their jobs, wouldn't it? Think about it, you'll thank me later. Oh yeah! Happy Birthday to one of the best brothers God put on this earth! I love you Ken!
Monday, December 29, 2014
The Yeti's Kids vs. President Bush's Children
I love double standards, don't you? Recently Elizabeth Lauten wrote some things on a facebook post that was directed toward the children residing in the White house. "Try showing a little class," she wrote in a post addressed to the girls."Rise to the occasion. Dress like you deserve respect, not a spot at the bar," she continued. "And certainly don't make faces during a televised event.
The left side of the aisle worked itself into such a monumental panty twist that the poor woman was fired from her job. So much for freedom of speech, right? I guess first amendment rights only occur when it is agreed upon by the left? That would explain these gems, wouldn't it?
Negative articles about Chelsea Clinton? That would be zero. Negative articles about the current administration? You guessed it-zero. No wonder Ms. Lauten's public criticism caused so many heads to explode. She must not have gotten the note about ignoring the children of Democrats in office. That would explain the zero publicity for Biden's kids as well. Never mind age limits, give him a commission in the Navy! Yeah, that seems about right. Drug arrests? No problem. They don't count if we don't talk about it. Tell me that joke about no bias in the media again, I love the punchline! Fairness is fine if everyone gets it. When we don't, it would be nice if the people in charge of pointing it out were up to
Monday, December 22, 2014
Two Pine Cones and a Sock
I have written about my dog, Caliope before. I have shared that she will eat many any strange and exotic thing that a lot of dogs would take a pass on eating. Last night I had to rush my dog to the veterinarian's because she began bleeding. Thanks and eternal gratitude to my friend Connie who dropped what she was doing and came on the run. She even brought a wheel barrow in case we needed one. (We didn't, thank God)
Next, we got to Dr. Kay's office, even though it was after hours, she waited for us to get there. She is hands down the best vet I have ever had. Caliope was okay to walk into the office, and then after an ultrasound, it was discovered that she had eaten, that is to say, swallowed whole, two (because really, one just awakens your appetite without bedding it down) pine cones and my missing sock. They had moved far enough down her intestines to be within striking distance so to speak. Dr. Kay decided against opening her intestines and with some dilation, went after them the other way. She allowed me to stay with Caliope while she did the procedure.
As she pulled the very large (and disgusting mass) from my dog's south end, she said she loved the glamour of her job. Caliope was given three units of fluids and then she peed most of it out, or enough to tell us her kidneys were on board.
Finally, Dr. Kay let me lay on the recovery table with my big dumb dog as she awoke. Caliope licked my face twice and then burped a noxious, foul smell. Been there done that.
So after a few more hours of observation, we got to come home. Caliope would not have been a good patient, she suffers from separation anxiety the way Jeffrey Dahmer had cravings. We got home around five A.M. and the list of things that I must go for this dog when she goes to the bathroom are proof positive that I love her.
Three days of a rice diet, and then we move her up to eating more solid foods. Bad news, Caliope isn't allowed any oranges or citrus fruit until she is completely healed. She also has to balance her roughage (a euphemism we use for all of the fruits and vegetables and assorted strangeness she loves to consume) with the bland food she will be eating until her hieney heals.
But now that it is over and the blind panic of losing the best dog ever is over, I am so thankful that God spared my big, dumb dog. I cannot imagine what I would do without her. If you have a pet, give them a hug. You never know when you are two pine cones and a sock from losing them. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Next, we got to Dr. Kay's office, even though it was after hours, she waited for us to get there. She is hands down the best vet I have ever had. Caliope was okay to walk into the office, and then after an ultrasound, it was discovered that she had eaten, that is to say, swallowed whole, two (because really, one just awakens your appetite without bedding it down) pine cones and my missing sock. They had moved far enough down her intestines to be within striking distance so to speak. Dr. Kay decided against opening her intestines and with some dilation, went after them the other way. She allowed me to stay with Caliope while she did the procedure.
As she pulled the very large (and disgusting mass) from my dog's south end, she said she loved the glamour of her job. Caliope was given three units of fluids and then she peed most of it out, or enough to tell us her kidneys were on board.
Finally, Dr. Kay let me lay on the recovery table with my big dumb dog as she awoke. Caliope licked my face twice and then burped a noxious, foul smell. Been there done that.
So after a few more hours of observation, we got to come home. Caliope would not have been a good patient, she suffers from separation anxiety the way Jeffrey Dahmer had cravings. We got home around five A.M. and the list of things that I must go for this dog when she goes to the bathroom are proof positive that I love her.
Three days of a rice diet, and then we move her up to eating more solid foods. Bad news, Caliope isn't allowed any oranges or citrus fruit until she is completely healed. She also has to balance her roughage (a euphemism we use for all of the fruits and vegetables and assorted strangeness she loves to consume) with the bland food she will be eating until her hieney heals.
But now that it is over and the blind panic of losing the best dog ever is over, I am so thankful that God spared my big, dumb dog. I cannot imagine what I would do without her. If you have a pet, give them a hug. You never know when you are two pine cones and a sock from losing them. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, December 15, 2014
Black Friday Isn't Racist, You Unprepossessing Moron
I don't watch the View. I would rather dry sand my eyeballs than sit for an hour listening to three liberal morons shout down one psuedo conservative. But from time to time the sheer stupidity of one of them makes the rounds.
Recently Joy Behar worried that 'Black Friday' sales were racist. She should try cognitive thought. It's all the rage these days.
To educate the ignorant Ms. Behar- there is a term for being financially solvent. "In the black" has come to mean that an entity is out of the red and into solvency. Black Friday sales mean that a store is going to be in the profitable category. For those of us who actually work and produce things (besides hot air and asinine comments) this is a very big deal.
Does it hurt to take five minutes and research something? Surely even her phone can google something, can't it?
One thing that I do think can be curbed is the urge to be open on Thanksgiving night to jump start the sales. I understand how retail works. For ten years I was mandated to work on every Holiday except Christmas. Now that I call the shots, I won't do it. If you need something desperately on a Sunday or Holiday, give me a call. I will open for five minutes while you make your purchase. But I won't open for the day. That's crazy talk.
In the current economy everyone has to do whatever they can to make it. Five summers past the 'recovery' still finds many people hurting. I understand that. But it isn't that much of a stretch to do the right thing for families and close down on Holidays, is it?
When I was younger, we had to plan a head for Holidays. Everyone knew that the only thing open on Christmas day was the convenience store gas station. If you needed marshmallows, your only choice was to borrow or pay three bucks for them. You learned to think ahead.
I hope we all have a blessed Holiday. Remember that it is Jesus's birthday ( and yes, I know He was more than likely born in the Spring, but we are celebrating His birth, get over it) and enjoy your families and loved ones.
They will still love you, even if you didn't slap someone out of the way of the latest new video game on sale. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Recently Joy Behar worried that 'Black Friday' sales were racist. She should try cognitive thought. It's all the rage these days.
To educate the ignorant Ms. Behar- there is a term for being financially solvent. "In the black" has come to mean that an entity is out of the red and into solvency. Black Friday sales mean that a store is going to be in the profitable category. For those of us who actually work and produce things (besides hot air and asinine comments) this is a very big deal.
Does it hurt to take five minutes and research something? Surely even her phone can google something, can't it?
One thing that I do think can be curbed is the urge to be open on Thanksgiving night to jump start the sales. I understand how retail works. For ten years I was mandated to work on every Holiday except Christmas. Now that I call the shots, I won't do it. If you need something desperately on a Sunday or Holiday, give me a call. I will open for five minutes while you make your purchase. But I won't open for the day. That's crazy talk.
In the current economy everyone has to do whatever they can to make it. Five summers past the 'recovery' still finds many people hurting. I understand that. But it isn't that much of a stretch to do the right thing for families and close down on Holidays, is it?
When I was younger, we had to plan a head for Holidays. Everyone knew that the only thing open on Christmas day was the convenience store gas station. If you needed marshmallows, your only choice was to borrow or pay three bucks for them. You learned to think ahead.
I hope we all have a blessed Holiday. Remember that it is Jesus's birthday ( and yes, I know He was more than likely born in the Spring, but we are celebrating His birth, get over it) and enjoy your families and loved ones.
They will still love you, even if you didn't slap someone out of the way of the latest new video game on sale. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Don't Screw This Up GOP
Did you vote? If you didn't, shame on you! You have no business fussing if you can't be bothered to vote. You did? Good on you! You may have been part of the shellacking that was administered to B.O. and company. Minority Leader Harry Reid has a lovely ring to it, doesn't it?
So does Speaker Gowdy, but one thing at a time.
The will of the people doesn't seem to be a big priority for the current administration, does it? He is woefully lacking in knowledge about the U S Justice system. Odd, since he and the Mrs. supposedly went to law school. Of course, she voluntarily gave up her license to avoid the stink, and he can't really explain why someone would pay all of that ,money for an education and then never use it.
I have a lot of things that I would like to see accomplished. Here is the shortlist:
So does Speaker Gowdy, but one thing at a time.
The will of the people doesn't seem to be a big priority for the current administration, does it? He is woefully lacking in knowledge about the U S Justice system. Odd, since he and the Mrs. supposedly went to law school. Of course, she voluntarily gave up her license to avoid the stink, and he can't really explain why someone would pay all of that ,money for an education and then never use it.
I have a lot of things that I would like to see accomplished. Here is the shortlist:
- Defund the immigration department that would keep those 5 million illegal aliens here.
- Defund Obamacare, piece by piece. Start with the medical device tax.
- Remove the tanning tax
- Secure our borders by building the wall to keep the illegals out.
- revoke the 18th Amendment that the idiot judge used as the basis for anchor babies. If there are any former slaves from the 1800's still affected by this, deal with them on a case by case basis
- Get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi 7.Remove the Department of Education-save us a ton of money 8.Impeach, impeach impeach I expect them to get things done, and start undoing the damage of the last 6 years. I am proud of them for managing what they did in the last four years, at least as far as stopping the worst of B.O. jack assery. But now I want results, not more politics as usual. No more across the aisle, bipartisan screwing around. Open things up to allow the democrats to get on board, but if they want to just throw sand in the works, why former Majority Leader Reid mapped out the way to skip things and use the nuclear option, didn't he?
It's not being overly dramatic to state that the fate of our Republic rests on the new congress getting things done. We had a lot of work undoing the for long years that Carter messed things up, and now, we don't have a President Reagan to lead the fight. Pray for our new leaders. They need all of the help that they can get. You'll thank me later.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Wasting My Time
I have a small retail business, I am sure that I have mentioned it a few times. From time to time, I have to vent about the mindless jack assery from people. Today is one of those days. On occasion I advertise some of the things I have for sale in my store online.
I recently came to have a ton of baby items for sale. I have a double stroller, a regular stroller and baby swing and some other things for sale. They are very fairly priced. Last week a woman asked about the double stroller. She is in dire need of one and wanted to know if I would set it back for her until today. I said I would. Well of course, she waited until the last moment to call and tell me her sob story. Money is tight. sob. They have too many bills this month.sob. Could I possible take less for the stroller??? I have a one word answer in those situations. No.
And that deposit? Forget about it.
I am a huge lover of a bargain, believe me. But to try and weasel like that is unacceptable. I told two people last week that it was sold, hopefully one of them still needs a stroller. Keep your word people.
I have been through hard times. I married an idiot and live in a town that is more crooked than a jigsaw puzzle. I understand hard times. I don't understand begging. You can go through life on your feet or your knees. The view is much better on your feet.
Which isn't to say that I don't have compassion for those in genuine need. I do. I believe that we all the obligation to help those who are less fortunate. But if you think that your sob story is the ticket to free stuff, you would be wrong. Offer to make payments. Offer to do something besides work out your sad story and flex your palm.
Now that Christmas is almost here, I know the deluge of begging/sob stories will be endless. Let me make it easier for you. If you smoke, don't come begging from me. If you can afford five bucks a day for your habit, you don't need my charity. If you have cable, ditto. I'm not trying to be a hard ass, but the world is full of choices. Some are easy, some wait a while before they bite you in the butt.
Too many people get in the reflexive position of begging. Stop. I'll help you if you really need it, but don't take advantage of it. Think about it. You'll thank me later
I recently came to have a ton of baby items for sale. I have a double stroller, a regular stroller and baby swing and some other things for sale. They are very fairly priced. Last week a woman asked about the double stroller. She is in dire need of one and wanted to know if I would set it back for her until today. I said I would. Well of course, she waited until the last moment to call and tell me her sob story. Money is tight. sob. They have too many bills this month.sob. Could I possible take less for the stroller??? I have a one word answer in those situations. No.
And that deposit? Forget about it.
I am a huge lover of a bargain, believe me. But to try and weasel like that is unacceptable. I told two people last week that it was sold, hopefully one of them still needs a stroller. Keep your word people.
I have been through hard times. I married an idiot and live in a town that is more crooked than a jigsaw puzzle. I understand hard times. I don't understand begging. You can go through life on your feet or your knees. The view is much better on your feet.
Which isn't to say that I don't have compassion for those in genuine need. I do. I believe that we all the obligation to help those who are less fortunate. But if you think that your sob story is the ticket to free stuff, you would be wrong. Offer to make payments. Offer to do something besides work out your sad story and flex your palm.
Now that Christmas is almost here, I know the deluge of begging/sob stories will be endless. Let me make it easier for you. If you smoke, don't come begging from me. If you can afford five bucks a day for your habit, you don't need my charity. If you have cable, ditto. I'm not trying to be a hard ass, but the world is full of choices. Some are easy, some wait a while before they bite you in the butt.
Too many people get in the reflexive position of begging. Stop. I'll help you if you really need it, but don't take advantage of it. Think about it. You'll thank me later
Monday, November 24, 2014
Kinda Picky, Aren't You Salvation Army?
I have a retail store, I've said that many times. I also have rental property. On occasion, I have had furniture that I couldn't sell for one reason or another, or I have had things left behind. In both situations, you would think that The Salvation Army would be a consideration. Not so much. In recent experience, they have gotten especially particular about what they will accept.
Recently, a friend took a computer desk to donate. The woman in charge looked at it as if the desk had poop on it. Yes, it was pressboard. There were no dings, scrapes, or other damage. But it was pressboard. Had it been made of wood, I would have sold it. But again, it was pressboard. Also, it was a little wet because it was driven over in the rain. News flash to Salvation Army employees: rain gets things wet.
She wasn't very excited about taking it. I guess this free item wasn't up to her high standards. I can understand not wanting junk, but this was just a cheap desk. It wasn't in bad shape or one step from the curb, just not selling, so not justified in keeping it, right?
I have been in Salvation Army stores. I don't see what they are so picky for. There is also some debate as to when the employees there can scarf up the few good things that come through the door. I was told in huffy terms that they cannot buy anything until it has been on the floor for thirty days. When I asked if a friend could be directed to buy it before the 30 days had passed, I did not get a response. Huh.
I have read the literature. The Salvation Army says that that they do a lot of good. I have read that they give work skills to people. So does Walmart, and people hate their guts. I have read that they put a lot of money into their charity. Do they? Opinions vary. A quick google search runs through all sorts of propaganda. They start their employees off at almost $9 bucks an hour. Oddly, I can never find help there in less than 3 minutes.
There is a charity in my town that is associated with the local hospital. It is run by volunteers who are not paid. The building was a gift. The utilities are paid by an anonymous donor. It truly does put 100% of it's sales back into the community. Guess where my donations go now? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Recently, a friend took a computer desk to donate. The woman in charge looked at it as if the desk had poop on it. Yes, it was pressboard. There were no dings, scrapes, or other damage. But it was pressboard. Had it been made of wood, I would have sold it. But again, it was pressboard. Also, it was a little wet because it was driven over in the rain. News flash to Salvation Army employees: rain gets things wet.
She wasn't very excited about taking it. I guess this free item wasn't up to her high standards. I can understand not wanting junk, but this was just a cheap desk. It wasn't in bad shape or one step from the curb, just not selling, so not justified in keeping it, right?
I have been in Salvation Army stores. I don't see what they are so picky for. There is also some debate as to when the employees there can scarf up the few good things that come through the door. I was told in huffy terms that they cannot buy anything until it has been on the floor for thirty days. When I asked if a friend could be directed to buy it before the 30 days had passed, I did not get a response. Huh.
I have read the literature. The Salvation Army says that that they do a lot of good. I have read that they give work skills to people. So does Walmart, and people hate their guts. I have read that they put a lot of money into their charity. Do they? Opinions vary. A quick google search runs through all sorts of propaganda. They start their employees off at almost $9 bucks an hour. Oddly, I can never find help there in less than 3 minutes.
There is a charity in my town that is associated with the local hospital. It is run by volunteers who are not paid. The building was a gift. The utilities are paid by an anonymous donor. It truly does put 100% of it's sales back into the community. Guess where my donations go now? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, November 17, 2014
If I Were Forced to Bake a Cake for Two Homosexuals
I have been watching with great interest the story of a Christian baker is does not want to make a cake for two homosexuals. She is not the only baker in town. By no means are these homosexuals left with no choices for their cake to adorn their dress up party. I know, and you know, that these bakers were singled out to make other business people afraid to say no to any homosexual that comes in demanding a good or service to celebrate their dress up day.
This is what I would do: if I were forced to make this cake, it would not be a good cake. I would tell the homosexuals a head of time that this cake won't be good. I would not charge for the cake, because it would not have enough ingredients in it to warrant a fee. It would be a cake that embarrass Betty Crocker. I might get the salt and sugar mixed up, it happens. I might forget the leavening. It happens all the time. I read cake wrecks, so I have seen cakes that are submitted where the baker actually expects to get paid. This would be worse.
My cake would be late. I would not charge for any of it, and I would give the homosexual couple plenty of opportunity to get another baker. When the cake showed up, it would not be a pretty cake. Frosting? maybe. The colors would be correct, but there are many shades of blue, aren't there? Eventually, I would have a horrible reputation for making cakes for homosexual functions. I expect the word would get around.
However, for real weddings, my cakes would be superb. On time, beautiful confections that would take your breath away. That would be what I was known for.
The idea of forcing someone to participate in your delusion is pretty scary. The idea of the government shutting down my business because I don't want to participate in their abhorrent behavior is even worse. Don't try to equate it to racism. That dog won't hunt.
The idea of rejecting business because of a person's race is stupid. I know many aholes who happen to be Caucasian.(Unfortunately, I married one) I dislike people if they are mean to me or mine. I am equal opportunity that way. Treat me fairly, and I will do the same to you. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
This is what I would do: if I were forced to make this cake, it would not be a good cake. I would tell the homosexuals a head of time that this cake won't be good. I would not charge for the cake, because it would not have enough ingredients in it to warrant a fee. It would be a cake that embarrass Betty Crocker. I might get the salt and sugar mixed up, it happens. I might forget the leavening. It happens all the time. I read cake wrecks, so I have seen cakes that are submitted where the baker actually expects to get paid. This would be worse.
My cake would be late. I would not charge for any of it, and I would give the homosexual couple plenty of opportunity to get another baker. When the cake showed up, it would not be a pretty cake. Frosting? maybe. The colors would be correct, but there are many shades of blue, aren't there? Eventually, I would have a horrible reputation for making cakes for homosexual functions. I expect the word would get around.
However, for real weddings, my cakes would be superb. On time, beautiful confections that would take your breath away. That would be what I was known for.
The idea of forcing someone to participate in your delusion is pretty scary. The idea of the government shutting down my business because I don't want to participate in their abhorrent behavior is even worse. Don't try to equate it to racism. That dog won't hunt.
The idea of rejecting business because of a person's race is stupid. I know many aholes who happen to be Caucasian.(Unfortunately, I married one) I dislike people if they are mean to me or mine. I am equal opportunity that way. Treat me fairly, and I will do the same to you. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, November 10, 2014
'Health Care Workers' vs the United States Military
I read today about another health care worker who was having an absolute hissy fit because she was being forced to quarantine herself after coming back to the United States after being in an ebola infected area- Kaci Hickox.
She had retained a lawyer, and a larger pair of shoes for stamping her foot in irritation that the rules apply to her. Maybe Kaci Hickox is in the wrong business.
Let me stop and blow my nose for her. Okay, all set. My empathy for her, as well as the doctor who was out bowling, along with the group that left quarantine to grab some fast food is non existent. I would be very curious to know where Ms. Hickox is employed, that is not a hospital I would want to come anywhere near.
With the fatality rate any where from 25% to 90%-why are these idiots running around to infect the rest of us? You went to help with the crisis. Good on you. Now you want to come back here and spread it around to the rest of us because you can't wait three weeks to knock over some pins or grab a cheeseburger? Seriously? What an incredibly selfish piece of goods.
The idea that these people can just monitor themselves and use some sort of honor code is ridiculous. How do we know that they have any honor? We should trust our own health to their sense of honor? Really? No offense, but three of the stupidest people I have ever known in my life were registered nurses. I don't trust them to find their way home at night, much less to self monitor their health and keep the rest of us from catching their diseases. And now there is a boyfriend that she has been exposed to, so what do we do with him? Does he go into quarantine, or will he attempt to lawyer up and have a legal hissy fit as well?
If there are two sets of rules, who decides who has to follow which set? It seems like a no brainer to me. Have one set of rules for all of us, how about that?
Contrast the special treatment afforded to these health care workers with our Military who are quarantined in Italy. They will spend the entire quarantine there. They will not get to come home and go bowling. They will not get to come home and make a fast food run. They especially won't get to come home and threaten to lawyer up if theirchildish selfish, reckless, stupid demands aren't met. They knew what they were getting into when they went over to help out.
What a pity that someone didn't clue in the health care workers that this would happen. I guess they figured on that other set of rules, maybe.
None of this gives me any faith in our medical system. I didn't have much to start with, then you add in the debacle of socialism we call Obamacare- unless you are a huffy Nancy Pelosi- then you refer to it as Patient Affordability Care Act. And you completely miss the irony.
Who is in charge of these decisions, who is making all of these health care calls? Is it some field tested physician? Is it even a scientist with experience in the field of transmittable diseases? Or is it a long time lobbyist, someone whose major field of expertise is hand jobs to democrats, not necessarily anything medically related? Yeah, that inspires confidence.
Wash your hands, read up on staying safe and avoiding ebola. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
She had retained a lawyer, and a larger pair of shoes for stamping her foot in irritation that the rules apply to her. Maybe Kaci Hickox is in the wrong business.
Let me stop and blow my nose for her. Okay, all set. My empathy for her, as well as the doctor who was out bowling, along with the group that left quarantine to grab some fast food is non existent. I would be very curious to know where Ms. Hickox is employed, that is not a hospital I would want to come anywhere near.
With the fatality rate any where from 25% to 90%-why are these idiots running around to infect the rest of us? You went to help with the crisis. Good on you. Now you want to come back here and spread it around to the rest of us because you can't wait three weeks to knock over some pins or grab a cheeseburger? Seriously? What an incredibly selfish piece of goods.
The idea that these people can just monitor themselves and use some sort of honor code is ridiculous. How do we know that they have any honor? We should trust our own health to their sense of honor? Really? No offense, but three of the stupidest people I have ever known in my life were registered nurses. I don't trust them to find their way home at night, much less to self monitor their health and keep the rest of us from catching their diseases. And now there is a boyfriend that she has been exposed to, so what do we do with him? Does he go into quarantine, or will he attempt to lawyer up and have a legal hissy fit as well?
If there are two sets of rules, who decides who has to follow which set? It seems like a no brainer to me. Have one set of rules for all of us, how about that?
Contrast the special treatment afforded to these health care workers with our Military who are quarantined in Italy. They will spend the entire quarantine there. They will not get to come home and go bowling. They will not get to come home and make a fast food run. They especially won't get to come home and threaten to lawyer up if their
What a pity that someone didn't clue in the health care workers that this would happen. I guess they figured on that other set of rules, maybe.
None of this gives me any faith in our medical system. I didn't have much to start with, then you add in the debacle of socialism we call Obamacare- unless you are a huffy Nancy Pelosi- then you refer to it as Patient Affordability Care Act. And you completely miss the irony.
Who is in charge of these decisions, who is making all of these health care calls? Is it some field tested physician? Is it even a scientist with experience in the field of transmittable diseases? Or is it a long time lobbyist, someone whose major field of expertise is hand jobs to democrats, not necessarily anything medically related? Yeah, that inspires confidence.
Wash your hands, read up on staying safe and avoiding ebola. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, November 3, 2014
2 Days and Counting
As I write this, we are 2 days away from the election. Obama is extremely toxic, not one person wants to be seen campaigning with him. The only people who are glad to see him are the elitist 1% that he campaigns against when he isn't attending 30k per plate fund raisers with them.
Gwyneth Paltrow-no one's vote for brightest bulb threw a fund raiser for him and affected being flustered because he was so handsome. Sure.
That must be why he landed such ahottie yeti for a wife.
The control of the Senate is at stake, and even those openly rooting for B.O. are pegging the odds of it switching control at 70%.
Just think, two bodies of the government openly prepared to shut him down. Better yet, impeach him. I don't want across the aisle cooperation. I want all of his socialist ideas sent packing.
But regardless of how you feel-vote. Especially if you oppose his nonsense as much as I do.
On another note- I had a sale at work to reduce a lot of the stock in my store. When did people lose their minds when it came to sales? I love a bargain as much as anyone, but if the price of something is $200- don't waste anyone's time by offering me $5. I won't not laugh in your face, trust me.
Also, just because those guys on Pawn stars can make a living doing what they do, don't expect that to work at my place. I spend at least six hours researching prices every week. I know what things are selling for. Don't low ball me, I don't care if it works on reality television, it won't work here. Also, I am not in business to give you a better price to sell it elsewhere. Again, my price is fair. You won't believe how many people ask me to sell my things for less so that they can resell them to someone else. That's not how it works. Sorry.
So get yourself out there and vote, we have to stop his last two years of destruction. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Gwyneth Paltrow-no one's vote for brightest bulb threw a fund raiser for him and affected being flustered because he was so handsome. Sure.
That must be why he landed such a
The control of the Senate is at stake, and even those openly rooting for B.O. are pegging the odds of it switching control at 70%.
Just think, two bodies of the government openly prepared to shut him down. Better yet, impeach him. I don't want across the aisle cooperation. I want all of his socialist ideas sent packing.
But regardless of how you feel-vote. Especially if you oppose his nonsense as much as I do.
On another note- I had a sale at work to reduce a lot of the stock in my store. When did people lose their minds when it came to sales? I love a bargain as much as anyone, but if the price of something is $200- don't waste anyone's time by offering me $5. I won't not laugh in your face, trust me.
Also, just because those guys on Pawn stars can make a living doing what they do, don't expect that to work at my place. I spend at least six hours researching prices every week. I know what things are selling for. Don't low ball me, I don't care if it works on reality television, it won't work here. Also, I am not in business to give you a better price to sell it elsewhere. Again, my price is fair. You won't believe how many people ask me to sell my things for less so that they can resell them to someone else. That's not how it works. Sorry.
So get yourself out there and vote, we have to stop his last two years of destruction. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, October 27, 2014
EBOLA- Why Hasn't B.O. Closed Down Travel to the Infected Areas?
Read one of my posts and you know my opinion of Obama. He is incompetent to the point of making Carter look good. That takes some doing. Never mind that he has violated our laws in every conceivable way. From appointments without senate approval to forcing his yeti wife's mandates onto our school lunches, there is a good chance if Obama is for it, then it isn't good for the United States of America.
Now we have Ebola swarming into the United States and has he stopped flights into and out of infected countries? Oh, you foolish thing! If he did that, he might miss a tee time or a fundraiser. I imagine if he were sending the family on another 100 million dollar vacation, he would have concern, but heck-he can always just send a crap ton of secret service with them, like he did when his daughter went Mexico for Spring Break on our dime.
But back to this Ebola-we're told repeatedly that it isn't airborne. Then why are people being quarantined that have only been in the same room with the infected person? Why are nurses and other health care providers contracting the disease when they are in full bio gear? What else aren't they telling us?
The CDC is now backtracking on if the virus is airborne. Apparently it can be transmitted in droplets through the air. Scary, isn't it? But it must not be that serious, right? I have to believe that if we were in danger, the fundraiser in chief would post pone at least a couple of 35k per plate dinners, wouldn't he? Wouldn't Gwenyth Paltrow have the good taste to gush less if lives were at stake? Yeah, right.
How about this little gem?
The problem with a virus is that it's sole purpose is to mutate and survive. The problem with the current administration is the same. B.O. is so busy saying whatever he has to say to raise money to try and keep the senate that he doesn't give a rip about doing his job.
Depending on who you ask- the odds of dying from ebola are 25 to 90%. Those aren't good odds, and the best way to avoid it is to keep it out of the United States of America. But that doesn't seem to be his first priority. What do you think? Mull it over, you'll thank me later.
Now we have Ebola swarming into the United States and has he stopped flights into and out of infected countries? Oh, you foolish thing! If he did that, he might miss a tee time or a fundraiser. I imagine if he were sending the family on another 100 million dollar vacation, he would have concern, but heck-he can always just send a crap ton of secret service with them, like he did when his daughter went Mexico for Spring Break on our dime.
But back to this Ebola-we're told repeatedly that it isn't airborne. Then why are people being quarantined that have only been in the same room with the infected person? Why are nurses and other health care providers contracting the disease when they are in full bio gear? What else aren't they telling us?
The CDC is now backtracking on if the virus is airborne. Apparently it can be transmitted in droplets through the air. Scary, isn't it? But it must not be that serious, right? I have to believe that if we were in danger, the fundraiser in chief would post pone at least a couple of 35k per plate dinners, wouldn't he? Wouldn't Gwenyth Paltrow have the good taste to gush less if lives were at stake? Yeah, right.
How about this little gem?
The problem with a virus is that it's sole purpose is to mutate and survive. The problem with the current administration is the same. B.O. is so busy saying whatever he has to say to raise money to try and keep the senate that he doesn't give a rip about doing his job.
Depending on who you ask- the odds of dying from ebola are 25 to 90%. Those aren't good odds, and the best way to avoid it is to keep it out of the United States of America. But that doesn't seem to be his first priority. What do you think? Mull it over, you'll thank me later.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Eating Their Own
All of the real polls show that this will not be a good year for anyone who has serviced Obama in the last six years. At the beginning of the year, Nancy Pelosi was measuring the windows in the Speakers' Office. Now, she makes delusional ramblings about gaining seats and whittling the Republican majority. M'kay.
There are several races that are too tight to call, but when huffpo is getting their panties in the proverbial knot, you know it isn't good. I read an argument that one of their "writers" submitted blaming all of their current woes on lack of unity. It spoke of Daschle blaming Reid blaming others. I don't care who does it, but I will rent the tv if it means that I will be able to see Harry's antique fist hand over the gavel. He is to politics as fecal matter is to new carpet. He's a dog turd that serves no purpose. He has cowardly refused to bring up any matter that will make it harder for his fellow progressives to go home and tell the idiots that voted for them why they did the things that they did.
If we had a working media, instead of the compliant followers of "the one" then maybe you would be getting real news, not propaganda.
Don't believe the crap that they are telling you. Anyone who thinks that unemployment is really under 6 % is terminally stupid.
Again, unless you are terminally stupid or an Obama operative, (same difference, I know) you know a lot of people who are out of work. It isn't pretty.
But we can start the path to fixing this. Vote in November. Remove the obstacles that keep Obama from being held in check. I am not afraid to use the I word. If he were busy trying to keep his bony butt in the oval office, maybe he would be less able to do damage to the Republic.
In this day of Fox News and the internet, the msm would not have the strangle hold that it did when slick willie was impeached. That is to say, the truth will out.
Are you better off than you were before B.O. took over? Are you paying more for food, gasoline, heck-everything? Vote in November. Remove him now. It can be done with a change in management in the Senate. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
There are several races that are too tight to call, but when huffpo is getting their panties in the proverbial knot, you know it isn't good. I read an argument that one of their "writers" submitted blaming all of their current woes on lack of unity. It spoke of Daschle blaming Reid blaming others. I don't care who does it, but I will rent the tv if it means that I will be able to see Harry's antique fist hand over the gavel. He is to politics as fecal matter is to new carpet. He's a dog turd that serves no purpose. He has cowardly refused to bring up any matter that will make it harder for his fellow progressives to go home and tell the idiots that voted for them why they did the things that they did.
If we had a working media, instead of the compliant followers of "the one" then maybe you would be getting real news, not propaganda.
Don't believe the crap that they are telling you. Anyone who thinks that unemployment is really under 6 % is terminally stupid.
Again, unless you are terminally stupid or an Obama operative, (same difference, I know) you know a lot of people who are out of work. It isn't pretty.
But we can start the path to fixing this. Vote in November. Remove the obstacles that keep Obama from being held in check. I am not afraid to use the I word. If he were busy trying to keep his bony butt in the oval office, maybe he would be less able to do damage to the Republic.
In this day of Fox News and the internet, the msm would not have the strangle hold that it did when slick willie was impeached. That is to say, the truth will out.
Are you better off than you were before B.O. took over? Are you paying more for food, gasoline, heck-everything? Vote in November. Remove him now. It can be done with a change in management in the Senate. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Why is Yahoo Screwing with my Email Because I use Google?
Two weeks ago I had to fix my laptop. I managed to do it by myself (cue the Hallelujah Chorus) and ever since then, I cannot use Google Chrome to open my email in the preferred format. Instead, I am forced to use that hokey, crappy circa 1995 email. If I use Firefox, then I can open it. What is going on?
I don't mind Firefox it is light years ahead of explorer- but it is light years slower than Google Chrome. Grrr.
I have posted questions to yahoo and have yet to receive an answer. Maybe they are too busy streaming every drop of drivel that is posted by Huffpo. I know my yahoo experience is chock full of their blather. Maybe they are so busy trying to find that successful obamacare signee that is actually paying for their own insurance that they can't be bothered with answering me. Who knows? I just wish that when something was working very well, yahoo wouldn't mess with it.
My ex used to say that the internet has made everyone much more impatient. He was right, and I attribute that to even a broken clock being right twice a day. Slow down people, what's the hurry? If me- the poster child for wanting it when I ask for it can say that-trust me, you need to slow down.
I don't have a problem with Mozilla FireFox. I have watched their documentary on youtube and I appreciate how much work went into creating their product. I liked it fine until I gave Chrome a test drive. It is much faster, simple as that.
So now, I am forced to juggle between the two and it's a giant pain in the butt. Not a tragedy, but still a pain, you know?
As far as tragedy go- here is one:
Did you know that our Marine SGT. Tahmooressi is still in a Mexican crap hole jail? Do you know what B.O. has done about it? Zip. Zilch. Nada. He is still preoccupied with the tons of illegals who have flooded our border. They get his attention. Our Marine can go whistle. One of them was willing to die for us, the other? Not so much.
But time and again, B.O. has shown his utter contempt for Americans-in uniform and civilian. Remember the yeti's eye roll over the American Flag ceremony from September 11th? All this for a flag?
Or there was the latte salute. He was so concerned with his beverage that he couldn't even have one of his flunkies haul it out for him. Instead he just kept it in his hand while he disrespected the brave Marine who would take a bullet for him.
Well, enough of his deficiencies. November is right around the corner. Get out and vote! And if you have any pull with Yahoo-send me an email. I want my google chrome to work. I'd thank you later!
I don't mind Firefox it is light years ahead of explorer- but it is light years slower than Google Chrome. Grrr.
I have posted questions to yahoo and have yet to receive an answer. Maybe they are too busy streaming every drop of drivel that is posted by Huffpo. I know my yahoo experience is chock full of their blather. Maybe they are so busy trying to find that successful obamacare signee that is actually paying for their own insurance that they can't be bothered with answering me. Who knows? I just wish that when something was working very well, yahoo wouldn't mess with it.
My ex used to say that the internet has made everyone much more impatient. He was right, and I attribute that to even a broken clock being right twice a day. Slow down people, what's the hurry? If me- the poster child for wanting it when I ask for it can say that-trust me, you need to slow down.
I don't have a problem with Mozilla FireFox. I have watched their documentary on youtube and I appreciate how much work went into creating their product. I liked it fine until I gave Chrome a test drive. It is much faster, simple as that.
So now, I am forced to juggle between the two and it's a giant pain in the butt. Not a tragedy, but still a pain, you know?
As far as tragedy go- here is one:
Did you know that our Marine SGT. Tahmooressi is still in a Mexican crap hole jail? Do you know what B.O. has done about it? Zip. Zilch. Nada. He is still preoccupied with the tons of illegals who have flooded our border. They get his attention. Our Marine can go whistle. One of them was willing to die for us, the other? Not so much.
But time and again, B.O. has shown his utter contempt for Americans-in uniform and civilian. Remember the yeti's eye roll over the American Flag ceremony from September 11th? All this for a flag?
Or there was the latte salute. He was so concerned with his beverage that he couldn't even have one of his flunkies haul it out for him. Instead he just kept it in his hand while he disrespected the brave Marine who would take a bullet for him.
Well, enough of his deficiencies. November is right around the corner. Get out and vote! And if you have any pull with Yahoo-send me an email. I want my google chrome to work. I'd thank you later!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Sorry Papa John's. I Don't Tip When There is a Delivery Charge
It's fair week in my little corner of heaven. That means several things, not the least of which is very long days for me. I don't mind, the fair only comes once a year, and there is fried cheese!
Tonight, however, I'm not cooking. It would seem that the team of choice won,so my order is half off at Papa John's. I don't mind them, they have peppers in the box, and the drivers understand personal hygiene. It's a win win for me.
And then today, I ordered online for later tonight. Papa John's charges three dollars to bring my pizza half a mile. I don't have the option of getting the thing, I am pretty much tied to my store for the whole day. Here is the thing: when there is no delivery "fee" I tip about five bucks. I have worked in a pizza place, I know the drill. But when the fee is built in, there goes the tip. I'm not going to give them even more money when they just charged me for bringing it to me. Sorry about your luck.
Papa John's even has a little spot on their web site telling me that the drivers appreciate financial compensation for good service. I bet they do. But if they want even more compensation then the fee- they are barking up the wrong tree mister. You can't have it both ways. Charge me for delivery, and I have done enough for you. I don't know how much of that filters down to the driver, but they were better off with free delivery.
Recently, the subject of tip shaming came up when a restaurant posted the tip (30 whole cents) on a large order from a NFL player. He was a tight wad. Shame on him. When you are in the restaurant, you have to tip-those people depend on tips to supplement their below minimum wage pay. But if you are driving the pizza to me, and I am already paying for that- you better hope that Papa John's gives you a cut of their "delivery fee" because that's it for me.
Just so you know, I'm not tipping you for pouring the coffee into a cup and handing it to me, either. If I was asking you to whip up some elk cream, add cinnamon and pour it twice that would be one thing. But if the sum total of our transaction is that you pour my coffee into a cup and then pour milk into it- there is no tip involved.
I wait on people all day in my store. I have explained long, detailed instructions to someone who needed the information. I don't have a tip jar there for that. It's my job. I knew that going in. If I wanted to work somewhere where I would be tipped- I would go back to work in a restaurant. See how that works?
Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Tonight, however, I'm not cooking. It would seem that the team of choice won,so my order is half off at Papa John's. I don't mind them, they have peppers in the box, and the drivers understand personal hygiene. It's a win win for me.
And then today, I ordered online for later tonight. Papa John's charges three dollars to bring my pizza half a mile. I don't have the option of getting the thing, I am pretty much tied to my store for the whole day. Here is the thing: when there is no delivery "fee" I tip about five bucks. I have worked in a pizza place, I know the drill. But when the fee is built in, there goes the tip. I'm not going to give them even more money when they just charged me for bringing it to me. Sorry about your luck.
Papa John's even has a little spot on their web site telling me that the drivers appreciate financial compensation for good service. I bet they do. But if they want even more compensation then the fee- they are barking up the wrong tree mister. You can't have it both ways. Charge me for delivery, and I have done enough for you. I don't know how much of that filters down to the driver, but they were better off with free delivery.
Recently, the subject of tip shaming came up when a restaurant posted the tip (30 whole cents) on a large order from a NFL player. He was a tight wad. Shame on him. When you are in the restaurant, you have to tip-those people depend on tips to supplement their below minimum wage pay. But if you are driving the pizza to me, and I am already paying for that- you better hope that Papa John's gives you a cut of their "delivery fee" because that's it for me.
Just so you know, I'm not tipping you for pouring the coffee into a cup and handing it to me, either. If I was asking you to whip up some elk cream, add cinnamon and pour it twice that would be one thing. But if the sum total of our transaction is that you pour my coffee into a cup and then pour milk into it- there is no tip involved.
I wait on people all day in my store. I have explained long, detailed instructions to someone who needed the information. I don't have a tip jar there for that. It's my job. I knew that going in. If I wanted to work somewhere where I would be tipped- I would go back to work in a restaurant. See how that works?
Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Monday, September 29, 2014
While Iraq Implodes
When B.O. stole an election, gasoline was $1.64 a gallon. The war in Iraq was just about over, and Afghanistan was a done deal. I guess these are the results you get from a community organizer who has never really held a real job, and a compliant press who lap up his inane utterances as though they were Gospel.
So now, here we are. Two thefts behind us and the world is exploding. The only thing that B.O. has proven to be good at is golf. He has a mean swing, I am told. Of course, I haven't seen it. He prefers to play on private courses that don't allow any pictures to be taken of the Golfer in Chief, while Iraq burns.
President Bush warned what would happen if we left a vacuum in the middle East. It would seem that he was spot on. But instead of listening to any common sense or reason, B.O. has pulled us out of the area. All of those men and women died for nothing. Terror groups are rampaging through the area. Be-headings are everywhere. The religion of peace has yet to condemn any of this-they are too busy stoning people. That is when they aren't blowing something up or demanding that we follow their rules, or else.
I don't think I have ever met a peaceful muslim. I have seen countless examples of them as they try and control everyone around them. I have seen many stupid women who voluntarily agree to be treated like chattel. Stupid. Stupid, stupid stupid.
Were they abused when they were young? Do they think that they don't deserve to be treated like human beings?
And of course, the only thing that B.O. can do is vacation and give sound bytes. He is to leadership as a duck is to ballet. Incompatible.
We have a chance to fix it in a few weeks. In November, we can return the senate to sane ground. We can remove Boehner as the speaker of the house and replace him with someone who has a backbone. It can be done. And once it is done, please let Trey Gowdy loose. Demand answers from the white house. I am not afraid to use the I word. Start with some hearings, and when the press refuses to cover it, use the means that you have. Plaster it all over conservative media. eventually even the sheep will notice. Elections have consequences. Show B.O. how true that is. You'll thank me later.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Stop Everything! Two People Who Cheated to Be Together Got Married! or, Third Time is the Charm.
This should be about three weeks old by the time that it gets published. That should give me time to decide if I want to let it go out into the world, or just let it quietly be deleted. Ever since my faithless ex cheated, adultery has been a bit of a sore subject. I think divorce is too easy to get, there, I said it. But even if it weren't so easy to get-when did adultery become the thing to be celebrated?
Don't give me that crap about two people just wanting to be happy. Two people were happy until one of them followed his or her naughty bits into greener pastures. If divorce were as difficult to get as it used to be, then maybe people would reconsider before screwing around.
Don't get me wrong-I never saw the attraction to Brad Pitt. He isn't ugly, but neither are a lot of men. He decided to be socially aware. How nice for him. So he made a couple of speeches about a couple things, and suddenly, he is a serious actor. Whatever. He is a cheater. Worse, he is unrepentant. I guess it's okay now to be a liar and a cheat.
Of course, the woman that he left his wife for has a history of cheating. That is, when she isn't french kissing her brother. I guess she doesn't worry about the morals of a situation. Let's hope none of her children ever run into a woman like, well, her. It would serve her right.
While I am on this particular soap box- at least now when they go out to buy another child, they will have the blessing of marriage on their side. I've spoken often about a friend who has been trying to adopt for several years now. Unless you are a celebrity, there is no baby store where you can pick up a fresh newborn off the shelf and take it home.
When people talk about the moral decay of our nation-this is what they mean. Divorce is too easy to get. Abortion is too easy to get. Cheating is acceptable, if not condoned. Ask Slick Willie. Lying is expected. I don't understand why things are allowed to slide like this. When do people take a stand?
Is it really much of a leap from homosexual "marriage" to polygamy and other abominations? I have often said that I have a dog that is more loyal than any man I have ever met. If I married her, she would have all of the spousal benefits and protections that are given to two lesbians who play dress up for a day-why not?
But before I segue into another rant- let's just say that I find Brad Pitt and his latest wife disgusting. When they implode-and they will-I will be right there with a giant toldyouso. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Don't give me that crap about two people just wanting to be happy. Two people were happy until one of them followed his or her naughty bits into greener pastures. If divorce were as difficult to get as it used to be, then maybe people would reconsider before screwing around.
Don't get me wrong-I never saw the attraction to Brad Pitt. He isn't ugly, but neither are a lot of men. He decided to be socially aware. How nice for him. So he made a couple of speeches about a couple things, and suddenly, he is a serious actor. Whatever. He is a cheater. Worse, he is unrepentant. I guess it's okay now to be a liar and a cheat.
Of course, the woman that he left his wife for has a history of cheating. That is, when she isn't french kissing her brother. I guess she doesn't worry about the morals of a situation. Let's hope none of her children ever run into a woman like, well, her. It would serve her right.
While I am on this particular soap box- at least now when they go out to buy another child, they will have the blessing of marriage on their side. I've spoken often about a friend who has been trying to adopt for several years now. Unless you are a celebrity, there is no baby store where you can pick up a fresh newborn off the shelf and take it home.
When people talk about the moral decay of our nation-this is what they mean. Divorce is too easy to get. Abortion is too easy to get. Cheating is acceptable, if not condoned. Ask Slick Willie. Lying is expected. I don't understand why things are allowed to slide like this. When do people take a stand?
Is it really much of a leap from homosexual "marriage" to polygamy and other abominations? I have often said that I have a dog that is more loyal than any man I have ever met. If I married her, she would have all of the spousal benefits and protections that are given to two lesbians who play dress up for a day-why not?
But before I segue into another rant- let's just say that I find Brad Pitt and his latest wife disgusting. When they implode-and they will-I will be right there with a giant toldyouso. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Small Claims Court Adventures
I have rental property. Anyone who thinks that this is the ticket to easy street had better shop around for another ticket. There are good things about rentals, but there are a host of other issues that make it not as great as people would think it is.
Good tenants. There are times when this starts to seem like a myth, something like a unicorn sighting. I was always a good tenant. I paid on time, and I didn't tear things up. I left it as clean-or cleaner-than when I rented it. This is not always the case. Trust me. I have had tenants who put holes in the wall. Some have let their animal destroy screen doors. Don't they see the problems as they are happening? I guess not. They are oblivious to the damage until the time to get their security deposit rolls around. Then they notice, trust me.
Neighbors to your rentals. I know people who hate having rentals in their neighborhood. They believe that it lowers their property values, I guess. Or maybe they think that a renter is automatically a bad person. All I know is that I have 3 neighbors that I guarantee will tell me anything that my tenant may have done long before they are finished doing it. It could be something I would like to know about-rolling stolen property into the place (thanks Juanita) or it could be something asinine-a neighbor who complains when tenants park across the street in front of his house. You grit your teeth with these neighbors, that is all that you can do. No matter what happens, they aren't happy. Forget about trying to please them, that is a lost cause.
Quiet. I had a tenant with a surround system. There is a common wall. While the tenant loved Star Wars- no one else wanted to hear the bass and treble involved in that movie when it is full blast. Keep your volume at a normal level. If you want to hear it blaring-go to the movies. I work anywhere from 50 to 65 hours a week, and when I can finally go home, I just want to sleep, not listen to your noise.
Children. Kids are great, I have three of my own. But not everyone wants to see or hear your screaming destructive little offspring. Teach them not to break things. More importantly, teach them not to bother things that aren't theirs. That will go a long way toward making your landlord less hostile. Trust me.
I know it seems like I am nit picking. I had a downstairs neighbor once, she smoked like a chimney. Most of all, she wanted to live in the duplex all alone. She complained about every noise, sound and smell that came from her neighbors. She once complained because she could hear my sons and me walking across the floor. Seriously. She wanted me to take my boys and go somewhere so that she couldn't hear us walking. I shut the door in her face. It also helped to block some of the stink from her cigarettes that she smoked 24/7. But I know that it goes both ways.
We all have to get along in this world. Stop looking for ways to make yourself angry and just try to get along with people. You'll thank me later.
Good tenants. There are times when this starts to seem like a myth, something like a unicorn sighting. I was always a good tenant. I paid on time, and I didn't tear things up. I left it as clean-or cleaner-than when I rented it. This is not always the case. Trust me. I have had tenants who put holes in the wall. Some have let their animal destroy screen doors. Don't they see the problems as they are happening? I guess not. They are oblivious to the damage until the time to get their security deposit rolls around. Then they notice, trust me.
Neighbors to your rentals. I know people who hate having rentals in their neighborhood. They believe that it lowers their property values, I guess. Or maybe they think that a renter is automatically a bad person. All I know is that I have 3 neighbors that I guarantee will tell me anything that my tenant may have done long before they are finished doing it. It could be something I would like to know about-rolling stolen property into the place (thanks Juanita) or it could be something asinine-a neighbor who complains when tenants park across the street in front of his house. You grit your teeth with these neighbors, that is all that you can do. No matter what happens, they aren't happy. Forget about trying to please them, that is a lost cause.
Quiet. I had a tenant with a surround system. There is a common wall. While the tenant loved Star Wars- no one else wanted to hear the bass and treble involved in that movie when it is full blast. Keep your volume at a normal level. If you want to hear it blaring-go to the movies. I work anywhere from 50 to 65 hours a week, and when I can finally go home, I just want to sleep, not listen to your noise.
Children. Kids are great, I have three of my own. But not everyone wants to see or hear your screaming destructive little offspring. Teach them not to break things. More importantly, teach them not to bother things that aren't theirs. That will go a long way toward making your landlord less hostile. Trust me.
I know it seems like I am nit picking. I had a downstairs neighbor once, she smoked like a chimney. Most of all, she wanted to live in the duplex all alone. She complained about every noise, sound and smell that came from her neighbors. She once complained because she could hear my sons and me walking across the floor. Seriously. She wanted me to take my boys and go somewhere so that she couldn't hear us walking. I shut the door in her face. It also helped to block some of the stink from her cigarettes that she smoked 24/7. But I know that it goes both ways.
We all have to get along in this world. Stop looking for ways to make yourself angry and just try to get along with people. You'll thank me later.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Wow! Does that Drunk Chick Hate Rick Perry! Why?
Have you seen the video where Reese Witherspoon got arrested? She did the celebrity thing that drives me batcrap crazy. She asked the question. You know the one. Do you know who I am? As soon as the words are out in a movie-the protagonist always has a snappy answer. I love those. But in this case, she just had a bunch of drunken threats that pretty much toasted her 'America's Sweetheart' image and gave her manager a bigger need for Maalox, I'll bet. There is a Latin expression : in vino verde. It means in wine there is truth or what a person says while he is drunk is what he really thinks. I believe that is the truth.
So now we come to District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg. She is in charge of the public integrity office. She was arrested and convicted for having a blood alcohol content that was three times the legal limit. She will not resign so Governor Perry vetoed any funds to her department. An arrest warrant was issued for the Governor.
Keep in mind that Austin is the liberal swamp in an otherwise sane bastion of common sense. There are no plans to arrest or even pursue the warrant. It just seems to be a genuine hissy fit thrown by a bureaucrat that should be removed from office. Shame on her colleagues for not encouraging her to resign.
Watch the video. She is pitiful.
Maybe she is an alcoholic. I don't know her situation. Maybe she just had too many, and doesn't realize that the laws apply to all of us, not just us peons, but the bureaucrats as well. Maybe she forgot. It happens.
But Governor Perry said that if Ms. Lehmberg didn't resign, he would withhold funding. He kept his word,that is probably what threw them. Their response was to waste countless tax dollars drafting an arrest warrant for the Governor.
And now we have the pictures of Governor Perry's mugshot. He handled it with charm and grace, and a dash of humor. Not to mention, his mugshot looks head and shoulders better than Ms. Lehmberg's does. How much tax payer money is this wasting, anyway?
Cause and effect seems to be lost on a certain set of people. Is there some wonder set of people who were pulled aside and told that it didn't matter what they did-they could get away with it throughout the ages? Besides Ted Kennedy, who else was there? Okay, Slick Willie, him too. But who else?
Rules should be the same for all of us. Same rules. Same consequences. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
So now we come to District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg. She is in charge of the public integrity office. She was arrested and convicted for having a blood alcohol content that was three times the legal limit. She will not resign so Governor Perry vetoed any funds to her department. An arrest warrant was issued for the Governor.
Keep in mind that Austin is the liberal swamp in an otherwise sane bastion of common sense. There are no plans to arrest or even pursue the warrant. It just seems to be a genuine hissy fit thrown by a bureaucrat that should be removed from office. Shame on her colleagues for not encouraging her to resign.
Watch the video. She is pitiful.
Maybe she is an alcoholic. I don't know her situation. Maybe she just had too many, and doesn't realize that the laws apply to all of us, not just us peons, but the bureaucrats as well. Maybe she forgot. It happens.
But Governor Perry said that if Ms. Lehmberg didn't resign, he would withhold funding. He kept his word,that is probably what threw them. Their response was to waste countless tax dollars drafting an arrest warrant for the Governor.
And now we have the pictures of Governor Perry's mugshot. He handled it with charm and grace, and a dash of humor. Not to mention, his mugshot looks head and shoulders better than Ms. Lehmberg's does. How much tax payer money is this wasting, anyway?
Cause and effect seems to be lost on a certain set of people. Is there some wonder set of people who were pulled aside and told that it didn't matter what they did-they could get away with it throughout the ages? Besides Ted Kennedy, who else was there? Okay, Slick Willie, him too. But who else?
Rules should be the same for all of us. Same rules. Same consequences. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Why Does Harry Reid Want To Impeach Obama?
If you turn on the news, you keep hearing the "I" word. You aren't hearing it from John Boehner. You aren't hearing it from Rand Paul. You aren't even hearing it from Ron Paul. You are hear it from Nancy Pelosi. You will hear it from the likes of Harry Reid. It will come in panicky tones from B.O.
The New York Times will mention it. It's a great way for the liberals to raise money. They have been fund raising from it for a while now. CBS mentions it on the news from time to time. NBC uses it like toilet paper. MSNBC screams it hysterically like a menopausal woman having her first real hot flash in a crowded elevator full of burlap and barbed wire samples.
When The Senate flips ( God willing) there had better be some serious conversation about impeachment. Until then, it's just rabble rousing. I imagine that it is whispered in serious tones by the more realistic members of Congress. Even they have to see the writing on the wall. When someone polls in the high 40's-you are not looking at a good November.
Keep in mind, this is from people who are not getting real news. They are spoon fed sunshine and roses every day. If a cloud dares to show its face on the horizon- it is only because some mean old crazy tea party person put it there.
Rand Paul is personally responsible for puppies and kitties drowning. I read that somewhere. But back to the plan of the democrats. They are the only ones who are talking about impeaching B.O. and it's pretty freudian when you think about it. They know that that is the biggest cure to everything that ails our nation. They also know that the last thing they want to do is fix our nation. Poor Nancy Pelosi is gnashing her really large teeth at the idea she could have been vice president had B.O. been removed while she was Speaker of the House. It would be bad enough with Mr. Boehner. But whatever it takes to get B.O. out.
Of course, after he's gone, we have to go about undoing most of the damage he has caused. Crazy Joe Biden will actually think he is in charge of something. That will have to be dealt with, of course.
There are three branches of government. Something the Harvard "Law Professor" seems to have forgotten. Biden could be constrained for a year until it was time for an election. We just have to hold on until November, and pray to God that Obama doesn't blow the world up before then. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
The New York Times will mention it. It's a great way for the liberals to raise money. They have been fund raising from it for a while now. CBS mentions it on the news from time to time. NBC uses it like toilet paper. MSNBC screams it hysterically like a menopausal woman having her first real hot flash in a crowded elevator full of burlap and barbed wire samples.
When The Senate flips ( God willing) there had better be some serious conversation about impeachment. Until then, it's just rabble rousing. I imagine that it is whispered in serious tones by the more realistic members of Congress. Even they have to see the writing on the wall. When someone polls in the high 40's-you are not looking at a good November.
Keep in mind, this is from people who are not getting real news. They are spoon fed sunshine and roses every day. If a cloud dares to show its face on the horizon- it is only because some mean old crazy tea party person put it there.
Rand Paul is personally responsible for puppies and kitties drowning. I read that somewhere. But back to the plan of the democrats. They are the only ones who are talking about impeaching B.O. and it's pretty freudian when you think about it. They know that that is the biggest cure to everything that ails our nation. They also know that the last thing they want to do is fix our nation. Poor Nancy Pelosi is gnashing her really large teeth at the idea she could have been vice president had B.O. been removed while she was Speaker of the House. It would be bad enough with Mr. Boehner. But whatever it takes to get B.O. out.
Of course, after he's gone, we have to go about undoing most of the damage he has caused. Crazy Joe Biden will actually think he is in charge of something. That will have to be dealt with, of course.
There are three branches of government. Something the Harvard "Law Professor" seems to have forgotten. Biden could be constrained for a year until it was time for an election. We just have to hold on until November, and pray to God that Obama doesn't blow the world up before then. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Monday, August 25, 2014
I Stand With Israel
Israel sits on a tiny piece of land, about the size of New Jersey. New Jersey is our fifth smallest state to give you a comparison. Now, this tiny country is being asked to give up land to Palestinians, a made up people. There is no such thing as Palestinians, they are simply Arabs. Obama hates Israel. I don't know if it is because their leader Benjamin Netanyahu knows Obama is an idiot and doesn't keep it to himself. I don't know if it's because Obama's first allegiance is to muslims. But there is some serious bad blood between the two.
It has become fashionable of late to be anti-semitic. A day doesn't pass without some would be celebrity endorsing the terrorists who attack Israel daily. They shoot one hundred rockets into Israel and then Israel responds by shooting one back. The left and the msm go crazy.
The terrorists are hiding their rockets in schools and hospitals. Israel shoots the places where the rockets are. The left goes crazy.
I stand with Israel. They have had to take too much crap from too many places. They can't know peace because the crazy people around them will not allow it. Leave Israel alone.
What is it that makes those other places crazy? Israel is on one of the few places in the middle east that doesn't have oil reserves under it. The land that created Israel isn't high end real estate. But those muslim countries are going crazy, just the same.
Enter would be celebrities who feel that because they can memorize words and repeat them, that they should have a say in world politics. That's a guaranteed recipe for stupidity.
I don't care what one of Tom Cruise's old beards think. I don't care what any celebrity thinks about much of anything-I generally don't care for their opinions.
Leave Israel alone if you can't find the sense to support her. She has been our steadfast ally through everything. In a few short months, when B.O. is gone from Pennsylvania Avenue, we can have a leader again. A leader who understands the importance of Israel and supports our relationship with her. God bless Israel and the United States. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
It has become fashionable of late to be anti-semitic. A day doesn't pass without some would be celebrity endorsing the terrorists who attack Israel daily. They shoot one hundred rockets into Israel and then Israel responds by shooting one back. The left and the msm go crazy.
The terrorists are hiding their rockets in schools and hospitals. Israel shoots the places where the rockets are. The left goes crazy.
I stand with Israel. They have had to take too much crap from too many places. They can't know peace because the crazy people around them will not allow it. Leave Israel alone.
What is it that makes those other places crazy? Israel is on one of the few places in the middle east that doesn't have oil reserves under it. The land that created Israel isn't high end real estate. But those muslim countries are going crazy, just the same.
Enter would be celebrities who feel that because they can memorize words and repeat them, that they should have a say in world politics. That's a guaranteed recipe for stupidity.
I don't care what one of Tom Cruise's old beards think. I don't care what any celebrity thinks about much of anything-I generally don't care for their opinions.
Leave Israel alone if you can't find the sense to support her. She has been our steadfast ally through everything. In a few short months, when B.O. is gone from Pennsylvania Avenue, we can have a leader again. A leader who understands the importance of Israel and supports our relationship with her. God bless Israel and the United States. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Monday, August 18, 2014
What is it About Racial Injustice That Makes a Person Need a Big Screen TV?
I have two axes to grind in this blog so bear with me. My first ax is freshly sharpened and ready to go. I don't know why a person who is stopped by the police thinks that by grabbing for the officer's gun, something good will happen.
It does if you are watching a movie, and the guy grabbing for the gun is the good guy, and he makes that shooting face. But in real life, police or the bad guys (sadly they are sometimes one and the same) will win when they have their guns drawn 999 times out of a thousand. Life is not like the movies, is it?
So why, when he was stopped, did the guy scuffle for the gun? Bad idea. Now he is no longer on this side of the turf, and Ferguson is in flames. Of course, this is great news for Reverends Baby Daddy and Race Baiter. Exactly what church do they call home? I cannot imagine having to look at either one of them every Sunday morning. Especially after finding out that one of them was skimming from the collection plate to keep his mistress quiet about their love child and the other one was an F.B.I. snitch. Stay classy, right? So anyway, as I'm standing there in my pew belting out Amazing Grace or When the Roll is Called Up Yonder (a personal favorite) I kind of like the guy preaching to be on the right side of the Lord, you know?
But there are those people who are so desperate to follow their poisoned message of hate, that they will follow them right off of the nearest cliff. Pitiful. I don't like a racist of any color. Archer Bunker was just as disgusting as George Jefferson-but only one was politically incorrect, wasn't he?
But back to the two "revs"-did you know that Reverend Baby Daddy used to make a good bit of his income by shaking down companies that weren't racially diverse enough to suit him? He would meet with their board of directors and threaten to boycott their company unless a "donation" was made to his Rainbow Coalition. Doesn't that sound like a shakedown to you? I thought the mafia went to jail for that crap?
So now we have Ferguson engulfed in flames. Thankfully, B.O. hasn't had to change his two weeks of vacation in Martha's Vineyard for this latest catastrophe.
Of course, if a military problem in Iraq couldn't stop the boogie man, a little race riot/ chance to get a bunch of free stuff wasn't going to do it either. As soon as the realization that dancing -if that is in fact what this is, his arms are up high enough, he may be doing the idiot-was a bad idea the person who posted the pictures on instagram scrubbed them faster then a girl scrubs her face when she is sneaking in after curfew. Thanks to the internet (and Algore) they will live on forever.
The msm would have you believe that white people are walking around popping off blacks and latinos left and right. The reality is that blacks are much more likely to be killed by another black. Whites are much more likely to be killed by a black person. It's not racist. It's fact. We have got to stop worrying about the color of a person's skin and start worrying about their character. Obama doesn't have a lick of it. Not even a smidgen.
Much like his obese wife who makes sure that my children come home hungry every day while she is technically obese-he should worry about the log in his own eye instead of the speck in ours. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
It does if you are watching a movie, and the guy grabbing for the gun is the good guy, and he makes that shooting face. But in real life, police or the bad guys (sadly they are sometimes one and the same) will win when they have their guns drawn 999 times out of a thousand. Life is not like the movies, is it?
So why, when he was stopped, did the guy scuffle for the gun? Bad idea. Now he is no longer on this side of the turf, and Ferguson is in flames. Of course, this is great news for Reverends Baby Daddy and Race Baiter. Exactly what church do they call home? I cannot imagine having to look at either one of them every Sunday morning. Especially after finding out that one of them was skimming from the collection plate to keep his mistress quiet about their love child and the other one was an F.B.I. snitch. Stay classy, right? So anyway, as I'm standing there in my pew belting out Amazing Grace or When the Roll is Called Up Yonder (a personal favorite) I kind of like the guy preaching to be on the right side of the Lord, you know?
But there are those people who are so desperate to follow their poisoned message of hate, that they will follow them right off of the nearest cliff. Pitiful. I don't like a racist of any color. Archer Bunker was just as disgusting as George Jefferson-but only one was politically incorrect, wasn't he?
But back to the two "revs"-did you know that Reverend Baby Daddy used to make a good bit of his income by shaking down companies that weren't racially diverse enough to suit him? He would meet with their board of directors and threaten to boycott their company unless a "donation" was made to his Rainbow Coalition. Doesn't that sound like a shakedown to you? I thought the mafia went to jail for that crap?
So now we have Ferguson engulfed in flames. Thankfully, B.O. hasn't had to change his two weeks of vacation in Martha's Vineyard for this latest catastrophe.
The msm would have you believe that white people are walking around popping off blacks and latinos left and right. The reality is that blacks are much more likely to be killed by another black. Whites are much more likely to be killed by a black person. It's not racist. It's fact. We have got to stop worrying about the color of a person's skin and start worrying about their character. Obama doesn't have a lick of it. Not even a smidgen.
Much like his obese wife who makes sure that my children come home hungry every day while she is technically obese-he should worry about the log in his own eye instead of the speck in ours. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Nancy Pelosi, Still an Idiot
A Republican Congressman Tom Marino did something unexpected from a politician. He stood on the House floor and he told the truth. The truth didn't just set Nancy Pelosi free-it drove her off the reservation and deposited her smack dab in the middle of crazy town.
Mr. Marino was in the middle of pointing out that the current cluster hump on the Southern border is 100% the responsibility of team Obama. For two years, he pointed out, the Democrats had control of all three bodies of government. Had they been interested in controlling the border, they could have done it at any time in those two years. Nancy Pelosi went, you'll excuse the expression, ape shit.
Not only did she break protocol and begin yelling on the floor, but she also interrupted Mr. Marino, time and again. Then, after all of that, she chased after him, hectoring all the while. Stay classy, Nancy.
You can watch the entire debacle for yourself. Mr. Marino isn't lying. The democrats had 100% of the government for two years. The only thing that they did was pass socialized medicine. Oh, and cash for clunkers. And a host of other programs that ratcheted our deficit another seven trillion dollars.
So now, the former speaker is reduced to chasing others across the floor.
Can you imagine the creases in her botox if someone had broken with protocol and done that to her? I am certain that she would have been digging another Sandra Fluke up out of anonymity to discuss the horrors of being caught in a lie while everyone is looking.
We need less Nancy Pelosis. Not more. But then, she has never thought that the rules have applied to her, has she?
From hiring illegals to by passing taxes, Ms. Pelosi doesn't follow the same rules that we do. Must be nice.
I want our politicians to follow the same laws we do. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Mr. Marino was in the middle of pointing out that the current cluster hump on the Southern border is 100% the responsibility of team Obama. For two years, he pointed out, the Democrats had control of all three bodies of government. Had they been interested in controlling the border, they could have done it at any time in those two years. Nancy Pelosi went, you'll excuse the expression, ape shit.
Not only did she break protocol and begin yelling on the floor, but she also interrupted Mr. Marino, time and again. Then, after all of that, she chased after him, hectoring all the while. Stay classy, Nancy.
You can watch the entire debacle for yourself. Mr. Marino isn't lying. The democrats had 100% of the government for two years. The only thing that they did was pass socialized medicine. Oh, and cash for clunkers. And a host of other programs that ratcheted our deficit another seven trillion dollars.
So now, the former speaker is reduced to chasing others across the floor.
Can you imagine the creases in her botox if someone had broken with protocol and done that to her? I am certain that she would have been digging another Sandra Fluke up out of anonymity to discuss the horrors of being caught in a lie while everyone is looking.
We need less Nancy Pelosis. Not more. But then, she has never thought that the rules have applied to her, has she?
From hiring illegals to by passing taxes, Ms. Pelosi doesn't follow the same rules that we do. Must be nice.
I want our politicians to follow the same laws we do. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Don't Fly United- You'll Thank Me Later
I recently went on a cruise to Alaska. We were flying into Seattle and our schedule was tight. Airlines have gotten more and more tightfisted with their flights and we were the victim of skin flinted-ness and God awful customer service.
It started with sitting for three hours on the runway. Yep-three hours. I asked my companion why we didn't just fly around the storm-it was fast moving and going the opposite way from us. No soup. I asked the United employee fussy mc dickwad if there was an alternate flight we could take as our schedule was now very tight. Not only did he not care-he seemed to take delight in his unhelpfulness. Just the sort of person who should work customer service, no? So instead of even looking at the other scheduled flights he said no. I didn't realize that United makes their employees memorize the entire flight schedule. But they must, as I said-fussy mcdickwad didn't even bother to look at the schedules.
So we sat there, waiting, until we reached the maximum amount of time we could wait and not take off. Then we went back in the terminal and waited another hour. Finally, you'll never guess what they decided to do. That's right-they flew around the storm. Of course, we missed our flight out of Chicago into Seattle. Luckily, the next person working for United-Sissy McHelpful- understood our problem and actually seemed to care about our predicament. We still missed our cruise, however, by 21 minutes. Yep. Less than half an hour. So then Sissy McHelpful made some calls and United flew us by Alaska Airlines into Ketchikan, so that we could meet up with our cruise.
We ended up having to rent a room ($200 dollars and no air conditioning!) and having to miss the first two days of our cruise. All because United parked their thumbs up their butts and hired that unhelpful jerk.
The flight home was infinitely better. We flew with USAir and didn't have a single problem. We even had the rare polite child seated beside us.
The seats on United were cramped and uncomfortable, also. All of the airlines try to hawk their overpriced lunchables instead of serving a decent meal. It was just pathetic.
I can understand why they lose money hand over fist.
So take it from me, don't fly United. You'll thank me later! ps- Happy Birthday Mitchell!!!!
It started with sitting for three hours on the runway. Yep-three hours. I asked my companion why we didn't just fly around the storm-it was fast moving and going the opposite way from us. No soup. I asked the United employee fussy mc dickwad if there was an alternate flight we could take as our schedule was now very tight. Not only did he not care-he seemed to take delight in his unhelpfulness. Just the sort of person who should work customer service, no? So instead of even looking at the other scheduled flights he said no. I didn't realize that United makes their employees memorize the entire flight schedule. But they must, as I said-fussy mcdickwad didn't even bother to look at the schedules.
So we sat there, waiting, until we reached the maximum amount of time we could wait and not take off. Then we went back in the terminal and waited another hour. Finally, you'll never guess what they decided to do. That's right-they flew around the storm. Of course, we missed our flight out of Chicago into Seattle. Luckily, the next person working for United-Sissy McHelpful- understood our problem and actually seemed to care about our predicament. We still missed our cruise, however, by 21 minutes. Yep. Less than half an hour. So then Sissy McHelpful made some calls and United flew us by Alaska Airlines into Ketchikan, so that we could meet up with our cruise.
We ended up having to rent a room ($200 dollars and no air conditioning!) and having to miss the first two days of our cruise. All because United parked their thumbs up their butts and hired that unhelpful jerk.
The flight home was infinitely better. We flew with USAir and didn't have a single problem. We even had the rare polite child seated beside us.
The seats on United were cramped and uncomfortable, also. All of the airlines try to hawk their overpriced lunchables instead of serving a decent meal. It was just pathetic.
I can understand why they lose money hand over fist.
So take it from me, don't fly United. You'll thank me later! ps- Happy Birthday Mitchell!!!!
Monday, July 28, 2014
The Supreme Court Gets One Right and the Left Goes Batcrap Crazy
I am not a big fan of the Supreme Court these days. I think that John Roberts is a coward and his stupidity foisted obamacare on the rest of us. But as my father would remind me-even a broken clock is right twice a day.
HobbyLobby is a wonderful store chain. If you build dollhouses (like I do) there is no better place to get anything you could possibly need for that dollhouse. They also are closed on Sundays to allow their employees the time to spend with their families and observe the sabbath. How cool is that???
Now because the folks that own HobbyLobby are God fearing Christians with a working moral compass-they will not provide abortifacients as part of their healthcare plan. Enter obamacare and boom! now HobbyLobby was expected to either violate their conscience or pay a HUGE fine. The Supreme Court got one right and narrowly allowed that no private company has to provide abortifacients if it violates their beliefs.
Keep in mind that the healthcare HobbyLobby's insurance plan provides for 16 out of the 20 methods of birth control listed in Obamacare mandates. They just won't pay for the ones that will kill a fertilized egg. Simple enough, isn't it? Not to the screaming left, it isn't. They are losing their minds. I have read more than one renouncing semi-hysterical rant wherein the author of the piece likens this small piece of sanity to the end of the world.
Walmart still sells the pill for four bucks. Hobby Lobby will still pay for your birth control pills. What they won't pay for is the morning after pill. They won't pay for any pill or injection that will stop a fertilized egg from living. How much simpler can it get?
I have used this analogy before but I will trot it out again. Pork is good for you. High protein, low fat, and pork doesn't marble the fat like beef does. That is to say, you can slice the fat off from pork and not have to worry about it being in the slice of meat you are eating. In short, pork is relatively cheap and it is good for you.
If HobbyLobby was made to pay for abortifacients, then why wouldn't Jews and Muslims have been able to be forced to consume pork? With the Yeti's unmitigated assault on what children can eat while at school- it could have happened. The food police are alive and well.
Scrap obamacare. It hasn't lowered the cost curve-it hasn't made anything more affordable. It hasn't even gotten more people insured. There are much better ways to accomplish the job of providing affordable healthcare to everyone. Selling insurance across state lines is a start. More competition is always good. Look into tort reform. Weed out the frivolous suits. That will help a lot too.
Think about it. you'll thank me later.
HobbyLobby is a wonderful store chain. If you build dollhouses (like I do) there is no better place to get anything you could possibly need for that dollhouse. They also are closed on Sundays to allow their employees the time to spend with their families and observe the sabbath. How cool is that???
Now because the folks that own HobbyLobby are God fearing Christians with a working moral compass-they will not provide abortifacients as part of their healthcare plan. Enter obamacare and boom! now HobbyLobby was expected to either violate their conscience or pay a HUGE fine. The Supreme Court got one right and narrowly allowed that no private company has to provide abortifacients if it violates their beliefs.
Keep in mind that the healthcare HobbyLobby's insurance plan provides for 16 out of the 20 methods of birth control listed in Obamacare mandates. They just won't pay for the ones that will kill a fertilized egg. Simple enough, isn't it? Not to the screaming left, it isn't. They are losing their minds. I have read more than one renouncing semi-hysterical rant wherein the author of the piece likens this small piece of sanity to the end of the world.
Walmart still sells the pill for four bucks. Hobby Lobby will still pay for your birth control pills. What they won't pay for is the morning after pill. They won't pay for any pill or injection that will stop a fertilized egg from living. How much simpler can it get?
I have used this analogy before but I will trot it out again. Pork is good for you. High protein, low fat, and pork doesn't marble the fat like beef does. That is to say, you can slice the fat off from pork and not have to worry about it being in the slice of meat you are eating. In short, pork is relatively cheap and it is good for you.
If HobbyLobby was made to pay for abortifacients, then why wouldn't Jews and Muslims have been able to be forced to consume pork? With the Yeti's unmitigated assault on what children can eat while at school- it could have happened. The food police are alive and well.
Scrap obamacare. It hasn't lowered the cost curve-it hasn't made anything more affordable. It hasn't even gotten more people insured. There are much better ways to accomplish the job of providing affordable healthcare to everyone. Selling insurance across state lines is a start. More competition is always good. Look into tort reform. Weed out the frivolous suits. That will help a lot too.
Think about it. you'll thank me later.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Nancy Pelosi Is an Idiot
Nancy Pelosi-the one time Majority Leader of the House of Representatives-is a moron. She is also a hypocrite, and I cannot imagine how she is able to receive Communion from any sane priest.
Ms. Pelosi spent countless tax dollars to make aphoto op , "discovery" trip to the southern border to see for herself the completely obama made crisis that is thousands of small and not so small children flooding our border.
Ms. Pelosi is saddened by their plight. Ms. Pelosi believes that we have a moral obligation to help these waifs. Ms. Pelosi doesn't have enough working brain cells to wonder how these poor, helpless creatures were able to transport themselves across thousands of miles-dodging some of the fiercest immigration laws in the world.
If Mexico catches you illegally in their country-you go to jail. Ask Sgt Tahmooressi. He is the U.S.Marine that has been held in jail since April because he accidentally drove into Mexico with his guns.
But somehow-these thousands of children, some as young as 4, were able to cross Mexico with no supplies, no food, no water, and they were not caught.
So putting aside the obvious lie in this latest manufactured crisis-Ms. Pelosi has herself in a righteous tizzy because we haven't done the 'right thing' for these children. Never mind that the right thing is to ship them home to their country of origin, thereby ensuring more opportunity for the children who are actually U.S. citizens- Ms. Pelosi is concerned.
But why isn't she concerned about the abortions she so shrewishly demands? I guess Nanvy only worries about children who are lucky enough to escape their mother's womb before someone sticks a needle into their brain cavity and sucks the life out of them.
Why is that okay with Nancy, but these children who are pawns in B.O.'s latest attempt to pivot are not? I have seen the pictures. Yes, it does look like those children are in closed areas, what are we supposed to do with them? Some of them have tested positive for TB and diphtheria. Are we supposed to let that loose on our streets? We eradicated those diseases decades ago, why would we welcome it back?
If Nancy is so worried about these latest examples of B.O.'s failure on every front-why doesn't she buy an orphanage in Mexico and let them stay there until they can be sorted out and sent home?
You don't suppose it's because this is all a phony, staged ploy do you? Yeah, me neither.
Close the border. Finish building the fence. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Ms. Pelosi spent countless tax dollars to make a
Ms. Pelosi is saddened by their plight. Ms. Pelosi believes that we have a moral obligation to help these waifs. Ms. Pelosi doesn't have enough working brain cells to wonder how these poor, helpless creatures were able to transport themselves across thousands of miles-dodging some of the fiercest immigration laws in the world.
If Mexico catches you illegally in their country-you go to jail. Ask Sgt Tahmooressi. He is the U.S.Marine that has been held in jail since April because he accidentally drove into Mexico with his guns.
But somehow-these thousands of children, some as young as 4, were able to cross Mexico with no supplies, no food, no water, and they were not caught.
So putting aside the obvious lie in this latest manufactured crisis-Ms. Pelosi has herself in a righteous tizzy because we haven't done the 'right thing' for these children. Never mind that the right thing is to ship them home to their country of origin, thereby ensuring more opportunity for the children who are actually U.S. citizens- Ms. Pelosi is concerned.
But why isn't she concerned about the abortions she so shrewishly demands? I guess Nanvy only worries about children who are lucky enough to escape their mother's womb before someone sticks a needle into their brain cavity and sucks the life out of them.
Why is that okay with Nancy, but these children who are pawns in B.O.'s latest attempt to pivot are not? I have seen the pictures. Yes, it does look like those children are in closed areas, what are we supposed to do with them? Some of them have tested positive for TB and diphtheria. Are we supposed to let that loose on our streets? We eradicated those diseases decades ago, why would we welcome it back?
If Nancy is so worried about these latest examples of B.O.'s failure on every front-why doesn't she buy an orphanage in Mexico and let them stay there until they can be sorted out and sent home?
You don't suppose it's because this is all a phony, staged ploy do you? Yeah, me neither.
Close the border. Finish building the fence. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Benghazi and Watergate: A Tale of Two Scandals
Richard Nixon was the President during the event we call 'Watergate'. It refers to a break in of the DNC campaign headquarters. I have no idea what they were looking for, he probably didn't know either. Dumb idea. Dumb plan. Dumb cover up. It wasn't the break in that got Nixon booted. It was the lie and the cover up.
I hope that Obama is paying attention. Perhaps he is so narcissistic to believe that he couldn't be impeached. He may well be that dumb. I know that he can't pronounce corpsman. But that is a military term, and that isn't something he wouldn't be familiar with.
If we had a free and open media that did their jobs, they would have dug into what happened in Benghazi back in 2012. They would have had reporters asking tough questions. They would have had interviews that made Obama nervous, instead of slow, soft pitches like he got from Bill O'Reilly. It was pitiful.
I am heartened to see that Congressman Trey Gowdy is going to be leading one of the investigating committees. Mr. Gowdy has a history of taking zero crap. Of course, he is being pilloried from the left. The standard talking points are something in the neighborhood of this happened two years ago. Old news, we have already had 13 different investigations into this. Move on, there is nothing to see here. What difference does it make, now, this is all a partisan witch hunt.
I have read at least five variations from this, that's how I know that the msm and the left in general, is not happy with it. There was a time when the media set the news cycle. Of course, there was a time when the media reported all of the news, also. Happy days. But now they have a full fledged honest to goodness scandal in their midst-and the best they can manage is to tell me not to worry about it.
Hooey talk.
Of course, in their defense, the scandals are coming pretty fast and furious. See what I did there? But in all seriousness, you need a score card to keep track of the crap that Obama has lied about, mismanaged or simply broke the law over. And now it would seem that B.O. is trying a truly Nixonian tactic- the IRS- the group responsible for keeping track of what everyone everywhere owes the government- claims to have lost the emails that are directly covering when Ms. Lerner was illegally denying Tea Party Groups their tax exempt status.
To quote the Church Lady- "how convenient."
Nixon had the decency to resign. Don't hold your breath that B.O. will be as honorable. You'll thank me later.
I hope that Obama is paying attention. Perhaps he is so narcissistic to believe that he couldn't be impeached. He may well be that dumb. I know that he can't pronounce corpsman. But that is a military term, and that isn't something he wouldn't be familiar with.
If we had a free and open media that did their jobs, they would have dug into what happened in Benghazi back in 2012. They would have had reporters asking tough questions. They would have had interviews that made Obama nervous, instead of slow, soft pitches like he got from Bill O'Reilly. It was pitiful.
I am heartened to see that Congressman Trey Gowdy is going to be leading one of the investigating committees. Mr. Gowdy has a history of taking zero crap. Of course, he is being pilloried from the left. The standard talking points are something in the neighborhood of this happened two years ago. Old news, we have already had 13 different investigations into this. Move on, there is nothing to see here. What difference does it make, now, this is all a partisan witch hunt.
I have read at least five variations from this, that's how I know that the msm and the left in general, is not happy with it. There was a time when the media set the news cycle. Of course, there was a time when the media reported all of the news, also. Happy days. But now they have a full fledged honest to goodness scandal in their midst-and the best they can manage is to tell me not to worry about it.
Hooey talk.
Of course, in their defense, the scandals are coming pretty fast and furious. See what I did there? But in all seriousness, you need a score card to keep track of the crap that Obama has lied about, mismanaged or simply broke the law over. And now it would seem that B.O. is trying a truly Nixonian tactic- the IRS- the group responsible for keeping track of what everyone everywhere owes the government- claims to have lost the emails that are directly covering when Ms. Lerner was illegally denying Tea Party Groups their tax exempt status.
To quote the Church Lady- "how convenient."
Nixon had the decency to resign. Don't hold your breath that B.O. will be as honorable. You'll thank me later.
Monday, July 7, 2014
The IRS Claims the Dog Ate Their Homework
Lois Lerner should be in jail. If you or I had discriminated against people as blatantly as she has, we would be cooling our heels in the grey bar motel. Unfortunately, she is still breathing free air. Pity the GOP doesn't do something about that.
If Eric Holder refuses to arrest her, he needs to be removed as well. I missed the civics class that said the Attorney General got to pick and choose which laws he would enforce. Three weeks ago, his boss came up with a brilliant idea to do another end run around the Constitution. The IRS simply "lost" all of the emails in question. I'm not sure which stooge thought this plan up, but is has the earmarks of Moe. Maybe Curly. But regardless, they are going with the "dog ate my homework" defense. Here are a few problems with that:
So not only did Glenn Beck track down a premier IT guy, but the IT guy goes into great detail about how to find these emails. He explains, in detail, how to go about finding these lost emails. If I can understand how to do this, you would think that some of the brain trusts in the Internal Revenue Service could figure it out as well, wouldn't you?
So as I write this, the msm has yet to go full blown Watergate with this. I suspect they still tote the party line. After all, if B.O. illegally wiretapping their conversations wasn't enough to break their love-I don't think that anything will. Tina Turner had a breaking point- it looks like the msm doesn't.
Call your elected officials and demand that they get an internal audit of the IRS files that are "missing." This is a digital age and nothing is truly lost forever. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
If Eric Holder refuses to arrest her, he needs to be removed as well. I missed the civics class that said the Attorney General got to pick and choose which laws he would enforce. Three weeks ago, his boss came up with a brilliant idea to do another end run around the Constitution. The IRS simply "lost" all of the emails in question. I'm not sure which stooge thought this plan up, but is has the earmarks of Moe. Maybe Curly. But regardless, they are going with the "dog ate my homework" defense. Here are a few problems with that:
So not only did Glenn Beck track down a premier IT guy, but the IT guy goes into great detail about how to find these emails. He explains, in detail, how to go about finding these lost emails. If I can understand how to do this, you would think that some of the brain trusts in the Internal Revenue Service could figure it out as well, wouldn't you?
So as I write this, the msm has yet to go full blown Watergate with this. I suspect they still tote the party line. After all, if B.O. illegally wiretapping their conversations wasn't enough to break their love-I don't think that anything will. Tina Turner had a breaking point- it looks like the msm doesn't.
Call your elected officials and demand that they get an internal audit of the IRS files that are "missing." This is a digital age and nothing is truly lost forever. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, June 30, 2014
Bergdahl Wasn't a POW- He Is a POS
How stupid is Obama? I know, it's a rhetorical question. He is actually surprised at the blowback that he is getting about his latest f*** up, that is turning over five hard core terrorists for one genuine traitor. I can't even wrap my head around the stupid people he is using for advisors.
Bergdahl walked away from his post. Good men died following the booby trapped trail that was left for them to follow in an attempt to rescue him. If I can get all of this information from simple searches- you would think that the smartest guy in the room would have access to it as well. I guess he was too busy on Priceline planning his next vacation to a golf course. Maybe he could have attended a security update. Naaah, too busy picking his NCAA brackets.
So now we have five hardcore terrorists back on their native soil and what was their punishment? They have to promise not to be a terrorist or leave the country for one whole year. Anyone want to bet that their towels and camels are already in Iraq-helping to lead that hot mess? I'm giving good odds if you're interested.
Also, the traitor's parents should have been the first clue. Did anyone, ANYONE at all do a little research on them? I don't think so either. That father went to a lot of trouble to "empathize" with his traitor kid. As the details become clear, the traitor was even confiding in his father about his plans and dissolutions with the United States military. Instead of comforting his son and assuring him-he basically told his traitorous offspring to "follow his conscience." I guess his conscience was no Jiminy Cricket. Aqmed the dead terrorist, maybe.
I am equally irritated by the automatic promotion to Sergeant. I know it is customary to raise the rank of all those who have been captured by the enemy, but should that rule apply to those who left all of their equipment behind and simply walked to the enemy? I think that meets the test for desertion, but I haven't looked at the specs for that. Everything seems to mean something else with B.O. You know, like saving $2500 is actually $5000 more, no one will lose their insurance is the same as mass cancellations, and my new personal favorite-not a smidgen of corruption is now missing emails and unfollowed policy.
After time in a military hospital the traitor has been sent home to us. Hot diggity. It was again released (quietly) that the Army has opened a case to study exactly what happened to make the traitor go missing. I can't wait to hear that- I am certain the Obama folks have their gallons of whitewash at the ready.
Too many soldiers and brave men have come forward with the truth about the traitor. Even though the useless media doesn't like to report a smidgen of bad news about their boy- they have been forced to cover the events around this. Thanks to the internet-the truth is all over the place. Thanks algore.
Perhaps that is the big boot behind net neutrality.
So now we have the guy in charge of the free world and when he isn't golfing as Iraq implodes he cannot understand why people don't think he is a messiah.
I can;t wait until November. Keep the House, take back the Senate. Begin impeachment hearings. Because just like Bergdahl-Obama is a POS. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Bergdahl walked away from his post. Good men died following the booby trapped trail that was left for them to follow in an attempt to rescue him. If I can get all of this information from simple searches- you would think that the smartest guy in the room would have access to it as well. I guess he was too busy on Priceline planning his next vacation to a golf course. Maybe he could have attended a security update. Naaah, too busy picking his NCAA brackets.
So now we have five hardcore terrorists back on their native soil and what was their punishment? They have to promise not to be a terrorist or leave the country for one whole year. Anyone want to bet that their towels and camels are already in Iraq-helping to lead that hot mess? I'm giving good odds if you're interested.
Also, the traitor's parents should have been the first clue. Did anyone, ANYONE at all do a little research on them? I don't think so either. That father went to a lot of trouble to "empathize" with his traitor kid. As the details become clear, the traitor was even confiding in his father about his plans and dissolutions with the United States military. Instead of comforting his son and assuring him-he basically told his traitorous offspring to "follow his conscience." I guess his conscience was no Jiminy Cricket. Aqmed the dead terrorist, maybe.
I am equally irritated by the automatic promotion to Sergeant. I know it is customary to raise the rank of all those who have been captured by the enemy, but should that rule apply to those who left all of their equipment behind and simply walked to the enemy? I think that meets the test for desertion, but I haven't looked at the specs for that. Everything seems to mean something else with B.O. You know, like saving $2500 is actually $5000 more, no one will lose their insurance is the same as mass cancellations, and my new personal favorite-not a smidgen of corruption is now missing emails and unfollowed policy.
After time in a military hospital the traitor has been sent home to us. Hot diggity. It was again released (quietly) that the Army has opened a case to study exactly what happened to make the traitor go missing. I can't wait to hear that- I am certain the Obama folks have their gallons of whitewash at the ready.
Too many soldiers and brave men have come forward with the truth about the traitor. Even though the useless media doesn't like to report a smidgen of bad news about their boy- they have been forced to cover the events around this. Thanks to the internet-the truth is all over the place. Thanks algore.
Perhaps that is the big boot behind net neutrality.
So now we have the guy in charge of the free world and when he isn't golfing as Iraq implodes he cannot understand why people don't think he is a messiah.
I can;t wait until November. Keep the House, take back the Senate. Begin impeachment hearings. Because just like Bergdahl-Obama is a POS. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Clinton = Congenital Liar
Do you remember the halcyon days of Bill Clinton and his ridiculous lies? Oh how the media swallowed everything he had to say. Eventually even they had to call bull crap-but oh how he could lie and lie. I especially enjoyed the finger wagging lie-it was my favorite. But it turns out he did have sex with that woman, he did tell everyone to lie. The media gave him a pass, they always did.
They tried floating the talking point that it was no big deal to perjure in a civil case, no one went to jail for that. Unfortunately for their narrative, people started popping up who had been to jail for perjury. Oopsie.
Then they switched tactics and tried to say that lies about sex weren't real lies. But it was a case about sexual harassment. Strike two.
Now here comes Hillary Clinton; fresh from letting good men die. She was a carpetbagging senator who did zero while in office. She was elected in New York, the best place for carpetbaggers to go. Her home state of Arkansas was out- they knew her. So after being a senator for about twenty minutes, she decided that she had enough experience to be the President.
It must take more energy and training than I realized to look the other way while your husband serially cheated on you. Maybe those are skills that she thought would make her presidential material. But alas, she didn't see B.O. in the wings. The only thing that the liberals liked more than the idea of the first woman president was the first minority president. So she and B.O. cooked a deal and she stepped aside and he thanked her by making her Secretary of State. Her qualifications? The same as for being president-that is to say zilch.
So she was in charge when the station in Benghazi asked for more security. She or B.O. said no. They watched as four good men were not just killed, but brutalized. She wouldn't send help. She just watched. Kind of like she did with Bill.
So to make this go away, Mrs. Clinton left her job as Secretary of State and hoped the furor would die down. But four people were dead, and the days of the msm being able to ignore things were over. Thank you internet.
Now Hillary has released a book in a further attempt to rehabilitate her image. The lasting impression she left us with at the hearings was a gigantic hissy fit. She squeezed her ancient fists, pounding them with frustration that she was being held accountable. Then she uttered the phrase that killed any hope of her setting her antiquated butt in the oval office-"At this point, what difference does it make?" You could physically hear her presidential aspirations die.
But she is a Clinton after all, and she truly believes that the regular rules don't apply to her. She let out some real whoppers in her book, probably because she isn't used to being called on her lies. She was able to skate with the lie of "ducking enemy fire" when she flew into an area overseas on one of her many many many jaunts as first lady. This time she is being called on it, and questioned ferociously.
She claims that she was 'dead broke' after leaving the White House. Her idea of dead broke and mine seem to differ by about 12 million dollars. Slick willie had his pension. She had her resources. He was receiving over 100,000 dollars a pop for a speech. Over ten million was donated to them. Again, her idea of dead broke and mine are off by about twelve million dollars.
It's probably another "vast right wing conspiracy" she'll have to contend with.
Let's not forget her age. In 2016 Hillary Clinton will be 68 years old. As Karl Rove has rightly pointed out- that concussion she received (and her handy excuse for not testifying again) seems to have been more severe than she claimed. I've had several concussions. Not one took that long to heal. I also didn't have to wear the brain injury eye glasses that Mrs. Clinton now sports.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is wholly unqualified to be President. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
They tried floating the talking point that it was no big deal to perjure in a civil case, no one went to jail for that. Unfortunately for their narrative, people started popping up who had been to jail for perjury. Oopsie.
Then they switched tactics and tried to say that lies about sex weren't real lies. But it was a case about sexual harassment. Strike two.
Now here comes Hillary Clinton; fresh from letting good men die. She was a carpetbagging senator who did zero while in office. She was elected in New York, the best place for carpetbaggers to go. Her home state of Arkansas was out- they knew her. So after being a senator for about twenty minutes, she decided that she had enough experience to be the President.
It must take more energy and training than I realized to look the other way while your husband serially cheated on you. Maybe those are skills that she thought would make her presidential material. But alas, she didn't see B.O. in the wings. The only thing that the liberals liked more than the idea of the first woman president was the first minority president. So she and B.O. cooked a deal and she stepped aside and he thanked her by making her Secretary of State. Her qualifications? The same as for being president-that is to say zilch.
So she was in charge when the station in Benghazi asked for more security. She or B.O. said no. They watched as four good men were not just killed, but brutalized. She wouldn't send help. She just watched. Kind of like she did with Bill.
So to make this go away, Mrs. Clinton left her job as Secretary of State and hoped the furor would die down. But four people were dead, and the days of the msm being able to ignore things were over. Thank you internet.
Now Hillary has released a book in a further attempt to rehabilitate her image. The lasting impression she left us with at the hearings was a gigantic hissy fit. She squeezed her ancient fists, pounding them with frustration that she was being held accountable. Then she uttered the phrase that killed any hope of her setting her antiquated butt in the oval office-"At this point, what difference does it make?" You could physically hear her presidential aspirations die.
But she is a Clinton after all, and she truly believes that the regular rules don't apply to her. She let out some real whoppers in her book, probably because she isn't used to being called on her lies. She was able to skate with the lie of "ducking enemy fire" when she flew into an area overseas on one of her many many many jaunts as first lady. This time she is being called on it, and questioned ferociously.
She claims that she was 'dead broke' after leaving the White House. Her idea of dead broke and mine seem to differ by about 12 million dollars. Slick willie had his pension. She had her resources. He was receiving over 100,000 dollars a pop for a speech. Over ten million was donated to them. Again, her idea of dead broke and mine are off by about twelve million dollars.
It's probably another "vast right wing conspiracy" she'll have to contend with.
Let's not forget her age. In 2016 Hillary Clinton will be 68 years old. As Karl Rove has rightly pointed out- that concussion she received (and her handy excuse for not testifying again) seems to have been more severe than she claimed. I've had several concussions. Not one took that long to heal. I also didn't have to wear the brain injury eye glasses that Mrs. Clinton now sports.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is wholly unqualified to be President. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, June 16, 2014
It's Okay for Those Obama Kids, But Not Yours
For some reason that I do not understand, Michelle Obama has been given the authority to determine what my children would eat in their school lunches. If I send a lunch that the school disapproves of, they will even give my child one of their lunches, charge me for it and send a chiding note home with my child.
I like to pack things that my children will eat, I am not one for wasting food. I understand the basic food groups, I know about vitamins, fats, and proteins. I get it.
What I don't get is having someone like Michelle Obama trying to tell me how many calories my child should have so that they come home starving. How can they think and learn if they are still hungry? Meanwhile- the Yeti and B.O. send their daughters to a very exclusive school- Sidwell Friends School. It is where the rich and powerful educate their children, away from the hoi polloi.
The yeti would have our children eating only 850 calories at lunch. 850 calories for growing children, many of whom get their best meal while at school. These children are hungry. But now, thanks to her, they are hungrier.
Here is an actual menu from the fancy schmancy private school that the Obama children attend. This was served to them on May 29,2014:
I like to pack things that my children will eat, I am not one for wasting food. I understand the basic food groups, I know about vitamins, fats, and proteins. I get it.
What I don't get is having someone like Michelle Obama trying to tell me how many calories my child should have so that they come home starving. How can they think and learn if they are still hungry? Meanwhile- the Yeti and B.O. send their daughters to a very exclusive school- Sidwell Friends School. It is where the rich and powerful educate their children, away from the hoi polloi.
The yeti would have our children eating only 850 calories at lunch. 850 calories for growing children, many of whom get their best meal while at school. These children are hungry. But now, thanks to her, they are hungrier.
Here is an actual menu from the fancy schmancy private school that the Obama children attend. This was served to them on May 29,2014:
Snack: Apples and Cheese
Local Cantaloupe, Coconut, and Lime Soup
Asparagus & Israeli Couscous Salad
Cheese Quesadillas
Sautéed Zucchini & Squash with Fresh Herbs
Brown Rice
Asparagus & Israeli Couscous Salad
Cheese Quesadillas
Sautéed Zucchini & Squash with Fresh Herbs
Brown Rice
Chilled Cantaloupe & Fresh Mint Soup
Sidwell Chop Salad
Jicama, Mango and Cabbage Slaw
All Natural Chicken Curry
Indian Curry and Lentils
Steamed Broccoli
Basmati Rice
Sliced Watermelon
Sidwell Chop Salad
Jicama, Mango and Cabbage Slaw
All Natural Chicken Curry
Indian Curry and Lentils
Steamed Broccoli
Basmati Rice
Sliced Watermelon
Does it seem like it might be more than 850 calories to you? Yeah, me too.
Snack: Locally Baked Muffins
Mixed Greens with Avocado & Grapefruit Salad
Housemade Chicken Fingers
Breaded Eggplant w/ Marinara
Steamed Fresh Vegetables
Organic Sweet Potato Fries
Housemade Chicken Fingers
Breaded Eggplant w/ Marinara
Steamed Fresh Vegetables
Organic Sweet Potato Fries
Spring Vegetable Soup
Classic Caesar Salad
Deviled Egg Salad
All Natural Meatball Subs
Spinach Ricotta Phyllo Bake
Roasted Eggplant, Zucchini and Tomato
Classic Caesar Salad
Deviled Egg Salad
All Natural Meatball Subs
Spinach Ricotta Phyllo Bake
Roasted Eggplant, Zucchini and Tomato
This is just more of the imperialism from B.O. and family. It's good enough for our children to be hungry after lunch, but not theirs. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, June 9, 2014
The Real Tragedy Isn't the Gun Violence
Another mentally unbalanced person has killed people. You'll be hearing renewed cries from all of the regulars. Obama will call for more gun control. Mothers Against Every Thing will show pictures of innocent victims. More hypocrites from Hollywood who mistake their ability to memorize words in order and repeat them back as anything more than a parlor trick will have loads to say. They will all say the same thing. Guns are awful, get rid of guns. They will say this from the safety of the guns that protect them and their loved ones. They will say this from the safety of their gated communities, their armed guards, and their highly reinforced protective detail. I am certain that even the yeti will take a break from telling me what to feed my children will have an opinion on guns, while safely protecting her children at home and at school with an arsenal.
But the tragedy isn't the guns. The tragedy is the mental illness that these people are walking around with, untreated. The crazy person who killed all those people in Colorado had slipped the cheese from his cracker a long time before he killed all of those people in the movie theater. Why didn't the people close to him do something?
The mentally ill man who shot and stabbed those people the other day was no different. He was making and posting videos online. I tried to watch one. It gave me the willies. Didn't anyone in his family watch one? Weren't they paying any attention to him? I'm not a doctor by any means, but I can spot crazy when it is dripping off of the screen. Can't you? Couldn't they?
The man who shot Gabrielle Giffords was in desperate need of help. Why wasn't he getting it? Perhaps if he had gotten the help he needed before he shot Ms. Giffords- she and her husband wouldn't feel the need to try and take my guns away from me now.
Mental illness is a growing problem in the world. I don't know if it's because people are doing a worse job of raising their children, or if we as a society are just going to hell. But the problem isn't the firearm. If anything, the firearm in the hand of a non crazy person is the solution.
When the crazy person at Virginia Tech tried to gun down everyone in sight, it didn't work. Do you know why? Because in Virginia, many of those potential victims were armed. The msm won't include that little nugget, but it was people with concealed carry permits and lawful weapons that stopped the carnage from being as bad as it could have been.
Better mental health screening is part of the answer to the growing problem of crazy people and their armed rampages. Responsible armed citizens is the other part of the answer. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
But the tragedy isn't the guns. The tragedy is the mental illness that these people are walking around with, untreated. The crazy person who killed all those people in Colorado had slipped the cheese from his cracker a long time before he killed all of those people in the movie theater. Why didn't the people close to him do something?
The mentally ill man who shot and stabbed those people the other day was no different. He was making and posting videos online. I tried to watch one. It gave me the willies. Didn't anyone in his family watch one? Weren't they paying any attention to him? I'm not a doctor by any means, but I can spot crazy when it is dripping off of the screen. Can't you? Couldn't they?
The man who shot Gabrielle Giffords was in desperate need of help. Why wasn't he getting it? Perhaps if he had gotten the help he needed before he shot Ms. Giffords- she and her husband wouldn't feel the need to try and take my guns away from me now.
Mental illness is a growing problem in the world. I don't know if it's because people are doing a worse job of raising their children, or if we as a society are just going to hell. But the problem isn't the firearm. If anything, the firearm in the hand of a non crazy person is the solution.
When the crazy person at Virginia Tech tried to gun down everyone in sight, it didn't work. Do you know why? Because in Virginia, many of those potential victims were armed. The msm won't include that little nugget, but it was people with concealed carry permits and lawful weapons that stopped the carnage from being as bad as it could have been.
Better mental health screening is part of the answer to the growing problem of crazy people and their armed rampages. Responsible armed citizens is the other part of the answer. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
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