s recitation about the need for small businesses to flourish in our country, as they are the backbone of this great nation.   Unfortunately, he was pretty short on everything except flowery words.  I have decided to open a resale shop, and if everything goes well, I will be open for business on May 16th.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Since the day I decided to open my place, I have been following the maze of applications and permits that are required to be in business legally. First I had to find the right property. That is a tricky enough maneuver, as retail  property has not heard about the market crash.  Maybe that explains the dozens of empty retail locations in my area.  It's possible, right?  So anyway, after calculating how much square footage I would need, I had to begin the sticker shock of looking at over priced locations in under trafficked areas. Good times.  I found a wonderful spot, and now I get the joy of jumping every hurdle known to man as I wander through the maze of regulations.  If B.O. were truly serious about helping small business owners, he would keep his "credits" and streamline the process for opening a business.  I'll keep you posted on my progress, if you manage to learn from my mistakes, you an thank me later.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Goose that Quit Laying Golden Eggs

I keep reading main stream media (or as I am coming to think of them-Urine Stream Media or USM) tell me that I must pay more taxes. They repeat B O's talking points and fret over the notion that rich people are not doing their fair share. Of course, rich for them is anyone making a decent wage, but I digress. George Stephanopolis, Katie Couric, and the whole Hee Haw gang are scared that I may not be giving enough of my wealth to those who do not have wealth. Riiiiight.
The idea that if you take more from the people who are creating jobs to pay for the things that you have given to other people is lunacy at its finest. In what alternate universe will people work harder, knowing that all of the sweat and labor from their work is going to pay for the benefits of someone else? Be it Obamacare(unless of course you are one of the lucky thousands of Union members or others that B O has given a get out of paying free card to) or anyone else.
Let me tell you one of my favorite stories when I was growing up. A man and woman (think government) discover a golden egg(think taxes) when they are collecting from their coop. They marvel over it then set out to discover which goose(think taxpayer) is giving them this marvelous egg. They watch carefully and identify the goose. They collect eggs from this goose for quite a while, buying all the things that they always dreamed of having. (Entitlement programs, anyone?) One day, the farmer(or every liberal I have ever met) has an idea. He says to his wife(the general public), "Why should we wait everyday for just one egg?  Surely that goose is chock full of gold. If we butcher her, we can have all the gold right now." (Or if we tax the wealthier, we can pay for everything!) So they butchered the goose(still the taxpayer) and discovered that the gold was not inside the goose, but something she created everyday through very hard work. The farmer and his wife were left with nothing, and had to sell all the things that they had bought, just to live.The End. And if we don't get our financial house in order, it'll be the end of us as the great nation on earth, also. Think about it. you'll thank me later

Monday, April 4, 2011

Please Go Away Now

I have been working on a list of people that I am so very tired of seeing on my computer day after day after day.
Here is a working list, I will add more as they occur to me.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Never has one person gotten so much mileage from being a home wrecking freak. I didn't really think much of her when she ran off with Billy Bob Thornton. Her stock went down further and further with each of her new escapades. The blood vials were creepy, the dry humping her brother,eew, the chick she was involved with, the list is endless. Then she met an actually married man, and started collecting children. Now to be fair, she had already acquired one when she broke up her current lover's marriage; but since then, she has added children exponentially. I have a good friend who, along with her husband have been trying to adopt a child for over eight years. I am amazed that there must be some five and dime one stop celebrity adoption place that movie stars and famous people can pop in and buy a healthy new born.

Another person I would like to see just go away is Kate Gosselin. If she would take her ex husband with her, that would be swell. I don't care if she is awful, I don't care if she is dating. I think the husband might be a jackass, but I don't really care about that either. Would someone please tell the incessant media that follows her around that her five minutes are up?

So there's two of the more pressing irritations I have. When I think of others, I'll let you know and you can thank me later