Monday, December 1, 2014

Wasting My Time

I have a small retail business, I am sure that I have mentioned it a few times.  From time to time, I have to vent about the mindless jack assery from people.  Today is one of those days.  On occasion I advertise  some of the things I have for sale in my store online.
I recently came to have a ton of baby items for sale. I have a double stroller, a regular stroller and baby swing and some other things for sale.  They are very fairly priced.  Last week a woman asked about the double stroller. She is in dire need of one and wanted to know if I would set it back for her until today. I said I would.  Well of course, she waited until the last moment to call and tell me her sob story. Money is tight. sob. They have too many bills this month.sob. Could I possible take less for the stroller??? I have a  one word answer in those situations. No.
And that deposit? Forget about it.
I am a huge lover of a bargain, believe me.  But to try and weasel like that is unacceptable.  I told two people last week that it was sold, hopefully one of them still needs a stroller. Keep your word people.
I have been through hard times.  I married an idiot and live in a town that is more crooked than a jigsaw puzzle.  I understand hard times.  I don't understand begging.  You can go through life on your feet or your knees.  The view is much better on your feet.
Which isn't to say that I don't have compassion for those in genuine need.  I do.  I believe that we all the obligation to help those who are less fortunate.  But if you think that your sob story is the ticket to free stuff, you would be wrong.  Offer to make payments.  Offer to do something besides work out your sad story and flex your palm.
Now that Christmas is almost here, I know the deluge of begging/sob stories will be endless.  Let me make it easier for you.  If you smoke, don't come begging from me.  If you can afford five bucks a day for your habit, you don't need my charity.  If you have cable, ditto.  I'm not trying to be a hard ass, but the world is full of choices.  Some are easy, some wait a while before they bite you in the butt.
Too many people get in the reflexive position of begging.  Stop.  I'll help you if you really need it, but don't take advantage of it.  Think about it. You'll thank me later

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