Monday, July 28, 2014

The Supreme Court Gets One Right and the Left Goes Batcrap Crazy

I am not a big fan of the Supreme Court these days. I think that John Roberts is a coward and his stupidity foisted obamacare on the rest of us.  But as my father would remind me-even a broken clock is right twice a day.
HobbyLobby is a wonderful store chain.  If you build dollhouses (like I do) there is no better place to get anything you could possibly need for that dollhouse.  They also are closed on Sundays to allow their employees the time to spend with their families and observe the sabbath.  How cool is that???
Now because the folks that own HobbyLobby are God fearing Christians with a working moral compass-they will not provide abortifacients as part of their healthcare plan.  Enter obamacare and boom! now HobbyLobby was expected to either violate their conscience or pay a HUGE fine.  The Supreme Court got one right and narrowly allowed that no private company has to provide abortifacients if it violates their beliefs.
Keep in mind that the healthcare HobbyLobby's insurance plan provides for 16 out of the 20 methods of birth control listed in Obamacare mandates.  They just won't pay for the ones that will kill a fertilized egg.  Simple enough, isn't it?  Not to the screaming left, it isn't.  They are losing their minds.  I have read more than one renouncing semi-hysterical rant wherein the author of the piece likens this small piece of sanity to the end of the world.
Walmart still sells the pill for four bucks.  Hobby Lobby will still pay for your birth control pills.  What they won't pay for is the morning after pill.  They won't pay for any pill or injection that will stop a fertilized egg from living.  How much simpler can it get?
I have used this analogy before but I will trot it out again.  Pork is good for you. High protein, low fat, and pork doesn't marble the fat like beef does.  That is to say, you can slice the fat off from pork and not have to worry about it being in the slice of meat you are eating.  In short, pork is relatively cheap and it is good for you.
If HobbyLobby was made to pay for abortifacients, then why wouldn't Jews and Muslims have been able to be forced to consume pork?  With the Yeti's unmitigated assault on what children can eat while at school- it could have happened.  The food police are alive and well.
Scrap obamacare.  It hasn't lowered the cost curve-it hasn't made anything more affordable.  It hasn't even gotten more people insured.  There are much better ways to accomplish the job of providing affordable healthcare to everyone. Selling insurance across state lines is a start. More competition is always good.  Look into tort reform.  Weed out the frivolous suits.  That will help a lot too.
Think about it. you'll thank me later.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Nancy Pelosi Is an Idiot

Nancy Pelosi-the one time Majority Leader of the House of Representatives-is a moron.  She is also a hypocrite, and I cannot imagine how she is able to receive Communion from any sane priest.
Ms. Pelosi spent countless tax dollars to make a photo op , "discovery" trip to the southern border to see for herself the completely obama made crisis that is thousands of small and not so small children flooding our border.
Ms. Pelosi is saddened by their plight.  Ms. Pelosi believes that we have a moral obligation to help these waifs.  Ms. Pelosi doesn't have enough working brain cells to wonder how these poor, helpless creatures were able to transport themselves across thousands of miles-dodging some of the fiercest immigration laws in the world.
If Mexico catches you illegally in their country-you go to jail.  Ask Sgt Tahmooressi.  He is the U.S.Marine that has been held in jail since April because he accidentally drove into Mexico with his guns.
But somehow-these thousands of children, some as young as 4, were able to cross Mexico with no supplies, no food, no water, and they were not caught.
So putting aside the obvious lie in this latest manufactured crisis-Ms. Pelosi has herself in a righteous tizzy because we haven't done the 'right thing' for these children.  Never mind that the right thing is to ship them home to their country of origin, thereby ensuring more opportunity for the children who are actually U.S. citizens- Ms. Pelosi is concerned.
But why isn't she concerned about the abortions she so shrewishly demands?  I guess Nanvy only worries about children who are lucky enough to escape their mother's womb before someone sticks a needle into their brain cavity and sucks the life out of them.
Why is that okay with Nancy, but these children who are pawns in B.O.'s latest attempt to pivot are not?  I have seen the pictures.  Yes, it does look like those children are in closed areas, what are we supposed to do with them?  Some of them have tested positive for TB and diphtheria.  Are we supposed to let that loose on our streets?  We eradicated those diseases decades ago, why would we welcome it back?
If Nancy is so worried about these latest examples of B.O.'s failure on every front-why doesn't she buy an orphanage in Mexico and let them stay there until they can be sorted out and sent home?
You don't suppose it's because this is all a phony, staged ploy do you?  Yeah, me neither.
Close the border. Finish building the fence.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Benghazi and Watergate: A Tale of Two Scandals

Richard Nixon was the President during the event we call 'Watergate'. It refers to a break in of the DNC campaign headquarters.  I have no idea what they were looking for, he probably didn't know either. Dumb idea. Dumb plan. Dumb cover up.  It wasn't the break in that got Nixon booted. It was the lie and the cover up.
I hope that Obama is paying attention.  Perhaps he is so narcissistic to believe that he couldn't be impeached.  He may well be that dumb.  I know that he can't pronounce corpsman.  But that is a military term, and that isn't something he wouldn't be familiar with.
If we had a free and open media that did their jobs, they would have dug into what happened in Benghazi back in 2012.  They would have had reporters asking tough questions.  They would have had interviews that made Obama nervous, instead of slow, soft pitches like he got from Bill O'Reilly.  It was pitiful.
I am heartened to see that Congressman Trey Gowdy is going to be leading one of the investigating committees.  Mr. Gowdy has a history of taking zero crap.  Of course, he is being pilloried from the left.  The standard talking points are something in the neighborhood of this happened two years ago.  Old news, we have already had 13 different investigations into this.  Move on, there is nothing to see here.  What difference does it make, now, this is all a partisan witch hunt.
I have read at least five variations from this, that's how I know that the msm and the left in general, is not happy with it.  There was a time when the media set the news cycle.  Of course, there was a time when the media reported all of the news, also.  Happy days.  But now they have a full fledged honest to goodness scandal in their midst-and the best they can manage is to tell me not to worry about it.
Hooey talk.
Of course, in their defense, the scandals are coming pretty fast and furious.  See what I did there?  But in all seriousness, you need a score card to keep track of the crap that Obama has lied about, mismanaged or simply broke the law over.  And now it would seem that B.O. is trying a truly Nixonian tactic- the IRS- the group responsible for keeping track of what everyone everywhere owes the government- claims to have lost the emails that are directly covering when Ms. Lerner was illegally denying Tea Party Groups their tax exempt status.
To quote the Church Lady- "how convenient."
Nixon had the decency to resign. Don't hold your breath that B.O. will be as honorable.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 7, 2014

The IRS Claims the Dog Ate Their Homework

Lois Lerner should be in jail.  If you or I had discriminated against people as blatantly as she has, we would be cooling our heels in the grey bar motel.  Unfortunately, she is still breathing free air.  Pity the GOP doesn't do something about that.
If Eric Holder refuses to arrest her, he needs to be removed as well.  I missed the civics class that said the Attorney General got to pick and choose which laws he would enforce.  Three weeks ago, his boss came up with a brilliant idea to do another end run around the Constitution.  The IRS simply "lost" all of the emails in question.  I'm not sure which stooge thought this plan up, but is has the earmarks of Moe.  Maybe Curly.  But regardless, they are going with the "dog ate my homework" defense.  Here are a few problems with that:

So not only did Glenn Beck track down a premier IT guy, but the IT guy goes into great detail about how to find these emails.  He explains, in detail, how to go about finding these lost emails.  If I can understand how to do this, you would think that some of the brain trusts in the Internal Revenue Service could figure it out as well, wouldn't you?

So as I write this, the msm has yet to go full blown Watergate with this.  I suspect they still tote the party line.  After all, if B.O. illegally wiretapping their conversations wasn't enough to break their love-I don't think that anything will.  Tina Turner had a breaking point- it looks like the msm doesn't.

Call your elected officials and demand that they get an internal audit of the IRS files that are "missing."  This is a digital age and nothing is truly lost forever.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.