Monday, February 24, 2014

Chris Christie, Not the Brightest Crayon in the Box

Chris Christie lost my enthusiasm when he put his corpulent arm around B.O. and made him look like he had a plan after the hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey.  Of course, it turned out that the plan was to get billions of dollars for New Jersey and make certain that his re election was a bonafide blow out, instead of the garden variety whoopin' that his ego craved.
There are theories as to why he gave the photo op equivalent of a hummer to B.O.  One theory is that he sold himself like an over priced (maybe by the pound?) hooker to get all of that federal assistance for New Jersey, thus ensuring the blowout election he wanted.
My thought is that he didn't want Romney to win, setting up Paul Ryan to come in behind him ( the man I wanted to be President) and put his aspirations 16 years down the road.  That is the theory that I like, especially when you consider the bloviator known as Christie.
So now we have the one time darling of the main stream media being torn to shreds by the very folks who used to adore him.  The emails, innuendo, and outright msu (making stuff up) cannot come fast enough for them.  The plan seems to be death from a thousand cuts.  All of this is very reminiscent of Romney last time around.
The msm told me that he was the only one that could win.  He was the most electable.  And as soon as the primaries were finally over, they fell on him like a pack of dogs.  Ann Romney was fodder for having a horse.  His children were vulnerable as well, and every day brought another negative story.
I hope that Christie was paying attention.  The media doesn't like him.  Not if he might in someway endanger the one.
Speaking of the one- how about if one of those "investigative" journalists did their job and looked into the IRS targeting conservative groups?  It was the deciding factor in the last election.  That and 108% turnout in many democratic voting polls.  But if they were to take a good hard look at it, they might trip on a story.
Or if that doesn't interest them, they could take a good look at Benghazi and where exactly Obama was when it was happening.  I'm not a big conspiracy fan, but it sure is curious that no one has given me good solid answers on where B.O. was when four of our people were being killed or sodomized and drug to death through the streets of Benghazi.
I want some answers, but the only way it looks like I will getting them is for the United States Senate to replace Harry Reid with a living, breathing, American who wants to get things done and some questions answered.  His nuclear option will be biting both cheeks in 2015, no doubt.
B.O. was supposed to be the smartest guy in the room.  Ask yourself. what room. and what kind of idiots do they have in there?  You'll thank me later.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hillary Clinton Isn't Fit to Scrape Up Poop From the Highway

Have you noticed the effort by many to attempt to rehabilitate Hillary Clinton's image so that she can be elected in 2016?  I believe it is one of the many reasons that she is no longer the honorary Secretary of State.  She sucked at that gig.  Tell me one positive thing that she accomplished, other than quitting in 2012.
The only thing that Mrs. Clinton did was allow four men who were serving their country to die.  Mrs. Clinton took her ugly birth control glasses off (not that she needs ugly glasses to keep sober men away) and threw a hissy fit at the idea of being held accountable for not doing her job.
Do you remember this commercial?  
Turns out the answer was none of the above, doesn't it? Mrs. Clinton has yet to really explain where she was or what she was doing while four brave men were being murdered.  At this point, what difference does it make? Those words are the eulogy to her political career.
Of course, if the msm could stop giving Obama oral gratuities for a moment and ask a real question, they might accidentally do their job.  It was all that one of them could do to ask Jay Carney who paid for the yeti's third week of Hawaiian vacation.  A flight to Hawaii isn't cheap, and when you total in the extra expense of security, private flight, much less the lodging (even though they were staying at Oprah's) it had to have cost us, the taxpayer, well over a million extra dollars for that disgusting excuse to sit on her butt for an extra week.  It seems the least that he can do is pay for it out of his own pocket. The. very. least.
But back to Hillary Rodham Clinton's shortcomings.  Her entire early political career consists of being removed from the team that was investigating President for what was euphemistically called 'unethical'  behavior.  Her private practice consisted of making an awful lot of money on a land deal that surely does smell like laundering money to her husband, the Governor at the time.
She ran for President on the pathetic credentials of being First "Lady".  She tool the cabinet post as a deal to get her in the Oval Office if it was left after B.O.
The msm practically salivates at the thought of her running.  Four murdered men in Benghazi would beg to differ.  Think about it before 2016.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, February 10, 2014

How's that Inflation Treating You?

Did you know that if they used the formula in place before slick willie took over, unemployment would be about 35% right now? That's right- one in three people are not working or not working as much as they need to be to pay their bills. One.In. Three.
Tell me again how great it is, Jay Carney.
A gallon of gasoline is  $3.76 today.  Back in the good old days, President Bush's policies had gasoline sitting at $1.84. That was when B.O. took over.  Before Ms. Pelosi began screwing things up, it was under one dollar. One Dollar.  The economy was booming. Unemployment was sitting at 5%.  If you wanted a job, you had a job.
Have you gotten a home equity loan to buy beef lately?  Pork and chicken are getting pricier every day, and milk?  I drink almond milk, but I keep an eye on the cost of cow milk, and it is only going up.  If you drink organic milk to keep your children from being exposed to the growth hormones they feed those poor cows- and keep them from entering puberty when they are six- then you are looking at six bucks a gallon.  Whoever is deciding these policies is doing a crappy job.
Then, I read the report that tells me when I discount food and fuel that inflation is only 1.2%  Yep, all I have to do is stop eating and start living like a pilgrim and I have zero inflation. Hot damn.  Have you ever heard the expression "don't pee on my feet and tell me it's raining?"  There you go.
Abject failure, and the media is mostly silent.  Inflation is a stealth thief because it steals without you realizing what is happening.  You just look around and then realize you are paying sixty three more dollars for the same amount of food.
I believe that in 2014 the senate will have a new leader.  I believe that the same person may be the leader of the house of Representatives, but he will have a clear understanding that he will be 'gingriched' if he doesn't grow a spine. And some testacles.
Pray for our Republic.  Keep the faith, 2014 elections are right around the corner.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, February 3, 2014

What Were You Thinking Coca Cola?

I am a diet Coke drinker from way back. I know, I know. I have read the studies and trust me, If I start drinking six gallons of it a day- the same amount they used in the tests that caused tumors-I fully expect to get something bad.  Six gallons of anything can't be good for you in a twenty four hour period.
However, the brain trusts as Coca Cola may have found another way to get me to stop using their products.
Did you watch their Super Bowl commercial?  What were they thinking??? I have no problem with them being inclusive- I am one hundred percent behind the notion of a melting pot.  But the problem, is, they aren't melting.  America the Beautiful is a lovely song, one that tugs at my patriotic heart strings every time that I hear it.  It doesn't have any of the violent images that twist  the panties of liberals, and it is a heck of a lot easier to sing than The Star Spangled Banner.  
However, Coca Cola decided to make a Super Bowl commercial with most of the lyrics sung in every language except English.  Not only that, the representatives in the commercial were eclectic, at best.  Was there not one entire Service man or woman available from the United States military?  Was there not one disabled service person available for the ad?
I know that there were gobs of other cultures available to represent themselves in the spot, I just have to wonder who Coca Cola was marketing that thing to?
When someone is selling a product, it's easy to see who they want as a customer.  You don't see men in Oil of Olay ads.  You don't see men in tampon commercials. (Although, I must admit, the thought of a man cowering in fear from his pms-ing partner in a Midol commercial would make me laugh)  You get a general idea of who they are marketing to by the people in the advertisement. That's all I'm saying.
Based on that, Coca Cola doesn't seem to want my business any more.
I did not see one person in that entire commercial that would make me think that Coca Cola was aiming the ad at me. Not. one. person.
Do businesses want my business anymore?  Have they gotten so politically correct that they just figure I don't have a choice, but they better get cracking on getting the minorities' business?  I can already hear the claims of  xenophobia.  You know what? Hush.
It's not racist to expect to be represented in advertising.  It isn't discrimination to expect to see a Caucasian in a program or even a commercial  who isn't an idiot.  Think back to programs like The Jefferson's. While Archie Bunker was a controversial figure, who ever got in arms over George Jefferson referring to a bi-racial neighbor as a zebra?
In any given situation-if there must be an idiot- that race of that idiot will not be a minority.  Why is that?  There is even a comic strip "Curtis"by Ray Billingsley.  I don't read it anymore-not after my son asked me why the only white child in the strip is a cross eyed moron?  I couldn't answer him, and I guess the only real answer is that there is still a couple races that can be made fun of.
Why doesn't Coca Cola want the business of plain old Caucasians anymore?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.