Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Earmarks, Anyone?

Do you know what an earmark is in political terms?  It means money in the budget for pet projects of a particular politician, usually but not always, to pay a particular favor to someone.  B.O. promised on many occasions that he would have none of them in his legislation.  I suppose the corn husker kickback, the sweeteners to Louisiana and Florida do not count.  Is there even one thing that this Kenyan jackass can do that is honest and above board?
George Bush Sr. reneged on his promise of no new taxes, and he was crucified. B.O. has so many broken promises there are sites dedicated to listing them.If you want to see some for yourself, go to youtube and type in Barack Obama-lies. You will be inundated with choices. And still the mainstream media ignores it all.  Please don't tell me that they don't have an agenda.  I would laugh at you.  But back to the latest broken promise.
I don't expect a politician to tell me the truth all of the time.  A good bit of the time, they will say whatever it takes to get their bony butts back in office.  But when a person stands on a soapbox, decrying the horrible dishonesty of his predecessor, then turns one hundred eighty degrees and begins to tell horrendous half truths and outright lies, how is any right thinking  person with a modicum of common sense supposed to believe him? I realize I will now be painted a nazi racist by most liberal groups i.e the mainstream media, but I despise a double standard.  Earmarks are wrong. In the fifties it was called payola by the radio stations, and people went to jail for it.  Is an elected official any different?  Wrong is wrong.  Call your elected officials and demand accountability.  You'll thank me later.

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