Friday, September 24, 2010

What a Piece of Crap

My ex husband used to roll odometers at the used car place he worked until being unceremoniously fired for being a jackass.  I don't blame them for firing him, he had gotten to the point that he thought he was indispensable,  and that is never a good place to be.  So anyway, he was fired.  He got a new job (for much less money) at a place called TRW.  They make after market stuff for cars, I think. They may just package them, I was never very sure as the ex was vague to the point of avoidance.  He tried to sell me on this being a good thing. I will admit I was not very supportive, especially since I had been warning him that his job was in danger. The guy he worked with is one of the brown nosing weasels that sucks up to the boss to his face and runs his down the rest of the time.  I had told my ex-genius to be careful, but noooo, that guy was his friend. 
Next thing I know, he is working at the TRW and he loves it.  Sure he had to be there at four o'clock in the morning, but he got off work at two, so he was happy. Long story short, we are no longer together because he is a nasty piece of work, with different ideas of monogamy then I have.  To protect myself and our children, I took the information about the odometers to the Sheriff of Dekalb County Indiana.  I had copies of odometers that the ex had made on the sly, showing the vin numbers of the vehicles that he had rolled odometers on.  I don't know if he planned to extort money for them or what his plan was, I just know that the used car place GAVE him a race car when he was let go. That's a nice severance package, no?
So, anyway, back to Sheriff Uphold the Law.  I gave him the copies of everything I had and guess what he told me?  "I call them like I see them.  You seem like a vindictive woman." I asked him if this made odometer tampering less of a crime.  He told me it was not a serious crime, but he would look into it.  With that, I left copies of the odometer readings with him and waited to see it swept under the rug.  You see, the ex used to brag about doing the odometers of the prosecuting attorney's husband, as well as several other well situated people in this town.  Here is the sum total of the sheriff's investigation: he went to the ex and asked him if he did it.  Then he went to the other guy that did it and asked him if it was true.  Both of them said no and the case was closed.
I have blogged about this before, but I have been reading about the deputies that were caught having sex with an eighteen year old girl while they were on duty and I wonder why no one does anything about small town corruption.  If I get an answer, you can thank me later.  Of course, if my car explodes, ala Karen Silkwood, I hope they get Sandra Bullock to play me in the movie.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I was watching an interview today about the Unions in this country and how they are pledging over 150 million to democrats in the midterm elections.  Let that number sink in for a minute before you finish reading this (hopefully) entertaining yet informative blog. Barrack Hussein Obama is owned by the unions and they want their money's worth.
What purpose does a union serve now, anyway?  Are they fighting for the little guy so that he doesn't have to work for twelve cents and shop at the company store? Not so much.                                                                                 Are they making sure that unsafe working conditions no longer exist? Ask those poor dead workers on the BP rig that continues to destroy our eco system. (Way to stay on top of it B.O. By the way, how's your golf game?) Or are they continuing to ensure that incompetent teachers do not have to face any real consequences when they cannot teach our children?  Are they making sure that workers can sit in an area and get paid to not work? I have said many times that the only thing that a union did for two of the greatest men I have ever known is send flowers when they died prematurely.  No offense, I'd rather have them back.  Thanks unions, for the contracts that helped two great men work themselves literally to death.
And just what exactly is the number of workers that are represented by these unions that have millions and millions of dollars to invest in the politicians of their choice?  Would you believe twelve measly percent?  I wish I was kidding.  The membership of unions across the United States of America is down to its lowest levels EVER, yet they still have the clout with the DNC to call the shots.  Isn't it nice to see our government bought, paid for and pretty much run by twelve percent of the working population?  That spinning noise is our founding Fathers.  Make your feelings about this known to your elected officials.  You'll thank me later.