Monday, December 8, 2014

Don't Screw This Up GOP

Did you vote? If you didn't, shame on you! You have no business fussing if you can't be bothered to vote. You did? Good on you! You may have been part of the shellacking that was administered to B.O. and company. Minority Leader Harry Reid has a lovely ring to it, doesn't it?
So does Speaker Gowdy, but one thing at a time.
The will of the people doesn't seem to be a big priority for the current administration, does it?  He is woefully lacking in knowledge about the U S Justice system. Odd, since he and the Mrs. supposedly went to law school.  Of course, she voluntarily gave up her license to avoid the stink, and he can't really explain why someone would pay all of that ,money for an education and then never use it.
I have a lot of things that I would like to see accomplished. Here is the shortlist:

  1. Defund the immigration department that would keep those 5 million illegal aliens here.
  2. Defund Obamacare, piece by piece. Start with the medical device tax.
  3. Remove the tanning tax
  4. Secure our borders by building the wall to keep the illegals out.
  5. revoke the 18th Amendment that the idiot judge used as the basis for anchor babies. If there are any former slaves from the 1800's still affected by this, deal with them on a case by case basis
  6. Get to the bottom of what happened in Benghazi                                                             7.Remove the Department of Education-save us a ton of money                                      8.Impeach, impeach impeach                                                                                                                I expect them to get things done, and start undoing the damage of the last 6 years.  I am proud of them for managing what they did in the last four years, at least as far as stopping the worst of B.O. jack assery.  But now I want results, not more politics as usual.  No more across the aisle, bipartisan screwing around. Open things up to allow the democrats to get on board, but if they want to just throw sand in the works, why former Majority Leader Reid mapped out the way to skip things and use the nuclear option, didn't he?

It's not being overly dramatic to state that the fate of our Republic rests on the new congress getting things done.  We had a lot of work undoing the for long years that Carter messed things up, and now, we don't have a President  Reagan to lead the fight. Pray for our  new leaders.  They need all of the help that they can get.  You'll thank me later.

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