Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sean Penn, Please Shut Up Now

I heard an expression in a movie. I can't remember which one or I would give it credit here. The actor said, "Some people are educated beyond their intelligence."  This is truly the case with Sean Penn, although I wonder what sort of education it is that he has.  Wasn't it this same Rhodes Scholar that went to Iraq to visit with Hussein (the other one) and told us everything was fine there?  He must have been looking the other way on the tour when the rape rooms, mass graves, and attempts to enrich plutonium were being presented.
Surely they showed him everything, didn't they?  Otherwise, that would make him a dupe, wouldn't it?  Is he on some sort of list that dictators have access to, a list that show which gullible morons are available for a photo op? The actress Maria Conchita Alonzo wrote a wonderful open letter to Mr. Penn.  Google it for yourself.  You will find it very well written and concise.  Perhaps Mr. Penn would be better served to spend his time memorizing words to repeat later.  Because much like B.O.,without someone putting the words in his mouth, he tends to make a fool of himself.
Why do actors believe that they have some sort of elevated status that makes them more knowledgeable about anything?  The whole crux of their lives is spent memorizing words to say back to someone in a particular order.  Perhaps he, like the rest of them, should stick with what he is trained to do.  Obviously, world politics is beyond his scope.  Didn't he promise to move away when George W. Bush won the election? Did he go, then come back?  I wish I knew.  I also wish I knew who let him back in, I would have a few words for that idiot.  Maybe we should just stop patronizing Hollywood for a while.  Perhaps if he had to work for a living, he wouldn't have so much spare time to look so stupid.  I'll let you know if that's possible, and you can thank me later.  

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