Monday, April 28, 2014

Another Reason Not to Shop at Walmart

I have to take maintenance medicine and I hate it.  I despise having to be chained to a pill bottle and knowing that whatever else I am doing, I will be taking a pill between this time and this one. I know it improves my quality of life.  I know that if I didn't take it, I could have serious, perhaps even life threatening consequences.  The scariest day of my life, I woke up from a medically induced coma to see my mother and my father peering down at me.  I had a tube in every opening and a couple in places that weren't open to start with.  So there I am, cold room, that infernal beeps and wheezes going off all around me and I opened my eyes and saw my parents.  They were looking down at me and Momma was trying not to cry.  They were both smiling at me, and the scariest part for me was that they were touching shoulders and didn't seem to care. My first thought, I am not exaggerating, was 'oh my Goodness, I must be dying.'
Well, I didn't die and as far as I know, they never got that close to each other without carping about it again.  But my point is that I have to take medicine for these seizures again, and the one that I take is expensive.  Mortgage payment expensive.  And since I have had to switch insurances (thanks Obamacare!!) there was a lapse and then there has been some question about what is and what isn't covered.
If I have to pay $142 each time I get this filled, I don't really feel as though I have coverage, ifyouknowwhatImean.
So having given them two days to fill the script and timing everything almost to the minute as far as when my other prescription will be gone, I called Walmart to make sure it was filled.  'People Skills' Penny answered the phone.
me: Hi my name is Milissa and my birthday is blah blah blah, is my prescription ready?
PSP: um, what was the name again?
me: Milissa, before you ask, here's my birthdate.
PSP: we don't have that filled.
me: why not, it was called in two days ago.
PSP: It's a really really expensive prescription and we didn't want to fill it before we knew you were going to be able to pay for it.
By this time, I have a bump in the back of my head where the back of it tried to blow out.
me:While I appreciate your concern over my financial well being, I am going to be needing that today.
PSP: oh- well we'll need at least two days to get this in stock.
PSP: so did you want me to order that now?

At this point I hung up and called  I explained what had happened, and what was going to happen if I didn't get the medicine.  She put me on hold and got someone from their higher ups to on the line.  This person was clueless.  She politely pointed out that I could go to another pharmacy.  I told her that in this tiny town there is only one pharmacy still open at that time, and I had called them already.  They didn't have it in stock.  She suggested that I go to the next large town about 26 miles away and get it from a pharmacy there.  I asked her if I started walking now, would I get there by morning.
Walmart:Oh you don't drive?
Me: No, that's why I take this medicine, huh?
Walmart: Have someone take you?
Me:Who would you have me ask at the last minute? I need to plan things out a couple of days in advance, what with not being able to drive and all.
Walmart: You could take a bus.
Me: I live in a town with seven stoplights.  Do you think we have public transportation?
Walmart: I am trying to help. Isn't there anyone who can drive you? No one at all?
Me: Not at the last minute. Again, had I known that I was giving my prescription to Forrest Gump, I would have made other arrangements.
Walmart:There is no need to be rude.
Me: Ma'am, this isn't rude. I'll be there in a minute. Rude was your employee. Why didn't someone call me if there was a question about the cost? Why didn't someone ask me if I was aware of the cost? Why didn't someone call my doctor if there was a question?
Walmart:We'll me looking into that, I promise.
Me: Like you'll be getting my medicine, right?
At this point, I just hung up the phone, I was angry and starting to fight the urge to drop an f-bomb somewhere.
So think about where you want to spend your money.  There has to be a small pharmacy that would love to have your business.  Develop a relationship with them.  Avoid Walmart at all costs.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Why Does Anyone Care Who Stacy Keibler Marries?

I was wasting some time, gathering information this morning online.  I do not work in my store on Sundays if I can avoid it at all, and I usually don't pay any attention to the news or any of the things going on in the world, except reading my Sunday paper.
So on Monday mornings, I get my self situated, and in between customers and talking to my Mom, I skim the internet to see if I missed anything important.  I usually don't, Mom is pretty good about keeping me in the loop if something horrible is happening.
So I came across the name Stacy Keibler.  The first thing I thought of (couldn't help it) was wondering if they starting giving those elves names, and then realizing that she has probably heard that more times than I have had my name miss-spelled.  It would seem that she used to date someone famous.
Are we that starved for entertainment news that we now care what the ex-girlfriend of a celebrity is doing?  I can't believe that we are, but then when you tool down to the comments section- a guilty pleasure, sue me- there are all of those people and their opinions.  Wow.
Much like those who buy tabloids and take them for truth- there are some people who seem to have a vested interest in celebrities' lives.
Aren't there enough problems in the world right now?  Or is it escapism?  Perhaps people get so would up in the lives of the famous as an escape hatch, who knows?
Lent is going on as I write this, and Father Dave spoke a wonderful sermon about the things to give up during Lent.  He suggested removing something from your life that would make you a better person.  What a wonderful idea.
I am going to start with "celebrity" gossip.  Even D-listers like the aforementioned Mrs. Keibler.  I already swore off any breathless updates on Brad Pitt and his baby buying adventures.  I don't care what store they close down to shop in private, I don't want to know about it anymore.
Think about what you put in your brain, and try to ween yourself from the junk.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Yes, Congressman Moran, You are Very Over Paid.

Recently, a retiring democratic congressman was brave, stupid enough to say what he thought.  In his mind, 174,000 dollars a year isn't enough to do the arduous job of sitting in committee meetings, having lunches, meeting with constituents, having press conferences, and adjourning for four weeks of Christmas/Easter/Summer/ you name it break.
They worked for 126 days in 2013.  Yes. You read that correctly. For every day those poor souls spent in air conditioned or heated comfort, they only had two days to recover. Only two days!  How in the world are they supposed to manage on these scraps?  Is there no decency left in the world?
He went on to whine that they were only going to be able to attract the very wealthy and that no one would want to stay there for very long on those slave wages.  He also bemoaned the expense of housing, maintaining at least two residences, because Washington DC  is so very expensive, how are they supposed to live decently, he cried?  I guess he missed the point.
It isn't supposed to be a career, sir.  You aren't supposed to be there for decades.  In fact, your little pity party should be the preamble to every single movement for term limits.  You may well be the poster child for the very thing.  How about this, since you clearly cannot afford the things you say you need to live well, and of course, you only want to serve your fellow man.
We build giant military bases for our brave servicemen and women.  We keep them safe.  We have armed guards, patrol units, and fences.  Granted, the housing is adequate, but not luxurious.  Of course, it beats living in a box on a corner.  So why don't we build a couple of these housing bases and put our Congressmen and women and our Senators in them?  They can be guarded, the same as our other bases would be. We could have them built in about six months and the jobs would be a wonderful thing, especially since obamacare has killed the economy even more than his ineptitude and mismanagement has.
They could break ground in less than two months if they really wanted to.  They could be all moved in by November, just in time for the new elections.  It would be wonderful and a huge money saver for all involved.  It wouldn't be any more dangerous for them than it is for our brave military.  We keep them all grouped together, and I know there isn't a politician alive-outside of b.o. and California stupid enough to imply that they are more important than our military.
 Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, April 7, 2014

China Has Enough Yeti Sightings

Why are we spending millions- with an m- to send Michelle Obama, her two daughters and her free loading mother to China?  Do they possess some here to for unknown power?  Will they be there for anything that could possible benefit out nation?  My guess is no.
I have never really understood the msm and their ability to turn the blind eye toward whatever the Obamas are up to in a given week.  Why are we sending his wife to China is the first question that I have.  Is there anything that she can do that will be useful to the cause of the United States of America?  I mean, if they have worked out a plan that will actually keep her freeloading butt over there, then I am all for it. Otherwise.....
Can you imagine the outcry if President Bush had had his Mother-in-law on the tab the entire time he was living in the Whitehouse?  The msm would have had a running tally on every single nickel that it would have cost, I guarantee it.  So instead, we have not a peep form them, not a whisper, not one sound.
Why is she living there? Who is paying for it, besides us foolish taxpayers?  Was she living with them before he stole into the oval office?  Or did she see an excellent opportunity to live it up once her "son-in-law" was at a better address?
I did a little math and here are the numbers that I came up with:

29 hours to China (roundtrip from DC to Bejing) = $174,000 x 2 for security detail
security detail to guard them                                = $2,635,000
lodging                                                                = $3,685,000
meals                                                                  =  $17,342,000

                                                                               $ 24,010,000

my estimations are using what the average number of security detail would be, the average cost of a regular meal ( and we all know the yeti only wants reduced calories when it is our children being fed ) and regular rooms for everyone.
Why in the world are we spending 24 million dollars to give those freeloading Obamas another wonderful vacation?
If there was one valid reason for this trip-other than hey Barrack- why don't we go to China on the taxpayer dime?- I could understand the need for this.  But all we have is a greedy pack of moochers who are determined to siphon every freebie possible in the next two years.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.