Thursday, December 31, 2009

Here We Go Again

Happy New Year!Did you make any resolutions? I hope that you haven't broken them already. If you have any that you want to share, please feel free to send them along. I love hearing what is important to other people that they want to change about themselves. I'm trying to keep my mind on the things that are important to me, and off the things that are a waste of my time. Wish me luck. I have said before that I am going to try to be a better person, that one is really important to me. I want to make the world a better place when I leave it then it was when I got here. Pompous,I know, but it is a goal. We have an election coming up, for those of you who haven't noticed my countdown. Again, register to vote right now. It is so important for yourself and our country. Take time to enjoy things, I cannot stress that enough. Make time for the people that you care about, no one really knows how much time they have, do they? My Dad was going to do so many things once he got the rest of his life straightened out. he had tons of plans for tomorrow tha he never got t enjoy. Don't put it off, if you have the mans to live your dreams now, what are you waiting for. Tomorrow isn't something that you should count on getting, you know? And I would hate to think that you spent the last days that you had miserable and waiting for a better time to do the thing you dream of doing. Enough of that, go live your life to the fullest, today and every day. You'll thank me later.


What makes a good New Year's Resolution? I've been reading lots of advice from all sorts of sources. The most popular resolutions are usually about losing weight or quitting a bad habit. Those are all admirable ones, no doubt. I have tried the easy ones (be nicer to people, walk three times a week) and the more difficult ones as well(really be nicer to people, don't be sarcastic, start trusting people) and they both get me the same result. But this year, I am trying something different. I'm going to honestly try to forgive people that have hurt me. I see no sense in dragging around a lot of issues with people from things that have happened in years past. My ex stole every penny of our sons' college fund? I cannot forget, but I can forgive him for being a miserable, cheating, thieving piece of white trash (sorry about the character assassination white trash)and move on. Hopefully the next year will bring good luck and better fortunes. I'm hoping that it does, anyway. Add your resolutions to my list, you never know. Please be careful. This is a night filled with people who are going to live forever, and they aren't making the best decisions that they could. Don't drink and drive. Enjoy the people you love and have a very Happy New Year. You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Is It Over, Already?

Can you believe that the end of the year is almost here? Me neither. It seems like just yesterday I was trying to figure out what I was going to do with myself and how I was going to manage my life. Now, it's almost a year later and I can tell you it is true, what a difference a year makes. It hasn't always been easy, not by any stretch. But if you hang in there, I promise, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And if you are having the best year ever? Congratulations, I hope that it lasts and lasts for you. I'm not sorry to see the end of the year, I'm not. I had hoped that this year would be better than last, and for the most part, it has been. I've learned a lot about myself, and the people around me. If I could pass on one thing that I have learned, it would be to never ever let some one else make the decision for you. By that, I mean to always man up and figure it out for yourself. I let someone that I love very much talk me into a decision. Maybe I did the right thing, maybe not. But because I let someone else do a majority of the decision making, I'll never be one hundred percent sure, will I? I'm not saying that you should never ask someone else for advice, that's not what I mean. But, I think that you should always go with your own gut instinct. If you can't hear that small voice of your own, remove distractions until you can. The only person in the world who will never guide you wrong is yourself. Oh, another person might not mean to give you bad advice, but depending on what is going on in that person's life, it will completely color what they tell you. If they are unhappy, anything that they tell you will be to relieve their situation, also. Take it with a grain of salt and be careful. But enough of that. The end of the year is coming so if you plan to celebrate, be safe. My Brother says that new year's Eve is the night for amateurs, so do be careful. Don't drink and drive, it's not worth it. Be safe, wear your seat belt,and enjoy the end of another one. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I have a Brother that insists New Year's Eve is for amateurs. I understand what he means, especially in relation to drinking and driving. How stupid are you to do that? I can think of many many mistakes that I have made in my life. By the grace of God, I have never been stupid enough to drink and drive. It just isn't worth it. Not only are you putting your own life in danger, but you are seriously rolling the dice with someone else's life also. As this year draws to an end, there are many many parties to go to and lots of great times waiting there to be had. If you do decide to drink while you are out, please, give the keys to someone else. And if you are the designated driver, even having one is out of the question. Don't do it. You can make your evening much more interesting by having fun at the expense of the drunks you have so generously offered to drive. Don't be afraid to do it, they owe you. But seriously, a huge debt of gratitude is owed to the people who wlll forgo their own fun to make sure that everyone gets home safely. If you are going out for New Year's Eve, please make sure that you have someone sober to drive you home. You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Chateau de Malvoisine

Have you ever had a bad neighbor? If you have then you can appreciate today's blog more than if you have never experienced the delights of the crazy person that you have to endure every day. Lucky you. I have had some neighbors that were absolutely wonderful. When we moved into our house, our neighbor, Miss Berneice, walked all the way over with her cane and a fresh pan of zucchini bread to welcome us to the neighborhood. She was a wonderful lady and I miss her all the time. Another neighbor that comes to mind is on the other end of the spectrum. I won't be too specific, I'll just call her crazy Donna, the downstairs neighbor. CDTDN was a genuine piece of work. I never saw her without a cigarette, which isn't to condemn smokers, it's just an accurate description of this woman. She reeked of cigarette smoke. If she came into my home, I would have to air it out afterwards, because she left a stink trail where ever she went that smelled like an old ashtray. I was only in her home twice, and both times, I had to change my clothes and use my inhaler when I got home. Don't people who smoke have any idea how bad they stink? They must not. But CDTDN is gone now, and good riddance. She complained that I walked too loudly, and that my sons did too. I had tried teaching them to hover as they walked across the floor, but they never had any luck with it. It finally came to a head and CDTDN moved away. After a time a new neighbor moved in who is every bit as nice as the one before is foul. What has that got to do with the Happiest Spot in Retail? I got an email from an associate at Walmart that complained about the current management they have on third shift. I told him the story of CDTDN to explain that if you just wait it out, you'll get something better. Sometimes you can't wait, like when I heard about Harold, the store manager that was having sex with the associates,but other times it's complaints like I just heard. My advice to him, that I'll share with you was to just ride it out. No one lasts at Walmart for that long, they just don't. Walmart either sucks the life out of them, or they play the game well and Walmart sends them up the food chain. So just hang in there, in six months or less, your management nightmare will be gone, and you can thank me later.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone reading this today is surrounded by the people that they care about. I hope that everyone that they love is happy, healthy, and well today. This is very short, I know, but I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, or whatever you choose to celebrate. God bless us all.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Eve

It's hard to believe another Christmas is right here in front of us. I hope that everyone that reads this has a safe and merry Christmas, surrounded by the people that you love. If Christmas isn't what you celebrate, I hope you have a happy day enjoying whatever it is you do celebrate. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas this time of year. If I am told that the person in question doesn't celebrate Christmas, I wish them a Happy holiday of their choice. I hope that the coming year is twenty times better than the previous, I also hope that happiness greets you from every corner. Please give a thought to the reason for this holiday, visit the Church of your choice, you'll thank me later. Merry Christmas eve.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Ken

I want to wish my big brother Ken a very happy Birthday today. He should be in the big brother hall of fame. I love you, Ken, have a great day. In the world of things that aren't so great, however, we still have to contend with a world that makes less sense every day. I do not believe global warming is real. Any one who has read this blog at all should know how I feel about that. You can call it climate change, you can call it stink syndrome. It's all the same thing. It seems to be one big effort to control people. Don't buy into it. It is scary how well the story of 1984 is being played out by our government. I don't want anyone telling me what I have got to do. That's why I'm not married. (That and the "female" my husband took up with) But I digress. I don't think that the government has any business telling me how I should live my life. What happened to the pursuit of happiness? Did it go by the wayside also? Don't let your freedoms be stripped from you. Don't let any more intrusion on your life happen, for you and our children. If we don't start defending our rights, who is going to have any rights in a few years? Socialism is not change we can believe in. Remind yourself everyday. And if you see my big brother, wish him a happy birthday for me. He's a great guy, trust me, you'll thank me later.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Double Standards

Please stop me when this sounds familiar. A politician, while displaying breath taking bad judgement, had an affair with an underling. In an even bigger display of bad judgement, this moron lied about it to a grand jury and committed the crime of perjury. And even though the crime of lying was in fact a felony that other people had gone to jail for,the media told all of us that sex was sex and no one else's business. They even went on to educate us in the European opinion that we should overlook this, as all of Europe was laughing at us for our lack of sophistication. Fast forward to 2009 and tell me how many trees have been killed in the coverage of Tiger Woods and the many women he may or may not have slept with. I don't care. Tiger, while an excellent golfer, never had any power to annihilate the world with nuclear weapons. He has never taken an oath to protect and defend the laws of our country. Why does the media and the left ( I know,I know,same difference)tell me one thing when it's their boy, and completely different thing for any one else? Nice double standard, isn't it? And speaking of double standards, how many private jets spewed how many tons of pollution into the air so that world leaders could get together and discuss the idea of killing industry for the sake of a fake science that isn't real. Is it global warming? Is it global cooling? Big difference in the two, let's just think of some generic term for the whole pack of lies. I've got it! Climate change! There, now no matter what the problem, we have a term for it. Polar caps melting? Polar caps thickening? Gain too much weight over the Holidays? Climate change is the culprit! I blame it if my car won't start or even if I get bad service in a restaurant. It is the perfect excuse. And it will also make the perfect cover for one great big happy unified world government, won't it? Go read 1984,by George Orwell. You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Celebrity Privacy

I think Tiger Woods is an excellent golfer. I would still rather take a beating then watch a golfing event on television, but if that's your thing, more power to you. I think that golfing is no more a sport than say, bowling, but that is my opinion and I have had enough conversations with friends to know that opinions vary. I think that if you can drink beer in the middle of it, then it isn't really a sport. You never saw Larry Bird having a cold one in the middle of a Celtics game, did you? There you go. But back to Mr. Woods and his unique skill for putting a very small ball into a hole. There are many many companies that hoped people were dumb enough to think that Tiger Woods with there product would cause the average consumer to buy their product as well. Sometimes that works. I don't think I have ever bought a shoe because an athlete told me I should. I have purposely not bought a shoe because of an endorsement. (I think Spike Lee is a racist and I would never put a Nike shoe on my foot after his endorsement)but someone telling me to use something simply because they do doesn't mean much to me. And while I am on the subject of Tiger Woods, why do so many people care? I have touched on the privacy issue before. I know that he is a celebrity and has chosen to abdicate some of his privacy, but I don't think his wife did. I am positive that his child didn't, but the blood sucking media just won't let this go. Unless you have had sex with Mr. Woods lately and you are waiting to see your name in print, try ignoring the coverage. Maybe the media will stop covering it and we can all get back to our own lives, however exciting that may be. Spend time with your family. A slew of Holidays are coming up, and that will be much more interesting than who slept with Tiger this time. You'll thank me later.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Buyer's Remorse

If you read my blog with any regularity, you will notice the countdown that I have until the next election. I can only hope that B. O. does as well in those as he has done in the elections that we just had. Even though our first foreign born president in over two hundred years made many appearances, he wasn't able to save any of the elections for his guys. That's too bad, isn't it? I can only hope that he has those same results next time. B.O.'s numbers are slipping, in some polls they are downright bad. It normally takes an incompetent president (Hello, Mr. Carter) at least two years to have his numbers in the tank like this. But then, Hussein B. Obama is no ordinary person, is he? He seems to be a Muslim who went to a radical Hate Church that housed the likes of Reverend Wright. His was not a Muslim church, however, so what was the reason for B.O. to be there? He claims that he never heard the sermons that his minister gave. So either he is a) a liar who is trying to cover his butt b) a scary radical who secretly agreed with everything that was spouted by the good "reverend" or c) all the above. I never thought that I would meet a Minister that would make Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson look good. After all, Mr. Sharpton only supported the story of a congenital liar who made wholly false accusations about being raped, and Mr. Jackson only embezzled money from his "church" to support the woman who fathered his child out of wedlock while he was still married to the incredibly forgiving(or is it well subsidized?)Mrs. Jackson. What a great bunch of folks. But back to buyer's remorse. Is this change we can believe in? Is this the most openly transparent government in the history of our country? Is this any of the things that B.O. promised in his well received speeches? He can recite well. Give him a few days to practice something, and he can convince you better than a top priced call girl. But when he is forced to speak off the cuff, he is not so good. Then he accidentally tells the truth, like in the incidents during the election that were quickly scuttled away. To the morons that voted for this piece of crap, thanks. And to the folks that helped ACORN manipulate one of the biggest scams since Kennedy had the dead folks of Chicago voting for him, enjoy it while you can. To everyone else, register to vote NOW. You'll thank me later.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Did Sarah Palin Ever Do to You?

Boy oh boy does the main stream media have its tail in a twist over Sarah Palin! She is wildly popular and it just pisses them off to no extent. I have read her book. I like it. I like her as well. She was unfairly targeted by the same people who held Hillary Clinton up as a shining example of what is right in the world. I read from people who claim to be feminists that she should stay home and take care of her five children. Say again? I had to listen to that paragon of wisdom-Whoopie Goldberg-claim that if Sarah had been a good mother, the daughter wouldn't have been pregnant. How old was your daughter when she gave you a grandchild, Whoopie? Does that mean that you aren't a good mother either? Or is this another of those double standards that liberals just love? It's almost scary how the media have targeted Mrs. Palin and her family. That is another difference I've enjoyed. Why is it that the children of Liberals are to be protected from the media attention, they aren't their parents after all. But put a conservative on Pennsylvania Avenue and watch the "journalists" make a beeline for the tabloid like coverage. It's disgusting to watch and degrades us all. Tell me again how there is no media bias. Watch that horrendous interview with Katie Couric and tell me that she didn't have an agenda from the beginning. The award she got for that piece must make her so proud. I can only hope that someday, the same sort of "journalism" happens to her or better yet, someone that she cares about. I imagine that there is always room for her talents at The National Enquirer, or The Star. They seem to be a good fit for the talents of Ms. Couric. Think about what is being said and why they are saying it. After all, if they can go after Ms. Palin what stops them from going after you? You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Global Warming by Any Other Name is Still Crap

I've been watching the news with interest in the global warming/one big government meetings in Copenhagen. I see that now it isn't global warming- it's climate change.A steaming pile of feces by any other name is still crap. They can call it climate change-I guess that is easier to swallow for the sheep when global warming often isn't the case at all- but that just doesn't fly either. I do not want to be manipulated by any outside forces. I like the idea that our country sets its own path and doesn't take orders from anyone. We pay enough of the world's bills, we ought to be able to have things the way we want them. It was down right glee that I had as I read the emails from the "scientists" who were scamming the world about global warming. Why aren't we prosecuting them for fraud? Instead, there are still idiot politicians who are defending this crap. The Kyoto information was based on using faulty numbers and pseudo science. Now it turns out that the people responsible for most of the information that we have been basing our policies on were cooking the books. At what point do the crazy flat earthers realize that global warming is just a bunch of crap? Let it go people. I would have more respect for you if you took up the hunt for Sasquatch. A lie is a lie, man up and admit that you got caught. Make your apologies, then go on Oprah and start the business of putting it behind you.You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stray Cats

I have two cats that have a name. They are "inside" cats and they hog the covers and think they own my place. I also have what I call my "outside" cat, a beautiful all black cat that comes around to scrounge food and water. She(?) is very friendly, likes to bend herself around your legs in that figure eight thing that cats do and doesn't seem to have any scars that I can find. She is moderately well fed (I suspect I am not the only stop on her route) and generally a nice cat. If I didn't already have two very time consuming space eaters in my home I would happily make this cat an inside cat. Whose cat is she? She was clearly some one's pet- if she isn't still- and is very familiar with the workings of a home. She gets very excited by the sound of a can opener, so she understands what that is about. She also has good door manners, she waits for me to go first, doesn't dart and generally seems to understand that I have the opposable thumbs. If I were to venture a guess, someone moved away and left this beautiful animal to fend for herself. I have heard this line of stupidity before, cats will be fine if you leave them, they can hunt and fend for themselves. I like to think that there is a special place in hell for the morons who think this. If you have a pet, please take care of it. Feed it, get shots for it, and most of all, please have the animal spayed or neutered. I'm not trying to sound like Bob Barker here, but be responsible. You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Stop Breeding Dogs and Cats

Before you decide to breed your dog or cat, do me a favor. Go to an animal shelter, any one of them will do. Walk around the facility, and look at the cats and dogs that are literally dying to find a good home. As you are walking around and admiring the wet eyes and the lolling tongues, the wagging tails and the sad faces, please remind yourself that if someone just like you doesn't come in and take them home in three days, the animal that is looking at you with adoring eyes will be dead in three days. I'm not asking you to open your home and your heart to one of these animals. If you do, God bless you, I think that there is a special place in heaven for people like you. What I am asking you to do is consider the idea that the world has more than enough animals in it right now, and we could probably do without your contribution to the problem. I am sure that you have a wonderful reason for adding to the problem. Some of my favorites are the people who want their children to witness the miracle of life. They should also then expose their children to the tragedy of death, by taking those same children with them to an animal shelter. That way the child gets the whole picture, you see. But my all time favorite excuse for adding more animals to a tragic situation are the people who get their hands on a pure breed dog or cat and immediately see dollar signs. You did not just bring home a money machine. Please do not breed a litter of kittens or puppies just so that you can get your money "back." Again, the world is full of animals that are starving and abused, neglected and hurt because some idiot wanted to make a quick buck. Don't do it. I'll say it again. If you want someone in your life to love and take care of, go to the animal shelter. You'll thank me later.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Monk and Dexter

I have two favorite television programs. Well, I had two. One of them went off the air recently, and while I haven't taken to my bed over it, I still miss it. The program was called Monk and I am sure that I don't have to tell you about it. The cast of characters was wonderful, even when they changed from Sharona to Natalie, I still liked the program. ( I will go to my grave preferring Sharona ) But it is finished now, and that leaves me with Dexter. For those of you who have been under a rock in the last year or so, Dexter is a serial killer on Showtime with a strong code of justice and a great sense of humor. It is a little gory, but I don't think that there has been a better program for adult viewing in the last five years. What happened to good television? Every time I read about a new program schedule, it is more reality programming and less drama or comedy. I understand that the reality show stuff is easier to do in light of recent strikes in the entertainment industry, but you get what you pay for. I don't watch any singing or dancing contests, I like the Gong Show, but that was a different kind of contest. I don't care who is more popular on the daytime talk shows, I don't have the time to watch them anyway. If there is one person who is reading this and has any influence on what is put on television, please please please consider programs-comedy and drama- for adults who have an IQ over 25. I don't need catch phrases or vapid jokes that I'm uncomfortable explaining to my sons, just give me a good story, and things that are funny. I'll watch it faithfully, and tell everyone I know about it. You'll thank me later.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

College Football

I grew up in the south, and I love college football. Recently watching Alabama upset the University of Florida was one of the best things that I have seen in a while. It doesn't hurt that my two favorites teams are Florida State and anyone that beats Florida or Miami. I know that FSU has fallen on some hard times lately. I don't think that running Coach Bowden off was the answer, but my undying love for the Seminoles is a blog for another day. I am writing this because I think that the Bowl Coalition Series or BCS has got to go. It is the dumbest thing to happen to college sports since they started letting teams advertise on the uniforms. I remember being told that the BCS would remove a lot of the controversy in the championship games. I was also told that every team would have the same chances and that the field would be completely open and fair to all of the teams. In a word: poop. It is still the same teams. The people who manipulate the data are still just people and here we are, the same teams over and over. At the time that I am writing this, Boise State has gone undefeated for two years. They haven't even come close to a championship game and they aren't going to get the invite this year either. Why? Because the BCS is just one more failure in a long line of them. The old voting system wasn't perfect, but it was certainly better than this. I miss rivalries. The FSU/ Florida game is one of the highlights of my year. I proudly display the silver dollar that I won from my father in 1995 when FSU beat Florida 23-17. That was a great game. The BCS does nothing to improve College Football, and I would argue that it has hurt the game by forcing formerly independent schools into conferences. Think about it, and see if you don't agree. You'll also thank me later.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Hate Snow

I am not a person who enjoys cold weather. I don't think that snowmobiling is fun, and the only snow I really enjoy is the scene towards the end of the movie A Christmas Story. I think that TV snow is beautiful, the real stuff is awful. I have found only one good use for real snow, and that involves a blender, rum and daiquiri mix. Any questions? I tried snow shoeing once, and I thought my legs were going to fall off. I did not see one thing while I was outside that justified the sore legs that I had for the next three days. Growing up in Florida gave me a certain appreciation for warm weather. I have experienced Christmas by having the air conditioner on and also by huddling around a fire place for warmth. Two guesses on my preference. I don't like icicles either. I think that they are pretty, especially when I see them on television, but real ones are not that great. I always admire the Green Bay Packer Fans and how they can sit in weather that is freezing cold and blowing snow. I see the ones that have painted their chests and risked hypothermia to be seen on television. More power to them. They can take my share of snow and keep it. I'll try to keep the dislike of snow to a minimum in this blog, but no promises. There is a reason that snow is a four letter word. Bundle up and stay warm..You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Exactly How Many Holidays Have a Tree?

Is there a plethora of holidays that have a tree as a main part of it? I have been wracking my brain, trying to come up with even two other ones, and so far, I am at zero. So what holiday is it that B.O. has a holiday tree for, anyway? The last time I googled it, Christmas is the only holiday with a tree this time of year. So how much of a jackass is he that he can't even say Christmas Tree without fear of offending the folks that helped him hijack this administration? Did he run this whole holiday tree crap by the foremost leader in hate ministries-Reverend Wright? That is his minister, isn't it? I would think that the spiritual leadership offered by that guy would just about make anything better, even the cowardice of being unable to say Christmas Tree. I just shook my head and kept going. Sadly, I seem to be getting numb to the asinine things that are spoken by this administration. Maybe that's their plan? If they say enough stupid things, then eventually we will all stop listening and they can get down to the things that they are actually wanting to do. Nice plan. Also, is anyone listening in the Senate or the House of Representatives? Who are they answering to when they keep trying to sneak more and more of the crap in this socialist takeover of the insurance? How much longer before they decide that private insurance is no longer legal and you must have the government crap? Unless of course, you are an elected Federal official and you get the sweet deal that they have given themselves. But back to B.O. and his offensive attempt at removing Christmas from us. Does he understand that the majority of Americans in this country identify themselves with some sort of Judeo-Christian background? I am thinking that he doesn't. Or he doesn't care, either way gets you the same thing. The media seems hell bent on not reporting any of this stuff either. They are just goose stepping along, trying to distract us with whatever they can think of while the business of our country gets more and more out of sync. Register to vote today! Do it now, while you are thinking about it. Consider it a present to yourself for Christmas, or whatever it is that you celebrate. You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 7, 2009


I read today that B.O. is sending more troops into Afghanistan to try and finish that task. It was awfully nice of him to wait until Christmas to do it, wasn't it? I wonder if he has given one ounce of thought to the families that he has destroyed Christmas for. I got an email from a lady in North Carolina, her husband had just come home in August, now he has to turn around and deploy again. She isn't complaining, she knew what she signed up for when she married a Marine. No, she's complaining because she has a serious case of buyer's remorse from the '08 election. Guess who she voted for? This isn't change she can believe in, in fact, she told me, she doesn't believe one word that comes out of any politician's mouth. She has my sympathy. I have experienced the misery of waving good bye to someone as they leave for at least six months. At least when I had to do it, we had a Commander in Chief who was fit to command. I wish that I could believe there is a great maser plan in the works. I'm afraid, however, that we have someone who takes a poll, then decides what to do. And I still can't get over him bowing and scraping to the Emperor of Japan. It symbolizes perfectly all of my problems with this guy. Biden got one thing right, didn't he? He said that someone in the world would be testing the new leader within 6 months and I'll give Joe credit for one thing, he called it. How many nuclear reactors are we going to allow in Iran? They are sitting on half of the oil reserves in the world, why do they need an alternate source of power? I am so afraid for my children, and the future. I cannot believe that after every thing we did to stop the proliferation of weapons, we are going to allow some crazy despot to just have free reign. It's crazy. Register to vote, and do it now, while it's still in your mind. Think of it as a Christmas present to yourself. We have got to start putting the brakes on the current administration, and the best way I can think of is to make him a one term wonder, ala Jimmy Carter. Go register today on your way to or from work. I know the next election is a little ways off, but trust me, you'll thank me later.

Friday, December 4, 2009

ACORN Ties and Endless Corruption-More Change I Can Believe IN?

What would make any right thinking person cling to the delusion that B.O. meant one word of what he said when he was trying to get elected? Was it my imagination or did he promise a world where there would be no corruption, no backroom favors and no political deals? It took him what? five seconds to shoot that one in the butt, didn't it? I read that ACORN can still continue its contract with the Housing and Urban Development folks, even thought they are supposed to be banned from those contracts. Is this more change? Not so much. Also, I still don't know why the media doesn't seem to give a rip. I promise you, they would be lining up ten deep if they thought that there was a Republican conspiracy to steal an election. Wait, they did, didn't they? Who can forget the hysterical coverage when Al Gore lost the election in Florida? That was the first time that another party tried to steal one, wasn't it? Too bad they picked a state with famously open access for the media. I guess they didn't think that part through. Then there was the famous debacle in Ohio. Same thing, different state. They were swinging for the bleachers with ACORN, though, weren't they? How many stories were there of people who were registered ten or twenty times? And weren't a lot of those people paid to register? I believe there was someone who had ties to that group also, now who was that? Oh, I remember, it was that parishioner of Revered Wrights' wasn't it? The same guy who never heard any of the sermons that damned America or anything remotely like that. B.O. dropped him faster than a hooker getting a penicillin shot for a venereal disease, didn't he? And I suppose,in a way,that's just what he did. I believe that the Olympics in Chicago is just the beginning of the payback that B.O. is going to wreak on our nation. You can't get as far as he has in such a short time without owing political currency to just about everyone. Too bad so many of the favors he owes are to such savory characters, isn't it? If the media can waste my time with coverage on Major League Baseball scandals, why can't they spend a little of my tax dollars on real work? I would be most curious to see who all benefited from the stolen elections of '08. But then, I have a pretty good idea, all ready, don't you? I have a countdown on my blog to the next election. I say this all the time, but please, register to vote if you haven't already. The time is coming when we can reclaim our country. Make yourself heard, you'll thank me later.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Marriage and Other Disposables

Why does it take two people to get married and only one to end it? I have recently been divorced, and it was amazing how quickly these things can be disposed of. The divorce was not my idea. I rather think it was the idea of the woman(?) that my husband took up with while he was at work. I noticed that he was coming home awfully late from a job that ended at 2:30 and lo and behold, he was cheating! I will save you the blow by blow details, but I will say that it took longer to attend to counselling classes before we were married than it took to be finished with a marriage. When did we turn in to such a disposable society? And more importantly, why does it only take one person to get a divorce? I did not think the time would come that I would be glad to be finished with him, but looking back now, I am glad I am not married to him anymore. I do not miss phone calls at two in the morning because his brother was arrested for driving drunk. I do not miss listening to his father tell me about all the women that his father had slept with in his marriage. (The father of the father, that is) I do not miss the arguments about extended family. He has a cousin that works her husband like a slave. He is a professional, yet she insisted that he also deliver papers for the extra money. The in-laws used to chew on that like a juicy bone. I don't miss the drug using cousin, or the stories that his drug using wife told at Christmas. But now that I've taken a few cheap shots, (with that family, it's all they could afford) I will state again. I think that marriage should be very hard to get out of. I think that in some cases, it should be impossible to get out of, unless both parties agree. It might strengthen families, i might even make marriage a sacred thing again. At the least it would make it less disposable than a Kleenex. Call your elected officials, tell them you agree. maybe they can stop the hearings about which professional athlete is using steroids and actually do some real work for us. You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Red Cross

How much does the head of the Red Cross make a year? I'll bet you anything that it figures out to more than minimum wage. How is it possible that a charity is able to pay their Department head so much? Does that mean that for every dollar I put in one of their collection buckets, twenty cents or so is going to that guy? That's a pretty sweet deal if that is the case. I have no problem donating to charity. I try to teach my children the benefits of giving to someone who is less fortunate than we are. I also try to lead by example when it comes to donating my time. I would like for my children to see that there is a duty to help those that are less fortunate than we are. But.....the lesson is hard to teach when hypocrisy is screaming from every corner. Why is it that I donate my blood for free, but hospitals charge me over $300 dollars for a pint of blood? If the Red Cross gets it for free, then why do they charge you for it? Also, why do they need the plush offices, the corporate jets, and all the other things that I have been reading about? How much overhead does that add? This year, if you are fortunate enough to be able to give to someone else this year, think about doing it locally. Donate Christmas to someone in your church who may not be able to provide it for their children this year, give time and food to a food bank in your area. Look around, there are dozens of ways to help someone less fortunate that won't involve a company jet. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sales are Down

It would seem that retailers are not having the Christmas sales that they had hoped for. Having been through a few of those Black Friday sales, I would offer a piece of advice to retailers. Stop repackaging the same old tired crap year after year. Now granted, the economy is not very good right now. Media, and B.O. can't seem to get their story straight, and that doesn't exactly help consumer confidence very much. Also, I read that 14% of the general population is at least one house payment behind. That doesn't seem to bode well, does it? There is no clear leadership these days, and that is scary. I really don't give a rip about the White House Christmas tree. Since when did Muslims celebrate Christmas anyway? I would like a few less puff pieces about the wonderful gown that Mrs. B.O. wore to a State Dinner, and a few more pieces asking just what exactly is the strategy for Afghanistan. I have been wondering how much longer he was going to drag this out. Before ACORN stole the election for him, he was spouting every day about the plans that he had for that particular area. Well?? How much longer do we have to wait for this bombshell? And how much longer before the media stops fawning over every thing that comes dripping out of his mouth and holds him accountable? Christmas is going to be here in less than four weeks, and after that, who knows what this loser has in store for us. There is an election coming up-thank God!-and hopefully it will go as well for B.O. as the last one did and we can put a few more sensible people in Washington. We have got to stop the socialization of our country one way or another. Register now. Plan to vote. Start making plans to take our country back from the Socialists. You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Who Can You Trust

It would seem that another day after Thanksgiving has come and gone; lucky for Walmart, no one was killed. I have written before about the stupidity of getting up from a well induced turkey coma to go looking for the best bargain on something.Stupid, stupid, stupid. But all of that just made me think of the media and their "unbiased" reporting of information. Now, depending on your political persuasion, you may not be comfortable with certain outlets and their opinions in the news. As for me, I do not believe CNN if they tell me it is raining, unless of course, I have walked outside and verified the wetness. The same goes for MSNBC, they are laughably the most biased of the news channels available. I watch FOX if I have to find out what is going on. I imagine that they are biased, but they have a right leaning bias, so I'm okay with that. They used to have a wonderful program on, it was Rush Limbaugh, and he showed you things that other news outlets didn't and wouldn't show. My all time favorite-slick willie laughing his stupid head off until he saw the camera out of the corner of his eye. Then, in a one hundred and eighty egree turn, hde gently wiped the tear from his eye. What a Jackass. But other things that Fox showed me that no one else bothered to show me were what made me watch them first when I needed to know something. I like Sean Hannity. That sycophant that put him with, not so much. But that's what a mute button is for, isn't it? Any way, the point is, I like Fox, I trust them to tell me the news without giving me a left leaning spin on it. I liked Lou Dobbs, but I could never stomach sitting though CNN to watch him. I wish him luck in whatever he does next. But back to who I trust. After listening to so many "reporters" gleefully read me The memo that W had pulled favors in his service record, I was the gleeful one when it turns out to be one great big piece of fraud. Where was the government to regulate that? They sure are quick enough to have hearings when someone in the MLB is using the juice, but for something that actually matters, strangely silent. You can't trust any of them 100% anymore, so here is a thought. Watch a little bit of everything. Find the one who tells the most truth-not just what you want to hear. Then watch that person most of the time, but save a little room for the rest of the stuff they are saying. It never hurts to get both sides. You'll thank me later.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Sales and Other Nonsense

After spending ten years working for the retail King of the World, there is one place I would not be for all the tea in China. Please explain to me the fun of going to bed at seven p.m. Thanksgiving Night so that you can get up at 3 a.m. and fight a crowd of people for stuff in a store. I saw this phenomenon time and time again, I still don't understand. I love a bargain as much as the next person, ask my middle son. But Four a.m. is for sleeping, or just getting home to sleep, not for dragging your sorry butt out of bed to grab some stupid toy. Besides, the odds of them running out of things are pretty small, all the big box stores did crappy business last year. I got most of what was on my list without having to drag my sorry butt out of bed and get smashed in a crowd. Was it last year that someone got trampled to death? Boy, oh boy- that brings the Christmas spirit home to you, doesn't it? I understand in this economy every one needs to get the most for their money. In spite of what the news keeps saying, times are tight in a lot of places. But stay home tomorrow morning, don't risk getting trampled by some over caffeinated jerk looking for the latest video game at bargain prices. It'll still be there when you wake up from your turkey coma, and you can thank me later.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

After yesterday's post I imagine that some people are surprised that I would wish anyone a Happy anything. If that is your impression, I did not mean to give you that idea. I love the Holidays, and I love my family. I just don't know if they mix well. I think they are like Rum and rootbeer. I am very fond of either of those two separately. The thought of them together-not so much. But the Holiday is almost over and the only hurdle left is Christmas. Again, please don't think that I am anti Holiday, I am not, not by any stretch of the imagination. What I don't like are the people who rush the Holidays or try to change them to suit their own purposes. I used to know a loser that would put his Christmas tree up around Labor Day. I wish I was kidding. Now, the tree had to be down before new Year's Eve, or bad things would happen. But having the thing up before the first college football game-no problem. I guess the key to surviving the Holiday-Thanksgiving, that is- is to find something that you are truly thankful for. I know with some people, this might be a stretch, but there has to be one thing you are grateful for. Dwell on that one thing, and try to ignore all the crazy stuff that is going around you. I had to spend one Thanksgiving listening to a drug user talking about having a conversation with talking garbage (again the ex's family, God love 'im) and I still found something to get me through that long, long day. Find the thing you are thankful for, no matter how small. Realize how much you have compared to others, and you may see that you are luckier than you realize. Try it. You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Family Gatherings

Is there anything better than a large gathering of family? The last time I had many of my family gathered in one place, it was to get married. That is not something that I would ever want to repeat, trust me. It's bad enough to pick the biggest, cheating loser in the bunch, but to commemorate the occasion with all of your family makes it that much better, no? That might be one of the reasons that I hate a family gathering. But Holidays-while they can be wonderful- can also be some of the most stressful times you'll ever know. I love my family, I really do. But I also like seeing them in small batches. I think of them as pieces of fudge. One piece is great, eating the whole pan makes me sick as a dog. But enough analogies. I am so thankful that the Holidays only roll around once a year. I do not think that I could take that much interaction on a daily or even weekly basis. I know people who see all of their family, even extended family on a daily or even weekly basis. Good luck with all of that. I think if that is what you like, then please enjoy. I just don't understand it at all. Not one bit. The the best part of the family gathering-for me, anyway- is that I don't have to do it again for a long time. Hopefully, a long long time. I have loads of time to make other plans or think of some excuse. If you have a particularly good one, share it with me, I'll thank you later.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Everyone needs friends, right? They make the world a little bit brighter, and help smooth the rough edges in your life, don't they? But when is friendship not so great? Well, I guess when it starts to be confusing, and the boundaries on friendship start to blur. Dating today is complicated enough, don't you think? So what is a person to do when the dreaded F word rears its ugly head. You know the one-"Let's be friends-that's all I want right now." I have used this particular dodge myself. It is a cowardly way to tell someone that you just don't like them like that. I don't care for it myself, the words were no sooner out of my mouth then I felt like an idiot for saying them. I guess I'm not a very good liar. But I was pretty sure that telling him his table manners were nonexistent and being seen with him was embarrassing wasn't going to make him feel great either. So I took the coward way out. Shame on me. But friendship can be a wonderful thing. My best friend of 25 years (which is amazing since we are both only 23) is one of the coolest people I know. She can make me laugh when I feel like six kinds of poo. She's like that. Another surprise is my Sister. Who knew that after all these years of getting on each other's nerves we would end up friends? I would have never guessed it, that's for sure. But friends are the thing that make the world a better place, most of the time. But back to the dodge. Please don't tell someone that you want to be friends when the truth is that you just don't want to date. Don't give a person any more false hope then they already have. Man up-as the saying goes-and let the person know that you don't want to be a part of their lives. It stings at first, but trust me, you'll thank me later.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Full Circle

We seem to have come full circle in the area of shoes. Dubya had a pair thrown at him while he was overseas and B.O. looks like he was polishing those of the emperor Of Japan. It goes well with his apology tours, don't you think? He seems intent on giving Carter a run for his money in the useless department. I can only hope that he makes a better EX president than he has as an occupant of the Oval Office. I also hope he remembers to send thank you/ Christmas (or whatever he celebrates in his home country) cards to the thousands upon thousands of fraudulent ACORN voters who helped him steal one for the team. It gladdens my heart to see the truly low approval numbers that he has been racking up lately. I just wish that I could see the faces of all the morons that voted for this guy. Is this what you had in mind? Is this the change that you believe in? Ooh wee, have I got a bridge to sell you right about now. Cheap, too, it won't even cost you one fifth of the economy, which seems to be what B.O. is trying to harness. I would like to be able to think of other topics to blog about, I really would. I have tons of random thoughts flit through my head on any given day, but I keep coming back to B.O. and his merry cohorts because, frankly, they scare the bejesus out of me. How did someone with so little credentials get to be in one of the most powerful positions in the world? I mean, besides the help of massive voter fraud(thanks ACORN) and the complete duplicity of the media. Way to go, guys, way to go. I watch the media rape of Sarah Palin everyday and it makes me sick. I've read her book and I really hope she makes a go of it in 2012. Something has to be done, and soon. Help effect change that really is change for the better. You'll thank me later.

Friday, November 20, 2009

B.O. in Asia

I see the nut that ACORN gave us is on his latest apology tour. While he is trying not to look like the worst thing to come along since Carter, maybe he could share some more of that strategy he bragged up during the run for the White House. Where are all of his huge plans for our Foreign Policy? So far, it seems like sticking his head in the sand and whistling is his big plan. Nice. I didn't expect much from this loser, but he's managing to surprise even me with his inept handling of everything he has touched so far.(Except, of course securing his favors for the political machine that foisted him on us. Those Chicago Olympics? That's one for us, boy.) Other than repay some political favors to the Chicago machine that inflicted him on us, what has he done? The socialization of twenty percent of our economy is nothing to be bragging about. Health care is a huge priority, but not the abortion on demand, final option councils, and other death squads that he is proposing. The only idiots worse than him seem to be Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who are determined to goose step right along with him to the detriment of our freedoms. I don't need anyone else to think for me, do you? I have a pretty good idea what I want and what I need, do you? The last thing that I want to deal with is someone else telling me what I have to eat or drive or do. I quit having that when I started paying my own bills. I would like to think that I can take care of myself without the government intrusion that the Left seems so intent on. I have an idea: if the government is so intent on monitoring my life, let's start with them. Give them this Socialized medicine first, as I have said before. They would be the perfect test group to practice on. Then, instead of flying the Congress and Senate everywhere that they want to go, stick them on Amtrak. No one else likes it, maybe if the politicians start using it, business will turn around for the Railroad company, and we can stop losing billions that we subsidize them with. Also, instead of having them live in mansions and the like, how about if we build some Military like housing for those folks that are supposed to be working for us? That way, they won't have to belly ache about the cost of maintaining two houses, and we won't have them living in lavishness above their means. Also, I think that the raises that the House and Senate get should be on the ballots of their constituents. Instead of having their hand in the cookie jar, make these hard working men and women answer to the folks back home in their districts. I bet they would find a way to ride the train home to visit more often if their livelihood depended on it. Finally, I would say in big bold letters: TERM LIMITS!!!!! Six years is all that any one person need to fix (or screw up) a situation. That would mean three terms for the Congress, and one for the Senate. After that, thank you for your service to the country, go get a real job now. Elections are coming, make your elected officials to answer to you. You'll thank me later.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Conspicuous Consumption

How many gift tins of popcorn do you need? How many shaving kits with sample size bottles of cologne that spell like the underside of a dead animal do you have in your bathroom? This Christmas season, I have a crazy idea. Don't give anyone a crappy gift that they don't want. Instead of giving your Great Aunt Zelda some perfume that she wouldn't wear to pick up poop out of the yard, give her a little bit of your time instead. Give her a gift of your time, maybe come over and rake her leaves, or empty out her basement for her. Haul that old refrigerator to the dump for her, or shampoo her carpets. You could take her out for a wonderful meal somewhere, then maybe to a show she would like to see. The choices are unlimited on what you could do for her instead of buying one more piece of junk that is destined to be in a yard sale next summer. You could offer to help her plant her garden, or trim her trees. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Honestly, how much crap does one person need, anyway? I have been living a lot more simply than I used to. I was one of those people that had to have the latest gadget, the newest release. It's stupid. When you die, it's just one more thing for the yard sale, seriously. Try to show people that you love them this year with some thought in what you give them, not just the shiniest piece of crap that you could find on the shelf. Time is the one gift that you can give to someone else, and still get the best part for yourself. The memories that you will have of helping out your Aunt Kate or your Uncle Rufus will be much better than anything that will probably break in two weeks from some big box store. Time is a lot easier to wrap than some of the other trinkets at the mall, and it makes you feel great too. Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Puppy Mills and Other Awful Places

Have you ever see a puppy mill? It's a horrible place and I had to see one today. It broke my heart. I had to stop and see a person out in the country. Nothing unusual about that, that usually describes my day. But this person raises puppies to sell, and it broke my heart. They must have had five or six different litters of things going on there, and I know that at least one fifth of those poor animals are going to end up in a shelter somewhere. No offense to "designer mixed breeds" but the animal shelters are full to capacity with cast offs, the last thing the world needs is people who are creating more puppies on purpose. I think that they are all cute. It's almost impossible to find an ugly puppy, it's kind of like the maxim that all babies are cute (at least to someone.) But if you are looking to add a dog or a cat to your life, please please please consider a trip to your local animal shelter. You will find so many little lives there that would love to be a part of yours. Wagging tails and wet noses that are dying to play fetch with you, go for walks with you, and sit on your lap when you are trying to read the paper. Think about giving one of them a home before you order up the latest flavor of designer mixed breed. And most shelters have an abundance of pure breed dogs also. This is in part due to so many idiots who get a pure bred dog and immediately see dollar signs. Don't breed your dog, please. There are plenty of other people who are out there doing that very thing, that's why the shelters are at capacity. Have your dog spayed or neutered instead. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sunday Afternoons

I used to hate Sundays, I'll be honest. It was the day before I had to go back to school, the whole thing passes so quickly, and it just seems to drip with an air of doom, you can almost hear it ( Monday's coming, Monday's coming, Monday's coming) but now, I have come to truly appreciate a Sunday. It is the only day when we don't have to get up and go somewhere the minute we're awake. Saturday is great, don't get me wrong, but there is always so much to be done on a Saturday that the whole thing passes in a blur. But Sunday, ahh. I usually go to church on Saturday nights, so that leaves my whole Sunday stretched out like a gorgeous piece of beach that no one is on at the moment. It is paradise. Today I am enjoying my day but it wasn't always like that. There was a time when I had to go to the happiest retailer on earth for most of my Sundays. Why is it that Walmart who purports to be a family company, is so determined to keep associates' families apart on Sundays? Would it kill the biggest company in the world to be closed on this one day? Probably. But wouldn't that be a wonderful signal to the rest of society if Walmart were to give stores the option of being closed on Sundays so that their associates could spend the day with their families? I think so too. It's not going to happen, mind you. Store managers get very nice bonuses based on their sales, and the likelihood of them giving those up are akin to the odds of a pig at a Lu-Au. Slim and none. But it is a wonderful pipe dream isn't it? Of course, if communities put enough pressure on stores, say, by not shopping on Sundays, it wouldn't hurt either. Give it a try. See if you can't avoid Walmart on Sundays, and maybe other people could have the day off also. You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Announce My Candidacy

I am taking today to announce that I am running for office in the very next state wide election that we have coming up. I don't care what the office is, nor do I care what the responsibilities of the office are. I will give you a breath of honesty. I am in it for the insurance, and that is all. I am hoping to score a gig as sweet as the teachers have, but if that isn't available, I'll take what the elected officials get. Isn't it amazing that they work for us, yet they have the much better insurance? How dumb is that? When did we fall asleep at the switch for that one? I really don't want to hear how bad a teacher has it when they get paid more than a doctor does, considering the education that they have. Considering the importance of their job, why aren't potential teachers feted and encouraged the way that star athletes are? I truly believe that teachers (good ones anyway) are a source that we should be mining and taking care of for generations to come. What I don't understand is all the press that they get about not being rewarded financially. Poop. Now, I am not saying that a teacher facing 20- 35 students isn't a stressful job. When you factor in the children who aren't disciplined at home, or who have a home life that is less than ideal and you have increased the stress level considerably. But,..... please tell me another job that is going to give you every major Holiday plus the entire summer off. Bad weather? No problem, they are going to cancel your need to go to work that day. Also, if you aren't doing a very good job ( poor test scores for your students, etc.) the problem isn't your lack of skill, no sirree, it's bad home environment, lack of income for the students, etc. etc. You are not responsible. I have had many teachers over my school career. Three made a good impression. Yep, three. I'll never forget the teacher that used to read Harlequin Romances and eat roasted peanuts while we copied the latest lesson from our books. Good to see her education wasn't wasted. I think that teachers should be reviewed every year. The ones that aren't any good should be let go, tenure be damned. I also think that instead of throwing more and more money at the problem, we should find the solution and go from there. We pay more per student than most industrialized nations, but after the eight grade our test scores fall behind. Money isn't the issue. Good teachers are. Demand more for you tax dollars and for your children. You'll thank me later.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Kevin

I have five brothers. Four of them are still living, I lost my next to the youngest big brother about two years ago, when he fell off a roof he was working on. Bob was a great guy, dry sense of humor, everything you needed in a brother. But today is my brother Kevin's Birthday, and he is the youngest of my five big brothers. So happy birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day. By the time Kevin celebrates his big day, we should know if the will of the people triumphed, or if we have taken one giant leap towards socialism. I hope that Kevin gets to celebrate his birthday without that anchor around his neck. I hope that we all do. Kevin has a lovely wife, her name is Sandee. I have a picture of her looking at him the way that you hope someone will look at the people you care about. She is everything that I could ask for in a sister in law. Good job Kevin. At any rate, I really do hope that the health care bill is dead in the water by the time this is published. I know that Pelosi and her cohorts were trying to pull some fast shenanigans and steam roll this through without a proper reading of the thing. Can you imagine if a Republican Senate tried to pull that? The media would be howling for blood. Not that there is any bias, mind you, of course not. But watch your politicians closely in the next week. See if they can be trusted. My guess is no. The special election that we just had points to the disenfranchisement of the American people with the left of center bunch. I hope they take note and pretend to be more mainstream soon. You can thank me later.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Time Change

I hate the stupid time change. It makes no sense anymore. I could understand the reason for it back in the 1940's when people needed the extra time to get their crops in and things like that. It also saved fuel and resources back when people all worked a first shift job and that was that. Now, however, there is no sense in having a time change. The state of Indiana was a long time in holding out, and of all the things that I dislike about Indiana, that was one thing that I liked. It wasn't until the current Governor rammed it down the throats of his constituents that we even had one. There was quite a bit of belly aching about it at the time, and I was one of those people complaining. The reasons for changing our clocks twice a year were many, and all of them were stupid. My favorite was that it gave people more time to play golf in the afternoon. That didn't really fly well with all of the people too busy working, so they changed tact and went with-"It will give you more time for yard work." Whatever. Then they pulled out "It will improve the economy of Indiana by making us in sync with the other states. Gosh, Arizona still doesn't change their clocks and yet they seem to be managing just fine. Could it have been that it was a done deal from the beginning and the will of the people had no say in the matter? Spring forward, fall back, it's all the same to me. I just wish that it hadn't been forced on us against the will of the majority. I would like to have politicians that work for me, and not the other way around. Think about that, you'll thank me later.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cake Wrecks

If there is one blog that I enjoy more than any other it would be and if you get the chance, you should hit the link and see what I am talking about. There is never a day when something on that site doesn't make me feel better about myself. I have spent a lot of time laughing at the cakes that are on the site and I think that you will like them too. Especially the sexual harassment cake. Just type it in, you'll see what I am talking about. Another blog that I enjoy is I agree with 99% of what he says about politics and the current administration. Do yourself a favor and check them out. One will make you think, the other will make you wonder what they were thinking in the first place. But now that I am finished patting others on the back, I guess I should start the business of emptying out the clutter. Christmas is closer than I like to think about, and this year, I don't know how great it is going to be. Baring a miracle, I won't get to spend the Holiday with the people that I love. What are you going to do, right? But I will spend it getting ready for next year, and the changes I want to make in myself and in my life. That's the nice thing about a new year, isn't it? New chances, and new things right around the corner. I hope that you have someone that you love in your life. I truly do. If you don't, go find someone. The time that you spend alone and miserable doesn't come back, you know, it is just time that is wasted forever. I know that I got off topic today, sorry, I promise that tomorrow will be better. But take care of yourselves, find the thing that makes you happy, and hang on to it with both hands and a mean dog. You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 9, 2009

B. O. Stinks

I saw a picture of B.O. on his latest photo-op. It made me angry because he chose to use the death of a Serviceman to try to look like he wasn't useless. His saluting the casket made me so angry. He has no business saluting the casket, one of his many handlers should have trained him on the proper etiquette. In this country, you do not salute anything unless you are active or former military. Maybe where B.O. is from, you do, but here, if you have no military background it is the accepted practice to put your hand over your heart out of respect. What a jackass he is. Not only does he use the death of some Patriotic American who gave his life in service to his country, but he tries to make himself look better in the process. It makes me sick. Also, where is this great wonderful plan that he had for Afghanistan? I know when he was running for the position that ACORN gave him, he had lots of talk about many wonderful ideas to bring a quick and safe end to all of our conflicts. So where are these plans now? I'm still waiting, are you? The 2010 election is about a year away, so please make sure that you are registered to vote. Then, make sure you vote. The only hope this country has to keep from the slippery slope of socialism is to put the brakes on all of the left of center plans that are springing up everywhere. Call your Congressmen and women. Call your Senators and tell them that you do not like the direction that we are taking. Remind them that they work for us, not the other way around. Finally, don't be so apathetic to what is going on around us. Get your head out of the clouds, the sports opiates, and pay attention!! If we don't start watching them soon, who knows what they'll try to get away with next. Why are we concerned with insuring people that shouldn't even be here? Why don't we just give every U.S. citizen the same health care that our Members of the Congress and Senate currently enjoy for free. Seems simple to me, how about you? Approval ratings are at their all time lowest, and the media seems to be goose-stepping along with those elected officials. People, please, get your heads out of the sand, and pay attention to what they are trying to do in Washington D.C. You'll thank me later. ######to the person who commented that BO could salute the flag because he is the "commander" in chief. He in fact has no military background, I imagine his country of origin did not require it. He should ,out of respect, put his hand over his heart if he is able to pull that gesture off without giggling. He has no business making photo ops out of soldiers who are dead because he didn't have the plan that he said he did when he and ACORN were stealing the election for him.#########

Friday, November 6, 2009

What's 100K Anyway?

If you had one hundred thousand dollars coming into your bank account every year, would you have health insurance? Would it be a priority for you in any way? I am flabbergasted when I speak to someone who is making really good money and does not think that they need any health insurance. Worse yet are the people who are waiting for the government to bail them out of the wrong thinking with free insurance. I am not Methuselah old, but I have lived long enough to know that the government never ever gives anything for free. We're going to be paying for this-out of a rear orifice- for the next four generations if we do not stop now. I believe that insurance needs to be overhauled. I also agree that medicines have gotten ridiculously over priced. I have one prescription that is $138 a refill. Ouch. But pharmaceuticals are only part of the problem as well. There has to be a way to lower the costs across the board. I have no problem paying for my own doctor, I just wish that he wasn't driving a new Jaguar every time that I see him. Maybe if every one got together to make the prices more reasonable, we could avert the socialization of one fifth of our economy. And whether BO likes the word or not, socialism is bad. I learned that in the seventh grade, when they were still able to teach moral absolutes. Aahh, the good old days..... But at any rate, think about how much government intrusion you want in your life. Think about the scenarios that make up the real uninsured. You'll thank me later.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Miss Good Cartoons

Do you remember a cartoon called Goober and the Ghost Chasers? I was thinking about that this afternoon when I listened to a boy talking about cartoons. I liked the old Goober cartoons, even if it was a rip off of Scooby Doo. I miss old cartoons. I have tried watching some of the things that my sons like, and for the most part- at the risk of sounding like a dinosaur-I'll pass. I don't get Japanese animation. I like the old-fashioned cartoons that Walt Disney used to crank out ever so much better. One of the best cartoons ever were the Bugs Bunny series. I liked almost all of the characters that Warner Brothers had with a couple of exceptions. I was always cheering for Wyle E. Coyote, especially in the cartoons where he spoke. I never realized how refined he was. His accent was hilarious, it made the whole cartoon that much funnier. I never cared for the Tweety bird or Tasmania Devil cartoons. I cared even less for the onslaught of T shirts, mugs and assorted paraphernalia that comes with an asinine fad. And while I like the movie Peter Pan I don't quite understand the fascination with Tinkerbell. She seems to be a righteous witch for lack of a better word. Birds of a feather, I suppose. But at any rate, I just wish that they made cartoons for the story itself, not so much with the eye on marketing. I know, crazy talk, huh? But there was one bright spot in the world of animation. It used to run on Nickelodeon and it was called CatDog. My son discovered the cartoon when he was three or so, and we all fell in love with it. The humor could appeal to a child easily, but there were also moments that seems lie they were directed for the parents who were watching this with there children. And some of those spots were brilliant. I still can't say "There's something you don't see every day." Without thinking of a dog that has gone postal and stuffed himself in a cereal box and licked the end closed. Trust me, that's funny stuff. Look for some of the diamonds in the straw out there. You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why Unemployment is Skyhigh

I had an epiphany today. I realized why the unemployment rate is in double digits in so many areas of the country. I also realized what can fix it, putting thousands, if not millions of people back to work. Companies should have a person answer the phone. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? Just crazy enough to work, I'll bet! If I never had to deal with another automated system, directing me to press one, two or the pound again, I would sing the praises of that company from the rooftops. What ever happened to customer service? What if I don't have the proper digits to press for assistance either? Think of all the entry level jobs that it could create if companies had some live person answering your calls and taking care of your problems. This could put people to work in less then two weeks, also. I would think that BO's handlers could whip together some sort of receptionist school in about two weeks. Even a liberal idiot ought to be able to get this going in no time, seriously. Don't give me training credits, or tax breaks. That is just liberal mumbo jumbo designed for the sound byte on the 24 hour news programs. Real jobs are what is needed, not photo-ops. Also, why don't we hire people to fix the infrastructure of this country? Not some bunch of college students who are trying to find the easiest way to make money in the summer, to subsidize their education by painting curbs yellow, either. I mean, real work crews that will fix roads, paint bridges, maintain highways,(unless you are in Indiana where they vote those jobs away in the middle of the night behind closed doors) and all of the other things that have to be done to keep us able to drive, work and move from one area to another with a relative amount of ease. Quit worrying about health care for illegal guests of our country. Send them home, and look! More jobs have opened up, haven't they? Think about that phone training idea. It would mean simple, easy directions from someone who spoke English in a way that could be understood by the majority of the people. Paradise! You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Another Helpful Soul

My latest battle for sanity appears to be with a pseudo government branch called Right Relations, Inc. This is where you go if you are in the middle of a divorce dispute and they want to punish you into submission. That is to say, they think it will be helpful in your day to day relationships. I am not allowed to record anything while I am in there. I am not allowed to make any notes, and, even though this is America, I am not allowed to discuss anything that is said in there. As if the world is waiting with bated breath to hear what a bunch of people arm twisted into a class have to say. I finally head from Congressman Souder's office. I hope that I can get him involved in finding the bottom line for this Right Relations, Inc. I just want to know where the money is going, and how they got to be in such a position of authority. This is America, right? We should have the right to ask any question like this that we want to and get an answer reasonably soon, don't you think? I calculate this "branch" of local government is making $400-$800 dollars a week in tax free money. That's a nice little fund raiser for any county government, don't you think? I wouldn't mind making that kind of money for an hour's time, anyway. But before I get off on another rant, let me just say that I am thankful to all of the people who have sent me emails to offer encouragement. It helps to make up for the crank pots who have managed to master their keyboards. If Mark Souder's office is the least bit helpful with this latest round of bureaucracy, I'll let you know. If they aren't, I'll let you know that also. Either way, you can thank me later.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Raking Leaves

I spent a large part of today raking leaves. I'm not complaining, believe it or not, I like to rake leaves. It's one of the few things that you can do and actually see the good that you have done. There is no guessing if you need to do it again, just take a look at what's left. Any person with sense can see if they are finished. Or if it's good enough. I wish that everything in this world was as clear cut as that. Unfortunately, that's almost never the case, is it? I've got several things going on in my life and to be honest, I don't know where I am with them. I've been working on one project for about three months now, and I can't tell if I've made any progress at all. I guess life is like that. When you couple that with the fact that I am not what you would call a patient woman, and you can see why I like the instant gratification of raking. I guess now it's time to wait and see when the city gets around to picking them up. (The leaves, that is.) It seems to me that they could have been going around removing the piles that have been gathering, but what do I know? Maybe they are waiting on a special signal. See what I mean about not being patient? The other problem that I have this time of year is that the cold weather is coming. There is no way to kid myself that it isn't. Yesterday when I woke up, there was a thin layer of ice on the dish of water that I keep out for birds and other thirsty creatures. It broke my heart to see that ice. I'm not a winter person. My idea of cold weather is watching the snowing scene from A Christmas Story. That is just about as much snow as I need on any given year. Back home in Florida, cold weather starts at fifty degrees. I am still that way, even though I've been forced to live in the North for a long time now. But back to raking leaves-as I was raking them, I thought about just last week when I saw a tall hill covered in trees with leaves starting to turn. The person that I was with commented on the pretty colors. I never see that part of it. I guess that I would rather have green pine needles all year than leaves, colored leaves, or dead leaves to rake. Maybe someday I'll be a fall person, but I don't think so. If it weren't for college football, I wouldn't like the season at all. Oh, well. What are you going to do? I guess I'm going to put on an old Elvis movie-Blue Hawaii, I think, and pretend it's eighty degrees and summer time. If that helps you get through the fall, you can thank me later.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Two Down, Fourteen to Go

I went to my second installment of divorce tax tonight. I spent almost ninety minutes of my life (that I will never ever get back) It wasn't ninety whole minutes because I was asked to leave because I did not answer enthusiastically enough. You heard me right. I did not go to an evening class after being up and working since four a.m. with the proper enthusiasm. I sat in a classroom with Eva Braun as she spent over forty minutes asking us to list things that were asinine in the least, and what we used to call busy work at best. Why didn't she just have us color pictures of happy divorced couples instead? It would have been the same thing, and I would be able to spend four hundred dollars for something good-say groceries, heating oil and gasoline. Instead, I came home and started trying to find information,any information on Right Relations, Inc. I've googled them, I've gone through all the links, and the only thing I can find so far is a link telling me how wonderfully helpful they are. Oh and a place that begs for "donations." I was calculating the profits this "not for profit" corporation made tonight, and the way I figure it, there were twelve of us in there. That seems to be four thousand, eight hundred dollars to me. We were given a booklet to read out of- the sort of high quality tract published by only your finest cults. That we were to leave behind. We were also given a piece of paper with a few things copied onto it. A paragraph at best, poorly printed. The booklet probably retails for sixty eight cents, (and I am being generous here) and the piece of paper must have set them back one penny, tops. So I am now looking at sixty nine cents worth of material, all but one penny of that is reused. For this, I have shelled out twenty five dollars. The net profit looks to be about twenty four ninety nine times twelve. I come up with two hundred ninety nine dollars and eighty eight cents. That is what this place makes every week for an hour and thirty minutes of your life that you will never get back. Ever. I have to wonder if this is the way that counties raise funds now. Kind of like the way that they ticket people more to raise revenue, I think they must send people who have the misfortune of marrying an adulterous odometer tampering thug-but well connected, mind you to this divorce tax class. I had an amateur psychologist send me an insightful comment last week. I gave it the consideration it deserved with my delete button. But back to the latest round of, karma, higher spiritual power, and recognition of anger values-whatever the hell that means- I am going to make some more phone calls tomorrow and see if there is one elected official in this state who can answer my question for me. My guess is no, but if I can get one straight answer on this, you can thank me later.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oh, Yeah, That Will Help

I am attending that divorce seminar that I told you about. It promised to be helpful. So far, the only thing that I see it has helped is the state of Indiana to about three thousand two hundred dollars. That is the price I have calculated the state is making on this thing. It cost four hundred dollars a pop, and there are eight of us stuck in there. I have been given instructions on not discussing what is talked about in these meetings. Um, yep, okay then. Also, I am not to take any notes or remove anything from the area. Nor can I have any sort of recording device while I am in there. I am looking at 30 more hours of this crap before I am finished. I call it my divorce tax. The person who lectured me last week is on his third marriage. Yes, first, second, third marriage. My confidence is over flowing. The rest of the time that I was there, I listened to new age crap, mangled ideas about philosophy, and the idea that a "Faith based" plan might help. When did it become wrong to say that having faith in God is the answer? The "faith based" crap was when I had proof positive that I was wasting my time. I cannot understand how the people who run these things got themselves into a position of authority. The first woman that I spoke with wanted my social security number. I told her no. I said that I would give her he last four of it, and if she wanted another number to identify me with, I would be happy to give her that. She got snippy. She asked me what I thought she was going to do with the information. I wanted very badly to tell her what she could do with it, but I didn't think that would help. Instead, I asked her some personal information about herself. She did not want to give it to me, asking me why I would need it. I asked her the same. I asked once, and was told that only the government can request your social security number, anyone else can ask, but you don't have to give it to them. With identity theft as out of control as it is, why would you help the thieves out by putting your vital information in the hands of some self important government lackey? I only have fifteen more of these to go, I will keep you posted if anything of value comes out of it. Don't hold your breath, you'll thank me later.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Do You Like to Serve Your Weasel, Anyway?

I am looking for a good recipe for weasel. Nothing too fried, I have to watch my cholesterol, you know. The reason that I ask is because I have found a perfectly good weasel, and I don't know what to do with it. You can follow this link and see for yourself. Let me know what you think. I love John Zeigler. He asks the questions that any person with a half an ounce of sense would ask. He also asks it in a clever way that drips with irony. I watched the video of his Constitutional Rights being trampled outside Katie Couric's "award" for being so unbiased in her interview with Sarah Palin. I saw the interview, and it was to journalism as Jeffrey Dahmer was to cooking shows. Answer: a disgusting exercise, that should be illegal. I hope that by following this, you can see the way that his rights were blatantly tossed aside. I love the double speak when the Nazi-esque rent-a cop tells him that he cannot do it because he isn't a journalist, then makes him stand in the area designated for journalists! I am certain the ACLU will be attending to his violated rights, also. Any minute now. Yep. Here they come. Just you wait and see. In. your. dreams. So anyway, after watching a person's basic rights get trampled in the name of journalistic integrity,my irony meter was off the charts. I am officially boggled. Can you imagine the uproar if say-Micheal Moore- was pseudo arrested, assaulted, and generally frog-marched away like John Zeigler was? Of course they would have to be stout to drag Mr. Moore any where, but you get the idea. At what point in your life does all common sense leave the building? I learned this when I was working for the happiest retailer on the planet- some people should never ever be in charge of anything. Speaking of weasel and tasty recipes for them, near where I live we have had a couple of police officers who have been terminated for having sex with an eighteen year old female. Not at the same time, of course, but the same woman. The newspaper was full of stories about the Officer pleading for his job, and asking for leniency. These are the same officers who are supposed to uphold the law? Fire them, do it quickly, then sue them for the money they were paid from the time they had sex with this woman. And speaking of which, I have no idea who this person is, but I can't help but think there should be a warning label printed on her somewhere. Seriously. Too bad Slick Willie doesn't need a member in his secret service detail. It sounds like these two would fit right in there without missing a beat, what do you think? Click on the link I have to Mr. Zeigler, and give some serious thought to your Constitutional Rights. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Demonize the Word, Maybe THAT will Make it Untrue

I muddled my way through an interview of B.O.'s. He is not too fast on the answers when it isn't scripted, is he? As he tried not to make too big a mess of things (good luck with that) I listened to the talking points that he tried to reiterate. The only clear thing that I took away from his "off the cuff" remarks is that he doesn't like FOX because they have an agenda. When I picked my jaw up from my feet, I laughed at the hypocrisy of his statement. So is our first foreign born President in over one hundred years trying to insinuate that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC do not have an agenda? Seriously? Don't pee on my feet and tell me it's raining, okay? Wasn't it those other stellar media outlets that broke the fake service records of President Bush with un-abandoned glee? And how long did they wait until they were forced to retract the story? There you go. I am reminded of a line from Die Hard 2 when John Amos's character tells John McClain that he is an A**hole, he's just John McClain's kind of A**hole. I get the feeling that any time now, B.O. will be stamping his feet in irritation because the folks over at FOX just won't seem to realize and acknowledge that this guy knows much more than any of us ever will, and we should just rely on him to make all of our decisions for us. Socialism, anyone? I also enjoy listening to the liberal rebuttal. No one made more of a spectacle about George W. Bush's slim margin of victory than every liberal media outlet in America. Yet, when the State of Florida allowed the media access to the ballots through their Sunshine Laws, and the vote was in fact not hijacked by the left, you never heard a peep about it, did you? Nope, not one. I guess the truth didn't fit in with their plans, did it? I keep looking at the definition of Socialism. I don't like the direction that this guy is taking us, and I look forward to the next National Election with unchecked glee. Register to vote. Do it now, before you forget. You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Jimmy Carter Was the Worst President in Modern Times, and Other Random Observations

Jimmy Carter was to the United States Presidency as duct tape is to vegetable soup: useless. I got a hair splitting email from someone who actually defended him. Yikes. This person also tried to tell me that B.O. was not foreign born. You have heard this word before. Whatever. Until someone shows me a birth certificate that matches the issue numbers for his date of birth, I still know where his sister was born, but not so much the President that ACORN fraud bought. I am too cynical to believe that the furor made over John McCain being born in the Panama Canal wasn't the early conditioning to get sheep used to the idea of a President who is Constitutionally barred from holding the office. But then, what does it matter where the socialist came from, the problem is what to do with him now that we are stuck with him? I have been watching him as he goes about the business of paying for the political favors he bought. With four out of five brothers and a brother in law or two in the military, you can imagine the enthusiasm for the assault on the "don't ask, don't tell" policies. Having B.O. as Commander-in- Chief is something like having a pig run a butcher shop. The pig's first instinct would be to disable the shop wouldn't it? Well, get ready, because with all of the asinine rules of engagement the military is forced to use, the shop is being disabled. Do not engage in military action that you do not intend to win. You would think that is a no-brainer, wouldn't you? But Johnson was the first that I saw engage in this particular suicide, and I haven't been disappointed by a democrat since then. Who can forget slick willie's "wag the dog" moment when the testimony from his received "she had sex with me, I didn't have sex with her" was released. We shelled some stupid ineffectual country for about two minutes, then went back to wondering how someone could get away with being so stupid and still be in office. Of course, I was told that it was 1) untrue-which turned out to be a lie, thanks to a bizarre desire to hang on to the evidence 2) not a big deal, because it was only perjury about sex-which is still perjury the last time that I checked. Imagine if a Republican tried to get away with that. Oh wait, wasn't there a Senator who was ridden out on a rail for that very thing, by the media? Now, what was his name.......? At any rate, perjury is perjury, which may explain why slick willie has the proud distinction of being one of the few disbarred ex-presidents we have. 3) is my all time favorite-Europeans laugh at us and think it is no big deal. Sex is sex over there, we should be as open minded as they are. Uh huh. They also have a different idea of hygiene and need the United States' Military every time something bad happens to them. But hey, why not use them as a role model? I can only hope that B.O. won't be the worst President we've ever been saddled with, but it looks like he's giving it the old college try. I have a countdown on this blog for the next National election. Register now, so we can overcome the voter fraud and wrong direction this country is in. As a personal hero-Ronald Reagan -asked "Are you better off now then when he took office?" Record high unemployment and other internal mismanagements of the economy point to no for many in this country. Remember that in the next election, and don't let another one get stolen. You'll thank me later.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Leave My Insurance Alone Until You Fix AMTRAK

I was considering taking a trip to visit my good friend in Chicago last week. I didn't want to drive so I took a look at the train schedule, since AMTRAK has a station close to here. I ended up not going because of all the double speak at AMTRAK. Now, had I known a month ago that I would be interested in taking a spur of the moment trip, I would be all set. But to just get on a train and ride for a little while to see my friend was -in the words of one of my favorite people- cost prohibitive. In English, that means it was way too flippin' expensive to even consider. I stayed home. Not only was the trip ridiculously over priced, but the train was 90 minutes late on every stop until it arrived in Chicago almost four hours late. And these are the people who want to take charge of my insurance? No thank you. I think they should leave it be until they can make the train show up when they say it will, and not charge me the arm of my first born to go somewhere. But back to health care. I have read the proposal that B.O. endorses. That alone is like having Ted Bundy do ads for your dating service. It took me two days to muck through it, and they still won't give me all the answers to my questions. When I called Senator Bayh's office about it, they never got back to me. He must still be in a snit over not getting the Veep nod. Oh well. But no one has contacted me, by phone or otherwise, and I don't like it when the government won't let me see what they are talking about. If it smells crooked, and sounds crooked, chances are, I better stock up on condoms by the time this thing is ready, because I bet I am about to be screwed. Call your elected officials. Demand to see the plan that they are working on with real numbers and figures. Don't let them get away with another flim-flam job, remember, they work for us. And if you are planning on a trip and don't want to drive, reconsider the whole train idea; you'll thank me later.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Why is it that the biggest private employer in the United States of America cannot offer decent insurance to its employees? Would it cut into the millions that it makes every week? Or would it just be the right thing to do and therefore impossible? In recent months the retail giant-that-cares has received gobs of unflattering publicity for the insurance that it offers to its associates. I have seen this insurance up close and can tell you that it isn't that good. How many people can afford to have three thousand dollars just sitting around waiting for the deductible to be met? Not many making Walmart wages, I can tell you that. Why doesn't Walmart shop their insurance to local insurance companies? Why don't they take bids from the people in their own communities that sell insurance and see what the best deal is for their 100+ associates? Does it make too much sense? Would it really benefit the local businesses that receive the and then benefit the rest of the community? It seems to me that instead of handing out one thousand dollars here, and five hundred dollars there, Walmart could do something that would benefit everyone. The associates would have people fighting to give them the best deal on insurance, and some lucky company would have an instant pool of over one hundred clients. Sounds like a win-win to me. But the odds of this happening are slightly more than MSNBC admitting that they have a bias, so I'm not holding my breath. Speaking of holding my breath, I am still waiting on someone to get back to me on why there is never anyone in the section of the store that I am shopping that can help me. I have gone so far as to step behind the counter to mix my own paint. No one stopped me. Heck, no one even passed by me, much less asked me what I was doing. I just took my paint up to the counter and paid for it. Come to think of it, I should have gotten an employee discount, huh? At any rate, remember this when you have to make a decision to shop somewhere. Ask yourself if this is this the sort of company that you want to support with your money? You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Divorce Is Big Business

I am attending a divorce seminar that will "vastly improve my day to day relationship with my former marital partner." Sure it will. And in the meantime, it makes the company running it about $400 bucks. I am looking at the other people paying this "divorce tax" along with me. There looks to be about a dozen of us, and at four hundred a throw, that is a pretty nice chunk of change. Wouldn't you like to make five thousand dollars every three months for an hours' time? I would love to know what the overhead is on this and how they split up what can only be pure profit. I cannot wait to see what the pearls of wisdom that will drip from this forced lecture series. I can only hope that some of the life wisdom will explain to me what I should do about the over four thousand dollars that my ex stole from my children's savings account. I know it isn't any Jon and Kate sort of numbers, but considering what all I went without to make sure that my children had money for their education, it kind of irritates me to think that I only financed some one's adulterous lifestyle for a few months, instead. Of course, in the town that I live in, the ex used to roll odometers at his job. I thought it was a felony until his attorney explained that it isn't-not that he ever did it, of course. But if you want to see the copies that he made so he could blackmail his former employer, let me know and I'll be happy to email them to you. I have sent them to the Chief of Police, the Indiana Attorney General's Office, and several others. And the responses to this have been none, nada, zip. Probably because so many of the Officers in this town were busy having sex with a teenager while they were on duty. Nice huh? And not that I don't have a stack of copies that the ex used to make sure he got a "severance" package when he left his old job. But again, odometer tampering is not a crime in Indiana. The chief of Police even took copies of the information, and as of today, no charges have been filed. For those of you keeping score at home, that's small town bs 1-justice 0. There is a company that also does business here in Indiana. It's called the Northeastern Center, and try as I might. I cannot find out how much this private company made last year in profits. If anyone has that information, do please send it on to me. I would love to know. it seems to me that any company that is the right hand of a small town government is dwarfed into being a part of that small town government. I'll give an example. Let's say that a couple raise their children in the Catholic Church, even sending their children to Catholic school. Would it be a stretch then to think that the couple agrees with the teachings of that particular church? Or is one of the parents obsessed with manifestations of right and wrong? What does that mean? If you ever wonder why our society is going to hell, look no further than a court system that allows a man to steal every penny from his children to finance his affair with a coworker, then does nothing to protect the children or their assets. Ask your elected officials why this is, if you get an answer you can thank me later. ***** This is for the "person" who sent me an anonymous email, telling me that I sounded bitter, irrational, and that was probably why these things had happened to me. I thank you for taking the time out of what must be a thriving psychiatry practice to diagnose me from the several paragraphs that I wrote. It must be incredibly rewarding to help so many people with your astounding gifts. My Only question would be why you haven't been awarded some sort of prize for your ability to read a few hundred words and instantly be able to sum up an entire situation. You are an amazing person, whose talents are being wasted. Thank you so much for your opinion, I only wish I had been able to give it the proper respect it deserved. Alas, I just bought some Charmin this week, and I don't need anything else to wipe my behind with. But, Thanks!!!!*******