It does if you are watching a movie, and the guy grabbing for the gun is the good guy, and he makes that shooting face. But in real life, police or the bad guys (sadly they are sometimes one and the same) will win when they have their guns drawn 999 times out of a thousand. Life is not like the movies, is it?
So why, when he was stopped, did the guy scuffle for the gun? Bad idea. Now he is no longer on this side of the turf, and Ferguson is in flames. Of course, this is great news for Reverends Baby Daddy and Race Baiter. Exactly what church do they call home? I cannot imagine having to look at either one of them every Sunday morning. Especially after finding out that one of them was skimming from the collection plate to keep his mistress quiet about their love child and the other one was an F.B.I. snitch. Stay classy, right? So anyway, as I'm standing there in my pew belting out Amazing Grace or When the Roll is Called Up Yonder (a personal favorite) I kind of like the guy preaching to be on the right side of the Lord, you know?
But there are those people who are so desperate to follow their poisoned message of hate, that they will follow them right off of the nearest cliff. Pitiful. I don't like a racist of any color. Archer Bunker was just as disgusting as George Jefferson-but only one was politically incorrect, wasn't he?
But back to the two "revs"-did you know that Reverend Baby Daddy used to make a good bit of his income by shaking down companies that weren't racially diverse enough to suit him? He would meet with their board of directors and threaten to boycott their company unless a "donation" was made to his Rainbow Coalition. Doesn't that sound like a shakedown to you? I thought the mafia went to jail for that crap?
So now we have Ferguson engulfed in flames. Thankfully, B.O. hasn't had to change his two weeks of vacation in Martha's Vineyard for this latest catastrophe.
The msm would have you believe that white people are walking around popping off blacks and latinos left and right. The reality is that blacks are much more likely to be killed by another black. Whites are much more likely to be killed by a black person. It's not racist. It's fact. We have got to stop worrying about the color of a person's skin and start worrying about their character. Obama doesn't have a lick of it. Not even a smidgen.
Much like his obese wife who makes sure that my children come home hungry every day while she is technically obese-he should worry about the log in his own eye instead of the speck in ours. Think about it. You'll thank me later.
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