Monday, February 27, 2012

If You get Up One More Time Than You Fall You Will Make it Through

I am not gifted with patience. If I wanted something in three days, I would wait three days to ask you for it.  I have never cultivated patience, it does not seem like a useful attribute to me.  In the last few years, I have been visited with plenty of opportunities to acquire patience, it just never took. (Don't pray for God to grant you patience, by the way, because all you get are more chances to develop it.)
I have, however, been given lots of situations that require me to wait.  It seems like I have had one catastrophe after another.  It started when my ex developed an attraction to mannish women.  He left, which isn't my biggest problem.  I did love him, or at least I loved the person I thought he was, but after discovering that he had been systematically stealing from the savings account that I set up for our children, I pretty much got over that.  He not only stole from them, he tried to cover it up by telling our sons to lie about it for him.
I ask you, what sort of man teaches his sons that cheating is not only okay, but something they should betray their Mother by helping to hide? The answer: the sort of man who was raised in a family where abortions were used as birth control, and stealing is just a way of life.  Hind site is truly twenty-twenty.
I don't choose men well.  If there are thirty great guys in a room and one truly unique a-hole, guess which one I end up talking to?  The first man that I thought that I loved was also a turd. A cheating, lying, stealing,.... you get the picture.  Do you see the pattern?  I do, too. The thing that surprises me is that I didn't see the resemblance until it was too late.  I tend to be over cautious now.  I am not letting anyone get close enough to wreak the havoc that those two did.
But the point I was trying to make, before I began my wallowing that is, is that you have to get up after some really crappy thing happens.  You have to, because if you don't, you are just giving up.  Giving up is not an option.  Just keep getting up when the bad thing happens, and even if you get knocked down again.  Just get up.  You'll make it through, and you can thank me later.

Monday, February 20, 2012

If Hinkley Isn't Crazy, Can't We Try Him Now?

I am listening to the morons at the institution who want to free John Hinkley Jr.  Did you know that he gets to leave and visit with his mother for days at a time?  It seems to me, that if he isn't crazy anymore, we ought to be holding him responsible for shooting Ronald Reagan and James Brady among others.  I understand about double jeopardy, and that he is "not guilty" because he was insane. Hooey.
I find it a miracle that a well to do family was able to get a verdict of not guilty for their child after shooting the President of the United States.
I wonder how the guy that took a pot shot at the White House the other day will fare?  I am betting not as well.
I also wonder who these geniuses are that say he is okay to live among us now.  I wish that the msm would take a look at them, maybe see if they haven't suddenly become a little better off, financially, if you know what I mean.
I remember when President Reagan was shot, it was the first time that I saw the true ugliness of a liberal who was actively hoping for the death of Reagan.  It disgusted me then, it disgusts me now.  While I may not care for B.O., his wife, his policies, his habit of always going on vacation to very swank locations,his condescending attitude, his smarmy head tilt, etc.etc., I do not want to see him shot  or killed.  The last thing we need is Joe Biden in charge. (shudder)
Joe Biden in charge of anything would be like having that crazy guy on the corner who yells at squirrels in charge of stuff.  He is incompetent in every sense of the word, but B.O. needed a white guy  to balance the ticket, so we are all one heart beat away from Crazy Joe running the free world.  Kinda makes it hard to sleep, doesn't it?
But back to John Hinkley Jr.  I understand about double jeopardy and all of that, but it seems to me if he couldn't be responsible because he was insane, he ought to be held in a place where he can do no harm, for the rest of his days.  Just to be sure, you know?  I mean, for all we know, the Hinkleys spread the wealth and presto chango the guy who shot and injured three people-one of whom was the President of the United States- is all better now.  There ought to be a way to keep him away from the sane people who haven't tried to kill the President to impress Jodi Foster (boy was he barking up the wrong tree, huh?) some how.  Think it over, you'll thank me later.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Romney 2012= 4 More years of Obama

Mitt Romney is not the man for the nomination of the Republican party.  If he somehow manages to weasel the nominations, we might as well buckle in for four more years of B.O..  And if that happens, Katy bar the door, we are all screwed.  Unless of course we are one of the black panthers who got away with standing in front of a voting center with a club, scaring away voters. You know the ones, the guys that Eric Holder chose not to prosecute because they are black.
Or if we were one of the thousands of drug dealers in Mexico, you know the ones, the guys that have killed over two hundred people with the guns that Holder and B.O. let them have.
Or if we were one of the people who are trying to trample the Second Amendment, you know the ones, the guys like Sarah Brady who mistakenly think that if guns are illegal, no one will have guns.
The list goes on and on, but the end of the road is Mitt Romney cannot will not get elected.  They will hammer him with the father of obamacare, that is romneycare.  They will hammer his use of illegals in his home.  They will hammer the elitist persona and the sheep that are the American people will buy into it. The useful idiots and the media ( I know, one and the same) will do everything and anything to get B.O. four more years to screw us even closer to a socialist nation.
They will lie about things, they will manufacture things, they will use ACORN like groups to mass register as many phony people as possible.  These are the people that quite possibly committed fraud to get B.O. on the Indiana ballot. You know, the ones that Eric Holder chose not to investigate.
I wish that we could put the paddles to Ronald Reagan and run him again.  I wish that a perfect candidate would waltz into the race.  Wish in one hand, poop in the other and see which one gets full faster. None of those things are going to happen.  I liked Perry until his stance on illegals getting in state tuition.  I liked Bachman until she told me she was subservient to her husband in all things.  It makes a great marriage, not a great commander in chief. I still like Herman Cain, but since he is not Bill Clinton, his indiscretions are bad.
Newt Gingrich isn't perfect, but he is conservative.  He can work with both sides of the aisle, and he has vision.  I won't have to hold my nose the way that I did when I voted for McCain.  Romney can't win.  I wish I knew how to make him understand that.  If I figure out how to make him understand that, you can thank me later.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Susan G Komen Foundation Will Continue Enabling Planned Parenthood in the Murder of the Unborn

Yesterday I cheered the Susan G. Komen organization when they decided not to continue giving money to Planned Parenthood.  The left of center immediately went into hysterical vapors at the thought of a private company doing what it wanted with its own money. I listened to a liberal moron (redundant, I know)explain that they needed that money to pay for mammograms for poor people.
Of course, Planned Parenthood would have to stop suctioning as many babies from wombs if they didn't get this money.  And in addition to that, they would also not have the prestige of an organization like the Susan G. Komen Foundation associated with them.
Now I see that 76 Senators have sent a letter to the Foundation condemning the withdrawal of Planned Parenthood Support. God help them if I find out one of my Senators were involved in this.  Since when did  Private companies have to answer to how they choose to spend their money?  Every penny that Planned Parenthood gets to pay for other things is more money that they can spend on their main purpose- aborting babies.
After a calmer search, I found the politicians involved in this. Surprise, surprise, they all have a D behind their names.  They are as follows: Sens. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., Patty Murray, D-Was., Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., Robert Menendez, D-N.J., Ron Wyden, D-Ore., Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.,  Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., Mark Begich, D-Alaska, Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., Jon Tester, D-Mont., Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., Max Baucus, D-Mont., Ben Cardin, D-Md., Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Al Franken, D-Minn, John Kerry, D-Mass., Claire McCaskill,D-MO., Debbie Stabenow, D-MI., Chris Coons, D-DE., and Jeff Bingaman D-NM.
The idea that politicians would get involved in a private matter of choice for a company is disgusting at best, frightening when you think about it.  What happens if my company donates to an organization, then I find out that I don't like them anymore?  Will  Congress then blackmail me into continuing to fund something I don't care for? If that doesn't scare you, it should! Find out if your Senators were part of the ones who signed on to blackmail The Susan G. Koman Foundation.  You'll thank me later.