Monday, August 31, 2015

Sterling Realtors at Your Own Risk

A friend of mine was looking to buy a different house.  He bought into the constant assurances that the housing market is better, he doesn't like his current home anymore and he wants to move.  He made the mistake of calling Sterling Realtors and getting involved with a guy named Tim Greene.
So here's what happened:  the friend went to an open house to look at a property.  He fought his way through the hordes of children unrestrained by their ignorant parents and had a  semi-decent look at it. He was interested enough to want to take another look at it without the shrill cry of uncorrected children bumping and pushing past him.  He called Tim back and set up another appointment to look at the property again.  A more thorough look at the property and he was sold.  He set up an appointment with Tim Greene to look at his property, since the hook Tim uses is that if you buy that property, he'll sell yours for free.
Tim came to my friend's house with many papers.  They looked through them and signed on the appropriate places.  My friend then gave Mr. Greene a check for $3500 in earnest money.  The understanding was that he would secure his financing within 30 days and then he would close on the property.  Because he was dealing with ol' Tim, he was wrong.
A week passed and my friend had spoken with a real estate broker that Tim had recommended.  He is self employed the same as I am- and understood that thanks to Clinton and company allowing anyone and their sister to get a mortgage based on a handful of magic beans as collateral-the restrictions are much tighter.  He was in the second week of his thirty days to acquire financing when the guy he was using to get his financing suggested that he contact ol' Tim, because he hear a rumor that the property in question was sold. Guess what?
Why the house that he had put earnest money on had been sold! How is that possible you ask?  Isn't earnest money the binding part of a binding contract, you wonder?  Well it would seem that good ol' Tim hadn't even presented the owners with his offer.  Curious, isn't it?  Not only that, he didn't even tell us that the house was sold until we asked him point blank about it.
It gets better.  A week passes, no return of the earnest money check.  Two weeks and a phone call was made.  Tim (God bless him) offered to hang on to  the earnest money in case my friend found a house that he loved "even more."  The offer was rejected, and a third request for the return of the earnest money was made.
Tim now claimed that he shredded the check, after, of course, he claimed to mail it back.  A stop payment was put on the check-and of course-a $35 fee was required.  Tim was contacted about covering the $35, he said he would be happy to, sorry it didn't work out, yada yada.  One month later-no check, no call back, no contact what so ever.  Do yourself a favor.  Don't do business with Tim Greene or Sterling and Associates.  You'll thank me later

UPDATE- Mr. Sterling finally sent the payment after 5 weeks of almost daily calls.

Shaun King Suffers from Rachel Dolenz Syndrome

So now we have yet another Caucasian involved in a racial group who is a bald faced liar.  Shaun King-who will block you the moment you begin to ask how he considers himself to be African American when born from to white parents-is heavily involved in Black Lives Matter.
He made up a history entirely from whole cloth.  He claims to have been assaulted by a large group of whites and 'rednecks' when in fact the police report (no doubt racist) shows a fight with only one other person.
Not only does Mr. King deny his white father, he quickly blocks anyone on Twitter or Facebook who has the temerity to question his lies.  at least six people thatI know of have been blocked from Twitter because of his complaints.  Censorship much?
 He thanked Oprah Winfrey for a scholarship and that is the heart of my rant today.  It would seem that Ms. Winfrey has given college scholarships to over 500 black men.  Good for her, it's her money, let her spend it how she sees fit.  But can you imagine the cries of racism if say, Bill Gates or Donald Trump had given over 500 white men college scholarships?
Racism is a two way street, with only one side being ticketed.  I think racism of all hues is disgusting.  We are all people, no two ways about it.  But if I were to set up a foundation to give away college educations based on race-how quickly before I would be shut down? One day?  Two?
Mr. King may only be an opportunist who saw an chance to get a free education from one of the wealthiest women in America.  He may be.  But what does that say about his character?  If he'll lie about this-what else has he been untruthful about?
Not only that-by why do only black lives matter?   Martin O'Malley was recently forced to walk back his comment that all lives matter.  Be danged if I would have.  What does that say about the state of racism in this country if the simple statement that 'all lives matter' is now considered racist?  Does that mean that the white people killed by black officers and others is acceptable? Or does it mean that censorship is so rampant now that the media will not mention the many black on white crimes that occur every day in fear of retribution?  Scan the headlines on any given day and you'll find your own answer to that one.
Reverse racism is okay in our society-at least that is the message that the msm gives us with their silence.  No racism is okay.  We are all people-made in God's image.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, August 24, 2015

It's Good to be a Cop in Auburn, IN

If you have perused this blog before, you have read about my disgust with the little political cesspool that likes to call itself 'the Home of the Classics.'  It's another one of many many faceless little towns in Indiana that is desperately trying to seem like it is special.  It's special all right.
Some time back the town received an rv from homeland security.  Why homeland security is wasting our tax dollars on campers is anyone's guess.  I suppose that there are a lot of muslim terrorists who are camping in Walmart parking lots, who knows?  More likely-someone's brother sells rvs and the sibling in the government is trying to help him out.  Kind of like Obama's staff guy Rhoades and his brother that is the president of CBS "news".
But back to Hazzard County Auburn, Indiana.  It would seem that recently a citizen came in to claim the money and other items that were confiscated from her during an arrest.  You see, in Auburn-if the police notice any money or expensive items, they "confiscate" them to make certain that you aren't using them for something illegal.  Innocent until proven guilty, you ask??? Hahahahaha! You naive innocent!  There is no constitution in Auburn, clearly.  Rights are so last century.
Well, the person in question came to claim her property and guess what? That is right- it was gone!  No jewelry, no cash, nada.  Four polygraph tests later and the money was found.  Isn't that amazing?  And now, two officers have been put on leave.  Their names, you wonder?  Well keep on wondering because the head of the whole mess-Marty McCoy-decided to protect his cop buddies once again and not release their names!Wowee, it's good to have cop friends, isn't it?
The local paper, which takes great delight in printing the name of every single person who is arrested for a misdemeanor to a felony accepted McCoy's refusal to release the names. KPCnews-the conglom that runs most of the local newspapers in the area simply accepted the refusal and abided by the cop's wishes.  That is one investigative tool right there.  Of course, this is the same newspaper that wasn't the least bit interested when they were given stacks of copies of odometers that had been rolled back by a local car dealership.  "The Virus" as this dealership calls it, was really handy when their pals had overrun the miles on their leases.  Then it spread to cars going to auction.
McCoy wasn't very interested in that crime either, as his entire investigation amounted to asking the men who did it- "Did you do it?" and then taking their denials as the end of it.
Corruption isn't just at the national level-it's permeated to the lowest rungs, and trust me- Auburn, Indiana is about as low a rung as you can get.  Same rules for everybody ought to apply, cop or not.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Your Friendly Walmart Pharmacy- Not so Much

I take three different medicines for a medical condition.  Until recently I was taking two expensive medicines that didn't work very well.  Lucky for me, my wonderful doctor listens and switched me back to the medicines that work.  Unfortunately, the least expensive pharmacy in this po-dunk town is Walmart. So my doctor called the scripts in on a Monday. I waited a whole week for them to find time to fill them. Ha!
I went in and was told that they hadn't even gotten to my order yet. I use a program called GoodRX that really lowers the cost of my prescriptions.  I went to the order window to see if by chance my order was ready.  They hadn't even started it!  So then, I am dealing with the antithesis of customer service as she snippily tells me all of the excuses reasons why my order hasn't been filled in the week since it was called in.
Then we get to the total.  I ask her why it was so much.  This paragon of rudeness tells me that one script isn't covered by   I said, "It would be cheaper at Walgreen's full price."
She haughtily told me, "Then you should go to Walgreen's then."
 I don't have my phone with me, I need the medicine, so I pay the price.  I go to my phone in the truck.  I pull up the medicine and the correct price.  I turn on my heel and back in I go.  I waited in line and asked her, Do you remember me?" She didn't.  I show her the price of my medicine.  She tells me I am wrong, then pulls it up on her computer (which I doubt she did the first time) and says sheepishly, "They must have just changed the price."  Yeah. That's what happened.  It wasn't that you were being a dick, ma'am and too stinking lazy to push seven buttons.  They OBVIOUSLY changed the price in the blink of an eye.  So anyway, I got the lower price and had to get a refund.  This is where the retarded (sorry Sarah Palin) stepped in to put the icing on the cake.  The change was something like $15.74, so I asked Forrest if she could give me a quarter if I give her an extra penny.  This is exactly what she said: "No. I can't do that.  Because I am kind of anal, I have to give you exactly what the machine says."
Maybe if she is so anal that she can't work change, I don't exactly want her back there doling out my pills.  What happens if she runs out of one kind and has to open a new bottle to finish my order?  Will that send her into a stupor?Will she be unable to function?  How will she manage?
Kroger and CVS both have pharmacies in this little town.  The hospital also has a pharmacy on their property.  There is a larger town not 20 minutes away from here.  Go there,  instead of this Walmart pharmacy.   You'll thank me later.

Monday, August 10, 2015

20 Bucks to Eat at Wendy's!!

I recently took a friend to eat at Wendy's.  I guess I have seen their commercials for their salads one time too many.  Yikes!  First off, the salad was almost eight bucks.  Eight dollars.  What did it consist of you ask?
Well, I would say it was a smallish bowl of bagged salad greens- you know- the kind you can buy an entire bag of for $2.00 at any grocery store.  Then there was a tiny ( 10 grams, tops) bag of pecans to sprinkle on it.  Also there was four strawberries cut up into it.  All of this was topped with a packet of Marzetti's raspberry salad dressing.  The kind that goes for 75 cents at most major grocery store chains, in their deli section.  Pricing it out, I figure I paid the better part of 8 bucks for $1.76 worth of salad.  Ask me if I'll be going back.
My companion had a double patty hamburger to the tune of 6 dollars.  I also splurged $3.49 on 39 french fries with cheez whiz and a handful of bacon sprinkles.  I am not a satisfied customer.  I understand that Wendy's has struggled with their brand since their founder Dave Thomas' demise.  But while they are trying to rope in the more discerning customer, they are losing people.  There is one heck of a recession going on in case they didn't notice.  A hamburger joint shouldn't be the same price as a steak place!
In addition, I had to wait five minutes for them to throw my salad together.  Had it been a better quality, I wouldn't mind.  But how long does it take to portion out one quarter of a bag of salad greens, slice six strawberries, and toss in the bag of pecans and the dressing?
  I won't be going back.
This is just one of the many problems facing the fast food industry.  As the low skilled workers continue demanding a wage that they can "live on" expect more of this.  What will happen is this:  restaurants will be forced to shave even more from their margin-the only place left is in their products- and consumer interest will drop.  How hard is it really to go to a grocery store and purchase enough products to make 8 salads for what Wendy's charged me for the two meals I bought?  Now before those delightful folks who continue to "debate" me from my Papa John's post move over to this one- a few caveats:
No one forced me to shop at Wendy's I chose to go there, and now I choose to no longer go there because of their overpricing.
Yes, I was aware of Wendy's prices when I stepped up to the counter to make an order.  I won't make the mistake again.
Wendy's market share is dwindling.  They have decided to go after the higher end fast food market, and it is failing miserably.  Dave Thomas prided himself on good food at fair prices.  Since his death, Wendy's has forgotten that.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, August 3, 2015


I comb the internet for my news.  I don't trust the msm to tell me anything, I would rather get the direct feed and decide for myself what it means vs having a combed suit tell me how it relates to me.  Every time I see that pompous doofus on CBS take his glasses into hand, as if to appear smarter, I cringe.  I also talk to the television if I am forced to watch network news,telling them the parts that they are censoring.
I don't care if Kim Kardashian is having another child with that narcissist Kanye West.  I don't care if they give this child another stupid name, as they did with the last one. Neither one of them are important in the grand scheme of things, a wannabe celebrity and a racist artist (with an apparent obsession with Beyonce Knowles.) Whoop.
I don't care what Bruce Jenner has been spotted doing.  after giving him more attention than he deserves by asking where he stores his penis these days, I lost interest.  He has mental issues, clearly, and should get some help.  Maybe it was all of the time spent around the other media whores he was married to, but at some point the cheese fell of from his cracker.  He should spend more time looking for that, and not troweling on makeup.  Ick.
But all of these things are simply distractions.  Hillary Clinton may well have helped Obama by attempting to destroy evidence that directly implicated both of them in the Benghazi fiasco.  The Kardashians are just a distraction from real questions that the media won't ask- Was Obama running illegal weapon through the area to arm ISIS?  Was he keeping Congress informed as he broke these laws?  What in the world was he doing while Ambassador Stevens was being drug through the streets, sodomized and tortured?  I wouldn't mind a few answers, I have more than a few questions that the msm simply will not get answers for me.
Real unemployment, not the U11 number that is reported showing only those receiving unemployment and actively looking for a job) sits somewhere worse than 10%.  When you factor in the amount of people who have quit looking for work all together, either finding a way to get disability or just living on whatever they can manage to scrape together, or people who are chronically underemployed-that is to say they cannot find full time (40 hours) of work because of  the hideous economy coupled with the shackles of obamacare mandates, then you are looking at some scary numbers- 42.9%!!*
Let that number sink in for you.  When the media was screaming about President Bush having 9.8 % unemployment- that was one in ten people who couldn't find work.  We were experiencing a dreadful recession thanks in part to the housing bubble that Clinton created, and worsened  by the war in Iraq, and it's impact on the world economy.
Now we are talking about one in two people who cannot find full time work!  The labor participation rate is the lowest that is has been since Jimmah Carter was president- over 33 years ago! Only  62.6%  of people aged 16 to 65 are working.  Doesn't that scare the crap out of you?
Why do you think everyone was bellowing for $10 an hour minimum wage?  Because they stupidly thought that if they were making $10 an hour for flipping burgers, than they would be able to live on minimum wage.  They didn't stop to realize that $10 an hour for minimum wage would kill even more jobs, and raise inflation even worse than it is now.
Think about it, you'll thank me later.