Monday, September 8, 2014

Wow! Does that Drunk Chick Hate Rick Perry! Why?

Have you seen the video where Reese Witherspoon got arrested?  She did the celebrity thing that drives me batcrap crazy.  She asked the question.  You know the one.  Do you know who I am?  As soon as the words are out in a movie-the protagonist always has a snappy answer.  I love those.  But in this case, she just had a bunch of drunken threats that pretty much toasted her 'America's Sweetheart' image and gave her manager a bigger need for Maalox, I'll bet.  There is a Latin expression : in vino verde.  It means in wine there is truth or what a person says while he is drunk is what he really thinks.  I believe that is the truth.
So now we come to District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg.  She is in charge of the public integrity office.  She was arrested and convicted for having a blood alcohol content that was three times the legal limit.  She will not resign so Governor Perry vetoed any funds to her department.  An arrest warrant was issued for the Governor.
Keep  in mind that Austin is the liberal swamp in an otherwise sane bastion of common sense.  There are no plans to arrest or even pursue the warrant.  It just seems to be a genuine hissy fit thrown by a bureaucrat that should be removed from office.  Shame on her colleagues for not encouraging her to resign.
Watch the video.  She is pitiful.
Maybe she is an alcoholic.  I don't know her situation.  Maybe she just had too many, and doesn't realize that the laws apply to all of us, not just us peons, but the bureaucrats as well.  Maybe she forgot.  It happens.
But Governor Perry said that if Ms. Lehmberg didn't resign, he would withhold funding.  He kept his word,that is probably what threw them. Their response was to waste countless tax dollars drafting an arrest warrant for the Governor.
And now we have the pictures of Governor Perry's mugshot.  He handled it with charm and grace, and a dash of humor.  Not to mention, his mugshot looks head and shoulders better than Ms. Lehmberg's does.  How much tax payer money is this wasting, anyway?
Cause and effect seems to be lost on a certain set of people.  Is there some wonder set of people who were pulled aside and told that it didn't matter what they did-they could get away with it throughout the ages?  Besides Ted Kennedy, who else was there?  Okay, Slick Willie, him too.  But who else?
Rules should be the same for all of us.  Same rules. Same consequences.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

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