Monday, December 26, 2011

Fast (not so much) and Furious (I'm getting there)

If anyone could explain to me why Eric Holder is still drawing a paycheck from the Federal Government, I would love to hear it.  He is belligerent, combative, and willfully ignorant at any given moment.  Yet B.O. is standing by him by not pressuring him to quit.  While I understand that they are both in this debacle up to their eyes, it would be great if perhaps the msm could put down their coffee and take a look see.
How many people have they promoted for keeping their mouth shut? How many people have they punished for having the temerity to rat out the one?
B.O. and Holder are both in this up to their felonious necks and the msm could not give a crap about it.  I promise you that if this had been an administration with an (R) behind their name, this would be the only bone these dogs could chew.
It angers me that I have to do so much work to find out real information.  The media have spent years telling me that they would take care of this for me, and now it seems that they are in the pocket of the very ones who are screwing me over.  So the mistreatment and malfeasance is okay if the media likes who is doing it?
And it looks as though that useless Janet Napolitano from Homeland Security knew about the felonious activity of the current administration as well.  There are memos that discuss the parties involved lying to Congress.  I thought you went to jail for that.
It is high time that an independent counsel is appointed to ferret out who all lied about this and how far up it goes.  I am a betting woman, I believe it will stop somewhere in the Oval Office.  If B.O. didn't know about this, he is grossly incompetent, as are the stooges that he put in charge of the whole mess.  I guess that makes Eric Holder- Larry, Ms. Napolitano- Curly, and Lanny Breuer would be Shemp, no doubt. That leaves the role of Moe to B.O. Anyone who doesn't think he is up to this all the way to the arrogant tilt of his head should check out the fine selection of bridges I have to sell.

I'd be happy to give him [oral sex] just to thank him for keeping abortion legal." Nina Burleigh said that while working for Time Magazine.

These are the people that we trust to tell us what is going on in the world with the people we have hired to take care of things.  That scares me to death.  It's rather like having the crack addict watch over your things while you are away. You can trust them, riiiiiight.
So there are countless people who are dead or injured because of the attempt by the current administration to infringe on our Constitutional right to carry arms. Obama told Sarah Brady that there were things in the works and to be patient.  If George W. Bush had been a part of this, hysterical fools would be holding up bloody hands and fawning for the gullible media. 
There would be INTENSE scrutiny in the officers who had been forced to move to lesser assignments, punished in various ways for telling the truth.  Even though this is illegal, it goes on constantly with the current administration.You can find it, you just have to look beyond the msm and their party line.
Double check everything you are told by the msm.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas or Up Yours- You Decide

     I hope that we all have a Merry Christmas.  I say that because I am a christian, and Christmas is what I celebrate.  I don't go in for all of the commercialism and constant selling of the Holiday.  I just like to celebrate the birth of a man who was willing to be crucified for me.  Some years back, my middle son asked me if we would make a birthday cake for Jesus.  I loved the idea of it, and I've been doing it ever since.  It is his birthday we are celebrating and the cake brings it home for my family.
     I can hear all of the atheists and what not.  I know that Jesus was most likely born some time in April or May.  I know that the Church decided to move Christmas to make it easier for sun worshipers to acclimate to the Holiday and convert to Christianity.  You know what?  I   don't   care.  If it brought them into a relationship with my savior, good on them.
     In recent years, the holiday had been hijacked by the politically correct.  When I worked at Walmart- I was told not to say "Merry Christmas" but rather "Happy Holidays." I guess some of those folks who are perpetually looking for something to complain about found something.  I will wish you a Happy Hanukkah if you celebrate that, or if you buy into the idea of Kwanzaa- okay, happy Kwanzaa.  It is rather like Festivus- but I'll wish you a happy one- just let me know.
     I laughed myself silly the first time I saw the episode of Seinfeld that mentioned Festivus.  I laughed even harder when I discovered the true roots of 'Kwanzaa'.  Politically correct? Probably not, but if the p c crowd ever do any digging, they may try to ban that episode, the way they banned the episode where Kramer's idiocy accidentally lit a Puerto Rican flag on fire.
     My Mother is an acerbic woman. She can be brutal at times, but often funny.  Several days ago, she told me that she is at the point of saying "Merry Christmas" or '**&@;!  You' , just tell her which one you want to hear.  I laughed for five minutes. I have to agree with her. It is a little blistering, but I think that it may be time to push back on this one.
     Tell me the other Holiday that has a tree.  Arbor Day does not count.  B.O. calling it a 'holiday tree' is the abject cowardice I would expect from a follower of Reverend Wright.  I think political correctness is one of the dumber things I contend with almost daily.
     I hate the politically correctness of Happy Holidays. Just tell me what you celebrate and I will wish a Happy One of those.  But don't ask my Mother about it, trust me.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tit for tat

So finally the SCOTUS is going to take a look at Obamacare and decide if the government can force me to purchase health insurance.  I have been curious about this for a while, because if they can force me to buy health insurance, can they make me stop buying Diet Coke, which I dearly love?  After all, if you give a lab rat the equivalent of 6 quarts of diet soda with aspartame every day for a long time, they will develop tumors.  While I think six quarts of anything everyday for extended periods is a bad idea, I'll try to stay on point.
How long until the government-which has always known what is best for me, just ask them-can decide other things that are important to me?
I have a car with T-tops.  They could be dangerous in an accident if I rolled over.  Will they be outlawed?  How about lard?  It isn't good for me at all, but the best biscuits in the world must have a combination of lard and buttermilk in order to be delicious.  Will the government ban my Dad's biscuit recipe?
How about smoking?  While B.O. claims to be tobacco free-he even released his physical to prove it-he is still working those nicotine lozenges pretty good.  You seem them in all of the "candid" photo ops that try to show how hard he works between junkets with the fam.
My point is, there are so many better ways to deal with the insurance problems.  Making insurance available to be sold across state lines would be a great way to raise the competition and lower the price.  See, competition is good.  When businesses have to compete for your money, they work harder and give you a better value.  If Obamacare is allowed to stand, the competition will eventually be wiped out until the only thing left is the government insurance and ask Canada and Great Britain how that socialized medicine thing is working out for them.  Long waits, people dying before they are properly seen, sounds great doesn't it?  That's what's in store if this crap isn't repealed.
But to get back on point-the Obama appointee Kagan worked for the government when Obamacare was being foisted on us.  She helped to defend this socialized crap when she worked for the Department of Justice.  She was never fully vetted(she has a vagina,she is a liberal, what more do they need) and now she is going to make a decision on the very thing she said was legal in the first place?  Sounds like she gets to judge the pies at the county fair after making one for the contest, doesn't it?   I wonder how she will decide, don't you?
On the other hand is one of my favorite judges- Clarence Thomas.  Or as I have come to think of him, the 80's version of Herman Cain.  The biased main stream media have hated his guts for years.  They found a woman to accuse him of something that may or may not have happened ten years prior.(Sound familiar?) While the alleged action was disgusting- if it did in fact happen- why would you wait 10 years to complain about it? 
Anyway, Judge Thomas's wife doesn't like Obamacare and has said so publicly.  Yes, you read that right- his wife doesn't like the bill.  So apparently, Judge Thomas is so swayed by his wife's charms, that he would be unable to render a fair decision. Crap, I couldn't get my useless ex husband to be faithful and not steal his children's college funds, how do they expect Mrs. Thomas to be able to influence a Supreme Court Judge?
So on one side-helped to decide if the law would be legal; on the other side has a spouse that doesn't like it.  Oh, yeah, that seems the same,what do you think?
I hope the individual mandate is shot down.  I am scared to think of what all the government would force me to buy-or not buy- if they could.
John Adams said, "Liberty once lost, is lost forever."  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tell me What Racism Looks Like Again

Racism in any form is disgusting to me.  Those that cling to it lack some sort of chromosome, perhaps the compassion gene.  I do hope that you will consider the political affiliation of those spewing the following hatred. 
I have seen racism my whole life.  It has gone both ways, I have seen some very ugly things from all races, and it saddens me.  I was married to a moron whose Father dropped the N word like nobodies business.  He thought it was okay, what can I say, he never got out much.  He also had a lot of friends that were pedophiles, but that's a story for another time.  I was looking around the internet (thanks algore) and found some of these gems.  The media-such as it is-has largely ignored these little bon mots.   I wonder why that is unless they have an agenda.  Think about the incredible ugliness that is in these words, they take my breath away.  Practice tolerance.  You'll thank me later.
“Let’s not even deal with the facts right now. Let’s deal with just our blackness and pride — and loyalty,” Joyner wrote on blog. “We have the chance to re-elect the first African-American president, and that’s what we ought to be doing. And I’m not afraid or ashamed to say that as black people, we should do it because he’s a black man.”

"The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people. ... God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme." ... "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye." ... "We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost." ... "We started the AIDS virus ... as a means of genocide against people of color." --Barack Obama's pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, in various sermons
"For the first time in my adult lifetime I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change." --Michelle Obama

"And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," Obama said

Monday, November 28, 2011

Did This Surprise You?

So the "super" committee fell on its useless butt and proved to be a gigantic waste of time, but is anyone surprised?  This thing was designed to fail, just the presence of John Kerry proves that.  Now we have to contend with the draconian cuts to the military that should leave us wide open to the next terrorist attack.
Based on the supposition that even a broken clock is right twice a day, there is no way that B.O. is doing this by accident.  He wants to gut the U.S. military and make us more dependent on the UN.  He wants us not to be exceptional, he has said as much.  He would really like to see our days of world leadership come to an end.
I keep holding my breath (as much as I can, anyway) and waiting for the next guy in the White House.  I only hope that he doesn't screw it up too much.
Why couldn't this committee go over the budget line by line and remove the stupid stuff.  Do we really need to subsidize all the ridiculous research that we do?  How about that "loan" to Solyndra?  Could we start with some of those things and go from there?
With all of the opportunities to save money, there is no way to believe that this group was sent there to succeed.  I hope that people wise up.  I believe that we need to make it more difficult for the incumbents to continue keeping their snouts in the government trough.
Did you know that it is not illegal for members of Congress to use insider trading to enrich themselves? Why do you think Harry Reid and Ms. Pelosi are so much more wealthy now, then when they got elected?  There should be no crime that doesn't apply to our elected officials. Call your elected officials and ask them how they feel about this.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What Are You Thankful For?

I've been thinking about this for quite a while.  I like to think that I have been more fortunate than most, I have healthy happy children, I no longer have to waste my weekends watching would be race drivers turn left and crash, I am mostly fortunate.
I was reading that the things the poor have are actually pretty nice things.  I am glad that we are all managing to do well at all, when you consider things.  In a little less than a year, we will have the opportunity fix a horrid mistake made almost four years ago.
I am thankful that my children are healthy. I am thankful that they are intelligent and that they don't take after their Father very much. (Speak the truth and shame the devil) I am also very thankful for the friends that I have, especially the ones who have stood by me through thick and through thin.
I wish that people weren't so complicated, but I am thankful that the things they teach me make me a better person.
I am thankful for my dog Calliope.She has a thing for stealing tomatoes and bananas, but overall, she is a wonderful dog.  I hope that we will all be better off in a year, I hope that every need we have is met.  Hold your loved ones a little closer, smell their hair and love them. You never know what is coming.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, November 14, 2011 project=B.O.

I get very annoyed when someone tells me to check the truth of something by running it past  I don't agree with most of the "answers" that they provide, and I really don't care for the political spin that they give their answers.  I went looking to see who pays the bills over there, much like I was curious about who was paying for the astroturf movement over on WallStreet.  You know, "the purely organic, spontaneous group"* who want a minimum wage of twenty dollars, forgiveness of all credit debt and free college educations for any one who wants one.
So I did a little online research (thanks algore) and found that the organization known as gets the majority of their money from a foundation called the Annenberg Project. This Project is formally known as Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University Of Pennsylvania.  
Guess who ran the Chicago branch of the Annenburg Project?  I big cigar to the first person who emails me the name Barrak Hussein Obama.  Does anyone else see the connection?
Think about this the next time you check some random fact with  They have an agenda and you need to know what it is.  You can thank me later.

Monday, November 7, 2011

We Overpay the Post Office

I got up early this morning so that I could remember to mail something. It's not that unusual, my memory being what it is, I write myself lists all the time.  I set a piece of mail out to go first thing this morning.  Here is what happened:
The postal carrier did not pick it up. When I called the Auburn, Indiana Post Office, I was told that if I don't have mail to be delivered, the carrier does not stop to pick up the mail. When I complained, he laughed at me and told me a different version of "good luck with that."
What are we paying for?  The Post Office needs to be scrapped and replaced with a private company that will not lose 4 billion dollars a year.  So then I went online to get a number to call the Post Office and (surprise!) got a machine and was asked to leave a message.  After I did that, I went online to get a number to speak to someone.  I was asked to call back because his system wasn't working. I was on hold for almost 15 minutes before someone picked up my call.
When did the Post Office quit working for us?  They have the nicest benefits package around, and the salary they receive is pretty dang nice. also.
When ever I go to the Post Office to stand in line-I love wasting 20 minutes in a line when there are 8 people standing around behind the screen-it's the same routine. Long line spanning out the door, one person taking her sweet time to wait on customers, 8 other people standing or walking around.
If the Post Office does away with Saturday delivery, they may as well shut the door.  The cost of a stamp has gone up 340% since I was little, and the service is horrid.  The mail carrier I am cursed with must double back almost every week to give me my mail that he forgot.  I was waiting for an important package that he simply did not deliver for three days.
Thank God for the web site that allows you to track your packages. It was through that that I found out my package had been delivered to my local Post Office at 3 that morning. The carrier did not give me the package because I did not have any mail to pick up I guess. Either way, I made a call to the local branch, and after explaining that I KNEW it was in, the useless carrier circled back around and gave me my package.  What was he going to do with it?  Of course, being the same carrier that couldn't deliver my mail correctly when I moved EXACTLY ONE BLOCK NORTH, I do not expect much.
So far, I have been on hold for over forty minutes, and have been given a false number to continue with my complaint.
It turns out that the crap about not stopping if you don't have mail to be delivered is a lie. Golly, lied to by the Post Office, who would have thunk it!
Call your elected officials, ask them why this monument to incompetence is still in business losing your tax dollars hand over fist.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Express Platinum is a Giant Scam

I have a friend who thought he was going to have an aneurysm because of a scam involving Express Platinum Card.  He received an unsolicited call from this group offering him a credit card from their company. (I have told him to get himself on the no call list, but he doesn't listen.)
He told the guy to send him the information in the mail, he doesn't do this kind of business on the phone.  Fast forward eight days and he sees that he has ninety nine dollars missing from his account.  A little research and voila! he finds that Express Platinum has high jacked his money!  The bank that he uses tells him that it will take ten days to research and return the money if it was fraudulent.  The next time I spoke to him, he was in high dudgeon over the idea of losing access to his money for one third of the month.
So we went online and finally found this place.   You will find two phone numbers, if you keep digging.  I used the 877.536.0076 number. You will get a  system that tries to direct you to an answering machine. If you skip over all of the "customer service" crappola and press one to sign up, you will get a real live person.  After several attempts, I got the "manager" who is also the voice for all of the message prompts. Coincidence? You decide.
Finally, after asking to speak to a manager, I had a conversation with this guy who claims he is in charge.  He needs to "review" the taped conversation to determine if my friend did in fact sign up for the card.  When I told him that I also was taping the conversation, he hung up on me.  When I called back, he told me I was being rude and he would "help" if I would let him speak uninterrupted. Hooey. He hung up again.  After six more calls to the toll free numbers that are provided, I was able to speak to this same manager again.  He sounds like a guy who is working out of his Mom's basement, and their is no physical address for this place.
Can you say scam?  Call your bank if you get caught up in this mess, have them begin the process of recovering your money.  Then call your local prosecutors, and the better business bureau. You can get your money back if your are unfortunate enough to have any dealings with this scurrilous company. It just takes a little work and patience.  Better yet, avoid them like the plague, you'll thank me later.

Monday, October 24, 2011


I am not proud of the pleasure that I am taking at someone else's pain today. I hope that by writing this, maybe I can stop taking so much pleasure.  Don't bet on it, though. But I am trying.  I don't think that there is any good to be had from growing your pain in a special place.
I don't see the logic in those people who remember every slight that has ever happened to them, every snub, every injustice. I was married to an idiot who came from a long line of them.  His father could recite every snub, every hurt, every person who ever did him harm.  His Father has a mistress to whom he gave his son's comic books.  Yes, this happened about 1956.  But in 2000, he was still harping on it, still nursing that grudge over a man that had died in 1969.
He also complained about a nephew that would come over and scope out the gifts from some relative. In 1980, mind you. Of course, he was nice to his face, which he saw twice a year, but the rest of the time, not so much. Don't get me started on the niece who is a practicing hypochondriac.  Apparently she got the trait from her Mother and has since passed it on. Nothing says happy Holidays like spending them with the people you hear bad mouthed for 363 days of the year.
Ask me if I miss that slice of crazy from my life, go ahead.
But before I took my little trip down thank-God-I never-have-to eat-another-bad-meal-land, I was thinking about the pleasure I am clearly taking that I shouldn't be.  I'll ask my Priest for advice this Saturday and hope I can stop.  Hope you are having a great week, keep calling your elected officials about Operation Fast and Furious and those who are dead thanks to B.O. You can thank me later.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Yes, Michelle, All This For a Flag

I am seldom surprised by these two.  I guess when your expectations are at rock bottom they really have no where to go.  And then someone pointed out this video on youtube to me.

So in my utter horror that someone this ignorant, this ungracious, this unfeeling, this self absorbed parks her stupid butt in OUR White House, I occasionally write down responses.

Yes, Michelle, all this for the flag that flies over the brave men and women who tirelessly defend your right to shoot off your stupid mouth.
Yes, Michelle, all this for the flag that symbolizes over two hundred years of a country that you have only recently found it in yourself to be proud of.
Yes, Michelle, all of this for the flag that has enabled you to host countless friends and family in the most luxurious of surroundings.
Yes, Michelle, all of this for the flag that flies over the helicopter that flies your dog on a separate flight to whichever getaway you have chosen this week.
It doesn't help that your husband nods in cynical agreement, but then the two of you deserve each other.

In a little over one year we will have the opportunity to remove this blight from our  White House.  Make sure you inform yourself and register to vote. Then make doubly sure you vote. You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Paid to Occupy Wall Street

I had a political disagreement with  my Mother this morning. For those of you that know me, this is no shock.  My Mother is a wonderful woman who had the strength to raise us almost unassisted, yet politically, we are oil and water.
I was telling her about the information that I found showing that is funding the demonstration on WallStreet.  You know the one, the purely organic, born of frustration, regular folks who have had enough. I've got one word for that: Astroturf.
It turns out that the people, the purely organic, born of frustration folks who have just had enough, got quite a bit of dough from the first stimulus fund.  That is no shock given that John Podesta, the brain trust who used to work for the slick willie white house organized the group from the beginning.
I would like for Darryl Issa to take a look at this for me.
He seems to be the only Congressman who has the time to check up on this White House and their shenanigans. I know that he has quite a bit going on, what with Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama attempt to create a controversy and end run our Constitutional Right to bear arms.  Someone said something about never letting a crisis go to waste.  Who was that again?
But before I get off track, remind yourself that the purely organic, born of frustration folks who just happen to be bankrolled by the federal government are not an attempt to create a liberal Tea Party.  The Tea Party movement is actually a grass roots movement. They are people like me who have had enough of a federal government that forgot it works for us. That got so busy trying to secure the next paycheck that it forgot about the peoples' business.
If I had known their was money to be had by hanging out with my buds, not bathing and making inane sound bytes for the cameras, I might have looked into the Astroturf movement holding Wall Street hostage right now.Probably not, though. I don't have that much hypocrisy in me.
Besides, I don't use all the cool gadgets that these astroturfers seem to have.  Do you see the irony in the protest against corporate greed by a group of slackers who use every modern technology they can get their hands on?  The irony is deafening.
Ask your elected officials to look into the stimulus money that Podesta got for Ask them to explain why your tax dollars are funding these astroturfers.  Then ask them what they plan to do about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, October 3, 2011

B.O. May Have Helped Kill More People than Ted Bundy

I keep waiting for the media-outside of FOX NEWS that is- to start reporting on Operation Fast and Furious. I keep waiting to see the numbers in black and white scrolling across the screen on CNN or (fat chance) MSNBC. Or course if I am watching MSNBC then, their viewers will skyrocket to 19.
There are at least two people dead on the American side because of B.O.'s negligence and the numbers keep climbing south of the border. The last figure I could find was about two hundred.  Let that number sink in for a moment.  There are two hundred people who will never enjoy their families again thanks to Barrack Hussein Obama.
If this is not impeachable, please tell me what is.  Nixon was sent packing for simply covering up a break in.  A third rate robbery, no lives lost, not real harm done.  He was sent packing.  Can you imagine if one person had died because of that?  Holy monkey, Nixon would have died in jail.
Instead, we have this guy, this idiot, this moron who is openly promoting class warfare and killing our economy with every chance he gets.  And while I knew the msm was in his pocket (much like they are for any liberal) I did not expect them to be this willfully ignorant.
Eric Holder's Department of "Justice" has either promoted or transferred just about anyone involved in this heaping pile of poo.  Please keep in mind that Nixon did not know about the robbery before hand, he only tried to cover it up once he did know.  Mr. Holder should be cooling his heels in a cell for contempt of Congress.
There should be a much more active investigation- special prosecutor, anyone?-into the obvious effort to cover this up and make it go away.
Over two hundred people are dead and it is the fault of Barrack Hussein Obama.  Call or email your elected officials and ask them if they are okay with that.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I'll do the Yard Work for Whoever Can Tell Me Who the Tool With Red Hair Is

     I'll do free yardwork for anyone who can tell me who the red haired piece of work is in this video.  Why isn't he being investigated, or even removed from his position?  If this is the face of the union that they are trying to use for sympathy, they might want to rethink their efforts.
     Why don't they want more public scrutiny?  Is it because when you have a tool like this in your toolbox, you don't want the public to know about it?  What was he thinking, and why is it that he only chose to run his obnoxious mouth when the camera was on him?
     If this school is such a threat to the public schools in his area, perhaps the public schools should rethink their mission.  I send my sons to a Catholic school for many reasons.  One of the biggest reasons is that I want them to get the best education possible, and public schools are failing miserably in that area.
     When I was in school, the United States of America led the world in everything.  We had the highest rank for high school graduates, literacy, and those choosing to further their education.  Then, President Ford pardoned President Nixon.  In retrospect, it was the best thing for the country.  At the time, the general population lost their minds.  The fury at Nixon being pardoned absolutely drove the push to put someone completely outside of the D.C. mind set in the Oval Office.
     Unfortunately, we got Carter.  What a dandy, yes?  Iran made us look weak and ineffectual.  The mission to save the hostages made us look weaker and even more ineffectual.  His answer to coal skyrocketing in price?  Put on a sweater.  But the worst thing he did was give the unions a gift wrapped thankyouthankyouthankyou in the form of the Department of Education.  Since the creation of this Union gimme in 1979, the teachers in our public schools have under performed and our children pay the price.
     Fast forward to 2011, and you have Governors who are starting to get it.  Chris Christie in New Jersey and Scott Walker in Wisconsin have told the teachers "no" and the unions and their stooges are having a giant hissy fit.  I respect the lady who is being assaulted in this video-and she is being assaulted.  The fact that this loser chose to do it for the camera to see says volumes about him, I think, but I'll leave his other inadequacies out of this.  I hope he is outed and shamed in public.
So if you know who he is, send me an email and I'll let everyone else know who this piece of work is.  You can thank me later.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Paid Commentors

I read a lot. I have said before that I would rather read a good book instead of have a bad conversation.  Books can take you anywhere you want to be.  I will read the cereal box in the morning if that's my only option.  So it should come as no surprise that I read the comments section after articles online almost more than the article itself.
I have come to realize that there are an awful lot of paid commentary in those things.  They are easy to spot. Look for the same name to be involved in provocative statements.  Click on the name of the idiot in question.  Nine times out of ten, you will find a profile that is less than a year old.  Most times the profile is only a few weeks old.
Who is paying for this?  I can only hope that the same geniuses that got good Officers killed with Operation Fast and Furious had some left over money to pay for this. How creepy is it when a government actually has people paid to stir up the masses with their talking points.  I ask the folks who continuously spout the party line what they get paid for their "clever" regurgitation of the current talking points.  I never get a response.
If you delve into these comment sections you can see for yourself.  Ask yourself who stands to gain from these snippets of support. Ask yourself who could organize something like this. Then ask yourself how much you are willing to pay these people with your tax dollars while you struggle to fill your gas tank.  You'll thank me later.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Pedophile is a Pedophile

There is a movement by the American Psychiatric Board to change the label people use on those horrible people who prey on children. While I am perfectly happy with the word 'pedophile' or for that matter, how about waste of human life, there is a movement to have these horrid cretins relabeled as "minor- attracted." Spare me.Is this the same as telling me that alcoholism is a disease instead of a lack of will power and self control?
Now before I get an inbox full of people who are offended at being compared to a vile scum that harms children, ease off that keyboard.  I am saying that I do not believe that alcoholism is a disease, and I do not think that pedophilia is a disease either.  I am not equating the two in any way. Okay? Okay.
But as for this push for pedophiles, if they are freshly relabeled, will they then be eligible for disability? What do you think?  How does it sit with you, knowing that your hard earned taxes are going to pay the living expenses of not only the ones already on the government tit who don't deserve it, but also, the disgusting animals who prey on small children.  Kind of makes you want to call someone and get involved, doesn't it?  Go ahead and help stop this atrocity.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 5, 2011

September 11th

The worst anniversary in American history is almost here.  There aren't enough words to describe how awful that day was or how angry it still makes me feel. I was working at the happiest retail store in the world when it happened.  Before work, I stopped at my Mother's for a cup of coffee and she had it on the television when I got there. Actually, it was all the televisions every where, there was just no getting away from it.
 I recall some of the geniuses of the day, as well.  I believe Bill Maher managed to get himself fired from ABC for opining that we had it coming.  I think of that little bon mot whenever I avoid whatever it is that he is selling. I do not have HBO for that same reason. Any company that is interested in giving him a paycheck doesn't need my money.
There were lots of other incredibly stupid things that were said.  Most of them came days, weeks, or even months later as the strain of trying to appear patriotic was just too much for most liberals.
“As a result of the [9/11] attack and the killing of nearly 3,000 innocent people, we invaded two countries and killed innocent people in their countries.... Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America.” -- Rosie O’Donnell on ABC’s “The View,” Sept. 12, 2006.
So much for being the queen of nice.  Abandoning normality and becoming a lesbian really put an edge on Rosie, didn't it?
Don't get me started on Sean Penn, the genius who visited Iraq at the invitation of Saddam Hussein.  I guess when he came back and told me how great it is there, he missed the tour of the rape rooms, or the thousands  of Kurds who were victims of genocide thanks to Sean's pal.  Hard to believe Madonna was the smarter of the two, isn't it?  It must be that ridiculous affected accent she uses now.  English always sound smarter, don't they?   
But if you are looking for the most stupid per pound in liberal hypocrisy, look no further than the unparalleled Micheal Moore. 

"I would like to apologize for referring to George W. Bush as a 'deserter.' What I meant to say is that George W. Bush is a deserter, an election thief, a drunk driver, a WMD liar, and a functional illiterate. And he poops his pants"
Nice civility yes?
So hold your loved ones a little closer today. Remember how very lucky you are to be able to do that. And more than anything, God bless America.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Where is This Baby Store?

I don't own a television for a very good reason. There is only crap on it these days.  I have spoken at length about the last two programs that I watched, and since Dexter is 12 weeks out of the year, I opt not to have the noise for the other 40 weeks.
But in my store   JJDA'S VERY NEEDFUL THINGS LLC   I have a television on when a customer wants to see how it works.  I have noticed an alarming trend that forces me to ask one question.  Where are all of these celebrities buying their babies?
I used to work with a wonderful woman when I was still at the happiest retail establishment on earth.  She and her husband had been trying to have a baby for years when they decided to adopt.  They are stable, normal, hard working, and non crazy.  No history of abuse of any sort, just all around great people.  They went through the twenty miles of hoops to begin adopting a baby.
They also went through the added hoops of fostering a small child in the hopes of having a son or daughter that way.  They are still waiting, not for a baby, but to find the end to the red tape that will allow them to take their new son home with them.
Another friend of mine went through two years of back and forth trying to bring home a Vietnamese child.  Two years and fifty some thousand dollars later, the little girl is still not here.
So how is it that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie can pick up those children like I grab chicken take out after a long day at the shop?
From all the literature I have seen, there are quite a few steps to foreign adoptions, and as I am watching my friend go through it, quite a lot of time involved too.  The idea of just hopping a flight and picking up your fifth, sixth,or eighth child seems wrong to me.
It's not that I don't want to see these poor children find happiness and joy in the United States or where ever the celebrity has dragged them this week for the necessary photo op or cover shot, I just wish I knew where this baby store with no red tape is located.
I would be more than happy to tell my friends and they could thank me later.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What Did He Know and When Did He Know It?

So far the useless media has been almost mute regarding the investigation into Operation Fast and Furious.  Other that some stonewalling from the "most transparent administration      EVER" B.O. really hasn't had many prepared sound bytes for the ongoing investigation. Holder has had gobs and gobs of delay tactics not to mention memos to personnel advising them to shut their pie holes.
 And then I found this :

Call your elected officials and ask them why no one else is making a big deal about murdered Americans that the msm won't cover.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, August 15, 2011

S&P Downgrade

The head of the DNC told me that they own the economy now.  I think she is an idiot, but I do agree with what she said.  The Democrats and B.O. own this economy, no question.  Truman famously had a plaque on his desk that stated "the Buck Stops Here" and the current administration not only has the stopped buck, they have taxed it 60 %.
I read that S&P downgraded our economy specifically because we did not cut enough spending. I also read the talking points ad nauseum from the left of the aisle.  "Hostage takers", "terrorists", "armed thieves", "murderers",  "crazy kidnappers" from the likes of Senator Kerry, Wasserman- Schwartz, Biden, Reid, and Schumer.
I also read that it will take at least eight years for this upgrade to disappear. Good job.
I am very angry when I hear that they are blaming the Tea Party for this.  The Tea Party is doing exactly what I sent them there to do.
When I first went to a Tea Party event, it was because I was scared to death at the run away spending from the joker in the White House right now. Obamacare had just been shoved through, and the always striking Pelosi told me that they had to pass it, so I could see what was in it.  I missed the part where it was published online for three days before they voted on it. Did you?
Why is it that The New York Times can beg for people to volunteer to rake through the emails of Sarah Palin on the desperate chance that they would find something incriminating.  They found nothing, of course, but why wasn't the same fervor applied to the abomination that is Obamacare?
Would they have found that I am now forced to provide free birth control pills to any one that wants them?  What if abortifacients are morally reprehensible to me?  I don't see where I can opt out of paying for them, do you?
This is just one example of the crap that got stuffed into Obamacare while no one was minding the switch.
I also read that the reason S&P was downgrading us into the likes of Belgium was because we have failed to get a handle on out entitlement programs.  Social Security  and Medicare are a giant ponzi scheme that will bankrupt my generation and my children's as well.
Rand Paul crafted a budget that would have had a squared away our problems in ten years. The Senate's response by Harry Reid was to table the bill without a vote. Well done.
In the end, there is one person who is in charge if this mess. He bragged , " We won."
You did alright, Obama. now claim your prize: the first downgrade of our credit since WWII. Well done.
Remember this in November. You'll thank me later.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Wikipedia Vs The News of the World

Wikipedia suborned treason when they encouraged a U.S. military member to steal thousands of military secrets and then in turn published those stories on their website.  Embarrassing facts came to light. Thankfully we were not in a war where those secrets could have caused more damage then they did.  There was a Navy poster from World War II that stated "Loose Lips Sink Ships" and Wikipedia would have sunk a whole fleet with their reckless release of state secrets.
Liberal idiots en mass cried foul, defending the right to know.
Fast forward to the tabloid News of the World. The same liberal idiots are screaming for the literal and punitive destruction of the tabloid because it used less than legal means to acquire the information it used to embarrass various people of note.  What is the difference you ask?  You wonder about the double standard, perhaps?  What could it be? Let's see:  On the one hand we have a blatantly homosexual member of the Armed Forces with an issue with DODT.  His solution to his dislike of the policy that he has sworn to uphold is treason. Liberals from one hill to the other are screaming for the release and protection of this traitor.
On the other hand, in a very similar scenario, A tabloid owned by the corporation run by Rupert Murdoch, enemy number one to those left of center, has been using less than ethical means to find and publish the unsavory private details about officials and others in Europe.  The same bellowing crescendo over Wikipedia becomes a chorus of crickets in regards to News of the World. 
Calls for an investigation in the United States over actions in Europe seem like a giant colossal waste of my taxes.  I like FOX News. It's a nice change of pace from the government sponsored talking points on CBS,NBC,ABC, MSNBC,and CNN.
So is it okay to release damaging information if you are a liberal with malicious intent toward the United States? Ask the folks in charge, and maybe you can thank me later.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mathew Bartlett vs Casey Anthony

Mathew Bartlett                                                                           Casey Anthony

Employed by TGIFridays                                                             Unemployed

Displayed his middle finger to the prosecuting attorney                   Accused of  killing her daughter and
                                                                                                     leaving her to rot in the woods  
of the Anthony trial                                                                        Accused of not notifying the police that  
                                                                                                     daughter was missing for 30 days

Convicted of contempt, ordered to pay fine of $ 400                     Convicted of lying to police, $4000 fine
 plus $233 in court costs and serve five days in jail
Will return to job waiting tables 25k                                               After serving less than a two weeks in 
                                                                                                     jail, leaves in private jet to undisclosed 
                                                                                                     location with potential offers worthmillions 

Properly chastised by Judge                                                          Acquitted by morons who quickly whored  
                                                                                                     their stories



I am sure to the waiter at TGIFridays it seemed like a true act of defiance to flip off the Prosecutor in the Anthony Case. Great parenting by his folks, yes?  But what about the background of the idiots who "cried" and "hated having to do it" who let a heartless killer free to pursue the life she dreamed of before being saddled with a precious baby girl?
I heard on the news today that the judge will release the names of the "Idiot Twelve" in October and there is some concern over their safety. Unlike the woman who is not guilty-but it doesn't mean innocent-I hope this bothers them for the rest of their days. They deserve it. They let a baby killer go free.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Political Indoctrination

Do you wonder why other countries are kicking our butts when it comes to education? Perhaps this will help.  I lifted this verbatim from a freecycle site that I read all of the time. This is one more reason I am proud to send my children to private school.

Hello all:

I am cleaning out my classroom and have some pretty good stuff to give away if you are a primary school teacher, a homeschool parent or maybe just someone with seriously left-leaning tendencies (like me!). Here's what I've got:

Heifer Project: storybook, VHS (!), cd-rom and other curricular support materials for their "Read to Feed" program

Teaching Tolerance: four copies of the book "Starting Small," a songbook, some curriculum material (including another VHS - yes, these have been on my shelf a long time)

Amnesty: a banner, some postcards and pamphlets, a copy of the activist toolkit and other assorted stuff - this one makes me really sad because we used to have an AI group at my school, but there just wasn't enough interest to continue - but you could pick up the banner (literally and figuratively)!

Please respond to this msg or TEXT me at 348-XXXX

I hope that someone can make use of these materials. They are in great shape and promote great causes.


Ask your child's teachers about their beliefs. Find out what they are teaching your children besides the basics.   You'll thank me later.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The New B.O. Drinking Game

After watching B.O. fumble his way through another adulation meeting  press conference, I got tired of listening to his spin after about three minutes. While my mind was wondering, I realized that he may be the worst public speaker in the history of the um, uhh, that is to say, world.
If you are looking for a game to get yourself inebriated (at home or a safe environment, of course) watch a taped public speaking event for B.O.Now this must be one without the usual teleprompter, okay.  Take a drink every time he says any of the following : uh, umm, err, arr, eruh, mmm, hnn, and my personal favorite- erunh.
Three statements in you will be pie eyed, toasted, blotto, tipsy plus.
And remember these words when B.O. is yammering through another plea for raising the debt ceiling :       "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies.
Over the past 5 years, our federal debt has increased by $3.5 trillion to $8.6 trillion.That is “trillion” with a “T.” That is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers. And over the next 5 years, between now and 2011, the President’s budget will increase the debt by almost another $3.5 trillion.
Numbers that large are sometimes hard to understand. Some people may wonder why they matter. Here is why: This year, the Federal Government will spend $220 billion on interest. That is more money to pay interest on our national debt than we’ll spend on Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. That is more money to pay interest on our debt this year than we will spend on education, homeland security, transportation, and veterans benefits combined. It is more money in one year than we are likely to spend to rebuild the devastated gulf coast in a way that honors the best of America.
And the cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the Federal budget. This rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy, robbing our cities and States of critical investments in infrastructure like bridges, ports, and levees; robbing our families and our children of critical investments in education and health care reform; robbing our seniors of the retirement and health security they have counted on.
Every dollar we pay in interest is a dollar that is not going to investment in America’s priorities."
Senator Barack Obama
Senate Floor Speech on Public Debt
March 16, 2006                                                  
You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Revenue" Fundraisers

There are plenty of euphemisms that irritate me. The latest is when B.O. calls for "revenue increases" when what he is actually saying is taxes.  My Dad used to say that you can't polish a turd, and you can call a tax anything that you want to, but it is still money that the government is stealing from me to give to someone else.
I have no problem helping someone who needs it. I am a firm believer in helping anonymously so as to maintain the whole purpose of charity.  If you are looking for recognition and credit, become a celebrity. Brad Pitt is always trying to look less like a lowlife cheating scumbag by doing good works. Give it a shot, you never know. The point of this is that a few people I know spent hours and a few hundred dollars to attend a mandatory seminar after they bounced checks. Not huge checks for things that they didn't have the money, small checks that reflected a math mistake.
One person that was there had been the executor of his Mother's estate.  He had formed a LLC to disperse her assets according to her wishes, but had inverted a couple numbers and wrote a check that was short by thirty two dollars.  Three hundred and sixty eight dollars later, he was ordered to attend this accountability class at a cost of one hundred and forty five dollars.
Another person there switched accounts and had a check for fourteen dollars that was returned after three months.  One hundred and eighty dollars later, he was also required to pay one hundred forty five dollars.
Sarena was there with a similar story.  But she was angry because the bank had debited unauthorized fees that caused her to write a check that bounced over a matter of less than five dollars.  She counted the heads and saw that the municipality in question was making over Four thousand five hundred dollars on this seminar.
Subtracting the conference room and the fee to the lecturer, the city was still making about three thousand dollars for four hours.
The infuriating part?  The lecturer didn't show up! Over twenty people wasted their morning waiting for someone who didn't respect their time enough to show up.  Calls were made to the hotel desk. They had no answers.  A call was made to the prosecuting attorney's office.  No one was there, of course it was a Saturday morning, silly.  Finally a call was made to the non emergency number that the police have.  An officer was able to track down a hard working government employee, and ninety minute later someone called to say go home.
Is the time of these people not important?  Or was it simply that the city in question had gotten their money (for nothing, by the way) and didn't see the need to follow though on anything.  Do not write checks that you don't have the money for.  That goes without saying.  However, do not do it in Indiana, or you'll pay a fine with wasted time as well. My friend is pursuing his options over the wasted time.  I'll let you know how it turns out, you can thank me later.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

12+ Frikkin' Idiots in Florida

O.J. all over again. Please explain to me how  you can find someone guilty of lying to the police about your dead child, but you are not guilty of killing that same child?  If I see one more picture of the smiling face of the chick that took thirty days to notify the police about her dead daughter, the chick that  had a dead daughter less than one hundred yards from her home, the chick that got a tattoo that says "the beautiful life" while her daughter was duct taped and rotting on the ground, the chick that spent more time in nightclubs than she did lying to the police, I will unplug the television in my store and put it away.
I hope that there is justice for this poor child and I also hope that no good thing ever happens to the people responsible for letting the person responsible free. I hear that the United States has the best justice system in the world, but on days like this, it is hard to believe. The people that allowed this travesty should be ashamed of themselves. I hope that they never have a moment of happiness again.  And please be aware, I will vociferously avoid any attempt to cash in on this disgusting lack of justice. Boycott all of it. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What Would You do with an Extra $267,252 ?

I have been listening to the numbers about this great recovery B.O. has orchestrated.  When I do the math, I come up with over two hundred thousand dollars each and every legal citizen could have received if the current administration had simply cut everyone a check.
I have no doubt that with over two hundred thousand at stake, the fraud would have been excessive, but could it have been any worse than the kickbacks/paybacks/slush fund replenishment that happened?  I read that the jobs that were created cost over one hundred thousand dollars a piece.  Where is the logic?
Better yet, why is the msm still carrying water for B.O.?  He could not have done a worse job if he got up, read a few Socialist manuals and decided to dismantle the American dream piece by piece. Compare B.O.'s plan against that of Ronald Reagan's.  Reagan ushered in a period of extreme economic growth and prosperity. He took an anemic cluster crup of Jimmy Carter's and after a dip, created an economic engine that created millions of jobs.
On the other hand, B.O. poured billions of borrowed dollars into credits, "shovel ready" jobs and more Government bureaucracy than heretofore ever seen.  The best that Michelle's husband can do is make jokes that the shovel ready projects weren't so ready after all.  Hilarious, especially to those who have lost their jobs, their homes, and their savings.
The stimulus plan was a living disaster that was straight out of a how to create a socialistic state handbook.  B.O. needs to go.  Repeat it early and often.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Same Sex Marriage

I've been married, and I can tell you, it was no great shakes.  The "man" I chose turned out to be a liar and a thief.  Liar in that he cheated with a co-worker, denied it when I asked him outright, then lied in court when we were divorcing.  He is a thief in that when we were a couple I deposited one dollar a day in a savings account for my sons, plus they also deposited half of any Christmas, birthday or gift money they received.  We had decided that they could use the money for college or any kind of trade school they wanted.  If they didn't want to do either of those things, they could have the money when they were 26.  I like to hope that by the time you are 26, you have lost the urge to pee through your money.
Their Father was secretly withdrawing the money, and when we divorced, there was less than twelve hundred dollars left.  What kind of low life, cheating sneaking loser must you be to steal from your own children?  When we have the occasional hearing, he always produces an account with about eleven hundred dollars in it.  The fact that the account is at the same bank that his brother uses, or that the amount appears and disappears in time for our hearings is beside the point.
Just because the Judge hearing the case used to be the attorney of his parents, or that he gave my ex five hundred dollars for his race car are absolutely beside the point.  He told me so.
Now with all the thieving and deceit involved in marriage, why would you want that?  What is wrong with a civil union, anyway?  A marriage involves one man and one woman.  It says so in the Bible, and I tend to believe what it says.  A civil union would allow two people to stand in front of their friends in their nice clothes, repeat some words to each other, and wear rings.  They can refer to each other as partners and they should be happy.
It will keep the sanctity of marriage in tact and slow the downward spiral we are experiencing as a society.  I have friends who are homosexuals and I do not believe that they should be kept from protecting each other.  Of course, this could be done with a will and a little planning, but that does require effort.  As for being able to claim survivor benefits, Social Security will be dead in eight years, anyway, who are we kidding?
Call your elected officials, take a public stand on how you feel about things.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, June 20, 2011

How Much Does My Obamacare Waiver Cost?

I am a new small business owner, so I am watching with interest the continuing drama that is B.O.'s socialized medicine.  I see all of the companies that are getting waivers and I am more than curious to see what this is going to cost me.
If I make a huge donation to the DNC can I get a waiver?   How about if I make some other side deal with Mr. Soetoro's "administration"?  I see that many many unions have been given waivers to wait to give up there outstanding coverage.  I see that McDonald's has also been given a get-out-of-socialized-medicine-free-card. If this stuff is so great, don't you think that these companies would be begging to get in to it and not out of it?  And since insurance is a numbers game, in that the more people are in the pool, the less the cost to the company, how much are these "waivers" going to cost me?
It is, after all, our tax money that is being peed away on this socialized medicine experiment.  I would like some answers that are real answers, and not a verbal soft shoe routine.  I have given up on B.O.'s fawning fans (also known as MSM) to ask any of the hard questions that are going to be required.  Thank goodness for the internet (kudos, Mr. Gore) and the information that it reveals.  If I had to count on the printed media, or even CBS, NBC, ABC,CNN, or the seven people who watch MSNBC, I would have no clue what is really happening.
No one is answering these questions for me, so I can only hope that this horrible mistake I have to "pass to see what is in it" can be de-funded in the very near future. Perhaps then they can try some common sense solutions like allowing insurance to be sold across state lines and some serious tort reform.
Why not make the people who bring forth ridiculous suits pay a fine for these gigantic wastes of time?  If people stop treating frivolous lawsuits like scratch off lottery tickets, if attorneys stop treating these ridiculous suits like cash cows, maybe we can make some giant steps forward toward reform.  And it can be done without socializing twenty percent of the economy!
Call or email your elected officials.  Tell them to repeal or defund Obamacare.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

I Know How You Can Get a Great Job Today

Sometimes when I need a good laugh, I look up B.O.'s campaign speeches on YouTube.  I know, I know, every speech he gives is a campaign speech since he has been running for office since ACORN gave him the election last time.  Take a minute and find the ones where he talks about this being the most transparent administration, EVER.  I'll wait. Go ahead........
Ok? Are you wiping the tears from your eyes yet?  Me too.  Keep that in mind as you realize that many of the mega donors who gave B.O. the millions he used to get the White House  are now sitting pretty in really sweet jobs that pay very well with stupid great benefits.  How many you ask?  Sit down.
80% of the big donors for B.O. have gotten a sweet gig. Does that seem transparent to you?  Can you see through that?  Me either.
I don't mean to sound unfeeling toward those that are still looking for work 3 years into B.O.'s stewardship of our nation. I recently opened my own business because jobs are not out there.  Not green ones, not good ones, there are no jobs.  One trillion dollars later and there is no shovel, there is no ready, there is only a fourteen trillion dollar deficit.  B.O. needs to go, not soon, but now.
Biden is an idiot, there, I said it.  But B.O. should resign and let a capitalist try it.
Call your elected officials, write your newspaper, make your voice heard.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

7 Whole Permits Issued

I am listening with unbridled joy as the folks with Gulf-Mobil are announcing the largest oil discovery in a very long time.  I hope that B.O. puts his socialistic tendencies aside and is forced to do the right thing for our country for once.  Ask me how many permits B.O. has issued. If you read the title of this blog, you got it right.
Think about that for a second.  A process that once took 30 days-that is getting a permit issued to drill our own oil-now takes over 160 days. B.O. is  helping other countries drill our oil more than he is helping us!  He needs to go, not in 6 years, but in less than two.
Now if you enjoy the idea of six dollar gas, yawn, roll your eyes and keep scanning the internet.  However, if the idea of paying from your orifices makes you cringe, remember this when you start considering where you are going to spend your vote in November 2012.
Think about that number--7-- and remember anyone but B.O.  You'll thank me later

Monday, June 6, 2011

Open Today!!!

It is official! I have now joined the ranks of the small business owner, and I hope that I can live up to the label of being the backbone of this amazing country of ours.  Very Needful Things LLC is now open and operating in Auburn, Indiana.
I have written at some length about the many many many hurdles that are thrown in the path of someone crazy/ determined enough to open their own business.  I think that every state should open a department that has the sole purpose of supporting small businesses.  This department could help create a road map to guide us hardy fools through the labyrinth of hoops and red tape that is necessary to open your doors to the paying public.
On other news, I see that the urine stream media is still trying to sell me on 9.1% unemployment.  As my Father would have said, don't pee on my feet and tell me it is raining.  Everywhere I look, I see someone who is either unemployed or underemployed.  I also see plenty of people who are no longer counted in the unemployed statistic because they have run out of benefits.  That seems to me like not counting a crime that ended in death as a murder, simply because the person did not die straight away.
Barack Hussein Sotero Obama is not the answer.  He is the problem.  Ronald Reagan (one of my heroes) famously asked people if they were better off now than they were four years ago and the only people foolish enough to give Carter their electoral votes lived in Georgia.
November,2012 is right around the corner.  Actively help make sure that B.O. is a one trick pony.  You'll thank me later.
And if you get the chance to stop by my store, make sure and say hello.  

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

I had a Father in Law.  He was fairly useless on most things.  He feigned a break down so that his wife could support him for a while, and I don't think that I ever saw him do actual work in the 13 years that I knew him.  He had cataract surgery several years before he died, and the doctor advised him not to pick up anything heavier than 10 pounds for a few days.  He never picked up anything again.  Like I said, fairly useless.
One of the biggest things he was wrong about, and their were so very many, was our Armed Services.  His defining moment in life was making sure that he didn't have to go to Viet Nam.  He had invested so much time in weaseling out of his military obligation to the United States that it stayed with him for the rest of his days.  All things in his life were defined by that huge fear.
I, on the other hand, think that the reason we are the greatest country on God's green earth,  is because of the brave men and women who serve our country, even though so many people do not appreciate it.  There is no calling in sick when you are in the military.  You do not get the option of quitting.
I have four brothers who served in one branch of service or another. Two retired from active duty, one almost did and one of my brothers did not.  None of them regretted the time and the opportunities that were afforded them by their military service.
I cannot thank them and the other service members I have had the privilege of knowing, enough.  Thank you for the sacrifices you and your families have made.  Thank you for keeping my family safe so many times.  Thank you for doing a wonderful job in spite of those that don't or won't appreciate you. Thank you and God bless.
So if you know someone who is serving or has served, go shake their hand and and say thank you.  You may not have any idea what they went through so that you would not have to go through it yourself. You'll thank me later.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Way to Go, Barry!

When B.O. got his Nobel Prize for breathing, it devalued the prize forever.  When I think of the prize, I think of people like Nelson Mandela. This is a gentleman who was locked away in prison for questioning the racial inequality in South Africa.    Mr. Mandela embodies every quality that we as humans should aim for. His wife, not so much.
B.O.'s prize, on the other hand, was simply a repudiation of the United States, a give away to help the liberals feel better about themselves.Please keep in mind that Joseph Stalin was nominated twice for this prize.  That is some company Barry keeps, isn't it?
I hope that B.O. went home and polished his symbolic trophy after effectively chucking the best ally we have in the middle east under the proverbial bus.  Suggesting that Israel retreat to its former border is an insult of the highest order to our one true and constant ally in the middle east.  Hamas is not interested in peace in the middle east until Israel has been effectively wiped off the map.  They do not want a peaceful accord, they want victory. For B.O. to think any differently not only shows his ignorance, it shows his bias and naivety.  This is more proof that B.O. is simply unsuited to the job at hand.  His overwhelming affection for all things Muslim cannot be denied by any sane person.
 His agenda is dangerous and will take years to fix after he has gone home to where ever it turns out he calls home. November 2012 cannot come soon enough.  For us, or the free world.  I'm doing what I can to make sure he isn't elected in 2012.  Are you?  Sign up to hand out flyers, knock on doors and get the conservative vote out.  B.O. needs to go.  There, I just gave them a slogan to use, and the powers that be may use it with my compliments.  Just help defeat the biggest threat to the American way of life since the1930's.  You can than me later.

Monday, May 16, 2011

More Hurdles Than the Olympic Runners

I am still in the process of moving in and opening my resale shop. The move in is complete, I just can't find anything.  I got a new electric mower and I am in love. No fumes, to bother my asthma, and it starts with the push of a button and the squeeze of a handle. Nice.

The opening of my store is another story. I am jumping more hurdles than any runner I can think of. I applied for the license to collect sales tax, and my postal carrier in his infinite wisdom did not realize that my business was in existence and did not deliver this vital piece of information to me. Of course, he also mangled my change of address form as I moved to the same house number, different street. I did this once before, believe it or not, and I guess the coincidence has fractured the carrier.

This leads me back to two of my favorite rants, the Post Office, and moving in general.  First, the move: I am a peaceable person, contrary to the opinion of one stupid friend of mine.  The only thing that I ask of anyone is just let me be.  Simple enough, no? No, it isn't. I have a neighbor with a biting dog.  I have been bitten by this dog twice.  Both times left bruises, but luckily I was wearing fleece and thick socks, so only once did it break the skin.  I just want the dog to quit biting me, not such a difficult request, in my opinion.  But because I have twice reported this biting dog, my stupid friend thinks that I am being a bad neighbor.

I asked the police if they could be made to either a) fix the screen door that doesn't close and lets the dog run out, or b) put a door on the screen porch that would stop the dog from being able to clear the porch, run out to the sidewalk and bite me. This officer didn't have an answer to either one.  My tax dollars at work, yes?

The second irritation has to do with the United States Post Office. I do not know what the letter carriers are paid, but it is too much. I put in a change of address online over a month ago.  It wasn't processed.  I filled out a paper one two weeks ago.  The genius who grabs my mail, changed the address on it to go to my OLD address without bothering to see if this was in fact the correct address.  Two calls later, I am still waiting on my mail to come to my new address, not my old one. Didn't seem that hard when  I started.  Silly me.  So having excoriated my government over two different departments, I will keep making calls and trying to find answers, if I find one for you, you can thank me later.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Amazing What You Find When You Look

I read through a lot of comments and found a little more faith in humanity.  I also found a nut job or two, but that is to be expected.  I don't go to Walmart anymore unless I am in dire straights, or need a specific item.  , Having shaken the dust of Walmart off my shoes,the last thing that I want to do is help them out much.  I will say a few things about some of the comments I received.
I had a CSM complain because she didn't like my observations about standing in line for ten minutes to buy a package of hotdog buns.  I would respond by telling her that Dee, a CSM in a local Walmart, can't decide between bratwurst and burgers.  She knows that everyone likes burgers, but she is sick of them.  Why do I know this?  Because Dee didn't want to move the customers out of the store until after she finished her moving recital of what was on the menu. I like to cook as much as the next person, but why do I always find the dinner conversations?
Another case in point was brought to my attention.  There is a new member of management whose sole talent for the job seems to be lasting over fifteen years.  I got three emails about her, then when I went in to see (and purchase the aforementioned hot dog buns) she was standing there watching three other people work.  Some things never change.
If you need paint mixed after six o'clock, wait until the next day.  I had to walk the associate through the process, then explain to them how to cut a key.  If you are waiting on a member of management, that will be a big chunk of your life that you will never see again.  I mean it.
I appreciate all the funny things that were said about the anti walmart sites, also. Doug: I agree with you one hundred percent about the I.Q. range. You are a clever man.
I am still unpacking, and still hoping to be moving forward.  Hope you all had a great day, and thank you all for the comments and encouragement. If I made even one of you laugh, you can thank me later.