Monday, October 13, 2014

Why is Yahoo Screwing with my Email Because I use Google?

Two weeks ago I had to fix my laptop.  I managed to do it by myself (cue the Hallelujah Chorus) and ever since then, I cannot use Google Chrome to open my email in the preferred format.  Instead, I am forced to use that hokey, crappy circa 1995 email.  If I use Firefox, then I can open it.  What is going on?
I don't mind Firefox it is light years ahead of explorer- but it is light years slower than Google Chrome. Grrr.
I have posted questions to yahoo and have yet to receive an answer.  Maybe they are too busy streaming every drop of drivel that is posted by Huffpo.  I know my yahoo experience is chock full of their blather.  Maybe they are so busy trying to find that successful obamacare signee that is actually paying for their own insurance that they can't be bothered with answering me.  Who knows?  I just wish that when something was working very well, yahoo wouldn't mess with it.
My ex used to say that the internet has made everyone much more impatient.  He was right, and I attribute that to even a broken clock being right twice a day.  Slow down people, what's the hurry?  If me- the poster child for wanting it when I ask for it can say that-trust me, you need to slow down.
I don't have a problem with Mozilla FireFox.  I have watched their documentary on youtube and I appreciate how much work went into creating their product.  I liked it fine until I gave Chrome a test drive.  It is much faster, simple as that.
So now, I am forced to juggle between the two and it's a giant pain in the butt.  Not a tragedy, but still a pain, you know?
As far as tragedy go- here is one:
Did you know that our Marine SGT. Tahmooressi is still in a Mexican crap hole jail?  Do you know what B.O. has done about it? Zip. Zilch. Nada.  He is still preoccupied with the tons of illegals who have flooded our border.  They get his attention.  Our Marine can go whistle.  One of them was willing to die for us, the other? Not so much.
But time and again, B.O. has shown his utter contempt for Americans-in uniform and civilian.  Remember the yeti's eye roll over the American Flag ceremony from September 11th?  All this for a flag?
Or there was the latte salute.  He was so concerned with his beverage that he couldn't even have one of his flunkies haul it out for him.  Instead he just kept it in his hand while he disrespected the brave Marine who would take a bullet for him.
Well, enough of his deficiencies.  November is right around the corner.  Get out and vote!  And if you have any pull with Yahoo-send me an email.  I want my google chrome to work.  I'd thank you later!

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