Monday, November 26, 2012

Daylight Savings Time and Other Dumb Ideas

I am lucky enough that my commute to work takes five minutes on foot.  I say that now, of course, because there is no snow on the ground to contend with yet.  When the snow ( a miserable four letter word, if ever there was one) comes, it will probably add another five minutes to my commute, as I have a dog that is delicate, just ask her.  She might weigh 165 pounds, but her delicate feet were not made to step in water or snow. But as I walk to work, I see children standing in the dark, waiting for the school bus.
Some of these children remind me of the old SNL costume, 'invisible pedestrian' as they stand there in dark clothes with their dark jackets.  I keep dreading the day when one of them will be hit by a car, the street they gather on doesn't have a lot of drive ways, so the street is parked up and the traffic is down to one lane in places.  I hate it, but it's going to happen one day.
I have written before that the hour "saved" in the whole stupidity of changing clocks is mythical.  If you want an "extra" hour to exercise, or do yard work, or whatever your plan is- set your alarm an hour earlier.  How easy is that?
In the state that I live in, the idea of changing clocks was very contentious.  It was voted on four times and defeated.  Seems to me that no one wanted it, right?  But the powers that be were determined to drag them kicking and screaming into time changes, and presto!  There has been no great increase in commerce that was promised.  There has been no increase in anything.  I guess whoever ramrodded it through was full of feces. Typical politician.
Another dumb idea that has been aggravating me is something I call the Caucasian tax in obamacare.  You probably weren't aware of this one unless you use a tanning bed.  I don't like them, they make me feel as if I am crawling into a glass and chrome coffin.  But I use one a few times a year because if I don't, the people around me cringe away.  Not because I am as pale as milk ( that would be the Sister, Shawna) but because I am so unbelievably irritable while I am not getting all of the vitamin D that I need.  So three or four times in the fall I will climb into a tanning bed and when I come out, I no longer want to rip of someone's head and crap down their neck. (Not counting the ex or his boyfriend, of course.)
But the morons who had to pass it to tell me what was in it, added this ten percent tax on tanning.  Who tans? Do you see a lot of black people lining up?  How about Mexicans, or even Asians?  No.  What you have are a lot of white people who either don't want to be the color of milk, or they use it like I do, for the vitamin D.  Seems a little discriminatory, doesn't it?
Finally, I guess the dumbest idea to me these days is a helmet law.  I know, I know, they save lives.  So do seat belts.  But if a person is old enough to make the decision to ride on a motorcycle, aren't they old enough to decide if they want a helmet on their head or not?  Goose stepping into a nanny state is an aggravating thing.  Scary, also.  Think about how much freedom you have, and how much you are willing to give away.  You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Looks Like Walmart Will Be Hiring

I've read with a fair amount of amusement, the movement to have people who work for the largest retailer in the world, simply walk off their jobs on black Friday in protest of the policy that people have to work on Thanksgiving.  I worked for Walmart for ten years, let me tell you, I never had the Holiday off.
When I took the job there, I understood that I was working in a retail occupation.  I also understood that they day after Thanksgiving is the largest retail day for the store.  It's called "black Friday" because for many retailers, that is when they go into "black" that is-they actually make a profit for the year.
The things that all of the people buy don't magically appear by fairies and elves.  Real live associates are needed to put that stuff out there so that people can buy it.  When is it that they are supposed to do that?  If you know that you are going to really be busy on a certain day- wouldn't you plan on being ready for it?
Because Obama and his moronic policies have created 20% unemployment, any job is a good job right now.  While you may not like having to rearrange your Holiday, would you rather be living on the street because you cannot pay for your housing?  I am certain that all of these newly outraged people who plan to call in sick would rather have a roof over their heads and food in their refrigerator.  Sometimes there are hard choices that you have to make.  And if the worst thing that these employees have facing them is that they have to rearrange their Thanksgiving meal I have three words for them: suck it up.
If you have a job right now that is paying you full time wages, do you realize that you are better off than in three people?  If you have enough money to pay your way through life, thanks to B.O. you are better off than almost half of the people.  If you need something to be thankful for- I'd start right there.
There are service men and women who are being shot at on Thanksgiving.  They will hopefully eat a simple meal from a metal tray.  It may be turkey, maybe not.  There will be no family around them to laugh or enjoy the day with, and there will be no relaxing nap afterwards.  They aren't going to call in sick, they can't.  Nor will they stage a walk out-and Thank God- our freedom and safety depends on them.
If you are looking for something to be thankful for, I'd start right there.  The world doesn't owe you the hours that you want to work, and since B.O. was able to steal another one, just be thankful that you have a job.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Obamanomics in Action

Here's a true story from the day after the morons put that socialist back in the oval office:

I have said on more than one occasion that I would love a day off.  I was hopeful that mittforbrains had chosen well, and like me, other conservatives would pull the lever for him, if not for Romney necessarily.  Well, that didn't happen and now we are stuck with four more years of the worst hot mess since Carter.  At least Carter meant well, I have to believe.  So B.O. is re installed  his yeti wife can continue to get all the free crap her sasquatch like hands can hold and I cannot afford to hire a part time person because of obamacare.
I had hoped that I could, had even narrowed down my search to one person and told him that I would be starting him after the election-provided of course-that b.o was kicked to the curb.
Well, bright and early this morning, I had to call my non employee and tell him that because of mass stupidity I was not in a position to hire him.  He needs the job.  He really does.  I believe him with my whole heart, and I truly wish that I could afford to hire him.  Not just for those blessed hours I would have off from work, but I truly believe in paying it forward.  But I can't take the bread out of my mouth for his.
He was almost in tears and I was in tears.  He needs to make the money to keep his small family afloat.  I get that, I really do.  But I can't help him and it is not just Obama's fault- it is the fault of every moronic, welfare believer in the nanny state that voted for him then or now.
And the crap doesn't stop there.  Did you realize that obamacare has a tax in it that specifically penalizes white people?  It puts a ten percent tax on tanning bed salons.  Who tans?  Do you see a lot of hispanics or blacks in there?  No, you see caucasians and only caucasians. How is that not racist?  
Thanks to b.o. there are so many regulations that are involved in hiring someone to work for you.  I can't afford the penalties (they are not taxes no matter what an idiot Supreme Court thinks) so I am stuck here for about seventy three hours a week.  
How's that for change you can believe in?  What's more- I am just one small business.  Do you really think that I am alone in my ideas?  I am not.  I have spoken to dozens of people like me, and we all agree that we'll just gut it out.  Is it any wonder that real unemployment is double digits and rising?  There is more feces coming.  Get ready for it.  Buy gold. Buy ammunition. Stockpile food.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 12, 2012

For the Walking Brain Dead that Voted for B.O.

There's some change that you can believe in.  The recession that should have been over is only going to be longer and more painful than we could ever believe.  In fact, when you use the numbers that they used to calculate our economy during the 1930's we are smack in the middle of  a depression. In 1931, our unemployment numbers were 15.3%. In 1932 it was 22.9%. In 1933, it was 20.6 % and 1934 gave us 16% unemployment.  Removing the mumbo jumbo of only counting people who are receiving unemployment and counting all unemployed- we have 2009- 21%. 2010 we  are looking at 22%.  In 2011, it stayed steady at 22% unemployment.  For 2012, it is 23% unemployment.
We have let ourselves be overrun by people who are more concerned with the next free handout, the next gimmee, that we have signed over our sovereignty.
We are no longer the world's best hope- we are that homeless guy waiting for the next spare change to hit his cup.  We are no longer world leaders.  We are only the leaders of debt and  jobs lost.  We cannot get to the space station that we built unless we hitch a ride with a country that hates us.
We cannot even pay our own bills, and yet we are giving away billions in foreign aid.  A lot of that aid goes to countries that don't like us.  Pakistan is a fine example.  They were hiding Osama Bid Laden and we had to sneak into our "friends" country to get him.  Of course, Barry was quick to take the credit for it.  Quick to want the appreciation, even though he denied permission for the raid until he found out it was about to be leaked.
That's your guy and you can have him.  He has socialized twenty percent of our economy with no real way to pay for it.  But the idiots, useful or otherwise, heard free and they signed on in droves.  I pity them.  I will anyway after I get finished figuring out how to clean up this latest mess.
I had planned to hire a guy until the election results came in.  While I am still waiting to see how much of it was stolen, I am not hopeful.
If the main stream media can't even tell me how many people are dead because of fast and furious, I don't expect that they will tell me how many  voting booths were faulty or how many areas where B.O. received 105% of the vote.
Nope, they are in the tank for their guy, plain and simple.  So I am not hiring. My store will limp along and I will continue to work 16 hour days.  I will not expand, I will only hunker down and try to ride out the storm. As soon as mittforbrains gave up and quit ( surprised? no) I put the sell order into my broker.  He was getting a lot of those on Wednesday.  I converted the majority of my holdings into gold and silver, much like many people were doing.  I have a full freezer.  I have three guns in my house (one on every floor) and enough ammunition to stop the moron who thinks it is a good idea to steal from me or break into my home.  I would suggest that you do the same.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Go Vote the Socialist Out of Office

Tomorrow is one of the most important elections of our life times.  Not only do we have to go about fixing the mess that has been wreaked on us for the last four years, we have to make sure that it never happens again.
I am not a fan of Mitt Romney.  Anyone who takes even a casual glance through these posts can see that I think he is John McCain revisted. I don'tt think he is conservative enough, and I don't like him.  I love Paul Ryan, however. He has a bold set of ideas, and he has a plan-something that the msm has been more than happy to ignore about B.O. lo these last four years.
If we allow the guy in there now to have four more years to tear up our economy, our identity, our standing in the world, we may not be able to fix it when he is finished.  Do you like that there is a kill switch on the internet?  Do you like that he won't even salute our flag?  He has no problem saluting other flags, just not ours.  I don't like the idea of having to pay him for the rest of his stupid life, but he smokes, and hopefully, that is a problem that will take care of itself.
God forbid, if he got hit by lightening on one of his endless games of golf, Joe Biden is in charge. Does that not scare the crap out of you??  It keeps me from getting a good night's sleep many times.  Go out and vote!  You owe it to yourself, to your children and to our Republic.  We simply must make our voices heard, that all that there is to it.
Go vote. You'll thank me later.