Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Shame on Those Democrats, Especially Nancy Pelosi

I didn't get to watch the State of the Union when it happened. I watched first thing this morning before anyone could give me their take on it. Here is my take:

Nancy Pelosi and those democrats were the pettiest looking batch of hotmess that I have seen in a while.  Pettier than Michelle Obama's "all this for a flag" question, pettier than Felonia Milhouse von Pantsuit's "basket of deplorables" and worse than Biden's bragging about his quid pro quo. 

I understand that they have nothing left in their quiver to shoot at him. Their life insurance policy didn't pay off as they had hoped, and none of their blueprinted plans that worked against any of the other dastardly Republicans have worked. They are adrift, complaining about the success that we are all enjoying.

I am disgusted by their refusal to cheer the successes mentioned. They aren't just President Trump's successes.  They are our successes. Those democrats refused to cheer for the successes of us. Can they get pettier? The answer came when Pelosi tore up the President's speech in a fit of pique.  Shame on her and all of them that despise America.

Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Coup Attempt Should be Treason

Every liberal talking head was certain that Donald Trump would never win the nomination.
Remember that when you consider the text messages from the FBI lovebirds who dislike us so much.
In case you forgot, one texted that he had to be in a Wal-Mart and could smell the support for Trump.
Can you imagine the blowback if that had been said about Harlem and Faily McWorse than Carter?
Can you see Chris Matthews's head exploding at the thought? I can. He would have stroked out.
Is there any doubt that this is the "life insurance policy" in the unlikely event that you die before 40?
And why is there a blackout on the name of the nonwhistleblower whistleblower if we know him?
Right about now, a legitimate media would be doing their jobs instead of carrying water for the DNC.
Anyone doubt that this coup attempt would have never happened without Obama's approval?
Many people are censored, simply for asking relevant questions about his relationship to the DNC.
Everyone knows by now his close ties to Adam Schiff and the Obama Whitehouse staff.
Lists online even show his connection to Joe Biden and Biden's staff.
Laugh if you will, but a conspiracy theory isn't a theory if it turns out to be true.
Ask the people who have been censored or booted from platforms for pointing to the truth.

It's just amazing that the msm could not care less about this event if anything they are actively cheering it on. And Pelosi saying that the President "will be impeached forever" sounds like the bitter, sour grapes of someone who was measuring the Vice President's Office for drapes and then found out that it blew up in her solemn, prayerful face. Nice pens, though. But for 35k of taxpayers' money, they better be. Pay attention to the next few weeks, even if you don't usually care for politics.

You'll thank me later.