Thursday, April 29, 2010

* The Butterfly Effect

Have you watched B.O. give a speech lately?  My personal favorite is the one to the group of school children that was so impromptu and casual, he had his podium and teleprompters set up.  I guess B.O. never thought of maybe sitting down, talking to the children and looking less like an overly pompous weenie, did he?  Oh, well, consider the source. 
Please do not waste your breath on telling me what an amazing speaker he is.  His oratory "skill" starts and stops with where he is on the teleprompter.  I love the technology that has made them nearly transparent, it gives B.O. the air of someone trying to pull a fast one.( As opposed to someone with little life experience and 108 days of political experience who just realized he is in over his head.)
I am not racially motivated in my dislike for Barac Hussein Obama, or Barry Soreto if you prefer.  I dislike him for the most basic of reasons.  He hates my country and all that it stands for.  He is a fake everything that you can list.
He is a fake Christian.  Consider if you will, the "church" that B.O. chose to be associated with.  Imagine his surprise when the Minister of it turned out to be a hate filled, anti-American, anti-democracy, racist.  B.O. claims he never heard that.  I don't doubt it.  I do doubt that he spent more than ten minutes in the church that weren't photo ops.
He is a fake baseball fan.  I know that B.O. loves a good photo op of him in his battered White Sox cap.  It makes him look more like a regular guy and less like an elitist snob.  But consider two things.  One, the pathetic, limp wrist-ed "toss" of the first pitch at the White Sox game recently.  I have a five year old who could have gotten it across the plate better, and a thirteen year old that would have looked like an all star next to him. Ask yourself, why would someone pretend to be a baseball fan unless he wanted to project a certain image?  How gullible are people if they think better of this Kenyan for his fake efforts?
He knows nothing about the sport he purports  to have followed  his whole life.The interview after the pitch of the pathetic is embarrassing and painful to watch.  When asked about his favorite players, B.O. was hard pressed to come up with one!  You would think that someone on his staff not facing an audit or an independent investigation could have given him a few pointers on some ball players to mention. 
But the butterfly effect I speak of comes from the theory that the flap of butterfly wings in Brazil could start a hurricane in Asia.  If this is true, how many tropical disasters have been started by B.O. whipping his head from teleprompter to teleprompter in an attempt to look natural and "knowledgeable." I think we have an answer to the upsurge in tsunamis lately.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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