Monday, October 17, 2011

Yes, Michelle, All This For a Flag

I am seldom surprised by these two.  I guess when your expectations are at rock bottom they really have no where to go.  And then someone pointed out this video on youtube to me.

So in my utter horror that someone this ignorant, this ungracious, this unfeeling, this self absorbed parks her stupid butt in OUR White House, I occasionally write down responses.

Yes, Michelle, all this for the flag that flies over the brave men and women who tirelessly defend your right to shoot off your stupid mouth.
Yes, Michelle, all this for the flag that symbolizes over two hundred years of a country that you have only recently found it in yourself to be proud of.
Yes, Michelle, all of this for the flag that has enabled you to host countless friends and family in the most luxurious of surroundings.
Yes, Michelle, all of this for the flag that flies over the helicopter that flies your dog on a separate flight to whichever getaway you have chosen this week.
It doesn't help that your husband nods in cynical agreement, but then the two of you deserve each other.

In a little over one year we will have the opportunity to remove this blight from our  White House.  Make sure you inform yourself and register to vote. Then make doubly sure you vote. You'll thank me later.

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