Monday, January 28, 2013

Wow, is Clinton Frail!

I don't believe that Hillary Clinton has a brain clot.  At this moment I can hear every liberal that reads this (both of them) groaning and shaking their heads.  I think it is a remarkable coincidence that she has hearings in front of Congress and presto! A concussion.  I also have a hard time believing that a woman with access to the best medical care in the world (on our dime, of course) didn't have a neurologist right there from the moment she "fell."
I have read the usual slanderous dismay from those morons on the left who cannot believe that any sane, normal person would question the veracity of this sudden medical condition.  I guess that is another vast right wing conspiracy, huh?
While I understand that Washington D.C. is a remarkable environment for coincidence, it stretches the intelligence of anyone with more than three working brain cells to believe that Hillary is really sick.  I think ol' Hill took a page out of her husband's book and started obfuscating to beat the band.  She sees the writing on the wall, and the last thing this frail, delicate orchid needs to rain on her Presidential aspirations is for her to be involved in another Democratic administration that is embroiled in an Impeachment.
Is there anyone out there who thinks that B.O. did everything that he could in the deaths of our ambassador in Libya?  I have a bridge to sell them. Don't worry, you can only drive on the left side of it.
While I enjoy the thought of being Clinton free for awhile, much like her husband's likeness to herpes, I am sure the most under qualified Senator/Secretary of State will be back.
She reminds me of the poop that you step on without realizing it, and then you are dragging it around for ages, trying to rid yourself of the mess and the stink.
I hope that they grill Mrs. Clinton for hours in those hearings.  I hope that the Republicans in charge of the hearing have grown a pair, and they don't let her leave without some answers.  I will not be surprised if B.O. tries to cover this all up under executive privilege-much like he tends to do when the truth can rear it's ugly head and bite him on the tukhus.
We deserve better than we are getting from b.o.  Call your Congressman and demand some answers.  You'll thank me later. ps Happy Birthday Keith!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Molon Labe

The words Molon Labe have significant meaning, now more than ever, in light of b.o.'s new attempt to thwart my God given right to protect myself.
  The Battle of Thermopylae (480 BC), is one of the more famous battles from ancient history. 300 Spartans were surrounded by thousands of Persians. Xerxes I, the king of Persia, sent a message for the Spartans to lay down their weapons and surrender, promising that they would be kept alive.  King Leonidas of Sparta replied, "Molon Labe."   ( “Come and take them” in ancient Greek.)
What happened instead of meekly handing over their weapons, was that the Greeks held Thermopylae for three days and, even though the 300 soldiers were in the end destroyed, they inflicted such serious damage upon the Persian army, that they were able to delay  its progress to Athens, giving enough time for the city’s evacuation to the island of Salamis. Even though the Spartan were annihilated, Thermopylae served as a moral victory and encouraged the troops in the Battle of Salamis and the Battle of Plataea.
It's pronounced mo-LONE  la-VEY.  It simply rolls off the tongue in aggressive defiance, doesn't it?   I have seen that you can find companies that sell t-shirts and stickers with the phrase.  I am hoping to be able to offer them in my store by the time that this is published.
B.O. has found his agenda, and since stupidly thinking that he has a mandate to do whatever he feels like doing, he is exploiting the deaths of those poor victims of another mentally ill person.  Why isn't his first concern in setting up a panel to get more care and help to the people who suffer from mental health problems?
The victims of Aurora, Colorado, Tuscon, Arizona, and Newtown, Connecticut all have something in common.  They were murdered by people who not only had/have mental health problems, in all of those cases, someone else knew about those problems and didn't do enough to get them help. They could have easily decided to poison, stab, or strangle their victims, but instead chose to use guns.
 The problem isn't the guns.  It's the crazy people who aren't being stopped.
 In an equally stupid, dumb, willfully ignorant, liberal move, there is a public service announcement (psa) from a lot of sanctimonious idiots: Amy Poehler, Carry Mulligan,Chris Rock, Conan O'Brien, Jennifer Anniston, Jessica Alba, Aziz Ansari, Jamie Foxx, Jeremy Renner, Amanda Peet,Cameron Diaz, Paul Rudd, Michelle Williams,Reese Witherspoon,Kate Hudson,Ellen Degeneres,Julianne Moore, Beyonce Knowles, Olivia Munn, Selena Gomez,Jon Hamm, Jennifer Westfeldt, Steve Carrell, Will Ferrell, Sarah Silverman,Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, John Slattery and John Legend.  They have all decided that as celebrities, they know much more about this issue than  you or I do.  They give names of victims of gun violence, and make a hypocritical plea for children.  Why do I say hypocritical?  Because so many of them have been involved in movies that depict quite a bit of violence.  I much prefer this video:   but be warned, it is VERY GRAPHIC and the language is not something you want your kids to hear.
  Clearly these celebrities don't think you are smart enough to make your own informed decisions.  Think about where you'll spend your money the next time you go to the movies. I have already made a conscious effort not to give my money to the celebrities who are so quick to cut a psa asking for more gun control while hypocritically depicting violence to earn a buck and then surrounding themselves with armed guards for themselves and their families.  Clearly they don't need my money.  Think about where your entertainment money is spent.  And then think about your God given rights that are outlined in the Second Amendment.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, January 14, 2013

From my Cold Dead Hands

I have three guns.  Two shotguns and a pistol to be more specific, and anyone who is stupid enough to break into my house and try to hurt me or mine will not live to sue me.  I do not take them out to threaten anyone with them, and I have locks on them that would prevent any child or unauthorized person from using them.  I do plan to show my middle son the proper way to use a gun, but not yet.
I have watched with cynicism, and then mounting disgust as the msm and liberals in general have tried not to waste the current crisis.  I don't see it as a gun control issue.  I think that while guns were involved in this and the Gabby Giffords' shooting-the over riding factor in both of these cases, plus the Aurora, Colorado shooting have been issues of mental health.
Why didn't the people around these three -clearly mentally ill people- say or do something about it?  For a group of hysterical people that are suddenly clamoring for more gun control, how about we put the onus on the mental health problems that these three clearly share?
Hammers killed more people last year than guns, I am sure that you have seen the statistics if you don't count on the msm exclusively for your news.  Of course, they have an agenda that involves disarming the general population.  It's the only way to make us truly subservient to the government.
I don't have a problem with high capacity clips. If a person feels that they want one, is legally licensed to own one, and has purchased that clip or gun in a lawful manner then I say leave them alone!  When "people" saw a chance to get free stuff and started rioting in Los Angeles a few years back- the owners of stores in Korea town literally saved their buildings and stores with semi automatic weapons. Again, when seconds counted, those police were only hours away. 
I do have a problem with liberal news outlets printing the name and address of legal gun owners.  I see that they had a problem with their names and addresses being published.  Why is that?  I mean, if it is okay to violate my privacy to advance your gun control stupidity, why can't I know about you?  Am I the only one who sees the irony in their indignation?
  Speaking of indignant losers, how about the celebrities ad nauseum to make the "demand a plan" psa? 
Amy Poehler, Carey Mulligan, Chris Rock, Conan O’Brien, Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba, Aziz Ansari, Jamie Foxx, Jeremy Renner, John Legend, John Slattery, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Nick Offerman, Rashida Jones, Selana Gomez, Beyonce, Jon Hamm, Patrick Bateman, Rihanna, Kristen Bell, Reese Witherspoon, Will Ferrell, Sarah Silverman, Ellen Degeneres, Julianne Moore, Jennifer Garner, Cameron Diaz, Courteney Cox, Christina Applegate, Steve Carell, Jennifer Hudson, Elizabeth Banks, Gwyneth Paltrow,  and Brooke Shields were quick to fling an anti gun psa out there demanding that I give up my awful guns.  How many of them have armed security protecting them and their families?  Do you suppose that if a crazy stalker shows up at their residence, that any of these hypocritical people call an armed security force to deal with the problem? And since I work for a living and cannot afford to hire my own armed guards, why should I be denied the same protection simply because I am willing to shoot the assailant myself? After all, when seconds count-the police are only minutes away.
If you can, legally buy a weapon and some ammunition to protect yourself and your family.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Skunk 2 Caliope and Me 0

I have often complained when people expect their pets to be smarter than their children.  I  don't understand a person who gets angry with their dog or cat when they nip or bite a child that is hurting them.  The children have the thumbs, make them smarter than your animals.  Everyone will be happier for it.
It's along those lines that I tell what happened in early December.  I knew it was bad when the snow that I woke up to was the second worst thing about the day.  I have a wonderful dog named Caliope.  She is a Great Dane and she is a wonderful creature full of love and pretty dang smart to boot.  On this particular morning, we woke up at 5:30- I know, I know- and started our day.  There was snow on the ground (yuck) and my wonderful, clever, 165 pound behemoth did not want to go outside for her morning rituals.  I was calling her a sissy, tugging her out and not happy about the snow either.
When we turned the corner of my house, I saw why my dog didn't want to go outside.  There was a skunk trundling through the yard, and he was in a take no prisoners sort of mood.  He tagged my poor dog and me before we could get away.
So now it is 5:40 and my dog and I stink of skunk.  I had a fleeting moment of wondering why that skunk wasn't holed up and hibernating already.  I guess the snow surprised him as well.  So I take my stinky dog (who is really cheesed with me now) straight upstairs and shut her in the bathroom.  I stripped off my clothes and put them in a garbage bag outside the door.  Then, I went downstairs and grabbed four quarts of tomatoes that I put up over the summer and ran them through the blender.  Three quarts I put on my dog.
I will remember the look of disdain that she gave me as I smeared tomato paste into her ears for the rest of my life.  After about ten minutes I rinsed her off with baking soda and water and she didn't smell very skunky anymore.
It was kind of hard to tell, however, as I was still very very skunky.  My turn in the shower found me dumping the last quart of tomatoes over me and waiting for their magic to work.  Finally, shivering, I rinsed off.  After following up with shampoo, etc. I put on non- skunk sprayed clothes and wrapped up everything that we had touched and put it in the trash.
My bathroom looked like I had butchered a pig.  My dog still wasn't speaking to me and my cats were still hissing when I walked in the room.  What a great way to start the day, huh?
So today my dog has started to forgive me.  My cats still won't sit on my lap, and I'm okay with that.  I learned one other valuable lesson (besides trusting my dog when she doesn't want to go out) and that is not to ask my friends if I smell like skunk.
If I do smell like skunk (which I didn't) they tell me I do.  I had to resort to asking an acquaintance.  Thanks, friends.  So listen when your dog is trying to tell you something and watch out for skunks all year long.  You'll thank me later!