Monday, September 8, 2008

Mr. Sam would be so proud

I started working for Walmart in 1999. I was a good employee. I drank the kool-aid, so to speak. I went from cashier to customer service manager in less then a year. I did what they asked of me, and spouted the company line. This is how they thanked me: In 2002 a crew of illegal aliens that was hired by a third party for walmart(that would be Midwest Maintenance) mixed bleach and ammonia. The chlorine gas that they created almost killed me. It left me with breathing problems that I still have today. Long story short Walmart sent me to a ringer-that is to say doctor-who said there was nothing wrong with me. My doctor ,who had been treating me for over two years, was amazed. Walmart cuts off all payment of medicine leaving me to get a part time job to pay for medicine from a problem they created. With me so far? Well, it gets better. The attorney that I hired to help me finds that the company that did this to me is scattered to the four winds. The "insurance" that they claimed to have had wasn't worth the paper it was printed on. It specifically excluded any damage from spills or chemical fumes that they might create. Exactly the sorts of accidents one might expect from a cleaning company,no? So I guess no one from Midwest Maintenance or Walmart bothered reading the papers that they required. So now, here I am. I can't be around cold or excessively humid conditions for long periods of time and I still cough blood sometimes. The insurance company went into bankruptcy, the language of the policy excludes me from any guarantee funds and the attorney I hired quit after sinking a lot of his own money into it.When I tried contacting my legislators and representatives, not one answered me. Not one. So if you are looking for fair treatment from your employer, or help from your elected officials, keep looking. And If you are voting and the names Mark Souder, Evan Bayh, or Dick Luger appear on your ballot, vote for none of the above. You'll thank me later.

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