Monday, August 27, 2012

Live and Learn

Anyone who has read this blog knows that I am a small business owner.  I like to think that I went into it with my eyes wide open.  I thought that I was prepared for any of the hurdles that could come my way, or at the very least, I could figure them out.  I had researched my area and the market, I had found a location that would work for me, I thought.  I have found wholesalers who are reasonable, honest, and that stand behind their products.  I looked into what it would take to make a profit, and how much I would have to mark things up in order to be able to pay for the things I sold.  I have a great business plan(she said modestly) and I was prepared for the long haul.  Live and learn.  I am moving the location of my store at the end of this month, to a smaller spot about 100 yards away.  I am more excited about that move then I am when I actually opened my store.  One reason is because I know what I am getting in to, and more importantly, I know what I am getting away from.
 I made the stupid mistake of taking someone at their word.  I know, I know, you would think that I would have learned by now.  The owners of my current building did not have a lease for me when I opened.  I asked them about it time and again, only to be told that they would get it to me, no rush.  I told them about the leak in the ceiling.  They said that they would get it fixed really soon.  And then part of the ceiling fell on me, and I ended up with a couple of concussions.
Man o man, did the lease get ready in a snap!  Oddly enough, it specifically made them irresponsible for any accidents that occurred on the property. Huh.  It also listed them as not responsible for any break ins, and problems with the building, or any maintenance to the property. Huh. It's almost as if they looked at everything they had done wrong and tried to indemnify themselves from it.
Another problem that I have had is taking checks from the people that I rent from.  You would think that it would be safe, yes?  Silly rabbit.  I sold a GPS system to one of the people that I rent from.  A week later, I got a letter from my bank, telling me that I had a service charge for a bad check.  I paid for the fees from my bank, and then I paid the fees that my bank paid for the bad check.  I only got half of the bank fees from the check bouncer back.  I am still waiting on the rest of them.  I also sold this woman four other items.  She returned them all.   The GPS that she returned because she didn't like it had one trip in the memory that she forgot to wipe out .  The backup camera probably made the trip on the GPS a little easier.  The television was cancelled after I had already committed to paying for it.  I should name my restocking fee after this person, shouldn't I?
 So I decided that instead of dealing with these "men" I would move my building to a better location.  That is what I am doing this week.  I will be open for business on a limited basis this week as I move my store, and fully open next week.  I will still carry a small amount of consignment, just not any large appliances any more.  Come on over to 406 W 9th Street in Auburn.  I will make a great deal on whatever it is you are looking for, if I don't have it, I'll find it for you.  As I like to tell people, you never know what you'll find.  Stop by, you'll thank me later. 

Monday, August 20, 2012


Man, I don't like this guy.  I don't like the way he holds himself.  I don't like the patronizing way that he speaks.  I don't like it when he lifts that head of his, and then tilts it down to lecture me.  I don't like it when he rolls his sleeves up to show me he is just a regular, workin' joe (B.O. has perfected this look. I always smile when I picture the lucky assistant who gets that gig).
While I am bombarded daily with people who tell me that a vote not cast for Romney is a vote for B.O., I would disagree.  I think an empty spot on the ballot is a message to the G.O.P. that we will not be taken for granted.  Romney outspent his opponents by any where from 4 to 1 to 12 to 1.  He negative bombed them into oblivion.  Why do you think that there were so many front runners?  It seemed that every month there was a new front runner, someone that the public tried out to see who would be acceptable, who would hold the conservative banner the highest.  We were looking for someone who would be able to fix the God awful mess that B.O. and his Democratic led Congress and Senate created in the first two years of his one and done.
In 2010, the message was heard loud and clear, people washed off the kool aid mustachio and started fixing the problem.  B.O. described it as a "shellacking" and the msm lost their minds.  First, they didn't see the tidal wave coming.  They dismissed the tea party gatherings as a bunch of whiteys who were gathering up to wear their hoods and protest.  There were even attempts at planting some racists in the tea party gatherings.  Pictures were quickly taken of some idiot and his more idiotic message.  What wasn't shown were the Tea Party folks with their own signs that pointed out the idiots.  The people sent there to infiltrate were usually chased away by people who shamed them into leaving with their hate filled diatribes.
The Tea Party people that I speak to are not enthusiastic about Willard Mitt Romney.  When the best you can manage is "he's better than what we have now" you know that the argument isn't very strong.  If anything, the argument is pathetic with a capitol P. 
I want a brokered convention.  That is a convention where nothing is guaranteed, and people negotiate.  It's my last ditch hope that Romney- who has been running for six years and still can't pull 50% of the votes of just Republicans- will be thwarted and we will have a chance of fixing the mess, not managing the decline.  I want our Republic to shine again. I want to be the beacon, the thing that gives hope.  I want to be a world leader, in all things.  I want a President who inspires me, who lifts us up as a Nation.  Mitt ain't it.  Think about it, you'll thank me later
Okay, okay- I'll admit it. I am a sucker for hope. I see that Willard has removed his cranial rectum obstruction and chosen very well for his vice president.  Paul Ryan is a fiscal rock star! He loves his country, he loves his family, and he wants to see us shine. How can you not love that?  In a case of deja vu all over again, I see myself wishing, once again, that the ticket were reversed. McCain/Palin any one?  So ignore the hysterical bleating you are about to see unleashed from the left.  Ignore the commercials that show Grannies going over cliffs. Ignore the hysterical (but not on purpose, I bet)ravings from Ms. Wasserman-Schwartz.  You'll thank me later. Really.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Lake Charles Manufacturing Ships by Stage Coach

A friend of mine recently purchased an excellent storage system for her spices.  She puts them in glass test tubes and stores those in a test tube holder.  She uses quite a few spices and now her cupboard isn't cluttered, and she can easily lay her hands on what she needs.  She talked me into doing the same thing, just by how easily she can find what she needs.  I find that I like cooking now, I use quite a few spices and the idea of making it easier to find what I need quickly sounds wonderful.  In other words- I was sold.
Unfortunately, I purchased the test tubes from Lake Charles Manufacturing.  I looked at the kits that were sold and decided like she did, that it would be better to simply buy the tubes and holder and simply put my own spices in them with my own labels.  They were a good, fair price.  My behind stings a little from the shipping-they charge 40% for the shipping.  I think they "sell" them so cheaply and then ream you on the shipping.  Here is where my backside gets truly red: Lake Charles Manufacturing does not ship on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday! In other words, if you want to get your order from them, make dang sure that you order it on one of the few days that they are open and shipping!  How stupid to claim to be open seven days a week, but not doing anything that would constitute work. It would be as if Walmart claimed to be open seven days a week, but only let you buy things four of those days.  Stupid, isn't it?
And there is a lot to be said for customer service also.  I love buying Jarden Consumer Products- Mr. Coffee, etc.because I know that they stand behind their products and take care of any complaints in a very quick manner.  They want your business and it shows.
 That is not the case with Lake Charles Manufacturing.  My contact with them has been terse, at best.  They think that waiting four days to ship something is perfectly fair.  Let's just say that we disagree on this.  Four days!  And then, as I am tracking the snail pace that my purchase is (finally!) making- I see that the package is averaging 60 miles per day.  To borrow a description from Ron White- my package is moving at half the speed of smell!
I can't tell you how the tubes for my spices are-I probably won't know for another week at this rate.  Ironically, the test tube holder, which came from twice as far away ( and for much less shipping) has been here for two days!  Good thing that I didn't get it from Lake Charles Manufacturing, huh?  If you need anything in the way of test tubes, or if you want to organize your spices to make cooking easier, don't buy from Lake Charles Manufacturing you'll thank me later!
I can't let this print without updating my conversation with Haley's supervisor.  I called the company this morning and complained to the person who answered for customer service.  After explaining that it would have been faster to ship by Greyhound Bus, Haley gave me a song and dance that would have done Fred Astaire proud.  I explained that taking four days to simply process my order was unacceptable.  The customer service person told me that if I had ordered more, or paid to upgrade my service, that they would be here by now.  I asked to speak with a supervisor.  The first contact with her I thought resulted in her hanging up,but it was a dropped call, apparently.  After calling back, I was given a refund on the ridiculously over priced shipping.  I still wouldn't use Lake Charles Manufacturing, though.  I expect someone to treat my order as though it were important to them.  These people aren't doing that.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Massacre by a Crazy Guy with No Tea Party Connections

I am heart broken at the death and carnage from the individual who killed all of those people in Aurora.  I see others who are refusing to use his name, so that he is denied the vicarious thrill of being named and therefore infamous.  I like the idea so much that I couldn't even tell you what that loser's name is.  I hope he goes down quickly as a pathetic footnote in history.
I am curious as to why his family has already hired a lawyer.  Why do they need a lawyer?  I tried to watch her press conference, I really did.  I wanted to know more information about this awful person who clearly needed to be stopped.  I couldn't make it all the way through the conference because she does this thing with her mouth, it looks like she is licking her teeth, I'm not sure.  I imagine it is some sort of nervous tick, I just can't get past it.
I wish I was surprised that ABC rushed right out with the false accusation that this loser was a member of the Tea Party.  The odds of two people having the same name must be as high as what? One in two?  I am certain that they were engorged at the thought-if you know what I mean.  Turns out the blood would have been more useful in their brains, as they failed to do the most basic of checks, and of course, it was a different guy with the same name.  Ever met more than one person with the same name?  So have I.  I guess the concept was lost on the cracker jack team of journalistic integrity that is ABC.  Ask me why I don't trust the msm, go ahead.
So now we have two-count 'em-two individuals with no cheese on their cracker and both times the msm broke their legs to blame the people who want less government. While I am pretty sure the first guy was bat crap crazy- I think the second guy is just as sane as most people.
 Good thing that they don't have an agenda, isn't it?  How many times do they have to be wrong to get the idea that part of reporting the news is getting it right, the first time?  How many times do they get to absolutely blow it and still be taken seriously?  I can't imagine how misinformed I would be if I only counted on the three networks for my information.
I suppose that we should be thankful for the internet- it is just about the last place where you can get unvarnished information. Thanks again, Algore.
I am not the first to point this out, but it does bare repeating.  There was a 71 year old gentleman who stopped an attempted arm robbery and hostage situation by shooting those two cowardly weasels.  He had a concealed carry permit and he used it.
If only someone in Colorado had had the same foresightedness.  Perhaps we would be reading about a hero instead of the senseless murderous acts perpetrated by this piece of work. I read about one of the victims, he died trying to stop that horrid man.  He kept his girlfriend alive.  What an amazing man.
 I read an idea suggested by someone- I don't remember who- that suggested fixing the problem in a way that the government would love, especially with their taxing overdrive. First tax every able individual one hundred thousand dollars per year for gun control.  Immediately waive fifty thousand dollars per year to every person who owns a legally purchased fire arm.  Second, waive another twenty five thousand dollars when each person completes a gun safety course.  Third, waive another twenty five thousand dollars when each person files an affidavit stating that they carry their gun with them at least one day a week.
The liberals who abhor my ability to protect myself and my family can go ahead and pay the tax, they seem to love taxes, don't they?  Every way I look at it, this is a win-win.
So there are two things to consider- make sure that you verify what the msm tells you. And consider asking your elected officials about the new concealed carry tax.  You'll thank me later.