Monday, April 19, 2010

Just Call Me a Birther, I Guess

Did anyone listen to B.O. when he was campaigning?  I did, I couldn't help it, he was everywhere-thank you liberal media.  Did anyone pay attention to what he promised?  It was something along the lines of more transparency than in the history of the office, wasn't it?  So could someone explain to me how hiring a firm and spending almost one half a million dollars to prevent people from digging up his past is transparent?  I just want to know if he's eligible to hold the office.  Right now, I got a buck that says no.  Why would he fight so ferociously to keep every one of his records hidden?  All of them, from college transcripts to birth certificate are shielded by one obfuscation after another.  Not so transparent, is it?  And while I'm risking a sudden government interest in my taxes, could someone please explain to me why the media just goose steps along with him?  I cannot believe that if Katie Couric  ( a paragon of journalism,no?) were to spend a few nights digging into B.O.'s background, she wouldn't find a few questions to ask.  She might even get to be one of the chosen few that he allows to ask questions.  Try this: the next time you have to sit through a Q and A session with this guy, count the reporters he favors with recognition.  Do this a few times and you will come up with one of two conclusions.  Either the media corps (pronounced: KOR) has dwindled down to five people, or B.O. asks the same anointed reporters, over and over.  How does one get on B.O.'s short list of favored ones?  I haven't seen the guidelines, but I'm thinking from the questions that are soft pitched to our favorite Kenyan, that some sort of agreement must be in place. Notice the next time, you'll thank me later.

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