Monday, January 26, 2015

Chris Kyle was an Amazing Hero! His Detractors? Not So Much

I was not surprised to see another fading celebrity trying desperately to remain relevant.  Bill Maher-HBO's poster child for all things libtard- has jumped on the bandwagon of criticism of Chris Kyle.  Maher, whose sole contribution to the planet is an infrequently watched program on HBO that was so crappy he got scrapped from ABC.  He claims to be politically incorrect, but he is just another snarky, unfunny mouth piece for the left.  They hate anything and everything that celebrates the United States of America.  When they had to feign patriotism after September 11th, it galled them.  Now, back in their ivory towers and gated communities, they can once again spout the ignorant blather that makes them so popular with the liberals whose approval they pathetically seek.
Bill Maher was a stand up comedian 30 years ago. He did so well at that that he had to try television.  Yeah, he's a hoot.
I look forward to watching American Sniper. Chris Kyle was an American hero, and had he been doing things that would have hurt the United States while at war (hello Hanoi Jane) he would have been a cause celebre the likes of which we would teach school children for years.
Micheal Moore claims he had an uncle that was killed by a sniper.  Ok. It must be one of the many reasons he schleps around unshaven in that dumb hat while living in a mansion behind walls in a gated community.  No doubt. The problem is, no one can find the uncle Mr. Moore made up.  He had an uncle that was killed in World War II, but researchers can't find any sniper that was involved.  Another lie for Mr. Moore.  He is good at that anyway. He had made an asinine claim that Cuba's health care was superior to ours because it was free.  He still doesn't understand the mart of competitive commerce, or he would understand that nothing is ever really free when the government is involved. He is the grand daddy of liberal hypocrisy and pound for pound the biggest libtard in the world. He never lets a little thing like truth get in his way or his "art." Back when he released the craptacular Fahrenheit 911 he lied so much that a documentary correcting his endless lies was released.  Faren-hype 911  did an amazing job of untelling the lies that Moore tried to float.  It showed the rest of the interviews that Moore used and edited to say what he wanted said, versus the truth.  I recommend it for anyone who wants the truth, not the pablum that Hollywood liberals want you to believe.
Enter now Seth Rogen.  I always thought that he was mildly amusing, he plays the same guy over and over to greater or less success. There is usually at least one scene of him smoking marijuana, I expect there is a reason for that.  I am certain that he memorizes words and repeats them back just as well as any of the other overpaid actors in the world today.
The mistake he made was in thinking that his opinion was somehow more relevant.  His comparison of Chris Kyle to nazis (even if they were in a movie) was disgusting and demeaning.  The idea that a real honest to God hero would be held in derision speaks more about the envy and hate teaming in Mr. Rogen's soul than in the wonderful job Mr. Kyle did for his country.
Perhaps the choom gang should stick to things that they have the slightest bit of expertise on-bongs, weed, and semi-funny comedies aimed at the lowest common denominator.
I don't delve into an entertainers politics.  I prefer to think that everyone has the sense God gave a stump.  I enjoy their movies until they make it obvious that they don't in fact have superior wisdom to that stump.  when that happens, I stop supporting their work.
I don't pay to see their movies.  I don't buy their dvds.  I don't watch them when they are on television.  Eventually, it catches up with them.  If more people supported their political beliefs with their pocket books, Hollywood would be forced to change their tune.  Even they can't keep releasing their crap and losing money. Look at the Dixie Chicks.  I hope they polish that grammy.  It was the last recognition they received, and they broke up soon after.  Good.
I hope that Rogen and Moore soon join them on the trash heap of modern pop culture.  No one would deserve it more.
If the only way that you can attempt to resuscitate your dying careers is to try and detract from a bonafide American Hero, maybe you should check out the center square on Hollywood Squares.  Because, other than that, your career is over.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, January 19, 2015

This Just IN: More Celebrities Gather For Self-Aggrandizing "Award" Show

Let me be straight forward and admit-the last Oscar winning movie that I liked was Forrest Gump.  I don't care for Tom Hanks personally, he is a liberal cheating tool, and his wife has a career that is semi successful because she hooked up with the married Mr. Hanks and believes that just because he cheated on his first wife with her, he is now on the monogamy band wagon.
That being said, Oscar's, Emmy's, Grammy's are all simply narcissistic gatherings.  Remember when the Dixie Chicks won a grammy for their poorly sold last album?  Who didn't think it wasn't a pity award?  There was as much legitimacy for that award, as there was for Pia Zadora's  award all those years ago.  One was a message, the other was a gift. A distinction without a difference.
I don't watch award programs.  I don't care who won what for which or what they wore.  I have never ever laughed at anything Tina Fey or Amy Poehler have said.  If anything, I have wondered what talent it is they possess to get them where they are today.
I don't care about the dresses. Isn't it ironic that these neo-socialist performers spend more on dresses than many families earn in a year?  But they are just folks-like the rest of us.
Have you ever heard about the 'goody bags' that these celebrities receive, just for showing up?  This year, it was  A purse, make up, sunglasses and more  from Anastasia Beverly Hills, Bugatti, Gucci, L'Oreal Paris, Rituals, Ross& Brown, and StriVectin for the women and the lucky fellows received  4711 Cologne, And other wonders from Bumble and Bumble, Container Store, Equinox, Gold Toe, Hello Product, L'Oreal Paris,Lug Life, Martial Vivot, Misfit Shine, S'well, Ursa Major and Zirh.
The majority of those products, I will admit, I am unfamiliar with.  But then, I don't need name brand bags to carry my devices, either.
I don't care what they think of themselves.  I imagine they think pretty highly, it would only stand to reason.  I don't see a bunch of missionaries and the like signing up for their type of life.
However, if you are going to seek out the spot light, don't start complaining and asking for privacy when and if you do manage to become famous.  It doesn't float.
So,all things considered, I don't mind my life.  At least I don't have to dress up and pretend I have a bunch of noble causes I need to publicize to justify my endless need for attention.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, January 12, 2015

They Are All Hate Crimes

I read today that some police union wants police murders to be classified as hate crimes.  You think? If someone takes the time to shoot, strangle, stab, asphyxiate, or otherwise harm you until you are dead-doesn't that qualify as hate?
I despise the term 'hate crime.' I have yet to see anyone that has been murdered have it done by an uninterested bystander.  Hate is going to come into play every time.  That just stands to reason.  If I ever get a bead on my ex, you can believe that they would classify it as a hate crime, although at this point, the hate has cooled into pity and disgust.  But the idea of calling any murder more heinous by putting the special label of hate crime on it is absurd.
I am not a huge fan of police in general.  Before you get those panties in a bunch and begin sending me outraged comments (are you listening Papa John's drivers???) I will explain.  I understand that police are often the line of defense between me and the bad guys.  I understand that police willingly put their lives in danger for a pay check.  I also understand that they are there to help-in theory- and not every cop is as crooked as the ones in the town that I live in.  But I have yet to see those police officers.
What I see are cops that have their own sets of rules. Here is an example: In this town that I live in- there was a cop that left his wife and three teenage daughters for an 18 year old informant that had several relationships with several officers.  Quality shows, right?  Well this particular officer took a camper that was gifted to the police department from Homeland Security and sold it to his parents for $4500.  What a guy, right?
It happens all of the time.  They are given 50,000 dollar cars for their own use ( because you need that cop car to do your grocery shopping) and they are overpaid.  If our troops can live on what they are paid-why are cops making so much money?  Don't tell me that it's because we couldn't get any cops if we didn't pay that much.
There is a certain mentality, and they would be cops for free. (Which is ironically what they are worth)
I understand that police are the last line between me and bad guys.  Except of course when they are the bad guys.  I understand that they could get shot every day. Except for those days when they are just sitting side by side in a parking lot, talking to each other for a couple of hours.  I'm not saying we don't need police.  I am saying we need better guidelines to weed out the rejects.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, January 5, 2015

If Your Child has a 'Hoo-Hah' (warning semi salty language ahead)

I try to avoid any article that has the names 'Pitt' or 'Jolie' in it.  I never saw the appeal of him and after that curious time when she was dry humping her brother and amazed at the negative response to it- I have written her off as a home wrecking whore.  Call me crazy.
Not long after interrupting Billy Bob Thorton's engagement to another woman, she realized that being lucky number five wasn't all that great.  She bought a child and that seems to be the end of their relationship.  At the time of the adoption/ child buying I had no idea how difficult it is to adopt a child from another country.  I have since been educated by a friend and her husband who have been trying to adopt a little boy for the last three years.
First off, unless you are Ed McMahon or some family humping celebrity-it is kind of time consuming and expensive to adopt a child from another country.  Unless you are Ed McMahon or the a fore mentioned family humper- you will be required to explain how long you have been married.  You will have to explain your finances.  You will have to pay lots and lots of fees, and it will take many months or even years, to get all of the earlier mentioned hurdles crossed.  It takes a lot of time, unless you are Ed or the familial dry humper.
In the real world, you can be too old to adopt.  You can be rejected for not being married if you are just a regular person.  You can also not meet the criteria for adoption if you don't have enough stability to anchor a house in the real world.  That being said, this article went on to explain that the daughter of these two unfortunate blights wants to be a boy now, and the two are indulging her.  The article even referred to this little girl as John, instead of the stupid name Shiloh that they hooked her with as a baby.   My eyes almost rolled out of my head.
Several thoughts ran through my head as I was reading this stupidity.  First thought: man, for a bunch of people who claim to want privacy-they sure do whore themselves out to the cameras quite a bit.  Yikes.  I saw that horrid movie Maleficient while on vacation, simply because it was free and I was bored.  I still want my money back.  I couldn't stay for the whole thing, it was a great concept poorly acted by Ms. Jolie.  But I remember how she shunned the limelight constantly by making appearances with their group of children in order to polish that particular turd.
Second, I wondered why that eight year old girl is calling the shots in their house.  You know how much control I had in my family when I was eight? Squat. That's right, zero.  If I had decided that I wanted to be a boy and be called "john" my family would have teased the crap out of me until I came to my senses.  Heck, why not call her "Flicka" and keep her in a stable?? Feed her hay and buy her a saddle.  It will be a lot less expensive than buying her a penis later in life.  Of course, they'll have to do something about her menstruation cycles in a few years, too.  Maybe by that time, she will have gotten the psychological counseling she needs.  Don't count on it.
If you or I fostered the psychological harm of the wrong sex on one of our children-the useless entity known as Child Protective Services would have snatched that child out of our homes faster than you can say  "brother dry humping home wrecking whore."  Now wouldn't they?
God doesn't make mistakes.  If your child has a penis, it is a boy child.  No matter how you damage the child into thinking that he wants to be a girl, the penis is the determining factor.  God doesn't make mistakes.  Conversely, if you are looking at a hoo hah when she is born, no number of suits, stupid haircuts, or ridiculous indulgences are going to change the fact that you have a girl on your hands.  How are they going to explain to 'john' when he gets a menstrual period?  Or boobs?  Or were they planning on some kind of hormone therapy to indulge their daughter's psychosis even more?  How fast would your child be removed if you tried that?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.