Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Pedophile is a Pedophile

There is a movement by the American Psychiatric Board to change the label people use on those horrible people who prey on children. While I am perfectly happy with the word 'pedophile' or for that matter, how about waste of human life, there is a movement to have these horrid cretins relabeled as "minor- attracted." Spare me.Is this the same as telling me that alcoholism is a disease instead of a lack of will power and self control?
Now before I get an inbox full of people who are offended at being compared to a vile scum that harms children, ease off that keyboard.  I am saying that I do not believe that alcoholism is a disease, and I do not think that pedophilia is a disease either.  I am not equating the two in any way. Okay? Okay.
But as for this push for pedophiles, if they are freshly relabeled, will they then be eligible for disability? What do you think?  How does it sit with you, knowing that your hard earned taxes are going to pay the living expenses of not only the ones already on the government tit who don't deserve it, but also, the disgusting animals who prey on small children.  Kind of makes you want to call someone and get involved, doesn't it?  Go ahead and help stop this atrocity.  You'll thank me later.

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