Monday, October 26, 2015

Mr. Trump- Keep Your Focus on Illegal Aliens and the Economy, You'll Win

I don't know if I'll support Donald Trump's bid to be president or not yet.  I have to agree with most of the things that come out of his mouth when he is talking about illegals or the economy.  Unfortunately, he is easily distracted.  The msm however, is relentless. In a nutshell, they hate his stinking guts.
It doesn't seem to bother him, he keeps right on plugging away, saying what he thinks and letting the dust settle around it.  I wish he could focus on the problem of illegals invading our Republic and leave it there.  I agree with him that once that problem is solved, the rest will fall into place.  Especially since B.o. wants to import 100,000 terrorists muslim refugees.
I have yet to see that Saudi Arabia and all of the other nations in the area are volunteering to give any a home.  Why are we?  They won't assimilate-they are already screaming for muslim holidays-and in general, only want to live here in order to change it.  Why would we want that again?
The lying kid who took the case off a clock and called it home made is a god case in point.  The msm couldn't wait to try and make him a hero of sorts.  Why don't they ever investigate the stories that they report? A simple search online would have found 15 stories destroying their narrative of a geeky kid all excited to show off his latest "invention."  They should learn how to work a google search.
Donald Trump may well be a blowhard with the worst hair I have ever seen.  But other than Dr. Carson, he is the only one who is saying the things that need to be said.
I admit, I rolled my eyes when he first announced his candidacy.  I was pretty certain it was another stunt, in order to draw more attention to whatever project he had coming up.  It may well have been when he started.  But the theme of making America great again rings with many people.  It hasn't been true since President Reagan was in office.  President Bush (43) had his moments, but the media was gunning for him from the get go.  Then he moved to the middle and became much like his father.
I still admire his dedication to our service men and women, but all in all, he disappointed me.
Regardless of that, until someone better comes along-if someone better comes along, Mr. Trump could win if he can stay on target.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Run, Joe! Run!

C'mon Joe Biden.  You know you want to.  Never mind those exploratory committees, just commit and get to stumping for the Oval Office. You can raise money, it's your strong suit.  You're a breath from the job now, you know you want to do it.
Before you believe I have lost my senses, think about this for a bit.  Biden will be a gaffe producing machine-even more so than he is now.  The msm will have a MUCH more difficult time providing him cover-not that the internet doesn't prove what lackeys they are daily.
Crazy Uncle Joe has been under lock and key, not allowed to make the fool of himself that we all know that he is.  He was dusted off so that the proper sympathies could be extended when his son died.  Now, it's time to get the popcorn.
Should old Joe run (IhopeIhopeIhope) he will hopefully have someone starting his car for him every day.  I'm not casting aspersions, but sometimes the folks around those Clintons have accidents.  I'm just saying.  Of course, he is as dumb as a brick, it's kind of scary to think that he is still driving, isn't it?
Secondly, he may want to see about getting a better rent deal- since he charges the Secret Service detail who keep his antique butt alive-rent for the house they must use to guard him.  Is that gratitude or what?
But the best reason for Joe to run is that the video clips from the debates that the DNC is forced to provide would be hilarious.  If they don't get a gazillion hits on youtube, I'll eat your shoes.
It does make me curious why the DNC is only talking about debates on CNN though.  Was MSNBC already booked?
The RNC was stupid enough to be manipulated into having Republican debates on CNN-it turned into a circular firing squad-just as planned.  How about if they have a couple of debates on a channel that people actually watch?
I'm certain Anderson Cooper can find a backdrop the right shade of blue to match his eyes.  At the risk of  being cliche, the decorating skill seems to be his only journalistic talent that I have seen.
But the idea of watching Chris Wallace, or even more fun, Sean Hannity tucking into those liberal idiots with their questions and responses would be some of the best political fodder I have seen for ages.
Best of all, those video clips will never go away, thanks to the magic of the internet (thanks algore!) a tidbit that Hillary and her husband cannot get through their felonious skulls.
A couple chances for Joe to spout his nonsense, a few very softball questions about the gun running and massacre Hillary and B.O. created in Benghazi, and some genuine stupidity from everyone's favorite Socialist- heck, what more could you ask for?
Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Shakeel Afridi is Rotting in Jail but Bowe Bergdahl Isn't??

Shakeel Afridi is the reason that Seal Team 6 was able to find and kill Osama bin Laden.  I know, I know, according to the media descriptions Barak Hussein Obama bravely strapped on a couple of hunting knives, sneaked  into Pakistan and assassinated bin Laden after a fifteen minute fisticuffs battle.
However, Dr. Afridi ran a complicated scheme in that he ran a fake hepatitis vaccination program that enabled him to get a blood sample from bin Laden.  This in turn allowed a DNA match, because our feckless leader wouldn't take the word of countless witnesses.  He needed to know for certain.  Then our fearless leader placed his thumb warmly up his butt cheeks and sat on the information.  He had zero interest in actually disposing of bin Laden, he just had to say he did for the folks back home.  He could have bombed the building that bin Laden was in. A nice little bunker bomb would have killed bin Laden and had zero chance of American fatalities.  No good.  Instead, B.O. kept warming his thumb until he discovered that the media had discovered his little secret and was about to run the story that the whereabouts of bin Laden were known, but weren't being acted on.  Uh oh.
So in fearless leader mode, B.O. had Seal Team Six (who was leaked to the general public by Crazy Uncle Joe-causing many of them to be murdered later) go into the compound and extract and kill him.
With me so far?  It gets better: Instead of simply taking a DNA sample as proof of bin Laden's death- our muslim sympathizing guy insisted that bin Laden be buried at sea, according to muslim tradition.  Why did we bother?  Oh, that's right- muslim sympathizer in the White House-got it.
So the brave and courageous doctor that helped us was left to rot.  Did we offer him asylum?  Did we even send him a lovely fruit basket for his help? Nope.
Instead, Pakistan arrested and tried him for having ties to militants and sentenced to 33 years in prison.  They graciously cut 10 years off of the sentence.  And now, brave Dr. Afridi is rotting in a Pakistani prison.  I think the 1.5 billion that we give them is money well spent, don't you?
Contrast that scenario with Bowe Bergdahl.  Mr. Bergdahl is the human refuse that quite probably deserted his post in Afghanistan and joined up with the enemy.  He aided the enemy and was allowed to walk freely around their camp while having a side arm.  Doesn't sound like much of  prisoner of war, does it?  In fact, six people died while looking for Obama's favorite traitor.  That's right- he is responsible for the death of six servicemen that went looking for him.
Which of these two people did we trade 6 hardcore taliban members for?  Any guesses?  That's right- we traded for the traitor!   Mr. Bergdahl was even given a promotion because he was "captured."  Who can forget the sight of his father in the Rose Garden-muslim empathizing beard and all as he said "Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim."  Not thank you. Not God Bless America.  Nope.  He claimed that he thought his son might not remember English after five years of 'captivity'. Suuure. Finally after all of this time and many statements from other servicemen, Bergdahl has been charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.  That last one isn't used very often, I guess Bergdahl really scraped the bottom of the barrel.  He may (and should) spend the rest of his life in jail.  But we traded six pos taliban for him.  Six taliban that were not 'low level' as the White House claimed. Six terrorists who were only required to wait one year of unsupervised time before going back to killing Americans.
Has Obama ever done anything in our best interest?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Don't Fly Allegiant Air Whatever You Do

I'm planning a trip soon.  I don't want to have to drive 150 miles to an airport, so I thought I would give Allegiant Air a shot.  My mistake.  After plenty of finagling, I finally found a flight schedule that would work for me.  I'm not too worked up about an extra day away, it is what it is.  I booked the flight. My second mistake.
I din't get a confirmation email straight away, so I called them.  I was told that it could take up to 72 hours to get that.  So then, I waited some more.  The flight information came in, but it was for the wrong month.  So I called. Third mistake.
I was on hold for one hour and thirty eight minutes. I am not exaggerating, I timed them.  I was told that because I didn't cancel/change my flight in the first 24 hours, I would have to pay $75 bucks to change my flight.  I cancelled my flight and was told that I couldn't do that either.  So now, I am sitting on tickets that I cannot transfer, I cannot use and I cannot exchange.
I sent an email to their crappy site, because the only live people they employ are third world folks who cannot input the correct month.  If you need to complain, you better be prepared for an email form. I explain what I just told you all.  Here is the response:

                Thank you for contacting Allegiant Travel. You only have a grace period of 24hours to correct any mistakes; normal terms and conditions will apply.

Effective for travel departures starting October 30, 2013, name changes will not be permitted.

Cancellation Fees and Cut-Off Times:

Credit will not be issued if you fail to cancel an itinerary within the specified timeframe prior to scheduled flight departure.  Your entire fare plus fees for that segment will be forfeited.

Without TripFlexTM:
The following cancellation and change fees apply to itineraries which do not include TripFlexTM.  All fees are per segment. A segment consists of one takeoff and one landing:

-A $75 per segment fee shall apply to airline ticket-only itineraries.  Cancellations and changes must be made at least 168 hours (one week) prior to scheduled departure.
-A $75 per segment fee shall apply to package bookings (hotel, car, show tickets, etc.).  Cancellations and changes must be made at least 7 days prior to scheduled departure.
-You have the option to purchase Trip Flex for a fee between $10-$22 per segment for an air only reservation or $37-$44 for packages after the change fees have been applied once to your reservation in the event that you may need to utilize Trip Flex to modify your reservation again.

Credit is issued minus cancellation, Carrier Usage Charge and booking fees.  

So be forewarned.  They may look like a great price until they add a bazillion "fees" and other price enhancements.  Stick with a legitimate airline.  You'll thank me later.