Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If You're Going to Work in Indiana, Make Sure You Don't Get Hurt!!

If you go to work in your state and you get hurt there by no fault of your own, do you think you'll be set for life if you sue your employer? Not in Indiana you won't. Indiana, you see, like many other states is trying to do everything it can to lure businesses into the area. One of the things that it does to make this happen is give huge discounts on taxes and things for a while. Sounds good, doesn't it? But something else that it does may surprise you. In Indiana and many other states, if you get hurt at work because of the negligence of your employer, you are unable to sue them. Why, you ask, is that possible? Who would allow something so blatantly un-American to flourish? Silly rabbit, your elected officials did when they sold you out to big industry. They sold you out in the interest of creating more jobs in their district. And they think they did you a favor. Perhaps they will cozy up to you, put their arm around your shoulder to comfort you and whisper something soothing like,"In the unlikely event that you would get hurt, we have many safety measures in place. Workman's comp, for one." But what do you do if your employer is second only to the government in the number of employees it has, and it controls every aspect of the compensation process? Again, if you live in Indiana, you might consider getting a second job to pay for the medicine that the company says you no longer need, even though your Doctor is pretty sure that you do. What does he or she know anyway? He or she only went to four years of college, four years of medical school, and three to five years specializing in their area of expertise. An elected official probably has a high school diploma, at the very least. Never mind if their misdirected policies have cost you your home, your car and your credit rating, they probably know what is best for you. Scary isn't it? Thank God the media isn't obsessed with a working mother who may or may not have voted to take money on a pork barrel project. No doubt your repeated attempts to contact them will be met with tons of interest.Someday. But in the mean time,hang in there. This sort of thing can't happen to you or someone you care about, right?Riiiiiight. (Shades of Dr. Evil) Just be careful at work. Very, very careful. You'll thank me later.

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