Thursday, February 24, 2022

Just When You Think Thieving Potato© Cannot get Any Worse

 It looks as if Biden has some competition in the incompetent leader department. The guy that looks so much like Castro, only North is some kind of despot horrible guy, isn't he?  He threatened to kill the pets of the people that had the nerve to disagree with him and didn't want to take aborted fetal cells injected into themselves.

He was able to get into the bank accounts of the people that had donated as little as $50, and freeze their accounts.  It's awful.  And down here, we have crickets from the msm. Less than crickets, actually.

So what Thieving Potato© has done now is shut down out means of energy independence all while assisting Russia as they take over any independent country that is between them and what they want.  How much is the first crackhead making on the unfettered access that China now has to Taiwan and Russia's violent takeover of Ukraine?  There has to be some money changing hands, that's just how those Bidens roll.

Gasoline is twice the cost that it was with President Trump. But no mean tweets.

Beef is 56% more expensive. But no mean tweets.

Chicken, pork and lamb is 61% more expensive. But no mean tweets. So priorities are there, just not the priorities for any normal person.

I make it a point to thank Bitards at every opportunity and this is another chance to let them own what they have done.  Thanks again, Bitards.  This one is on you, also.   Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, January 24, 2022

What the Heck Happened to Television???

 I've said countless times that I quit watching television around 2008.  I didn't see the need for it, every program that I liked was easily accessible by buying the DVDs of the seasons, and commercials were going to get by without me.

Well, then Dexter decided to have another go and I could not wait for the release, I wanted to see how they fixed the horrid ending that they came up with for the series the first time. Spoiler Alert: it's awful and don't bother.

So anyway, I have television again after a 15 year hiatus and yowza, is it bad! I'm watching the stuff that was current when I still watched broadcast television and the news. That seems to be about the only thing watchable.  But I am curious about that happened to Caucasian actors? There are none in commercials any longer, unless it's a minor role in the background.  I see loads of lesbian and other homosexual couples, and plenty of races, but if you're a white male looking for commercial work, just keep moving.  

A friend of mine is a young man that would like to be an actor.  Unfortunately for him, he is white, and many times when he auditions for the local piddly small time commercials, he is not cast because they want a "diverse" cast.  That translates into anything but white.  Now if he chose to be a homosexual character, he may be able to find some work.  But a straight white guy? Forget it.

It's like watching the NBA, (not that I ever would) and looking for racial diversity there.  But because it's athletics, it must not matter-they just want the best person for the job.  Remember that nonsense with #oscarssowhite??? Try running a #nbasoblack and see how fast it is before you're booted from every neutral platform that we call social media.  Brace yourself to avoid the whiplash.

But it isn't just the thuggery of the NBA, almost any sport is going to be devoid of many races.  But it's racist to point that out, so hush.  

I would like to turn on my television and see something that is entertaining and not pandering, woke, politically correct, or stupid. I understand that I have repeated myself there, but I'm trying to make a point.

Replace any African American with a Caucasian person and have them say the same words.  George Jefferson can same it.  Archie Bunker cannot.  How in the world is that not screaming racism?? Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Metal Unlimited 4894 HWY 84 W Vidalia, LA is a Hot Mess

 Last year, I received an unexpected gift from someone that means the world to me.  It's a metal sign and long story short, I liked it well enough to foolishly try to do business with these people. DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE THAT I MADE! Seriously, save yourself the aggravation.

It wasn't a complicated order, it wasn't even customized. It was three items that they list on their website as in stock and ready to go. HA! So I made a call to see when they were going to be ready before I ever made the order because they are gifts for a thing I have to go to. I was assured that they had plenty of lead time and my order would not only be here but might even be here early.  I'm composting that little promise, it will make corn grow out of concrete.

So cutting it close, I finally get an email from the worst shipping company in the world and their tracking number shows the product has been delivered. I look outside and there is nothing. Not by the door, not on the shelf where most deliveries get left if I am not here, it's nowhere. It seems that Saturday evening deliveries from this particular company are something of a myth after all.  At least they are for me.

So I call Metal Unlimited and get the unprepossessing 'manager' of their customer service team and she tells me that I have to call the shipping company directly and report a problem.  For those of you keeping score, that is lie number 2, the first one being that it would be here on time.

I guess I'm lucky in that she sounds like she has enough teeth to be understood properly, but other than that, she is the worst customer service agent I have ever spoken with.  Here is her solution for the gifts that won't be handed out this Friday: she sent me black and white images of the items in question, so they can see what they aren't receiving.  I asked her if I should use a black frame or a metal one to set off the black and white images she emailed.  I haven't gotten an answer yet.

So today, I get the unbridled joy of following up with the logistics company that shall not be named and they inform me that there is no order from Metal Unlimited coming to me, as they have no record of the order.   I give them the tracking number (again) from their own website and somehow the supervisor can find it but tells me that the company Metal Unlimited will have to contact them to file the claim, but here's the file number to give them.

You can't make this stuff up.

So this claptrap nonsense looks to be located between two churches, here's hoping that the Lord can spread a little charity and common sense on them.  They can use it. At least the brain trust in charge of the "customer service" sure can.

I'm all for small business, I have a couple myself.  I'm not for liars and cheats, and most definitely I don't believe anyone whose sole response when caught in a gigantic lie is to hang up the phone should be supported.  Look in your local area to see what's available and if you waste time on Facebook (no doubt being told that you must think a certain way or be booted from the 'neutral' platform) don't click on their ads.  If they spent as much time on personnel and actually making the items they claim to sell they would own the world and could clean up that junky lot.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

7:03 update

It seems that a lovely company that is about 29 miles from here read about the cut-rate service that is Metal Unlimited and asked me if I would be interested in signs from them. I am and bless Garrick's heart, he's got the idea of what I want them to look like and he's going to get those done tonight! He's even going to deliver them! I'll have them when needed. So in happy conclusion, don't fall for the clickbait nonsense on Facebook. Shop local and keep the money in your community, not some ridiculous online thing that may or may not be legitimate. And thank you Paypal for the refund! 

another update: it seems that while they cannot get gifts delivered, they can leave countless comments telling me what a horrible person I am for expecting to receive what I ordered, when I ordered it.  My review stands.

Friday, August 27, 2021

If You Voted For Biden, This is Your Fault

 I'm friends with all sorts of people, I say that all of the time.  I can talk to almost anyone, even if it devolves into my mocking you relentlessly if you're that persistent with your stupidity.  But as I watch the unmitigated clusterhump going on in Afghanistan, I don't just blame the Thieving Potato moron that stole the election.  I don't just blame the other democrat bigwigs that helped him do it. I don't even just blame Faily McWorse than Carter, who we all know is actually calling the shots in this, his third term.  No, I put a large onus on the morons, the idiots, the cretins that voted for Biden. Not the dead ones, they couldn't help it.

But the living morons that thought this unmitigated disaster who spent 49 years on the government teet with no discernable success to tout other than being the guy to "stabilize" the Obama ticket or the disastrous three strikes nonsense that he doesn't take a lot of credit for these days.

Biden is not only stupid, but he's also dangerous.  He seems to suffer from phases of dementia, and he's seriously creepy around little girls. If he had tweaked the nipple of my eight-year-old daughter, I'd be typing this from prison, because I would have killed him instead of just getting my daughter away from him.  I would not have let my daughter near him.

Look at those pictures of celebrities with Harvey Weinstein.  See those tight smiles on the women's faces? Remember Bette Midler and all of her bellicose yammering about Donald Trump-but she still took her daughter to a party with Harvey Weinstein, even if she's parked herself between the two of them like the wall in Berlin.  Hey Bette, you don't get to bitch about the President when you're willing to take your child to a party of pedophiles. 

Well, you see the same looks on the people that have to be around Biden.  I've read about the Secret Service Detail that had to be restrained from punching Old Joe when he copped a feel on his wife.  That's just disgusting, and if I can find that information, trust me.  It's out there.

So this is your fault, you Bitards. This is 100% your fault.  The skyrocketing gas prices, the capitulation to the Taliban, the rapes that are no doubt going out, the ten wasted years in Afghanistan, it's all your fault.  Don't thank me later.  You should be ashamed of yourself.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Batcrap Crazy or my new Cyber Stalker Nickolaus A. Pacione


    Creative Writer at Kobo
    Publisher, author, freelance writer and editor at PrintToPress

    Some time ago I began writing.  I was probably 4 or 5, bless my sister Shawna and Momma for patiently listening to those stories. By the Fifth grade Mrs. Marable had given me enough encouragement that I plowed ahead with them.  So from the many things that I have written, I most enjoy a bunch of children's stories-the Beane Brothers.  I had offered them to an editor that I know, and he enjoyed them enough to give me some solid advice.  He told me to self-publish.  He said that I had the personality to be able to promote these myself and I have.  My great friend from high school allowed me the use of her son to illustrate these and I have been happy with their success.                                                                       Unfortunately, I chose a bad self publishing company the first time, and they not only published the illustrations in black and white, they brought into my world this "writer" Nickolaus A. Paccione.  Nick is not sane in the sense that you or I think of it.  Instead, he complains about the length of my children's books or their price.  In reality, he is upset because the stories that I produce outsell his by 7000 to 1.     Such is life.  I had heard from several other writers (real writers, not Nick) that he has the habit of obsessing over one author and then stalking them constantly.  It's my turn.  I could block him, that's what all of the others have done, but what's the fun in that? He obviously needs some type of psychiatric care, and if my constant telling him that in some way prompts him to seek professional help-then all of his batshit crazy stalkings will have been worth it.                                     

    What he does for his "book" is to collect quite a few short stories that have been written by actual writers (Poe, Christie, etc) that are in the public domain and free for him to use.  Then, buried inside this redundant book of readable, enjoyable, good stories are the gems that he has written. They are gems.  One critic said, " crapping out a packet of razor blades is more enjoyable than trying to wade through one of his short stories." That's my personal favorite.               Should you have time to kill, you can look him up for yourself, but remember that I warned you.  When I posted his picture on my FB page, he actually complained that it was copyrighted.  From where I have no idea, so I'll add it to this.  I'm also adding his resumé, which has brought more than a little laughter to the people I know and are familiar with this situation.  In addition to listing the many, many self publishing companies that he has used, he lists that he has one trait that I care about he is a bagel maker! I love bagels, and my countless appeals for a doz with everything have so far gone unheeded.  Cross your fingers. And cross the street if you see this guy coming, he has fixated on me for now, but you never know what shiny object will catch his fancy next.  You'll thank me later.   
    Proprietor at Lake Fossil Press

    self employed/owner at Disabled
    Sole proprietorship at Nickolaus Pacione
    Former Content Creator at Booktango
    Former Author at
    Former Contributor/Writer at Hadrosaur Productions
    Former Baker at Bagel Street Cafe
    Studied Small Press Publishing at Arkham House Publishers Inc.