Friday, September 12, 2008

pedophiles are people,too

Here is my new favorite. The Walmart in Auburn, Indiana has those people greeters, or door greeters, whichever you prefer, the same as every other Walmart in the world. What you may not know is that they sometimes had a registered sex offender giving out stickers to the little kids as they come in the door. Sounds too crazy to believe, doesn't it? Now, I am the sort of person to let a person's past stay in the past, within reason. I believe that anyone can make a dumb mistake and they should be able to move forward from it. Within reason. When it comes to sex offenders, particularly involving children, I'll buy the bullets if that's the hold up on justice. But Walmart, God love 'em, had an associate at the door who is a registered sex offender,and he was a greeter on more than one occassion!! I appreciate someone handing me the cart, but not if it puts my kids at risk, you know? I thought the whole point of registering those people was to keep them away from children, and keep our children safer. I guess Walmart supercedes the whole child safety issue. It's great being the biggest company in the world, isn't it? So just to let you know, go to the sheriff's website in Indiana. You can find the link to the sex offenders in your area, complete with a picture of them, their address, and usually a work address. Take a good look at their faces, you never know when one will be welcoming you to your friendly neighborhood Walmart. You'll thank me later.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

The thought that some pervert is being given paid access to my daughter makes my skin crawl. Why don't they do background checks on people? The biggest company in the world could start another division of itself.(Please note heavy sarcasm here)