Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sean Penn, Please Shut Up Now

I heard an expression in a movie. I can't remember which one or I would give it credit here. The actor said, "Some people are educated beyond their intelligence."  This is truly the case with Sean Penn, although I wonder what sort of education it is that he has.  Wasn't it this same Rhodes Scholar that went to Iraq to visit with Hussein (the other one) and told us everything was fine there?  He must have been looking the other way on the tour when the rape rooms, mass graves, and attempts to enrich plutonium were being presented.
Surely they showed him everything, didn't they?  Otherwise, that would make him a dupe, wouldn't it?  Is he on some sort of list that dictators have access to, a list that show which gullible morons are available for a photo op? The actress Maria Conchita Alonzo wrote a wonderful open letter to Mr. Penn.  Google it for yourself.  You will find it very well written and concise.  Perhaps Mr. Penn would be better served to spend his time memorizing words to repeat later.  Because much like B.O.,without someone putting the words in his mouth, he tends to make a fool of himself.
Why do actors believe that they have some sort of elevated status that makes them more knowledgeable about anything?  The whole crux of their lives is spent memorizing words to say back to someone in a particular order.  Perhaps he, like the rest of them, should stick with what he is trained to do.  Obviously, world politics is beyond his scope.  Didn't he promise to move away when George W. Bush won the election? Did he go, then come back?  I wish I knew.  I also wish I knew who let him back in, I would have a few words for that idiot.  Maybe we should just stop patronizing Hollywood for a while.  Perhaps if he had to work for a living, he wouldn't have so much spare time to look so stupid.  I'll let you know if that's possible, and you can thank me later.  

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It Is W's Fault

I have found out that I have a medical problem that I thought had gone away.  It's not gonorrhea or anything like that (I generally avoided the Oval Office during the Clinton administration,thank you) but it is serious enough to have me concerned.  I have decided to blame this on two things, in this order 1) Global Warming/Climate Change  and 2) George W. Bush.
After all, If B.O. can do it, why not me?  I would fall out of my chair if just one time, everyone's favorite Kenyan said "You know, I was full of crap, I guess I didn't get the answer from my 6 weeks of government experience."  I have asthma, I'm not holding my breath on this one. The following is the list of things that I will now be blaming on George W. Bush and global warming.  

1)My cat throws up when he eats too quickly. This must be global warming causing him to eat so fast.
2)My neighbors let their dog out at 2:30 AM every morning and don't let him in for 20 minutes, even though he screeches to be let in. (I bet they're alqaeda)
3) There was a brown hairy spider by my steps this morning
4)3 trillion dollar deficit for socializing medicine -oops wrong guy
5)split ends
6) the stray cat that keeps spraying my car tires
7)Those annoying "free credit report" songs that I get stuck in my head for days
8) okra
9)my ex's father wanting to hug me when he knew I hated it
10)my ex
11)the milk I bought Tuesday that was sour when I opened it
13)excessively biased media outlets with an agenda
14)lime koolaid
15)corn bread made with real corn kernels in it
16)saccharin after taste
17)Iran being a breath away from being nuclear(How's that sitting down with the enemy thing working?)
18)Lawn mowers before 8 am
19)zippers that come apart in the middle
As you can see, this is a work in progress.  As I uncover more things that are the fault of someone who kept us safe from terrorist attack for seven years, I'll let you know, and you can thank me later.                                                                                

Monday, March 29, 2010

If It's Good Enough For Me......

Why is it that the President and his family,every Senator and Congressman-or woman- and their families are  exempt from this socialized high jacking of medicine and insurance? Why not try it out on them first?  It seems to me that if this two thousand page plus omnibus is so dang terrific, these elected officials would be jumping up and down to try it first.  It can't be because they fear rationing, can it? No. they've already told me that won't happen.  It's not because they think they'll get crappy care from an overworked system, is it?  B.O. told me that won't be an issue, either.  So what could it be? One would think that if this thing is so fantastic that it had to be rushed though so quickly no one knows everything that is in there-it would be just the ticket for these guys.  It has to be better than what he would receive back home in Kenya, right?  I'm just not one hundred percent sure that they have my best interests in mind. B.O. has not accomplished one thing yet.  Other than having a "holiday" tree, and keeping his aunt-my favorite illegal alien- in the country, what has he done?  Anyone?  Anyone?  I love the people who tell me to "get over it, we won."  Hooey.  No one has won anything, if anything at all, our children and their children have all lost. Bigtime.  Call your elected officials and demand that they partake in this mess too.  If it's good enough for us after all, shouldn't it be good enough for them, also?  If I figure out a way to stop this socialism from happening, I'll let you know, and you can thank me later.  

Saturday, March 27, 2010

When It Hits the Fan

I don't think socializing one fifth of our economy is a good idea. I don't think that much that comes out of B.O.'s mouth is a good idea, but this is particularly bad.  Having experienced socialized medicine first hand by way of military doctors and never seeing the same one twice, I can tell you that it sucks.  No way to sugar coat it, the whole thing is awful.  My oldest son was born six weeks early, he was a small thing (four and a half pounds) and he spent a week in neonatal intensive care when he was born.  It was in a wonderful facility, St. Vincent's in Birmingham, Alabama.  At the time, I was not practicing the Catholic faith, but that didn't stop a wonderful old priest from blessing my son, anyway.  Every bit helps, he told me.  After leaving the area, my son was treated by a series of military doctors when he needed care.  It was never the same doctor twice, and if I didn't grab their sleeve, I would not have gotten ten minutes with them.  When a doctor has to see forty people before he or she can go to lunch, guess how much time and attention you get? My son was five years old before a Doctor was able to diagnose that he couldn't hear from his left ear.  And that's the kind of care you'll get with B.O.   My doctor has already told me that he has grave concerns for the state of medicine right now.  While there are many things that do need fixed, more committees is never the answer.  Was it Ronald Reagan that said "More government is never the answer."? I pray that the whole rotten business is tossed out as unconstitutional.  Not that that will stop the left of center crowd from still trying to shove it through.  What happened to posting the thing online for thirty days?  What happened to calm and careful consideration? Since he hasn't gotten anything accomplished yet, I guess team B.O. needed a win, any win, before the midterm elections.  Have faith.  The debacle that was Jimmy Carter gave us Ronald Reagan.  Who knows what great conservative is waiting to fix this mess.  If I spot them first, I'll let you know, and you can thank me later.