Didn't B.O. promise me that creating jobs was his number one priority when he had his ACORN buddies register tons of people multiple times to hijack the election? I cannot find the information myself, so if someone can find out how helping people buy new cars is going to help create jobs for anyone outside the automotive industry, please send it to me. It certainly can't be a favor or two being repaid, now could it? Cash for Clunkers did nothing much to stimulate anyone outside of favors owed, did it? While I am on the subject of useless ideas, please explain to me how a tax credit in the future is going to help me now? How about letting me keep more of my money right now? Better yet, what do you say to not taxing the life out of me right now? Ronald Reagan was correct when he said that there is no problem that the government cannot make worse. Leave me alone, Washington. You've done enough, really. I have posed this idea before, I will float it again. Who knows, maybe someone in a position of authority is listening this time. B.O. seems determined to buy our way out of debt, like a welfare cheat who just found a hundred dollar bill, he knows one word: Spend . Since this seems to be his answer to everything, how about he try this, I'll even let him take credit for it, if he'll just give it a chance.
Two words: National Lottery. Why don't they start a national lottery with the understanding that every single penny goes to the National Deficit. When that pesky multi-trillion dollar problem is solved, we can start using the money from the lottery for things like infrastructure repair, and other campaign promises that B.O. has conveniently forgotten about in his rush to socialize twenty percent of our economy. It's just crazy enough to work. Also, it's a win-win. B.O. gets to spend our money like a drunken sailor on his first leave, and we get to sleep knowing that our children's grandchildren won't be saddled with the ridiculous deficit he seems hellbent on creating. Urge your elected officials to do it. You'll thank me later.
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