Sunday, September 14, 2008

holy crap are they crazy???

One of my favorite things about doing this is hearing from people. Since all of my p&m's (that's pissings and moanings) have been about the same wonder company, I have had several people send me links to different walmart hate sites. If you ever want to feel better about your circumstances, just go there and give those folks a look see. My favorite one of the moment is yeah. It is chock full of people who claim to hate their job, but then spend endless hours posting random bitching about it and the people on it. Okay. Being the more mature sort I elected to take my ball and go home. So there. Besides, I am hoping to bring more to the table than just an endless complaint about one place. Otherwise,it would be too much like the girl in highschool who had one crappy date with a guy, then talks about him for the next three months. I think we all went to school with her, didn't we? I always preferred the psuido slutty girl who thought she was hot because she let guys feel her up on the first date. Those girls were much more fun to laugh at. But before I get off point here, if you have a heartfelt complaint that you want to be heard, be it about walmart, or whatever, let's hear from you. And to the guy who keeps sending me those tacky, tasteless, demeaning, sexist blonde jokes; God bless you sir, keep up the good work! There's no sense it holding it in. Ulcers aren't worth it. Believe me,You'll thank me later.

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