Monday, September 30, 2013

2+ Part Time Jobs is the New Full Time

Because B.O. and his pals that crafted obamacare never bothered to consult with a licensed insurance person while they were crafting their socialized medicine plan, the tax, penalty, boondoggle is about to implode all over the rest of us.  Unless you have been fortunate enough to work for the United States federal government that is.  Or one of the unions. Or any of the other politically connected groups to whom b.o. has been handing out waivers.  He's been handing out pay  offs, that is waivers, like kleenex at a screening of Steel Magnolias.
But here we have the rubber hitting the road, so to speak, and the truth of this horrendous socialized boondoggle is finally soaking in to people.  If you used to pay $142 dollars for your individual insurance policy per month, you are about to start paying  $282.56 per month if you are a man and $230.84 if you are female.  Of course these are averages, many people will be dropped and forced into the exchanges where you can "shop" around to find the plan that hurts your tukas the least.
Still can't afford it? Well that's too bad. The tax credits that were supposed to help people pay for the socialized helping of gruel have been going out like party favors to those poor souls in the unions who are struggling to make ends meet with their $38 an hour jobs.  Yeah, they have it rough.
One of the prime hunks of idiocy in this craptacular piece of legislation is the get out of jail free card for employers.  Full time is now classified as more than 30 hours per week.  What kind of amateur* political newbie, with less than six months of experience, wouldn't see that employers would simply cut hours to less than 30? 
It's not the fault of the businesses either.  They are there specifically to make money, that's what they do, and if obamacare is going to cost them money (and boy is it!) then they would be stupid not to do what they had to do to avoid those costs.  B.O. and his cronies never took a second to consider their repercussions with this monstrosity.  More scary is the thought that they did.   Could you sleep at night if you thought that b.o. was doing this on purpose, that this was all part of a plan- say spelled out in Rules for Radicals? Me neither.  I average about five hours a night now.
And while the  folks over at Yahoo have helpfully run a new pro-obamacare piece every day for the last six weeks, most people are looking at their dwindling paychecks and wondering how they can get out of this hot mess.  How in the world are they going to find another part time job to supplement the one they have now?  And how in the world are they going to coordinate the hours so that nothing overlaps? And finally, with real unemployment sitting at 20% where is this magic new job going to come from, anyway?
While b.o. is jetting around Africa with his wife, two daughters, mother in law, niece, nephew and assorted toadies for thirty days,(man was it smart of him to exclude himself from his sequester) the rest of us are looking at the mess he has made of our lives and wondering how to fix it.  The price of groceries has risen 28% more than the average person's take home pay. Beef is becoming a luxury, and the need for food stamps has also skyrocketed.  Hard working people are being forced to ask for government assistance in record numbers just to make sure that they and their children don't have to go to bed hungry. Pathetic.
The price of a gallon of gasoline has almost tripled under b.o.'s tenure.  His "war" on coal has caused electricity prices to sky rocket, and while he has no problem using Air Force 1 as his own private taxi service, along with Marine 1 to haul his dogs to Martha's Vineyard for his third of nine get- aways.  He has sent those children to Mexico on Spring break, he's sent the yeti to Aspen for skiing, he has taken more vacations this year alone, than most people have taken in the last five years.  But then, he's excluded from obamacare, isn't he?  He (and his cohorts)  have wisely excluded themselves from this hot mess.
We're screwed.  Our only hope is that Boehner grows a pair of testicles and forces b.o. to back off the implementation of socialized medicine for at least another year.  And when your only hope is testicular fortitude from the current Speaker of the House, you really have no hope.
Pray for our Republic. You'll thank me later.  God help us all.

*slick willie's description of b.o.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Slick Willie vs Shellie Zimmerman

Do you remember when the consensus was that Clinton had only lied about sex, so that wasn't perjury perjury, it was only fibbing?  I do too.  My how times have changed.
Shellie Zimmerman was charged and convicted of perjury in the matter of the bail that was set after her husband, George, was falsely arrested for saving his own life.
Clinton was in the middle of being the first sitting president of the United States of America to be sued for sexual harassment.  He lied about everything in his deposition from start to finish. He lied about exposing himself. He lied about what he said, and when he said it. But the lie that landed him in the history books was the one about Ms. Lewinsky.  He did have sex with that woman. He did tell people to lie, and all the finger wagging and wasted bomb strikes in the world couldn't change that.  The media-at the time so far up his hiney that they could give him a clean bill of health on his prostate-immediately went into overdrive.  They told us that lies about sex don't count.  They told us that everyone in Europe thought we were just being silly.  They told us that it was no big deal that he lied, as it was a teeny, tiny sex lie, and everyone knows that those don't really count.
Fast forward to Mrs. Zimmerman.  When bail was being set for her husband's witch hunt arrest- she didn't give the judge any more information than what he asked for. ( I think they call that not incriminating yourself) The Zimmerman's had accrued a sizable amount of donations from other people who felt that the stand your ground law in Florida covered the case and that George Zimmerman was being sacrificed on the alter of the msm's anti gun campaign. 
Mrs. Zimmerman didn't inform the judge of these donations and now she is being strung up as a scofflaw of the highest order.  Luckily, she was able to plead to lesser charges and will still be able to get her license in nursing.  Why was she charged at all?  If lies about sex aren't perjury perjury, then why are lies about money?
I don't suppose that it has anything to do with the agenda of the msm do you?  I mean, they had tried and convicted her husband for the serious crime of not allowing himself to be beaten to death by a drugged up gangsta wannabe- how could they not want to see someone pay after those fools in Florida let him get away with defending himself?
I write about this all of the time, but please-don't let the media color your judgements.  Look at all of the facts before you make up your mind about things, and don't even consider making a decision until you have double checked what the main stream media has assured you is the truth.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Just Where Did Syria Get Those WMDs Anyway?

Early in President George W. Bush's first term he had to deal with Bill Clinton's incompetence after air planes were flown into the Twin Towers.  Had Slick Willie shown the least bit of interest in taking Bin Laden when he was offered to the United States on a silver platter by Pakistan, hundreds of thousands of people would still be alive today.  Instead, Slick concentrated on receiving oral sex from an unpaid intern.
Fast forward to President Bush's dilemma  and you have a president who promptly took the matter into hand and cleaned out Afghanistan of Al-Qaeda and then did the same in Iraq-the place where the money was coming from. One of the main reasons that President Bush authorized the invasion into Iraq was the intelligence report that Hussein was actively trying to get weapons grade uranium.
So now we have B.O. and he has decided that Syria needs an intervention.  To date, the only "ally" willing to help out is France.  Great Britain gave a resounding no to their Prime Minister's request, leaving enough egg on faces to ricochet across the Atlantic.
Ignore all of the past quotes from our vacationer in chief and you still have an ironic soup to dip in to.  B.O. quotes about demanding congressional approval were everywhere during Iraq- but now you have to only look and there they are for all to see.  Liberal hypocrisy at its finest.
Biden, Pelosi, and a host of liberal mouth pieces were in histrionics at the very thought of rescuing women and children from government sanctioned rape rooms.  In the end, when all of the barbaric tortures were exposed-without much help from the msm thankyouverymuch- the only carp that the liberals could produce was that the wmds were never found.  Golly, we only gave Hussein about six weeks to get rid of them, what did they think was going to happen anyway?
But, much like the liberal perpetuated lie that algore won in 2000, the wmds were the only stick that libs could scrape up to beat their anti military drums.  Now, would you look at this?  It would seem that Syria has laughingly danced across B.O.'s "red line" and gassed many many many people with the very wmds that libs from here to there claimed never existed in the first place.
Of course, the msm isn't very interested in the origin of those weapons.  Much like their lack of interest in all the folks being killed south of our border and in our own backyard by Eric Holder's illegal gun give away- the media is, for the most part, taking a giant pass on any stories about how Syria acquired those wmds.
The only country willing to help with B.O.'s latest international catastrophe is France.  Yeah that'll work out well.  France has never won a war in their history.
Call your congressional employee and tell them how you feel about B.O.'s latest foreign policy screw up.  Do we have a dog in this fight?  Do we have any interests that will be helped by muslims controlling another area thanks to B.O.?  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Let Them Eat Cake

Marie Antoinette was not very concerned with the common people who were starving.  She suggested the cake menu to them when told that they were starving.  Congress and B.O. had a very similar response when they found out that their families and their staff would be paying much much much more for health insurance under Obamacare-and they would in fact be losing some of their sweet benefits.
What was their reaction?  Why, to exempt themselves of course!  Not one of them has to deal with the onus that they created for the rest of us.  Not one single congress person or senator has to sort through the higher premiums of obamacare.  Not one single judge or justice has to dig through the volumes of paperwork and write a larger check for their health care.  That's convenient for them, isn't it?

It's a lot like a person reading their own electric meter and deciding what they owe.  Where in the world can I sign up for something like that?  For that matter, why can't we all be excluded?
 B.O. has delayed the employer mandate for one year.  That is pretty handy for him, as the elections are coming up, and it's not looking like a great year for the democrats who foisted this train wreck upon us.  When Pelosi said we would have to pass it to see what was in it, she wasn't kidding.  Now, not one single politician is running their re election on the platform that they voted for the biggest leap toward socialism we have had since FDR was president.
The state that I live in has declined to set up the exchanges that will be needed so that people can "shop" for health insurance.  Most of the states have done the same thing.  That means one more delay, on more debacle for B.O. to "fix" if he ever stops vacationing.  Poor guy- he was so tired after hauling his wife, two children, mother-in-law, and niece and nephew all over Africa for 17 days that he needed a month in Martha's Vineyard.  Poor guy.
I didn't think that B.O. could arbitrarily delay parts of a law once it's signed into being.  As a constitutional professor from Harvard, I would have thought he would have all the ins and outs on what a president was allowed to do.  Maybe not.
But the Constitution aside- B.O. has decided that employers will have another year before they have to start dealing with all of the many headaches that obamacare will be bringing.  The response of most employers?  They have cut most employees hours so that they are no part time employees.  Now they don't have to provide insurance for those part timers.  Of course, the employee will now need another job to cover the hours they just lost.  Unless of course, they can feed their family on 32 hours a week. 
Can you imagine how complicated your week will be when you have to coordinate two work schedules and get yourself back and forth to both of them?  What happens when your days off don't coincide?  Is it possible that a day off will mean only having to go to one job?  If that's the future you are facing-thank an idiot that voted for Obama.  It's their fault too.  In the mean time, I'll save the want ads for you, and you can thank me later.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Al Sharpton is 0-for

Do you remember who Tawana Brawley is?  If you were alive during the 80's you may recall that this liar was a fifteen year old girl who stayed out for a few days and tried to cover it up by claiming she was raped by four men.  The rape kit proved that she hadn't been raped.  Her testimony fell apart, much like the lives of the four men she lied about.  A few weeks ago she began paying restitution to at least one of the men she falsely accused of raping her and stuffing her in a garbage bag.  She has to pay him a little less than a half of a million dollars.  I hope she writes that check every week-knowing what a hot mess she is.
Of course, she couldn't have done it alone.  Reverend Al ( is that racial unrest I can stir up) Sharpton was right in the thick of it, he loves a camera almost as much as Bill Clinton.  He never missed an opportunity to hold a press conference-he had them almost daily there for a while.
He complained about the injustice to black people served daily by the evil whites.  He complained about the system that discriminated against black people and made them born victims.  He complained about the four men who supposedly took Tawawna Brawley and held her hostage for four days-all the while beating and raping her.  He complained when they weren't arrested right away- and then he complained that they weren't arrested sooner.
Of course- the dna test from the rape kit performed on Miss Brawley came back one hundred percent negative.  So either these four men were able to beat, rape, and force Miss Brawley into a garbage bag without leaving one single shred of evidence- or- as the rape kit confirmed- she lied about the entire incident.  That must be one proud parent she has there.
Fast forward to 2013.  Business has been rather slow in the race baiting business, when all of a sudden a golden apple lands in the laps of Reverends Fake Raped and Baby Daddy.  Hold the presses!  Before you can say slave reparations those two "reverends" are holding press conferences, offering counsel, and counting the money of a potential gold mine.  A fresh faced, cherubic little angel has been murdered by an evil white guy who drove around stalking little kids who were only trying to deliver soup to their sick grandmother buy a snack and a bottle of tea.
The only problem with that scenario is that the cherubic little angel 1) wasn't an angel he was a hulking thug 2) he had been suspended for having theft tools and a load of stolen jewelry on his person, 3) he had marijuana in his system and 4) he initiated the confrontation.
None of this stopped Reverend Make a buck.  Before you could say false accusation- the msm and our two leading race agitators were holding press conferences and trying to grow another crop of racial unrest and another big payoff.
Thankfully- the man who saved his own life by stopping that not so little felon- was acquitted.  No thanks to Reverends Fake Rape and Baby Daddy.  There is no money to be had in the sad tired story of a young black man committing  robberies.
So ask yourself yourself just what it is that Al Sharpton is selling.  It isn't God's word, and he doesn't seem to be very good at it. He is 0 for 2 after all.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.