Friday, April 2, 2010

I Miss You Dad

Today would have been my Father's birthday.  He was something else.  My brother Mitchell called him the King of the Bullsh***ers.  That's a pretty fair description of him.  Not in a bad way, it's just who my Dad was.  He could spin a tale out of thin air and make you believe it.  It was his special gift.  Many times, I knew that what he was saying was absolutely untrue.  Didn't matter.  I loved hearing the stories, just the same.  He was likable, friendly, hardworking and charming.  I don't remember meeting one person that disliked him (not counting ex wives) in my life.
Ex wives were another story. Being a charming man, who may have lacked self control at times, my Dad had quite a collection of ex wives.  Most he maintained at least a tolerance for, a few he did not.  I met all of them, except one, and my Mother tells me she was a very nice lady.  The ones he didn't like were colorful, also.  Something about my Dad must have resonated with them; when he died, they were all there at his funeral.
My brother Ken told me stories about him also.  He was a good man, and most of the time, he was a good father.  He wasn't perfect, and I believe his lapses in judgment haunted him.
My Dad had piercing blue eyes.  I am proud to say those same eyes belong to my son, Jamey.  When he gives me a look of irritation, it's just like having my Dad back for a moment. One of my brothers-Bob-died a couple of years ago.  I miss him for many reasons, not the least of which, he sounded the most like our Father.I have two other brothers, Marvin Lee and Kevin, and while Lee may act like Dad, Kevin has a certain quality about him that makes me think of Dad every time I talk to him.  Maybe it's his dry sense of humor, I don't know. I am not the only daughter my father had, but there is some quality in each of my Brothers that was instilled by Dad.  I love him and I miss him.  I know many of the problems that I face today would be much easier if my Dad was here to help me with them.If you can, go call your Dad.  You'll thank me later.

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