Monday, July 30, 2012

Michelle Obama Looks Like a Yeti, But I Won't Make Fun of Her

Do you remember when the media told us that family was off limits when it came to politicians?  Of course, that was when Chelsea Clinton was the kid in the White House, and entirely different. I have many things that I could say about her appearance, personality, amazing career opportunities due to her family connections, but I won't. Nope, not me.
But, when George W. Bush's daughters made some stupid choices, the msm had a field day with it.  I remember when Ronald Reagan's children were getting a fair amount of coverage for their opinions, also.Not that I agreed with them.  How is it possible for someone with President Reagan for a father to be so dumb politically? How one of the greatest presidents in modern history could have two bone headed children like that boggles my mind.  But back to the current resident of the Oval Office.
I have seen pictures of the family in the White House right now and I have one word: yikes.  While I understand that a person's appearance should not be the definition of who that person is- I will say that it's a dang good thing those Soetoro/Obamas have money.  A dowry may come in handy.
Why is there this double standard for conservatives in the media?  I promise you, if Laura Bush had looked like a fabled mountain creature, every vicious liberal comedian would still be making fun of her.  If  a conservative had children that were clearly going to be needing soft lighting-the more outspoken comics would be having a field day. Bill Maher-proof that anyone can make it in the United States if there ever was-can make fun of Sarah Palin and her children, but the cowardly fellow clearly has a double standard, doesn't he? Why wasn't ARC or one of the many other groups who lobby for the developmentally challenged screaming their heads off?  Granted, if he has two thousand viewers who aren't directly related to him or the staff, I would be surprised. I guess he was raised to make fun of the challenged because it makes him feel better about his own inadequacies.
Maybe if he were funny instead of just obnoxious it would help.  Of course, making fun of a single mother is always taking the high road, isn't it?  Clearly, Mr. Maher has never made a mistake, now has he?  Oh wait- he managed to get himself canned from ABC for siding with the terrorists, didn't he?  Can you imagine how much it irritated ABC to do something that made them look the slightest bit patriotic?  I bet the Maalox was flowing like wine that week.
My mother likes to repeat a section from a biography about Nancy Reagan.  Now the person who wrote that had about her had to walk it back and pay damages.  Her biography/hit pieces are not really based on facts, more like truthiness.  But. that aside, can you imagine the moral outrage if something like that were said about Hillary Clinton?  We're talking about a woman who ran for president with the sole qualification of having looked the other way while the president at the time(her husband) was having sex with every big toothed woman that would hold still-or at least be held.  With qualifications like that, every woman who tolerates a cheater is qualified.
I have a sarcastic side.  Anyone who has had more than three conversations with me is not surprised by this news.  A friend from work once told me that I didn't seem to have that switch in my head that stopped me from saying whatever I was thinking.  That may well be.  But look at the double standard in the media.  Ask yourself what they are trying to control by censoring opinion.  Ask yourself who they are trying to control with their censoring.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 23, 2012

I Can't Believe I Agree With the Klan on This

The Klu Klux Klan has applied to adopt a section of road in Georgia.  They have been denied.  While I am no fan of the ignorance perpetrated by this racist group-I have to wonder why they were denied.  If the state of Georgia has any controversial organizations what so ever- they have some 'splaining to do.  Don't think that I support the KKK in any way.  I think that they are a deplorable batch of bigots too cowardly to show their faces.  They take pleasure in the fear that they try to create.  They are probably very small-if you know what I mean.  I have known people who were only powerful when they were in a larger group, I think the cowardice they must face every day when they look in the mirror, must cause them many thousands of deaths.
That being said, who is Georgia to tell them no?  I don't like a lot of groups. I think the Susan G. Komen folks are cowards who blinked in the face of Planned Parenthoods' unrelenting assault on murdering babies.  I removed every pink ribbon that I had, and I sent them a letter with their last appeal for money telling them that I didn't want my money helping Planned Parenthood free up funds for their abortions.  I'll bet that they have a few hunks of adopted highway.
I might not like what they stand for, but free speech is free speech.  It doesn't protect you from things you don't want to hear.  That's not what it means.  And while I may disagree 100% with everything that the Klan says-I can't tell them that they can't say it.  I just ignore it and try to marginalize them.
Those attention whores at Westboro Baptist Church who protest at military funerals have been beautifully marginalized.  Every time a group of bikers sweeps them out of the area of concern- I cheer.  If the KKK does in fact adopt a section of the highway-and you can bet the ACLU that they will-why don't the people of that area save their most disgusting trash for their section?
I can't imagine that the KKK will have much enthusiasm for picking up bags of dog poop that have been cooking in the hot Georgia sun.  Not that I am advocating that-of course not.
You can't pick and choose you freedoms-you have to take them all.  Be glad that we all live in a Republic that allows us all to say what we think(for now) regardless if it is politically correct.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Not as Bad as B.O.

I think Harry Reid is an idiot.  The fact that Nevada keeps sending him to Washington, D.C. doesn't speak well of them at all.  I think it has more to do with the machinations of politics, but that is me.  I recall when he was up for re election the last time and was facing a Tea Party challenger.   Well, she wasn't a member of the Tea Party so much as a woman who wasn't very electable.
Senator Reid, in true democratic tradition bused in tons of folks to take care of the election. Go union.  From the msm, we heard not a peep.  Of course, they were still reeling from the old fashioned butt whoopin' that had been handed to them, courtesy of the Tea Party.
The other day, Mr. Reid opined that because Mitt Romney would not release any more than a year of his tax returns, he would not be qualified to be a dog catcher.  While I have made my opinion of Mr. Romney pretty clear in his usual title of mitt for brains, for Mr. Reid to denigrate someone for not releasing records in the face of B.O. doesn't not pass the laugh test.
How about B.O. release his college transcripts?  Oh, that's right, he is still actively suing to keep them hidden.  And where is the media on this one?  If you said MIA, you win the prize!  How about if he explain his selective service card irregularities?  Or the work that Sheriff Joe Arpaio's cold case team has turned up on his forged birth certificate?
So for that lifeless dolt to stand up at the floor of the Senate and whisper through any accusation of Mitt not being qualified for a job based on not releasing records-that dog won't hunt.  Let's see why Mrs. Obama voluntarily gave up her license to practice law.  I would love to know more about that, wouldn't you?  Lest we have her inflicted on us as the next Secretary of State- she has all the qualifications of Hillary, she has slept with a President, after all- we need to know more about her.
I would like for the most transparent administration,ever, to stop suing to prevent the exposure of his past.  When that happens, Mr. Reid can whisper through another accusation.  I am sure they have a list of distractions to foist on us until November.  In the mean time, think about B.O.'s qualifications.  Would you hire someone that tried so hard to hide their background?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, July 9, 2012


It seems that many people have little or no standards these days.  I wonder why that is?  Have we all fallen as a race of people, willing to accept whatever we have to in order to succeed in the things that we like?  I hope that's not the case.  I hope that we haven't all taken a step back on the ladder of decency.  I read about people setting victims on fire, then laughing as they scream.  It saddens me for the victim-who was white and one of the reason you never read about him-but it saddens me for our whole world.
Is this the place that we want to leave to our children?  This hate filled, orgiastic, swarm of moral relativism?  So much for 'if it feels good do it', because this is where that dark road had left us. I read a great book about shame dying, and I took it to heart.  While I don't think that people should be ostracized for their choices, I also don't think that some of them should be celebrated either.
I wasn't married when I gave birth to my second son.  I could have been, his useless father and I could have married at any time, we just put it off until Jamey was almost four.  I regret that now, I should have never married him in the first place.  Oh well.  Who has the magic glasses that spot the lying adulterous cheaters?  I could have used those.  But back to standards.
We accept many things today that we never would have as a society even twenty years ago.  I don't understand how anyone can defend delivering a child partially, and then inserting a needle into his or her brain and murdering that baby.  But we as a people allow that to happen every day.  We allow murder, rape, and disrespect almost constantly on television.
There was a time that I watched a lot of sitcoms, and from that, I thought that it was okay to be rude to my family, rude to the world.  Watch any episodic television from the seventies or eighties and what did you see?  Smart mouthed children, hapless adults, rudeness not only encouraged, but glorified.  If one of my children said any of the things that I hear on television to me, I would probably punish them.
Homosexuality is another standard that we seem to be looking the other way with.  I don't care who you have sex with- so long as it is consensual and legal.  But believe me when I tell you, I don't want to know anything else about it, either.  Keep it to yourself and don't make me have to explain to my children about things that they don't need to know about while they are still children.  Make a will if you want  to leave your stuff to your partner.  If you are determined to dress up for a ceremony- rent a hall, buy your outfits, send out invitations and have fun.  But don't make our society as a whole worse off by lowering our standards. Some things just aren't right.
Please don't try that whole segregation argument, or suffrage, because to quote a movie "that dog won't hunt."  NO where in the Bible does it say to treat a person differently because of their skin color.  It specifically tells us to honor and love women.  It also spells out the consequences of homosexuality, and none of them are good.  This isn't an "evolving" issue.  It was wrong yesterday.  It is wrong today.  It will be wrong tomorrow.
Even if you don't believe in God, there are things that are wrong simply because they are.  No amount of exposure to it will change that. We had better start holding people accountable to standards, or we are all going to be out of luck soon.
Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Not Children- Savages!

I've been watching the little savages on the school bus who verbally attacked the elderly bus monitor, Karen Klein.  That must be one proud pack of parents, yes? How do you have something so mean and nasty in your home and not know it?  Where did these little poster children for birth control learn that this behavior was acceptable? If I knew that my child was involved in that, I would have my child walking to school for the rest of his days. With a sore butt.
Why aren't the parents raising children that will contribute to society instead of attacking a woman who is only trying to do her job?  If you listen to the children, they are taunting this woman over the suicide of one of her children. Disgusting.  Since I can't know the names of these minors, then I would be very interested in knowing the names of the parents.  They should be made to be responsible for this.  Disgusting. If there is anyone else who should be punished for this, it is the people who are feeding and housing that pack of losers.
The school bus should not be a place where children can act out their every disgusting thought.  It should be a way to transport children safely back and forth from school and school activities.  And since I cannot know the names of the children, I should be able to know the names of their parents.
I would also like to know more about the home situation of these little savages.  The msm is more than happy to tell what every faux celebrity is having for breakfast and with whom, why not give me the info on who is doing such a miserable job of raising these little brutes?
There is a fund for this lady that is doing quite well.  I am glad for her. Hopefully, she will be able to retire and leave these little monsters behind her.  I have to wonder how well she'll be able to forget that there are cretins like these in the world.  The worst part is that the whole thing came about when one of these sub-humans posted the footage as if this were something to be proud of. What a monumental jerk that little (* parents who were never married) must be, and his parents(my money is still on being raised by wolves) can't be any better. Get involved with your children's activities, hopefully you can stop them from ever being this cruel, vile and disgusting to another person.  You'll thank me later.