This should be about three weeks old by the time that it gets published. That should give me time to decide if I want to let it go out into the world, or just let it quietly be deleted. Ever since my faithless ex cheated, adultery has been a bit of a sore subject. I think divorce is too easy to get, there, I said it. But even if it weren't so easy to get-when did adultery become the thing to be celebrated?
Don't give me that crap about two people just wanting to be happy. Two people were happy until one of them followed his or her naughty bits into greener pastures. If divorce were as difficult to get as it used to be, then maybe people would reconsider before screwing around.
Don't get me wrong-I never saw the attraction to Brad Pitt. He isn't ugly, but neither are a lot of men. He decided to be socially aware. How nice for him. So he made a couple of speeches about a couple things, and suddenly, he is a serious actor. Whatever. He is a cheater. Worse, he is unrepentant. I guess it's okay now to be a liar and a cheat.
Of course, the woman that he left his wife for has a history of cheating. That is, when she isn't french kissing her brother. I guess she doesn't worry about the morals of a situation. Let's hope none of her children ever run into a woman like, well, her. It would serve her right.
While I am on this particular soap box- at least now when they go out to buy another child, they will have the blessing of marriage on their side. I've spoken often about a friend who has been trying to adopt for several years now. Unless you are a celebrity, there is no baby store where you can pick up a fresh newborn off the shelf and take it home.
When people talk about the moral decay of our nation-this is what they mean. Divorce is too easy to get. Abortion is too easy to get. Cheating is acceptable, if not condoned. Ask Slick Willie. Lying is expected. I don't understand why things are allowed to slide like this. When do people take a stand?
Is it really much of a leap from homosexual "marriage" to polygamy and other abominations? I have often said that I have a dog that is more loyal than any man I have ever met. If I married her, she would have all of the spousal benefits and protections that are given to two lesbians who play dress up for a day-why not?
But before I segue into another rant- let's just say that I find Brad Pitt and his latest wife disgusting. When they implode-and they will-I will be right there with a giant toldyouso. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
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