Monday, September 29, 2014

While Iraq Implodes

When B.O. stole an election, gasoline was $1.64 a gallon.  The war in Iraq was just about over, and Afghanistan was a done deal.  I guess these are the results you get from a community organizer who has never really held a real job, and a compliant press who lap up his inane utterances as though they were Gospel.
So now, here we are.  Two thefts behind us and the world is exploding.  The only thing that B.O. has proven to be good at is golf.  He has a mean swing, I am told.  Of course, I haven't seen it.  He prefers to play on private courses that don't allow any pictures to be taken of the Golfer in Chief, while Iraq burns.
President Bush warned what would happen if we left a vacuum in the middle East.  It would seem that he was spot on.  But instead of listening to any common sense or reason, B.O. has pulled us out of the area.  All of those men and women died for nothing.  Terror groups are rampaging through the area.  Be-headings are everywhere.  The religion of peace has yet to condemn any of this-they are too busy stoning people.  That is when they aren't blowing something up or demanding that we follow their rules, or else.
I don't think I have ever met a peaceful muslim.  I have seen countless examples of them as they try and control everyone around them.  I have seen many stupid women who voluntarily agree to be treated like chattel.  Stupid.  Stupid, stupid stupid.
Were they abused when they were young? Do they think that they don't deserve to be treated like human beings?
And of course, the only thing that B.O. can do is vacation and give sound bytes.  He is to leadership as a duck is to ballet.  Incompatible.
We have a chance to fix it in a few weeks.  In November, we can return the senate to sane ground.  We can remove Boehner as the speaker of the house and replace him with someone who has a backbone.  It can be done.  And once it is done, please let Trey Gowdy loose.  Demand answers from the white house.  I am not afraid to use the I word.  Start with some hearings, and when the press refuses to cover it, use the means that you have. Plaster it all over conservative media.  eventually even the sheep will notice.  Elections have consequences.  Show B.O. how true that is.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Stop Everything! Two People Who Cheated to Be Together Got Married! or, Third Time is the Charm.

This should be about three weeks old by the time that it gets published.  That should give me time to decide if I want to let it go out into the world, or just let it quietly be deleted.  Ever since my faithless ex cheated, adultery has been a bit of a sore subject. I think divorce is too easy to get, there, I said it.  But even if it weren't so easy to get-when did adultery become the thing to be celebrated?
Don't give me that crap about two people just wanting to be happy.  Two people were happy until one of them followed his or her naughty bits into greener pastures.  If divorce were as difficult to get as it used to be, then maybe people would reconsider before screwing around.
Don't get me wrong-I never saw the attraction to Brad Pitt.  He isn't ugly, but neither are a lot of men.  He decided to be socially aware.  How nice for him.  So he made a couple of speeches about a couple things, and suddenly, he is a serious actor.  Whatever. He is a cheater.  Worse, he is unrepentant.  I guess it's okay now to be a liar and a cheat.
Of course, the woman that he left his wife for has a history of cheating.  That is, when she isn't french kissing her brother.  I guess she doesn't worry about the morals of a situation.  Let's hope none of her children ever run into a woman like, well, her.  It would serve her right.
While I am on this particular soap box- at least now when they go out to buy another child, they will have the blessing of marriage on their side.  I've spoken often about a friend who has been trying to adopt for several years now.  Unless you are a celebrity, there is no baby store where you can pick up a fresh newborn off the shelf and take it home.
When people talk about the moral decay of our nation-this is what they mean.  Divorce is too easy to get. Abortion is too easy to get.  Cheating is acceptable, if not condoned.  Ask Slick Willie.  Lying is expected.  I don't understand why things are allowed to slide like this.  When do people take a stand?
Is it really much of a leap from homosexual "marriage" to polygamy and other abominations?  I have often said that I have a dog that is more loyal than any man I have ever met.  If I married her, she would have all of the spousal benefits and protections that are given to two lesbians who play dress up for a day-why not?
But before I segue into another rant- let's just say that I find Brad Pitt and his latest wife disgusting.  When they implode-and they will-I will be right there with a giant toldyouso.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Small Claims Court Adventures

I have rental property. Anyone who thinks that this is the ticket to easy street had better shop around for another ticket.  There are good things about rentals, but there are a host of other issues that make it not as great as people would think it is.
Good tenants. There are times when this starts to seem like a myth, something like a unicorn sighting.  I was always a good tenant. I paid on time, and I didn't tear things up.  I left it as clean-or cleaner-than when I rented it.  This is not always the case.  Trust me. I have had tenants who put holes in the wall. Some have let their animal destroy screen doors. Don't they see the problems as they are happening?  I guess not.  They are oblivious to the damage until the time to get their security deposit rolls around.  Then they notice, trust me.
Neighbors to your rentals.  I know people who hate having rentals in their neighborhood.  They believe that it lowers their property values, I guess.  Or maybe they think that a renter is automatically a bad person.  All I know is that I have 3 neighbors that I guarantee will tell me anything that my tenant may have done long before they are finished doing it.  It could be something I would like to know about-rolling stolen property into the place (thanks Juanita) or it could be something asinine-a neighbor who complains when tenants park across the street in front of his house.  You grit your teeth with these neighbors, that is all that you can do.  No matter what happens, they aren't happy.  Forget about trying to please them, that is a lost cause.
Quiet.  I had a tenant with a surround system.  There is a common wall.  While the tenant loved Star Wars- no one else wanted to hear the bass and treble involved in that movie when it is full blast.  Keep your volume at a normal level.  If you want to hear it blaring-go to the movies.  I work anywhere from 50 to 65 hours a week, and when I can finally go home, I just want to sleep, not listen to your noise.
Children.  Kids are great, I have three of my own.  But not everyone wants to see or hear your screaming destructive little offspring.  Teach them not to break things.  More importantly, teach them not to bother things that  aren't theirs.  That will go a long way toward making your landlord less hostile.  Trust me.
I know it seems like I am nit picking.  I had a downstairs neighbor once, she smoked like a chimney.  Most of all, she wanted to live in the duplex all alone.  She complained about every noise, sound and smell that came from her neighbors.  She once complained because she could hear my sons and me walking across the floor.  Seriously.  She wanted me to take my boys and go somewhere so that she couldn't hear us walking.  I shut the door in her face.  It also helped to block some of the stink from her cigarettes that she smoked 24/7.  But I know that it goes both ways.
We all have to get along in this world.  Stop looking for ways to make yourself angry and just try to get along with people.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Wow! Does that Drunk Chick Hate Rick Perry! Why?

Have you seen the video where Reese Witherspoon got arrested?  She did the celebrity thing that drives me batcrap crazy.  She asked the question.  You know the one.  Do you know who I am?  As soon as the words are out in a movie-the protagonist always has a snappy answer.  I love those.  But in this case, she just had a bunch of drunken threats that pretty much toasted her 'America's Sweetheart' image and gave her manager a bigger need for Maalox, I'll bet.  There is a Latin expression : in vino verde.  It means in wine there is truth or what a person says while he is drunk is what he really thinks.  I believe that is the truth.
So now we come to District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.  She is in charge of the public integrity office.  She was arrested and convicted for having a blood alcohol content that was three times the legal limit.  She will not resign so Governor Perry vetoed any funds to her department.  An arrest warrant was issued for the Governor.
Keep  in mind that Austin is the liberal swamp in an otherwise sane bastion of common sense.  There are no plans to arrest or even pursue the warrant.  It just seems to be a genuine hissy fit thrown by a bureaucrat that should be removed from office.  Shame on her colleagues for not encouraging her to resign.
Watch the video.  She is pitiful.
Maybe she is an alcoholic.  I don't know her situation.  Maybe she just had too many, and doesn't realize that the laws apply to all of us, not just us peons, but the bureaucrats as well.  Maybe she forgot.  It happens.
But Governor Perry said that if Ms. Lehmberg didn't resign, he would withhold funding.  He kept his word,that is probably what threw them. Their response was to waste countless tax dollars drafting an arrest warrant for the Governor.
And now we have the pictures of Governor Perry's mugshot.  He handled it with charm and grace, and a dash of humor.  Not to mention, his mugshot looks head and shoulders better than Ms. Lehmberg's does.  How much tax payer money is this wasting, anyway?
Cause and effect seems to be lost on a certain set of people.  Is there some wonder set of people who were pulled aside and told that it didn't matter what they did-they could get away with it throughout the ages?  Besides Ted Kennedy, who else was there?  Okay, Slick Willie, him too.  But who else?
Rules should be the same for all of us.  Same rules. Same consequences.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Why Does Harry Reid Want To Impeach Obama?

If you turn on the news, you keep hearing the "I" word.  You aren't hearing it from John Boehner. You aren't hearing it from  Rand Paul.  You aren't even hearing it from Ron Paul.  You are hear it from Nancy Pelosi.  You will hear it from the likes of  Harry Reid.  It will come in panicky tones from B.O.
The New York Times will mention it. It's a great way for the liberals to raise money.  They have been fund raising from it for a while now.  CBS mentions it on the news from time to time. NBC uses it like toilet paper. MSNBC screams it hysterically like a menopausal woman having her first real hot flash  in a crowded elevator full of burlap and barbed wire samples.
When The Senate flips ( God willing) there had better be some serious conversation about impeachment.  Until then, it's just rabble rousing.  I imagine that it is whispered in serious tones by the more realistic members of Congress.  Even they have to see the writing on the wall.  When someone polls in the high 40's-you are not looking at a good November.
Keep in mind, this is from people who are not getting real news.  They are spoon fed sunshine and roses every day.  If a cloud dares to show its face on the horizon- it is only because some mean old crazy tea party person put it there.
Rand Paul is personally responsible for puppies and kitties drowning.  I read that somewhere.  But back to the plan of the democrats.  They are the only ones who are talking about impeaching B.O. and it's pretty freudian when you think about it.  They know that that is the biggest cure to everything that ails our nation.  They also know that the last thing they want to do is fix our nation.  Poor Nancy Pelosi is gnashing her really large teeth at the idea she could have been vice president had B.O. been removed while she was Speaker of the House.  It would be bad enough with Mr. Boehner. But whatever it takes to get B.O. out.
Of course, after he's gone, we have to go about undoing most of the damage he has caused.  Crazy Joe Biden will actually think he is in charge of something.  That will have to be dealt with, of course.
There are three branches of government.  Something the Harvard "Law Professor" seems to have forgotten. Biden could be constrained for a year until it was time for an election.  We just have to hold on until November, and pray to God that Obama doesn't blow the world up before then.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.