Monday, October 27, 2014

EBOLA- Why Hasn't B.O. Closed Down Travel to the Infected Areas?

Read one of my posts and you know my opinion of Obama. He is incompetent to the point of making Carter look good.  That takes some doing.  Never mind that he has violated our laws in every conceivable way. From appointments without senate approval to forcing his yeti wife's mandates onto our school lunches, there is a good chance if Obama is for it, then it isn't good for the United States of America.
Now we have Ebola swarming into the United States and has he stopped flights into and out of infected countries? Oh, you foolish thing! If he did that, he might miss a tee time or a fundraiser.  I imagine if he were sending the family on another 100 million dollar vacation, he would have concern, but heck-he can always just send a crap ton of secret service with them, like he did when his daughter went Mexico for Spring Break on our dime.
But back to this Ebola-we're told repeatedly that it isn't airborne.  Then why are people being quarantined that have only been in the same room with the infected person?  Why are nurses and other health care providers contracting the disease when they are in full bio gear?  What else aren't they telling us?
The CDC is now backtracking on if the virus is airborne.  Apparently it can be transmitted in droplets through the air.  Scary, isn't it?  But  it must not be that serious, right?  I have to believe that if we were in danger, the fundraiser in chief would post pone at least a couple of 35k per plate dinners, wouldn't he?  Wouldn't Gwenyth Paltrow have the good taste to gush less if lives were at stake?  Yeah, right.
How about this little gem?


The problem with a virus is that it's sole purpose is to mutate and survive.  The problem with the current administration is the same.  B.O. is so busy saying whatever he has to say to raise money to try and keep the senate that he doesn't give a rip about doing his job.  
Depending on who you ask- the odds of dying from ebola are 25 to 90%.  Those aren't good odds, and the best way to avoid it is to keep it out of the United States of America.  But that doesn't seem to be his first priority.  What do you think?  Mull it over, you'll thank me later.                                                                                  

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