Monday, July 28, 2014

The Supreme Court Gets One Right and the Left Goes Batcrap Crazy

I am not a big fan of the Supreme Court these days. I think that John Roberts is a coward and his stupidity foisted obamacare on the rest of us.  But as my father would remind me-even a broken clock is right twice a day.
HobbyLobby is a wonderful store chain.  If you build dollhouses (like I do) there is no better place to get anything you could possibly need for that dollhouse.  They also are closed on Sundays to allow their employees the time to spend with their families and observe the sabbath.  How cool is that???
Now because the folks that own HobbyLobby are God fearing Christians with a working moral compass-they will not provide abortifacients as part of their healthcare plan.  Enter obamacare and boom! now HobbyLobby was expected to either violate their conscience or pay a HUGE fine.  The Supreme Court got one right and narrowly allowed that no private company has to provide abortifacients if it violates their beliefs.
Keep in mind that the healthcare HobbyLobby's insurance plan provides for 16 out of the 20 methods of birth control listed in Obamacare mandates.  They just won't pay for the ones that will kill a fertilized egg.  Simple enough, isn't it?  Not to the screaming left, it isn't.  They are losing their minds.  I have read more than one renouncing semi-hysterical rant wherein the author of the piece likens this small piece of sanity to the end of the world.
Walmart still sells the pill for four bucks.  Hobby Lobby will still pay for your birth control pills.  What they won't pay for is the morning after pill.  They won't pay for any pill or injection that will stop a fertilized egg from living.  How much simpler can it get?
I have used this analogy before but I will trot it out again.  Pork is good for you. High protein, low fat, and pork doesn't marble the fat like beef does.  That is to say, you can slice the fat off from pork and not have to worry about it being in the slice of meat you are eating.  In short, pork is relatively cheap and it is good for you.
If HobbyLobby was made to pay for abortifacients, then why wouldn't Jews and Muslims have been able to be forced to consume pork?  With the Yeti's unmitigated assault on what children can eat while at school- it could have happened.  The food police are alive and well.
Scrap obamacare.  It hasn't lowered the cost curve-it hasn't made anything more affordable.  It hasn't even gotten more people insured.  There are much better ways to accomplish the job of providing affordable healthcare to everyone. Selling insurance across state lines is a start. More competition is always good.  Look into tort reform.  Weed out the frivolous suits.  That will help a lot too.
Think about it. you'll thank me later.

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