Monday, January 27, 2014

Scraping the Climate Change Off my Car

I quit believing in the tooth fairy when I was five, and yet there are still some folks hanging onto the proven lie that is global warming.  It doesn't hurt that the msm has aided and abetted them at every opportunity.  A perfect example are the two ships that recently broke free from the Antarctic ice that had them trapped for weeks.
To hear the media tell me, that is, when they bothered to report it at all, that Russian ship was just a regular old ship hauling a bunch of tourists to the coldest place on the planet at the coldest time of the year.  What a great vacation idea, that must be!  In reality, it was a ship full of global warming believers who were going to the Antarctic in hopes of finding palm trees and warm beaches to prop up their continuing lie of global warming, global cooling, climate change.  Instead of open water they got their silly selves stuck in the ice and then the Chinese ship that went to rescue them got stuck too.  That is just rich with irony, isn't it?
When I first heard the news, I couldn't wait to see how the msm was going to spin it.  They chose the Obama bad jobs report option, and ignored it.  On the regular b.o water carrying networks, there was hardly a mention of the calamity, and when they did talk about it, they made it seem like a bunch of Russian folks just decided to go there to see what all the fuss was about.
When are they going to stop?  At ever turn, the perpetrators of this myth are proven wrong.  If they can't find real evidence, they just make it up.  Can you imagine the brouhaha if the oil industry just started releasing made up data to show that oil jobs and the areas where they are located have a significant boom?  Oh wait, they don't have to make that data up because it's true.
The point is, the msm is bound and determined to only present the information that fits in with their agenda.  Sad, isn't it?
This past week we had about a foot of climate change dumped on the roads.  They are calling for up to two more feet of global cooling to fall on the ground in the next two days.  It's January, get over it.  One of the biggest problems with January-besides the fact that it seems to be six weeks long- is that it gets hammered with all the bad weather you can imagine.
Ice, sleet, snow, wind, you can expect all of that and more in the miserable weeks of January. Bah! I hate it.
But after surviving the black out we had with the big snow storm- you would think that 1.2 million in upgrades would mean that the town could keep their electricity in the first big snow storm of the year.  You'd be wrong if you were around here.
The worst part of the snow storm black out was that it was caused by an overload at one station.  We didn't get our monies worth on that upgrade, that's for sure.  If al qaeda were looking to take out a tiny little inconsequential back water town, all they need do is take out one stupid pole, apparently.  That makes me sleep better, let me tell you.
So after two days and the decision to put some city trucks on the road to remove the climate change, we have been told that we will be getting another foot or two of global cooling in the next couple of days.  Environmental control freaks are liars.  They will say whatever they have to in order to scare people into obedience.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Why is there a Black Encore Channel?

As I was tooling through a friend's satellite tv guide, I was amazed at all of the offerings.  I also kept hearing the song 57 Channels and Nothing On. I gave up television in 2008, just as all of the major networks save FOX were in the beginning throes of their obamagasm.  I gave up television and haven't looked back.
But as I was flipping through the 700 channels my friend has, I saw that there is a Black Entertainment Channel, and also something called Black Encore.
At the risk of bringing out the race card, why is that?  I don't see a White entertainment channel, or even a white encore channel.  If we are supposed to be past all of the racial hatred, why do these things exist?  And for that matter, why is it the only person being charged with a hate crime in that horrid knock out game is a white person?
Granted, sucker punching anyone for any reason is awful.  I do not think that skin color should be a factor in any sort of viscous attack when it comes to punishing the perpetrator.  The media has been suspiciously quite about this, to the point of ignoring it completely.  If I didn't know better, I would think the knock out game had something to do with Benghazi.
While the internet is great for covering these horrible attacks, I have noticed crickets coming from the current administration.  That is until Conrad Barrett allegedly struck an elderly black man in attempt to knock him out with one punch.  Now it is a 'hate crime.'  There have been over 30 documented convictions of black on white violence involving the same circumstances, and yet not one of those black criminals was charged with a federal hate crime.
Why is that?  I hate to sound cynical.  I would hate to believe that the only reason Eric Holder and company have decided to charge someone with federal crimes in this is because he is white.  I cannot imagine any other factor, though.  If I were wrong, wouldn't there be a slew of hate crimes flying over all of these filmed crimes.  It can't be that hard to find these idiots.  Many of them are so ignorant and feral that they film their assaults and then post them on the internet.
I'm not Columbo or anything, but it seems to me that any of these animals could be tracked down by finding the source from these filmed assaults.  Of course, that would open up a race conversation that the current administration doesn't want to have.  I guess none of these victims look like the son Obama would have had.  It is way past time for b.o. and company to go.  Holder is just another symptom in the rotting carcass of the current administration.  Have you ever heard the expression " a fish rots from the head?'  Well here is proof of it.
Don't accept the double standards being forced on us.  Hate is hate, and until Reverends BabyDaddy and Sharpton step forward and condemn this, they are simply race baitors.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Continued Implosion that is Obamacare

At the risk of saying neener neener, I told you that Obamacare wasn't going to work.  I told you that the laws of economics would not support the idiotic way that obama's socialized medicine scheme was set up.  I told you that the only people who would be interested in signing up would be people so desperate for insurance that anything that was served up would be good enough for them. So, I feel as though I have earned this: Neener. Neener.
That being over now, let's go about fixing this hot mess.  First thing-scrap it.  Second thing-run Nancy Pelosi out of town on a rail.  It can be an organic rail from a self sustaining forest, but run her out on a rail, none the less.  She is an idiot.
Send Harry Reid with her.  He is equally culpable, the three of them, Reid, Pelosi, and Obama have done more damage to our economy and our American way of life than nay host of war despots.  Think about this: When Hitler was massacring Jews, Catholics, and just about any non German he could lay his hands on, it caused the United States to raise up and stop it.  Grant it, it took the Japanese to forcefully get us involved, but eventually the United States of America stopped the greatest menace to the world in a millennium
Fats forward to obama, and please, for those who are easily offended, I am not comparing obama to Hitler.
I'll leave that to the rabid moon bats who put mustachios on pictures of President Bush at every opportunity. No Hitler was rather successful in keeping his promises to the Germans.  He gave them a better standard of life, he organized their trains, their economy, the things that they needed and didn't get after the end of World War One.  He was a psychotic mass murderer, but he kept the trains running on time.
Obama cannot even do that.  He told me with a straight face that I was going to love obamacare.  It was going to be so fantastic that I would cheerfully thank him every day.  The air would be a little sweeter, the sun would be a little brighter, the birds would sing a happy song in the trees.  He loved that the msm stopped servicing him just long enough to coin the phrase obamacare.  All was right in his world.
And then, as early as 2010, he knew that obamacare wasn't going to work.  First, the GOP took the house in a slamming condemnation of all of his plans.  He didn't listen.  He goose stepped forward, ignoring the laws when he could, out right circumventing them when he had to.
Obamacare rolled out to breathless wonder.  It lay on the floor like a misbegotten dog turd.  Suddenly, people saw that the wonder they had been promised was an over priced, over sold stinky dog turd.  Well well well.
Neener, neener.  I told you so.  I sold insurance long enough to know that the system wouldn't work.  You can never add a lot of sick, older people to a system and expect the prices to go down,  Not gonna happen, and you would have to be an idiot to think that it would be anything but a failure.
So now we have people who are having their individual insurance policies cancelled or the premiums raised to astronomical heights.  The deductibles are also out of reach for many people, they might as well have no insurance.  Neener neener.  Many of these people bought the lies, drank the koolaid, took it up their policy.
You cannot allow these people to keep the policies that they like, if you do, the insurance companies will go belly up because they wrote their policies believing that they would have to cover everything from eczema to hangnails.
You cannot not let these people keep those policies, it makes an election nightmare for your fellow hustlers who sold the same lie that you did. Neener neener.
Please keep in mind that all of the angst we are witnessing is the policies of people who insure themselves.  We haven't see the tsunami of cancellations from companies who will not or cannot provide insurance to Sandra Fluke and others who want their employer to make their sexual lives as easy as possible.  Neener, neener.
If your no frills insurance (that was substandard until it wasn't) has been cancelled and you are looking at a Sophie's choice of premiums you cannot afford or deductibles you'll never meet, think about voting against the people who did this to you in 2014.  Take the gavel away from that ball of excitement, Harry Reid.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Obama vs Nixon

President Nixon was a weasel, there isn't a lot of disagreement on that.  He was paranoid, he lacked charisma, he endorsed a break in because he had to know what his opponent was planning.  He lied about the break in.  No one died.  However, Mr. Nixon lied about the cover up, and in the end, he did the right thing and resigned his presidency in order to advance the common good.  He was pardoned by President Ford, thereby guaranteeing the election of the second worse president in the history of the United States of America.
In retrospect, the pardon was the right thing.  It allowed the nation to start putting the hot mess behind us.  The msm was ever vigilant.  In fact, it was the msm that brought the entire sordid business to light.  They didn't stop digging, even without a 24 hour news cycle, they kept the nation- even the world- focused on what amounted to a petty break in. A presidency was brought down and the media rejoiced at its new found power.  They were a force to be reckoned with.  Earlier, they had flexed their muscle with the war in Vietnam-making it a nightly feature on the evening news, and souring the fight in the American people.  The war was lost and the msm was one of the factors.
Nixon was generally vilified by all and sundry, mocked, ridiculed, and cast a side.  He became a punch line.
Fast forward to 2008 and a wholly unqualified individual who ran for president.  He was unvetted by the now adoring media.  He was adulated, adored, and held to no known standard.  His origin of birth was made an issue by team Hillary, who until the sudden rise of Obama was the presumptive nominee.  Yes, you read that right.  Hillary Clinton, the person whose sole qualification for president, or for that matter, Secretary of State- was in looking the other way while her husband inserted a cigar into the vagina of an unpaid intern-was the person responsible for questions being raised regarding Barack Soetoro/Obama's place of birth.  She is the original birther.  The media yawned.
After all, Richard Milhouse Nixon was responsible for four men breaking into a hotel room at the Watergate Hotel and looking for information about the plans of the DNC.  The horror.
This same yawning media has zero interest in what happened in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.  Yes, the anniversary of the worst attack on United States Soil in over fifty years, was not the reason for the attack.  Mrs. Clinton has no idea what the reason for the attack was, and as she so eloquently screeched at a congressional hearing, " At this point, what difference does it make?" 
The msm yawned.  Four people were murdered, help was requested and denied, one of those murdered people was drug through the streets, sodomized, tortured, beaten, and disfigured and Secretary Clinton would like to know what difference it makes now.
B.O. did his usual transparent administration thing and had no knowledge of any of the events.  In fact, while our brave men were being murdered, Mr. Obama claims that he went to bed early in order to get a good night's sleep for the next morning's fund raiser.
Before he allowed these four men to be murdered, B.O. had had a hand in the deaths of hundreds of others.  He had tried to create a gun violence crisis south of the border by allowing hundreds of untraced guns to flow into Mexico.  In his usual transparent manner he has covered the entire event with an executive order.  How transparent is that?  With very few exceptions, the msm has yawned.
Next up in the scandal meter is the tapping of the phones that the self same media uses.  Another big yawn.  After that there was the matter of the IRS denying hundreds of applications to Tea Party and Libertarian organizations that could have made a huge difference in the 2012 elections.  Another big media yawn.
In fact, using the IRS as a weapon was something that Mr. Nixon had done, and was one of the most hotly reported items for weeks on end.  When Obama did it?  Huge yawn from the msm.
So in the grand scheme of things, at least Mr. Nixon had the decency to resign and spare our great Republic from any more of his mistakes. Obama will have to be impeached and drug screaming from the Oval office.
The sooner the better.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.