I am still in the process of moving in and opening my resale shop. The move in is complete, I just can't find anything. I got a new electric mower and I am in love. No fumes, to bother my asthma, and it starts with the push of a button and the squeeze of a handle. Nice.
The opening of my store is another story. I am jumping more hurdles than any runner I can think of. I applied for the license to collect sales tax, and my postal carrier in his infinite wisdom did not realize that my business was in existence and did not deliver this vital piece of information to me. Of course, he also mangled my change of address form as I moved to the same house number, different street. I did this once before, believe it or not, and I guess the coincidence has fractured the carrier.
This leads me back to two of my favorite rants, the Post Office, and moving in general. First, the move: I am a peaceable person, contrary to the opinion of one stupid friend of mine. The only thing that I ask of anyone is just let me be. Simple enough, no? No, it isn't. I have a neighbor with a biting dog. I have been bitten by this dog twice. Both times left bruises, but luckily I was wearing fleece and thick socks, so only once did it break the skin. I just want the dog to quit biting me, not such a difficult request, in my opinion. But because I have twice reported this biting dog, my stupid friend thinks that I am being a bad neighbor.
I asked the police if they could be made to either a) fix the screen door that doesn't close and lets the dog run out, or b) put a door on the screen porch that would stop the dog from being able to clear the porch, run out to the sidewalk and bite me. This officer didn't have an answer to either one. My tax dollars at work, yes?
The second irritation has to do with the United States Post Office. I do not know what the letter carriers are paid, but it is too much. I put in a change of address online over a month ago. It wasn't processed. I filled out a paper one two weeks ago. The genius who grabs my mail, changed the address on it to go to my OLD address without bothering to see if this was in fact the correct address. Two calls later, I am still waiting on my mail to come to my new address, not my old one. Didn't seem that hard when I started. Silly me. So having excoriated my government over two different departments, I will keep making calls and trying to find answers, if I find one for you, you can thank me later.
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