Thursday, November 4, 2010

Common Sense Prevailed

I am so excited for the future.  It would seem that the American people have chosen against socialism and a nanny government  and the votes on Tuesday night reflect that.  As I was waiting to vote, one of the poll workers was talking about what a great turnout there was.
"This is much better than the presidential election, even." He told us.  I was concerned by the giant posters telling me not to use my cell phone and that no pictures were allowed. Ok. Thank goodness I have a phone without the bells and whistles, but if an emergency had popped up, I probably would have taken the call.
I am glad that Nancy Pelosi has to figure out what she is going to do next.  I think some botox to tighten it up for her would be a good idea. I am curious to see if she can actually break glass with those cheeks, but maybe that is just me.  I am very disappointed that Reid and Boxer were reelected.  One of the creators of  The Naked Gun Movies made a very funny spoof of her supercilious demand to be called "Senator." Google it, you won't be disappointed.  Lastly, since Nevada and California seem to bent on continuing their path that every one knows will not work, can we no longer help them when they go broke?  One of the reasons that California is so destitute, other than the life choking epa regulations, the sanctuary cities, and the repudiation of all things normal is the ridiculously sweet retirement benefits that Jerry Brown granted the government workers years ago.
It seems to me that if GM has to let go of their golden parachutes when we bailed them out, shouldn't California have to do the same?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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