Monday, February 25, 2013

Inflation and Other Things that B.O. is Good at Creating

Do you realize that thanks to B.O. and his worthless Chairman of the Fed that twenty dollars from the year 2000 would buy you $24.57 worth of items today? That is almost twenty five percent.  In other words, B.O.'s inflation is a tax that every man, woman and child has to pay.  How's that make you feel?
It makes me angry, really really angry.
I don't want to hear that the economy is getting better.  Any person who eats knows that that isn't true.  When is the last time that you were in a grocery store?  Have you taken a look at some of those "luxury" items like milk, beef and chicken?  When I was little, we ate steak once in a while, and I can tell you- it was a big deal.  Considering that my Mother waited tables to put every scrap of food on my plate- I would sometimes think about how many miles she had walked to get that steak to me.
She would be running a marathon twice if she tried to feed us steak these days.  The other day, as I was casually perusing the meat aisle- I saw rib eyes for $8.99, on sale.  I laughed and I laughed.
Who outside of politicians and bureaucrats can afford to eat steak now?  I'm pretty happy when there is a sale- I stock up-but take a close look at your grocery bill the next time you have to go shopping. Milk, cheese, bread-it's all higher.  Paper towels and toilet paper are at least 38% higher than they were two years ago.  The same with all the other necessities that we have to have.  I make my own laundry soap-but try making your own toilet paper.  Not really possible, is it?
I looked further into the charts that list what twenty dollars would buy and I was disgusted. In 1974 it would have bought the same as one hundred dollars worth of goods.  Let that sink in for a second.  That is the same as a five hundred percent tax on every person who ever buys anything.
Printing money out of whole air is the problem.  Look at the end of the Civil War.  The Confederacy was doing the same thing and people had to take a wheelbarrow full of it to buy bread.  I believe that we should take a closer look at the Chairman of the Fed and maybe even consider auditing it.  It'll probably scare us half to death. There were many things I disliked about the Ron Paul candidacy, but his adherence to the Constitution and his desire to audit the Fed, those were things that I could have gotten behind in a flash.
As I listen to the constant blather about the need for gun control (to me that is hitting what you are aiming at) and the cowardly retail establishments that are suspending gun sales I shake my head.
We are out of money, broke, flat, busted.  The Senate- lead by that spokesman for sedatives- Harry Reid has failed to meet one of their few Constitutional requirements for three years running , that is to say passing a budget. Where is the outrage from the media?
Instead, he is standing on the Senate floor telling outright lies, knowing he is protected from slander laws while he does it there.  He also knows that the msm is still too enamored with their boy to bother reporting any pesky news stuff. Disgusting.
So keep counting down until 2014.  Stockpile food, guns and ammunition.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, February 18, 2013

No More RINOS!

I held my nose and voted for John McCain.  I respect his service to our Country, he made sacrifices that I cannot begin to imagine.  Thank you, Mr. McCain.  However, you were a lousy candidate against the likes of  B.O.  You had no cohesive strategy.  You were chosen simply because it was your turn.  The only intelligent thing that you did in the years that you were advocating for the job was to choose Governor Sarah Palin as your running mate.  I found her a breath of fresh air, and the perfect antidote to your endless political career.  She has wonderful ideas, you sir, wanted to sit in the Oval Office.  That was the some extent of your plan.  But, being a Republican (at the time) I stood in line and voted for you, even though you really were not that inspiring.  You let b.o. get away with many, many lies.  You never challenged him on any of the things that you should have.  If that was your best campaign sir, I pity Arizona.  Perhaps you should retire.
2012 found a field rich with conservatives.  I was a little disappointed that Mrs. Palin chose not to run, but I completely understood why she didn't.  The mere thought of her running had the msm in hyper overdrive.  They unabashedly smeared her family, her children and any one else that came near her.  It was disgusting to watch the double standard in play.  One by one, the best and brightest in the pack were singled out and destroyed both personally and professionally until the only one left was Governor Romney. 
Governor Romney outspent his opponents in ratios of 12 to 1 at times.  He insinuated, smeared, tarnished, and flung poo like a bored monkey at the zoo.  I had hoped for Herman Cain, Speaker Gingrich, Governor Perry, Congresswoman Michele Bachman (nice hatchet picture of her, by the way msm) anyone  but Governor Romney.   I had made up my mind to sit the vote out until he chose Paul Ryan, a fiscal rockstar and all around amazing human being.
 The msm which had been nothing short of adoring of Mr. Romney, turned on him like they were pitbulls and he was a guy in a meat suit. I still don't care if he had binders, files, or post-it notes of eligible qualified women.  I do care that he was smart enough to chose Paul Ryan as his running mate.  I found myself again voting for the second person on the ticket.
Now comes Governor Christy.  The man I blame more than any other for going all in and making the worst thing since Carter look compassionate and presidential.  He alone, I believe caused the election to go the way that it did. That, and 112% turnout in some areas.  Oh, and the districts where not one person was befuddled by the voting machine and accidentally pushed the wrong button.  Not one!  Wow, that was some good community organizing, wasn't it?
So Governor Christy got his billions + payoff for New Jersey.  B.O. got some  tailwind that carried him limping over the finish line, possibly even winning.  And now Christy wants to consider a run for the White  House.
No thank you, sir.  You've done enough. 
So remember the rinos when 2016 rolls around.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Why are There a Kajillion Friday the 13th Movies and No One is Making Zombieland 2?

I am not a person who usually enjoys movies with a lot of gore.  I love being scared by a movie- Psycho still gives me the willies, and when that little girl's head twisted around in the Exorcist, my five friends and I slept with my Mom when we were thirteen- but brains and eyeballs popping is just gross.  I also like, enjoy, love bad movies, so I thought I had a no brainer when I watched Zombieland for the first time.  I have never been more wrong.
I quote that movie more than any other.  Especially if I see a clown (and anyone who has seen the movie knows what I say) or if I am killing a bug. (Rule # 2)
A sequel can be a wonderful thing-Rambo 2- or it can make you wonder if they even watched the same movie that you watched. (Too many to mention) But Zombieland is hilarious.  If they had brought on the original cast again, it would just be priceless.  Too bad they can't seem to get themselves coordinated.
I'm sure that leaves room for another Scary Movie sequel.  I enjoyed the original, let's stop now.
While I believe that Keenan Ivory Wayons is a directorial genius (I'm Gonna Get You Sucka) the whole premise of  Scary Movie just feels tired now.
Don't get me started on any movie with Jason or Freddy Krueger as a character.  How many ways are there to slice a person open.  For that matter, why hasn't the police done something about those mass murder areas just waiting for six to eight stupid, drunken teenagers to wander into?
Good movies are a treasure.  We need more of them.  We don't need any more sequels to things that stopped being funny six years ago.  Apolitical movies that are funny and can make you forget your troubles for awhile-even better.
So on the off chance that someone knows someone who has any say in the making of Zombieland 2, please tell them to get on it.  And if you haven't seen the Zombieland by all means go see it!  You'll thank me later. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Crazy Tenants

I have written before about my quest for a normal, sane, financially responsible tenant.  The first two that I started with taught me a lot about human nature and the psychology of permanent victims.  I was very very careful with the next batch, and wouldn't you know it, more crazy people!  While I have no where near the twenty units that a friend of mine has, I don't understand how he is able to stand it.
I think I have a decent person in there now, but I have been wrong before.  I guess the pressure of paying me every month drove the last ones away.  Or it could have been his desire not to work because he was "disabled."  Don't get me wrong, if you truly cannot work, I have no problem with you receiving from the system that you have paid in to.  But if you are able to walk two large pooping machines every day, lug around heavy equipment while you are "ghost hunting" and generally get yourself up and down two flights of stairs on a regular basis, I don't see much wrong with you.
Why are so many people looking to just get by with disability?  I had to receive it for four years, and one of the best days of my life was when I was cleared to go back to work.  I have a brother in law with a bad heart.  Barely in his forties, he has had a heart attack and a defibrillator inserted to keep his heart beat regulated.  He worked on a paving crew moving heavy equipment and doing very hard, taxing work.  After his heart attack, his cardiologist told him that he cannot work any more.
Now he is depressed when he shouldn't be.  He has worked (hard) his whole entire life and now that he cannot, he should be able to take from the fund that he has paid into his entire working life.  He isn't a stripper receiving disability because she gets depressed that she has a crappy job (she shops my store when she isn't busy pushing out more children and looking for "disabilities" in them) or a guy who miraculously recovered once he was deemed disabled.  Nor is he a guy who lives near my store trying to get disability even though he can heft large appliances from his truck and drives hundred of miles a week looking for things to pick up and resell at his perpetual yard sale.
The person who is renting it from me now would like to have a roommate to split expenses.  He is starting to see the crazy people that I warned him about.  He has had a gut who wants to know if he can take mudbaths in the yard.  I am not making that up.  Some one actually wanted to know if I would be okay with him digging a mud pit in my yard for him to relax in.  Feel better about yourself yet?  You should, unless of course you are mud pit guy.
But back to the original rant- crazy tenants are every where I have discovered.  I would never have dreamed of trying to stick someone with what I rightfully owed them.  If you have rental properties and your tenants aren't crazy deadbeats, be glad. Be very glad.  You'll thank me later.