Monday, March 26, 2012

Napolitano is that French for Useless?

Every time I look at that Janet Napolitano I am amazed that someone who is so incredibly dumb has been able to get as far in the world as she has.  It's kind of like watching a real life, walking, talking Forrest Gump. I watched her on the Mexican border, trying to look like she gives a happy rat's butt about the illegal aliens that are flooding our country.
She rode around on a boat and looked at the places where the illegal aliens swim,walk, run across the border to steal jobs and drop anchor babies to continue leeching from us. Here's a crazy thought: DON'T GIVE AUTOMATIC CITIZENSHIP TO ANYONE BORN HERE!!! Most countries don't.
For that matter, make it a felony to hire an illegal alien. Make it a felony to rent to an illegal alien. Make it a felony to give benefits to an illegal alien.
Go to Juarez and try to get free housing, free food and free money.  Better yet, try doing that without one single paper giving you permission to be there, or the ability to speak Spanish.  Let me know how that works out for you, and I'll try to bribe a guard so that you can bathe once a week.
Do you know what happens if you are caught sneaking into Mexico from another country? Two words: bad things.  You go to jail. You go to a crap box jail that will make you appreciate the slums in our inner cities. Why does B.O. and his pals allow them to come here? Why isn't he worried about our rights, our culture, our way of life?
Is there anyone in B.O.'s administration who is capable of doing a good job? From the top down, I don't see it. Anyone who has read more than two paragraphs that I have written know how I feel about him, and the Marxists, socialists,incompetents,tax cheats and enablers that he chooses to surround himself with. You can tell a lot about a person by who they decide to surround themselves with.  This is a continuation of the go to bed with dogs, wake up with fleas theory.
The country better wake up soon. We don't have good choices running for the GOP nomination, other than Speaker Gingrich, I don't much care for the field, but anything we have will be better than what is there right now.  B.O. stinks.
Pay attention to what is going on with our government, it is getting too big, too controlling, too intrusive.  Stand up for your rights, or you'll bow to your new master.  You can thank me later.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Bad Tenants or Why I would Never Hire Sniders Painting LLC

I am new to the world of rental properties. I'll admit that straight away, I suffer from thinking that most people are basically as honest as I am.  Live and learn, I suppose.  I recently had an eye opening experience with a couple of people. They are a young couple, with a small child.  When they contacted me last year, they needed a place to live very quickly.  The place they were in supposedly had a mold problem that the owner would not fix.  Having been younger,once, I agreed to let them rent from me with a few caveats.
Now, not 8 months later, I am wiser by far.  I had to practically evict the brother that was only supposed to be there for three months.  Hint number one: never trust someone who always has an excuse for not keeping their word.
Second, I told them that I would be replacing some of the carpet over time.  The stairs I would be doing sooner, the upstairs landing as I got to it.  If this was a problem, I told them keep looking.  I ended up replacing the stairs carpet and they took it upon themselves to remove the upstairs carpet themselves. I guess their dogs crapping all over it was a motivator.The brand new carpet that I installed in the dining room will be replaced again, it is frayed and ruined in six short months.
Thirdly, I will be painting the walls, as the turd green paint that they put up, while I okay-ed the color with the understanding that it would go back to white before they left, is put on so poorly that it doesn't even go all the way up to the ceiling in places.
I had contacted the BBB in my area to complain about the job that was done on my walls, as the tenant assured me he was a professional, he worked for Snyder Painting LLC. Long story short, the BBB closed the case because Snyder Paint LLC said that their son wasn't working for them when he did this. He just used their truck. He used their paint. He used their equipment. He used their other employees. But he didn't work for them. Right. So the BBB closed the case because he said that. I'll be linking pictures of the job that this guy who only used their equipment, paint, truck and employees-but doesn't work for them in this blog.

Lastly, the same understanding was in place for the pepto bismol nuclear pink that they put upstairs.  Needless to say, the walls still glow. He was an employee for Snider Painting in Auburn, IN.  If he is any indication of the work they do, check for another company. Contact me if you want pictures of the nuclear pink mess they made upstairs.
Jon Snider painted this. He used the truck, paint, equipment and employees of Snider Paint LLC, but he wasn't their employee. Don't bother with the Better Business Bureau. They mediate as well as Snider Paint LLC paints.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Women are Abusers, Too or Get Out Now Before She Ruins Your Life!!

I have many brothers and sisters, so no surprise I have many many nieces and nephews.  I love them all, even the ones that I don't like.  One in particular is causing me a great deal of concern, he seems to have lost his mind and married a controlling idiot.
This particular nephew- let's just call him Idiot Boy, is eighteen years old.  He reminds me of something that my dad, used  to say "Go out in the world now, while you know everything." Idiot Boy married a dandy.  I have seen pictures, and while I try not to judge based on a person's physical appearance, I don't think she had many choices when Idiot Boy came along.  She is a very domineering female, physically. She must outweigh him by about one hundred pounds.  She is older than he is by about five years.  Yes, you read that right. A 23 year old behemoth was dating my underage nephew until he was old enough to marry her without parental consent.  Now here is where it breaks my heart.  Within a week of being married, she is joined at the hip with him in every part of his life. He has no separate email, no separate phone, no separate life.  This plus sized wonder is in every facet of his business-personal and private.
I understand that you get that when you are married, but I also know that when someone comes on that strong, wanting to dominate that much of your life, you are looking at trouble. So because this foul piece of trailer trash has systematically cut off all contact he has with his family, I decided to post the warning signs of an abuser.  I hope that the nephew sees these and recognizes that he needs help.  I also hope that he knows I have a spare bedroom if he needs to get away quickly, and that his Mother would do anything for him.  The signs to look out for came from Ann Silvers and her website.  Get out now while you can, Idiot Boy, you'll thank me later.

These behaviors suggest a controlling relationship:

  • Your partner continually monitors your time and makes you account for every minute (when you run errands, visit friends, commute to work, etc.).
  • Your partner accuses you of having affairs with other men/women or acts suspicious that you are.
  • Your partner is rude to your friends.
  • Your partner calls you names or curses at you.
  • Your partner belittles you for your race, age, gender, education, abilities, or ideas.
  • Your partner humiliates you in private or in public.
  • Your partner discourages you from starting new friendships.
  • Your partner’s apologies are followed with retractions or fault finding: “I’m sorry, but you made me do it because you __________.” “I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t __________.”
  • You feel isolated and alone, as if there is nobody close to confide in.
  • Your partner tells you that you’ll never “make it” without him/her, or that no one would ever want you.
  • Your partner is overly critical of daily things such as, your appearance, your posture, your income, your accomplishments, etc.
  • Your partner demands a strict account of how you spend money.
  • Your partner has threatened to kick you out, or call the police, your family, your boss, or Social Services, if you disagree or refuse to go along with what she/he wants.
  • Your partner has blocked your freedom of movement, i.e. blocking a doorway, taking your keys, taking your distributor cap, etc.
  • Your partner is disturbed by your working or by the thought of you working.
  • Your partner pressures you for sex much more often than you’d like.
  • Your partner becomes angry if you don’t want to go along with his/her requests for sex.
  • Your partner has threatened to take the kids so that you’ll never see them again.
  • Your partner has played “mind games” or made you think you were crazy.
  • Your partner has treated you like a servant.
  • Your partner has “gotten in your face” (yelling or threatening 2 or 3 inches from your nose) when angry.

These behaviors suggest a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation:

  • Your partner’s moods change radically, from very calm to very angry.
  • Your partner has gotten out weapons (guns, knives, etc.) to look at, to clean, or to play with when you are having an argument.
  • Your partner has physically restrained you.
  • Your partner becomes angry more easily if he/she drinks or uses drugs
  • You have had to leave your home because you were frightened of your partner’s behavior.
  • Your partner blames you for his/her own acts of violence.
  • Your partner has struck you with his/her hands or feet (slap, punch, kick, etc.).
  • Your partner has struck you with an object.
  • Your partner has threatened you with an object or weapon.
  • Your partner has threatened to kill either himself/herself or you.
  • Your partner is obsessed with you, unwilling to let you go.
  • Your partner follows you to work, to school, or repeatedly calls to check on where you are.
  • There are holes in your walls, doors off hinges, or telephones ripped out of the wall.
  • Your partner has given you visible injuries such as welts, bruises, cuts, lumps on the head.
  • You have had to treat with first aid an injury from his/her violence.
  • You have had to seek professional aid at a medical clinic, doctor’s office, or hospital emergency room for an injury caused by your partner.
  • Your partner has hurt you sexually or forced you to have intercourse.
  • Your partner is violent toward children.
  • Your partner has choked you or pulled you by your hair.
  • Your partner has been violent toward people outside your home and family.
  • Your partner has thrown you, or tried to throw you, down, or into a wall, or into a kitchen counter, etc.
  • Your partner has twisted your arm, tripped you, or bit you.
  • Your partner has attacked the sexual parts of your body.
  • Your partner has hurt or threatened to hurt pets.
  • Your partner has intentionally destroyed your property.
  • Your partner throws objects or breaks things when angry.
  • Your partner has been in trouble with the police.
  • Your partner has said that if he/she can’t have you, no one else will.
  • You have called the police or tried to call them because you felt you or other members of your family were in danger.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Apologizing to the Wrong People

In the month of February, 2012, 24 people have died in Afghanistan, helping to ensure that these people have the freedoms that we enjoy.  There was an unfortunate incident where U.S. personnel burned the Muslim Holy Book, the Qua'rn.  They didn't know what it was, I guess they were too busy dodging bullets as they fought for the freedom of the Afghans  to learn the language.
In true B.O. fashion, he apologized to the Muslims who were so offended that they rioted.  This is standard procedure for our Apologist in Chief. I can only hope that he was bowing as he did it.  That seems to be his preferred posture for the United States of America.
I don't expect the brave soldiers over there to know the language.  They have too many more important things to do, like keeping themselves safe and out of harm's way.  They were given the task of burning these books that terrorists were using to communicate with each other.  They were burning these books that were dangerous to our mission over there.  They were doing what they have to do to keep themselves, and through them-us-safe.
The books that they were burning were in fact already desecrated as these terrorists were honoring this book by sending each other coded messages in them. So if I have this straight, burning defaced Qua'rns is bad, defacing those same holy books, meh. Maybe they should worry more about the terrorists who are marking these books up.
Luckily, the MSM which cannot cover the March for Life even after all these years, found a little ink to fan the flames of rioting in the Religion of Peace.  You guessed it, these people found the energy to be offended by an accident and so killed, burned and looted. Makes you yearn for the days of the Rodney King Riots when people found a chance to get some free stuff.
But did B.O. stand by our troops who volunteered to put themselves in harm's way for us?  Silly rabbit-that would be patriotic, and if there is one word that describes him, it isn't patriotic.  Nope.  Instead B.O. went into standard form and apologized. Again.
If he's going to be doing that, how about he apologize to the families of the 24 brave individuals who have given their lives this month alone so that this moron, this jackass, this totally unfit to run a lemonade stand-much less the greatest country on God's Green Earth can send his family on another multi milllion dollar vacation?
He is so out of touch, he makes me sick.  He doesn't get it, and he never will.  Remember this in November, you'll thank me later.