Monday, April 26, 2010

B.O.'s Fifth Lie

What do Eric Holder, Tom Vilsack, William Lynn, William Corr, David Hayes, Mark Patterson, Ron Klein, Mona Sutphen, Melody Barnes, Cecilia Munoz, Patrick Gaspard, and Micheal Strautmanis all have in common? If you guessed that they were all lobbyists, you would get a gold star.  Or perhaps an all expense paid "fact finding" trip to Tahiti this winter, depending on how well you know these former lobbyists.  And can anyone tell me who employs this fine group of former lobbyists?  Another gold star to the person who shouted out "we do!"
Yes, indeedy, the man who promised to be more transparent than any other administration before him, the one who said more, not less honesty, the one who is paying almost half a million dollars to a law firm to keep his birth records, former passports, college transcripts, and such out of the public record, the one who said that there would be no former lobbyists in his administration is the self same hirer of these 12 former lobbyists.  Is there anyone else who woud like to have their vote back yet?  I thought maybe.
I've seen B.O. speak without the aid of his handy dandy teleprompter, so I know he is no great shakes as a public speaker.  But did no one write this down?  Is there no one on his staff who could remind him about this hinky little promise he made?  Guess not. You would think that his great buddy, Warren Buffett would have maybe slipped him an I pod as a Christmas gift, to help him remember those dang promises.  Wait, do Muslims celebrate Christmas?
At any rate, start demanding some accountability from this guy.  Ask the media why they are asleep at the wheel when it comes to pointing out his lies.  You'll thank me later.

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