Monday, June 30, 2014

Bergdahl Wasn't a POW- He Is a POS

How stupid is Obama?  I know, it's a rhetorical question.  He is actually surprised at the blowback that he is getting about his latest f*** up, that is turning over five hard core terrorists for one genuine traitor.  I can't even wrap my head around the stupid people he is using for advisors.
Bergdahl walked away from his post. Good men died following the booby trapped trail that was left for them to follow in an attempt to rescue him.  If I can get all of this information from simple searches- you would think that the smartest guy in the room would have access to it as well.  I guess he was too busy on Priceline planning his next vacation to a golf course.  Maybe he could have attended a security update.  Naaah, too busy picking his NCAA brackets.
So now we have five hardcore terrorists back on their native soil and what was their punishment? They have to promise not to be a terrorist or leave the country for one whole year.  Anyone want to bet that their towels and camels are already in Iraq-helping to lead that hot mess?  I'm giving good odds if you're interested.
Also, the traitor's parents should have been the first clue.  Did anyone, ANYONE at all do a little research on them?  I don't think so either.  That father went to a lot of trouble to "empathize" with his traitor kid.  As the details become clear, the traitor was even confiding in his father about his plans and dissolutions with the United States military.  Instead of comforting his son and assuring him-he basically told his traitorous offspring to "follow his conscience."  I guess his conscience was no Jiminy Cricket.  Aqmed the dead terrorist, maybe.
I am equally irritated by the automatic promotion to Sergeant.  I know it is customary to raise the rank of all those who have been captured by the enemy, but should that rule apply to those who left all of their equipment behind and simply walked to the enemy?  I think that meets the test for desertion, but I haven't looked at the specs for that.  Everything seems to mean something else with B.O.  You know, like saving $2500 is actually $5000 more, no one will lose their insurance is the same as mass cancellations, and my new personal favorite-not a smidgen of corruption is now missing emails and unfollowed policy.
After time in a military hospital the traitor has been sent home to us.  Hot diggity.  It was again released (quietly) that the Army has opened a case to study exactly what happened to make the traitor go missing.  I can't wait to hear that- I am certain the Obama folks have their gallons of whitewash at the ready.
Too many soldiers and brave men have come forward with the truth about the traitor.   Even though the useless media doesn't like to report a smidgen of bad news about their boy- they have been forced to cover the events around this.  Thanks to the internet-the truth is all over the place. Thanks algore.
Perhaps that is the big boot behind net neutrality.
So now we have the guy in charge of the free world and when he isn't golfing as Iraq implodes he cannot understand why people don't think he is a messiah.
I can;t wait until November. Keep the House, take back the Senate.  Begin impeachment hearings.  Because just like Bergdahl-Obama is a POS.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Clinton = Congenital Liar

Do you remember the halcyon days of Bill Clinton and his ridiculous lies?  Oh how the media swallowed everything he had to say.  Eventually even they had to call bull crap-but oh how he could lie and lie.  I especially enjoyed the finger wagging lie-it was my favorite.  But it turns out he did have sex with that woman, he did tell everyone to lie.  The media gave him a pass, they always did.
They tried floating the talking point that it was no big deal to perjure in a civil case, no one went to jail for that.  Unfortunately for their narrative, people started popping up who had been to jail for perjury.  Oopsie.
Then they switched tactics and tried to say that lies about sex weren't real lies.  But it was a case about sexual harassment. Strike two.
Now here comes Hillary Clinton; fresh from letting good men die.  She was a carpetbagging senator who did zero while in office.  She was elected in New York, the best place for carpetbaggers to go.  Her home state of Arkansas was out- they knew her.  So after being a senator for about twenty minutes, she decided that she had enough experience to be the President.
It must take more energy and training than I realized to look the other way while your husband serially cheated on you.  Maybe those are skills that she thought would make her presidential material.  But alas, she didn't see B.O. in the wings.  The only thing that the liberals liked more than the idea of the first woman president was the first minority president.  So she and B.O. cooked a deal and she stepped aside and he thanked her by making her Secretary of State.  Her qualifications?  The same as for being president-that is to say zilch.
So she was in charge when the station in Benghazi asked for more security.  She or B.O. said no.  They watched as four good men were not just killed, but brutalized.  She wouldn't send help.  She just watched.  Kind of like she did with Bill.
So to make this go away, Mrs. Clinton left her job as Secretary of State and hoped the furor would die down.  But four people were dead, and the days of the msm being able to ignore things were over.  Thank you internet.
Now Hillary has released a book in a further attempt to rehabilitate her image.  The lasting impression she left us with at the hearings was a gigantic hissy fit. She squeezed her ancient fists, pounding them with frustration that she was being held accountable.  Then she uttered the phrase that killed any hope of her setting her antiquated butt in the oval office-"At this point, what difference does it make?"  You could physically hear her presidential aspirations die.
But she is a Clinton after all, and she truly believes that the regular rules don't apply to her.  She let out some real whoppers in her book, probably because she isn't used to being called on her lies. She was able to skate with the lie of "ducking enemy fire" when she flew into an area overseas on one of her many many many jaunts as first lady.  This time she is being called on it, and questioned ferociously.
She claims that she was 'dead broke' after leaving the White House.  Her idea of dead broke and mine seem to differ by about 12 million dollars.  Slick willie had his pension.  She had her resources.  He was receiving over 100,000 dollars a pop for a speech.  Over ten million was donated to them.  Again, her idea of dead broke and mine are off by about twelve million dollars.
It's probably another "vast right wing conspiracy" she'll have to contend with.
Let's not forget her age.  In 2016 Hillary Clinton will be 68 years old.  As Karl Rove has rightly pointed out- that concussion she received (and her handy excuse for not testifying again) seems to have been more severe than she claimed.  I've had several concussions. Not one took that long to heal.  I also didn't have to wear the brain injury eye glasses that Mrs. Clinton now sports.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is wholly unqualified to be President.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, June 16, 2014

It's Okay for Those Obama Kids, But Not Yours

For some reason that I do not understand, Michelle Obama has been given the authority to determine what my children would eat in their school lunches.  If I send a lunch that the school disapproves of, they will even give my child one of their lunches, charge me for it and send a chiding note home with my child.
I like to pack things that my children will eat, I am not one for wasting food.  I understand the basic food groups, I know about vitamins, fats, and proteins.  I get it.
What I don't get is having someone like Michelle Obama trying to tell me how many calories my child should have so that they come home starving.  How can they think and learn if they are still hungry?  Meanwhile- the Yeti and B.O. send their daughters to a very exclusive school- Sidwell Friends School.  It is where the rich and powerful educate their children, away from the hoi polloi.
The yeti would have our children eating only 850 calories at lunch.  850 calories for growing children, many of whom get their best meal while at school.  These children are hungry.  But now, thanks to her, they are hungrier.
Here is an actual menu from the fancy schmancy private school that the Obama children attend.  This was served to them on May 29,2014:        
Snack: Apples and Cheese
Local Cantaloupe, Coconut, and Lime Soup 
Asparagus & Israeli Couscous Salad 
Cheese Quesadillas 
Sautéed Zucchini & Squash with Fresh Herbs 
Brown Rice 


Chilled Cantaloupe & Fresh Mint Soup
Sidwell Chop Salad
Jicama, Mango and Cabbage Slaw
All Natural Chicken Curry
Indian Curry and Lentils
Steamed Broccoli
Basmati Rice
Sliced Watermelon
Does it seem like it might be more than 850 calories to you?  Yeah, me too.


Snack: Locally Baked Muffins
Mixed Greens with Avocado & Grapefruit Salad
Housemade Chicken Fingers
Breaded Eggplant w/ Marinara
Steamed Fresh Vegetables 
Organic Sweet Potato Fries 


Spring Vegetable Soup
Classic Caesar Salad 
Deviled Egg Salad 
All Natural Meatball Subs
Spinach Ricotta Phyllo Bake
Roasted Eggplant, Zucchini and Tomato 
This is just more of the imperialism from B.O. and family.  It's good enough for our children to be hungry after lunch, but not theirs.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Real Tragedy Isn't the Gun Violence

Another mentally unbalanced person has killed people.  You'll be hearing renewed cries from all of the regulars.  Obama will call for more gun control. Mothers Against Every Thing will show pictures of innocent victims.  More hypocrites from Hollywood who mistake their ability to memorize words in order and repeat them back as anything more than a parlor trick will have loads to say.  They will all say the same thing.  Guns are awful, get rid of guns.  They will say this from the safety of the guns that protect them and their loved ones.  They will say this from the safety of their gated communities, their armed guards, and their highly reinforced protective detail.  I am certain that even the yeti will take a break from telling me what to feed my children will have an opinion on guns, while safely protecting her children at home and at school with an arsenal.
But the tragedy isn't the guns.  The tragedy is the mental illness that these people are walking around with, untreated.  The crazy person who killed all those people in Colorado had slipped the cheese from his cracker a long time before he killed all of those people in the movie theater.  Why didn't the people close to him do something?
The mentally ill man who shot and stabbed those people the other day was no different.  He was making and posting videos online.  I tried to watch one.  It gave me the willies.  Didn't anyone in his family watch one?  Weren't they paying any attention to him?  I'm not a doctor by any means, but I can spot crazy when it is dripping off of the screen.  Can't you?  Couldn't they?
The man who shot Gabrielle Giffords was in desperate need of help.  Why wasn't he getting it?  Perhaps if he had gotten the help he needed before he shot Ms. Giffords- she and her husband wouldn't feel the need to try and take my guns away from me now.
Mental illness is a growing problem in the world.  I don't know if it's because people are doing a worse job of raising their children, or if we as a society are just going to hell.  But the problem isn't the firearm.  If anything, the firearm in the hand of a non crazy person is the solution.
When the crazy person at Virginia Tech tried to gun down everyone in sight, it didn't work.  Do you know why?  Because in Virginia, many of those potential victims were armed.  The msm won't include that little nugget, but it was people with concealed carry permits and lawful weapons that stopped the carnage from being as bad as it could have been.
Better mental health screening is part of the answer to the growing problem of crazy people and their armed rampages. Responsible armed citizens is the other part of the answer.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Thank God The White House Has Cable

It would seem that Obama had no idea that there are veterans who are dying while they wait for health care.  The guy who always looks like he has to poop-Jay Carney- told me so.  B.O. had zero information that there were secret lists of veterans who were waiting for medical care. Medical care that was promised to them in return for their service. He had no idea that people were dying, no idea that people were waiting on lists to be treated. He had no idea.
It's kind of hard to buy the scenario that this guy is the smartest one in the room, isn't it?  Because if he is the smartest guy, God help the rest of us. Or better yet, just exactly how small is this room he is master of?  Obama was informed about the problems at the VA hospitals back in 2008.  He didn't care then, he doesn't care now.  If it were the site of his NCAA brackets, well.......then he might care. But don't bet the farm, it's not as if he would ever be eligible to be a veteran anyway.  They drug test, don't they?
So now we have even more people that are dead because B.O. isn't good at this job.  He surrounds himself with people who aren't good at their jobs, either, but the msm doesn't seem to care that much-so hey- no big deal right?
We have veterans who were willing to sacrifice their lives for our country.  They were shot at, blown up, and in some cases, tortured.  Now, the US government can't even be bothered to help them out with their medical problems?  What does that say about the current administration?
The idea that Obama-remember, we were told he's the smartest guy in the room- had no idea that the veterans hospitals were letting this happen. He had no idea that terrorists might be active on the anniversary of September 11th.  He had no idea that four people would be murdered on his watch. Again.  And he has no idea who did it, or if they will ever be brought to justice.  He just can't be bothered with the details, after all.  There is a golf game somewhere.
So now that we have this moron who apparently cannot find his butt with both hand and a flashlight denying knowledge about another problem that we have.  Ask yourself what he is doing with his time, what is important to him.  Because it sure isn't the United States of America, that's for sure.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.